def draw_dimension(self, dimNumber): ''' Method to draw the points on the axes using the current dimension number ''' #Clear the plot and any saved mouse click data for the old dimension self.cloudax.cla() self.cloudMouseClickData=[] #Clear the waveform plots and then plot the waveforms ntraces=40 for indWave, waveax in enumerate(self.wavaxes): waveax.cla() if sum(self.inCluster)>0: inSamples = self.samples[self.inCluster] (nSpikesIn,nChannels,nSamplesPerSpike) = inSamples.shape spikesToPlotIn = np.random.randint(nSpikesIn,size=ntraces) alignedWaveformsIn = spikesorting.align_waveforms(inSamples[spikesToPlotIn,:,:]) wavesToPlotIn = alignedWaveformsIn[:, indWave, :] for wave in wavesToPlotIn: waveax.plot(wave, 'g', zorder=1) if sum(self.outsideCluster)>0: outSamples = self.samples[self.outsideCluster] (nSpikesOut,nChannels,nSamplesPerSpike) = outSamples.shape spikesToPlotOut = np.random.randint(nSpikesOut,size=ntraces) alignedWaveformsOut = spikesorting.align_waveforms(outSamples[spikesToPlotOut,:,:]) wavesToPlotOut = alignedWaveformsOut[:, indWave, :] for wave in wavesToPlotOut: waveax.plot(wave, color='0.8', zorder=0) # meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms,axis=0) #Find the point array indices for the dimensions to be plotted dim0 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][0] dim1 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][1] #Plot the points in the cluster in green, and points outside as light grey self.cloudax.plot(self.points[:,dim0][self.inCluster], self.points[:, dim1][self.inCluster], 'g.', zorder=1) self.cloudax.plot(self.points[:, dim0][self.outsideCluster], self.points[:,dim1][self.outsideCluster], marker='.', color='0.8', linestyle='None', zorder=0) #Label the axes and draw self.cloudax.set_xlabel('Dimension {}'.format(dim0)) self.cloudax.set_ylabel('Dimension {}'.format(dim1)) plt.suptitle('press c to cut, u to undo last cut, < or > to switch dimensions') self.fig.canvas.draw()
def plot_colored_waveforms(waveforms, color='k', ntraces=40, ax=None): ''' Plot mean waveform and variance as a colored area. Args: waveforms (array): waveform array of shape (nChannels,nSamplesPerSpike,nSpikes) color (str): matplotlib color ntraces (int): Number of randomly-selected traces to use ax (matplotlib Axes object): The axis to plot on ''' if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() (nSpikes,nChannels,nSamplesPerSpike) = waveforms.shape if nSpikes>0: spikesToPlot = np.random.randint(nSpikes,size=ntraces) alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(waveforms[spikesToPlot,:,:]) meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms, axis=0) waveVariance = np.std(alignedWaveforms, axis=0) varUpper = meanWaveforms + waveVariance varLower = meanWaveforms - waveVariance scalebarSize = abs(meanWaveforms.min()) xRange = np.arange(nSamplesPerSpike) for indc in range(nChannels): newXrange = xRange+indc*(nSamplesPerSpike+2) waveToPlot = meanWaveforms[indc,:].T ax.plot(newXrange,waveToPlot,color='w',lw=1,clip_on=False, zorder=1) ax.fill_between(newXrange, varLower[indc,:].T, varUpper[indc,:].T, color=color, zorder=0) plt.hold(True) fontsize=8 ax.plot(2*[-7],[0,-scalebarSize],color='0.5',lw=2) ax.text(-10,-scalebarSize/2,'{0:0.0f}uV'.format(np.round(scalebarSize)), ha='right',va='center',ma='center',fontsize=fontsize) plt.axis('off')
def calculate_avg_waveforms(subject, ephysSession, tetrode, clustersPerTetrode=12, wavesize=160): ''' NOTE: This methods should look through sessions, not clusters. The idea is to compare clusters within a tetrode, and then across sessions but still within a tetrode. NOTE: This method is inefficient because it load the spikes file for each cluster. ''' # DONE: Load data for one tetrodes and calculate average for each cluster. #ephysFilename = ??? ephysDir = os.path.join(settings.EPHYS_PATH, subject, ephysSession) ephysFilename = os.path.join(ephysDir, 'Tetrode{}.spikes'.format(tetrode)) spikes = loadopenephys.DataSpikes(ephysFilename) # DONE: Load cluster file #kkDataDir = os.path.dirname(self.filename)+'_kk' #fullPath = os.path.join(kkDataDir,clusterFilename) clustersDir = '{}_kk'.format(ephysDir) clusterFilename = os.path.join(clustersDir, 'Tetrode{}.clu.1'.format(tetrode)) clusters = np.fromfile(clusterFilename, dtype='int32', sep=' ')[1:] # DONE: loop through clusters allWaveforms = np.empty((clustersPerTetrode,wavesize)) for indc in range(clustersPerTetrode): print 'Estimating average waveform for {0} T{1}c{2}'.format(ephysSession,tetrode,indc+1) # DONE: get waveforms for one cluster #Add 1 to the cluster index because clusters start from 1 waveforms = spikes.samples[clusters==indc+1, :, :] alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(waveforms) meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms,axis=0) allWaveforms[indc,:] = meanWaveforms.flatten() return allWaveforms
def get_all_waveforms_one_session(celldb, wavesize=160, sessionToUse='behavior'): ''' Load waveforms for each row of a celldb for one type of session. Args: celldb: a pandas dataframe containing only good quality cells (containing n cells). wavesize: number of samples in a waveform, usually 160 for all 4 channels of a tetrode. sessionToUse: which type of session we want to load the waveform from. Returns: allWaveforms: a nd-array in the shape of (nCells, mSamples). ''' numCells = len(celldb) allWaveforms = np.zeros((numCells, wavesize)) for indc, (ind,cell) in enumerate(celldb.iterrows()): cellObj = ephyscore.Cell(cell) sessionInd = cellObj.get_session_inds(sessionToUse)[0] try: ephysData = cellObj.load_ephys_by_index(sessionInd) samples = ephysData['samples'] alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(samples) meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms,axis=0) allWaveforms[indc,:] = meanWaveforms.flatten() except ValueError: print 'Cell {} did not have any spikes in the {} session'.format(ind, sessionToUse) continue return allWaveforms
def average_waveform_in_timerange(spikeSamples, spikeTimes, eventOnsetTimes, timeRange): spikeTimesFromEventOnset, trialIndexForEachSpike, indexLimitsEachTrial, spikeIndices = spikesanalysis.eventlocked_spiketimes( spikeTimes, eventOnsetTimes, timeRange, spikeindex=True) samplesToPlot = spikeSamples[spikeIndices] ax = plt.gca() alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(samplesToPlot) meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms, axis=0) stdWaveforms = np.std(alignedWaveforms, axis=0) allWaveforms = meanWaveforms.flatten() allStd = stdWaveforms.flatten() return allWaveforms, allStd
def calculate_avg_waveforms(subject, ephysSession, tetrode, clustersPerTetrode=12, wavesize=160): ''' NOTE: This methods should look through sessions, not clusters. The idea is to compare clusters within a tetrode, and then across sessions but still within a tetrode. NOTE: This method is inefficient because it load the spikes file for each cluster. ''' # DONE: Load data for one tetrodes and calculate average for each cluster. #ephysFilename = ??? ephysDir = os.path.join(settings.EPHYS_PATH, subject, ephysSession) ephysFilename = os.path.join(ephysDir, 'Tetrode{}.spikes'.format(tetrode)) spikes = loadopenephys.DataSpikes(ephysFilename) # DONE: Load cluster file #kkDataDir = os.path.dirname(self.filename)+'_kk' #fullPath = os.path.join(kkDataDir,clusterFilename) clustersDir = '{}_kk'.format(ephysDir) clusterFilename = os.path.join(clustersDir, 'Tetrode{}.clu.1'.format(tetrode)) clusters = np.fromfile(clusterFilename, dtype='int32', sep=' ')[1:] # DONE: loop through clusters allWaveforms = np.empty((clustersPerTetrode, wavesize)) for indc in range(clustersPerTetrode): print('Estimating average waveform for {0} T{1}c{2}'.format( ephysSession, tetrode, indc + 1)) # DONE: get waveforms for one cluster #Add 1 to the cluster index because clusters start from 1 waveforms = spikes.samples[clusters == indc + 1, :, :] alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(waveforms) meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms, axis=0) allWaveforms[indc, :] = meanWaveforms.flatten() return allWaveforms
