def op_commands(session, op_list): """ Run operational commands. """ # Try a single op command print color('Single op command: show interfaces terse | match lo0', 'yel') print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0') # single op command with xml output print color( 'Single op command in xml format: show interfaces terse' ' | match lo0', 'yel') print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0', req_format='xml') # single op command with xpath filtering print color( 'Single op command with xpath filtering on package-' 'information: show version', 'yel') print session.op_cmd('show version', xpath_expr='//package-information') # Try a list of op commands, includes the following: # regular command # show version # # command with piping # show route | match print color('Multiple op commands from file:', 'yel') # loop over the commands in our file for cmd in clean_lines(op_list): print color(cmd, 'yel') print session.op_cmd(cmd)
def op_commands(session, op_list): """ Run operational commands. """ # Try a single op command print color('Single op command: show interfaces terse | match lo0', 'yel') print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0') # single op command with xml output print color('Single op command in xml format: show interfaces terse' ' | match lo0', 'yel') print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0', req_format='xml') # single op command with xpath filtering print color('Single op command with xpath filtering on package-' 'information: show version', 'yel') print session.op_cmd('show version', xpath_expr='//package-information') # Try a list of op commands, includes the following: # regular command # show version # # command with piping # show route | match print color('Multiple op commands from file:', 'yel') # loop over the commands in our file for cmd in clean_lines(op_list): print color(cmd, 'yel') print session.op_cmd(cmd)
def shell_commands(session, shell_list): """ Run shell commands. """ # try a single shell command print color('Single shell command: pwd', 'yel') print session.shell_cmd('pwd') # try a shell command file # file contents: # pwd # cd /var/tmp # pwd # ls -lap # touch my-new-file # ls -lap print color('multiple shell commands from file:', 'yel') # loop over the commands in our file. for cmd in clean_lines(shell_list): print color(cmd, 'yel') print session.shell_cmd(cmd)
def run(self): """ Overwrite threading.Thread run method. Purpose: This overwrites threading.Thread's run() method. It is called | by doing WorkerThread.start(). The overaching goal is to | open a multiprocessing pool and execute the run_jaide() | function against each IP supplied to us. | | We callback to write_to_queue() for a list of IP addresses. | Once we have executed the script, we check the write_to_file | parameter to see if we need to output to a file. @returns: None """ # build the list of IPs iplist = [ip for ip in clean_lines(self.ip)] for ip in iplist: # TODO: set back to mp_pool before finishing release. This is only set as is to receive errors. # self.write_to_queue(run_jaide(ip.strip(), self.username, # self.password, self.command, # self.sess_timeout, self.argsToPass, # self.conn_timeout, self.port)) self.mp_pool.apply_async(run_jaide, args=(ip.strip(), self.username, self.password, self.command, self.sess_timeout, self.argsToPass, self.conn_timeout, self.port), callback=self.write_to_queue) self.mp_pool.close() self.mp_pool.join() if self.write_to_file: # Just dumping all output to a single file. if self.wtf_style in ["s", "single"]: try: out_file = open(self.write_to_file, "a+b") except IOError as e: self.stdout.put("Could not save script output to file." " Error:\n" + str(e)) else: while not self.wtfQueue.empty(): out_file.write(self.wtfQueue.get()) self.stdout.put("\nSuccessfully appended output to: " "%s\n" % self.write_to_file) # Dump output to one file for each IP touched. elif self.wtf_style in ["m", 'multiple']: temp_output = "" while not self.wtfQueue.empty(): temp_output += self.wtfQueue.get() temp_output = temp_output.split("=" * 50) for x in range(1, len(temp_output)): # get each of the IP/hostnames we touched ip = temp_output[x].split( 'Results from device: ')[1].split('\n')[0].strip() # inject the ip into the front of the filename filepath = path.join( path.split(self.write_to_file)[0], ip + "_" + path.split(self.write_to_file)[1]) try: out_file = open(filepath, 'a+b') # use stdout.put here instead of write_to_queue since it is # not usable after we've already written everything # to the file. except IOError as e: self.stdout.put('Error opening output file \'%s\' for' ' writing. The Error was:\n%s' % (filepath, str(e))) else: out_file.write(temp_output[x]) self.stdout.put('\nOutput written/appended to: ' + filepath) out_file.close()
def run(self): """ Overwrite threading.Thread run method. Purpose: This overwrites threading.Thread's run() method. It is called | by doing WorkerThread.start(). The overaching goal is to | open a multiprocessing pool and execute the run_jaide() | function against each IP supplied to us. | | We callback to write_to_queue() for a list of IP addresses. | Once we have executed the script, we check the write_to_file | parameter to see if we need to output to a file. @returns: None """ # build the list of IPs iplist = [ip for ip in clean_lines(self.ip)] for ip in iplist: # TODO: set back to mp_pool before finishing release. This is only set as is to receive errors. # self.write_to_queue(run_jaide(ip.strip(), self.username, # self.password, self.command, # self.sess_timeout, self.argsToPass, # self.conn_timeout, self.port)) self.mp_pool.apply_async(run_jaide, args=(ip.strip(), self.username, self.password, self.command, self.sess_timeout, self.argsToPass, self.conn_timeout, self.port), callback=self.write_to_queue) self.mp_pool.close() self.mp_pool.join() if self.write_to_file: # Just dumping all output to a single file. if self.wtf_style in ["s", "single"]: try: out_file = open(self.write_to_file, "a+b") except IOError as e: self.stdout.put("Could not save script output to file." " Error:\n" + str(e)) else: while not self.wtfQueue.empty(): out_file.write(self.wtfQueue.get()) self.stdout.put("\nSuccessfully appended output to: " "%s\n" % self.write_to_file) # Dump output to one file for each IP touched. elif self.wtf_style in ["m", 'multiple']: temp_output = "" while not self.wtfQueue.empty(): temp_output += self.wtfQueue.get() temp_output = temp_output.split("=" * 50) for x in range(1, len(temp_output)): # get each of the IP/hostnames we touched ip = temp_output[x].split('Results from device: ')[1].split('\n')[0].strip() # inject the ip into the front of the filename filepath = path.join(path.split(self.write_to_file)[0], ip + "_" + path.split(self.write_to_file)[1]) try: out_file = open(filepath, 'a+b') # use stdout.put here instead of write_to_queue since it is # not usable after we've already written everything # to the file. except IOError as e: self.stdout.put('Error opening output file \'%s\' for' ' writing. The Error was:\n%s' % (filepath, str(e))) else: out_file.write(temp_output[x]) self.stdout.put('\nOutput written/appended to: ' + filepath) out_file.close()