def calculate_avg_waveforms(subject, cellDB, ephysSession, tetrode, wavesize=160): ''' NOTE: This methods should look through sessions, not clusters. The idea is to compare clusters within a tetrode, and then across sessions but still within a tetrode. NOTE: This method is inefficient because it load the spikes file for each cluster. ''' date = ephysSession.split('_')[0] #passingClusters = np.array(np.repeat(0,12), dtype=bool) #default to all false cells = cellDB.loc[( & (cellDB.tetrode==tetrode)] if len(cells) == 0: #This tetrode doesn't exist in this session allWaveforms = None else: # DONE: Load data for one tetrodes and calculate average for each cluster. #ephysFilename = ??? ephysDir = os.path.join(settings.EPHYS_PATH_REMOTE, subject, ephysSession) ephysFilename = os.path.join(ephysDir, 'Tetrode{}.spikes'.format(tetrode)) spikes = loadopenephys.DataSpikes(ephysFilename) # DONE: Load cluster file #kkDataDir = os.path.dirname(self.filename)+'_kk' #fullPath = os.path.join(kkDataDir,clusterFilename) clustersDir = '{}_kk'.format(ephysDir) clusterFilename = os.path.join(clustersDir, 'Tetrode{}.clu.1'.format(tetrode)) clusters = np.fromfile(clusterFilename, dtype='int32', sep=' ')[1:] clustersThisSession = np.unique(clusters) numClustersThisTetrode = len(cells) #Sometimes clustersThisSession don't include all the possible clusters this tetrode; on rare occasions cells don't include all possible clusters this tetrode? # DONE: loop through clusters allWaveforms = np.empty((numClustersThisTetrode,wavesize)) for indc, cluster in enumerate(cells.cluster.values): #clustersThisSession): print 'Estimating average waveform for {0} T{1}c{2}'.format(ephysSession,tetrode,cluster) # DONE: get waveforms for one cluster waveforms = spikes.samples[clusters==cluster, :, :] alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(waveforms) meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms,axis=0) allWaveforms[indc,:] = meanWaveforms.flatten() return allWaveforms
def plot_waveforms_average_all(waveforms, ntraces=40, fontsize=8): ''' Plot waveforms given array of shape (nChannels,nSamplesPerSpike,nSpikes) The average waveform is over the randomly-selected spikes, and not all of the spikes. ''' (nSpikes, nChannels, nSamplesPerSpike) = waveforms.shape spikesToPlot = np.random.randint(nSpikes, size=ntraces) #NOTE: We are now aligning all waveforms alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(waveforms) print 'Calculating mean of all waveforms' meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms, axis=0) scalebarSize = abs(meanWaveforms.min()) xRange = np.arange(nSamplesPerSpike) for indc in range(nChannels): newXrange = xRange + indc * (nSamplesPerSpike + 2) #NOTE: Now spikesToPlot is used as an index here wavesToPlot = alignedWaveforms[spikesToPlot, indc, :].T plt.plot(newXrange, wavesToPlot, color='k', lw=0.4, clip_on=False) plt.hold(True) plt.plot(newXrange, meanWaveforms[indc, :], color='0.75', lw=1.5, clip_on=False) plt.plot(2 * [-7], [0, -scalebarSize], color='0.5', lw=2) plt.text(-10, -scalebarSize / 2, '{0:0.0f}uV'.format(np.round(scalebarSize)), ha='right', va='center', ma='center', fontsize=fontsize) plt.hold(False) plt.axis('off')
ephysSession = '20150228a' tetrode = 3 cluster = 11 ''' # -- Load some spike data -- import allcells_test055 as allcells cellID = allcells.cellDB.findcell('test055','20150228a',3,9) # 11 #6 oneCell = allcells.cellDB[cellID] spkData = ephyscore.CellData(oneCell) waveforms = spkData.spikes.samples samplingRate = spkData.spikes.samplingRate # -- Align waveforms -- waveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(waveforms) # -- Get spike shape -- N_INTERP_SAMPLES = 200 avWaveforms = np.mean(waveforms,0) avWaveforms = avWaveforms - 2**15 # FIXME: this is specific to OpenEphys energyEachChannel = np.sum(np.abs(avWaveforms),1) maxChannel = np.argmax(energyEachChannel) spikeShape = avWaveforms[maxChannel,:] sampVals = np.arange(0,len(spikeShape)/samplingRate,1/samplingRate) interpFun = interp1d(sampVals, spikeShape, kind='cubic') interpSampVals = np.linspace(0,sampVals[-1],N_INTERP_SAMPLES) interpSpikeShape = interpFun(interpSampVals) # NOTE: the peaks of the action potential are: (1) capacitive, (2) Na+, (3) K+
def calculate_ave_waveform(waveforms): alignedWaveforms = spikesorting.align_waveforms(waveforms) meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms, axis=0) return meanWaveforms
def draw_dimension(self, dimNumber): ''' Method to draw the points on the axes using the current dimension number ''' #Clear the plot and any saved mouse click data for the old dimension self.cloudax.cla() self.cloudMouseClickData = [] #Clear the waveform plots and then plot the waveforms ntraces = 40 for indWave, waveax in enumerate(self.wavaxes): waveax.cla() if sum(self.inCluster) > 0: inSamples = self.samples[self.inCluster] (nSpikesIn, nChannels, nSamplesPerSpike) = inSamples.shape spikesToPlotIn = np.random.randint(nSpikesIn, size=ntraces) alignedWaveformsIn = spikesorting.align_waveforms( inSamples[spikesToPlotIn, :, :]) wavesToPlotIn = alignedWaveformsIn[:, indWave, :] for wave in wavesToPlotIn: waveax.plot(wave, 'g', zorder=1) if sum(self.outsideCluster) > 0: outSamples = self.samples[self.outsideCluster] (nSpikesOut, nChannels, nSamplesPerSpike) = outSamples.shape spikesToPlotOut = np.random.randint(nSpikesOut, size=ntraces) alignedWaveformsOut = spikesorting.align_waveforms( outSamples[spikesToPlotOut, :, :]) wavesToPlotOut = alignedWaveformsOut[:, indWave, :] for wave in wavesToPlotOut: waveax.plot(wave, color='0.8', zorder=0) # meanWaveforms = np.mean(alignedWaveforms,axis=0) #Find the point array indices for the dimensions to be plotted dim0 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][0] dim1 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][1] #Plot the points in the cluster in green, and points outside as light grey self.cloudax.plot(self.points[:, dim0][self.inCluster], self.points[:, dim1][self.inCluster], 'g.', zorder=1) self.cloudax.plot(self.points[:, dim0][self.outsideCluster], self.points[:, dim1][self.outsideCluster], marker='.', color='0.8', linestyle='None', zorder=0) #Label the axes and draw self.cloudax.set_xlabel('Dimension {}'.format(dim0)) self.cloudax.set_ylabel('Dimension {}'.format(dim1)) plt.suptitle( 'press c to cut, u to undo last cut, < or > to switch dimensions') self.fig.canvas.draw()
ephysDir = os.path.join(settings.EPHYS_PATH, subject, session) clusterDir = os.path.join(settings.EPHYS_PATH, subject, '{}_kk'.format(session)) ephysFn = os.path.join(ephysDir, 'Tetrode{}.spikes'.format(tetrode)) clusterFn = os.path.join(clusterDir, 'Tetrode{}.clu.1'.format(tetrode)) #Load the samples dataSpikes = loadopenephys.DataSpikes(spikesFn) dataSpikes.samples = dataSpikes.samples.astype( float) - 2**15 # FIXME: this is specific to OpenEphys dataSpikes.samples = (1000.0 / dataSpikes.gain[0, 0]) * dataSpikes.samples #Set the clusters dataSpikes.set_clusters(clusterFn) #Select which cluster to use spikesThisCluster = dataSpikes.clusters == cluster dataSpikes.samples = dataSpikes.samples[spikesThisCluster, :, :] dataSpikes.timestamps = dataSpikes.timestamps[spikesThisCluster] #Align the waveforms alignedWaves = spikesorting.align_waveforms(dataSpikes.samples) #calculate and return mean meanWaveform = np.mean(alignedWaves, axis=0) figure() clf() plot(meanWaveform[0, :])
# nextWave = ravel(squeeze(cluster8Samples[violation+1, 1, :])) plot(vWave, 'g') hold(1) plot(nextWave, 'r') # subplot(2, 1, 2) # waveCorr = np.correlate(vWave, nextWave, 'full') # plot(waveCorr) waitforbuttonpress() #Plot violation waves and next waves all at once vWaves = cluster8Samples[violationInds, :, :] vWaves = spikesorting.align_waveforms(vWaves) vnWaves = cluster8Samples[violationInds+1, :, :] vnWaves = spikesorting.align_waveforms(vnWaves) figure() subplot(2, 1, 1) for wave in vWaves: plot(ravel(squeeze(wave)), 'r') ylabel('microvolts') subplot(2, 1, 2) for wave in vnWaves: plot(ravel(squeeze(wave)), 'g') xlabel('Samples (over 4 channels, 40 samples each)') ylabel('microvolts')