def filterMouse(cnts, last_center):
    """ Receives a set of countours and the last known position of the mouse and use a set
    of heuristics to choose the rat """
    rx,ry,mouse = -1,-1,[]
        if len(cnts) == 0:
            raise MouseNotFound('Detection sees nothing!')
        #find the center that is the closest to the previous detection
        px,py = last_center
        centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
        distances = [pointDistance(np.array(c) , np.array((px,py))) for c in centers]
        i = np.argmin(distances)
        rx,ry = centers[i]
        mouse = cnts[i] 

        if pointDistance((rx,ry), (px,py)) > 80:
            print 'new center', rx,ry
            print 'previous center', px,py
            raise MouseNotFound('Closest center not close enough to previous position! Is this rat a ninja or what??')

    except MouseNotFound as E:
        print 'rat not found!'
        print E.reason
        return last_center[0], last_center[1], False

    return rx,ry,mouse
    def pickCorrectContour(self, cnts, paramsDict):
        """ Receives a set of countours and the last known position of the mouse and use a set
        of heuristics to choose the rat """
        rx, ry, mouse = -1, -1, []
        last_center = paramsDict['last_center']
        distanceRejectTh = paramsDict['distanceRejectTh']

            if len(cnts) == 0:
                raise MouseNotFound('Detection sees nothing!')
            #find the center that is the closest to the previous detection
            px, py = last_center
            centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
            distances = [
                jasf.math.pointDistance(np.array(c), np.array((px, py)))
                for c in centers
            i = np.argmin(distances)
            rx, ry = centers[i]
            mouse = cnts[i]

            if jasf.math.pointDistance((rx, ry), (px, py)) > distanceRejectTh:
                print 'new center', rx, ry
                print 'previous center', px, py
                raise MouseNotFound(
                    'Closest center not close enough to previous position! Is this rat a ninja or what??'

        except MouseNotFound as E:
            print 'rat not found!\n', E.reason
            return last_center[0], last_center[1], False

        return rx, ry, mouse
def filterMouse(cnts, last_center):
    """ Receives a set of countours and the last known position of the mouse and use a set
    of heuristics to choose the rat """
    rx,ry,mouse = -1,-1,[]
        if len(cnts) == 0:
            raise MouseNotFound('Detection sees nothing!')
        px,py = last_center
        centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
        distances = [pointDistance(np.array(c) , np.array((px,py))) for c in centers]
        i = np.argmin(distances)
        rx,ry = centers[i]
        mouse = cnts[i] 

        if pointDistance((rx,ry), (px,py)) > 80:
            print 'new center', rx,ry
            print 'previous center', px,py
            raise MouseNotFound('Closest center not close enough to previous position! Is this rat a ninja or what??')

    except MouseNotFound as E:
        print 'rat not found!'
        print E.reason
        return last_center[0], last_center[1], False

    return rx,ry,mouse
    def analyseUserInput(x,y):
        """This function will be called in two cases:
            *by the next functoin
            *when there is some userInput stored from previous run

            This piece of code was refactored in order to be used in these two cases
        global control_mouse
        #compute center of current contours and their distances to the user click
        #'cnts' here will be set on the loop that is written after this function definition
        centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
        distances = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(c) - np.array((x,y))) for c in centers]
        #the mouse is the one closest to the user click
        i = np.argmin(distances)
        rx,ry = centers[i]
        mouse = cnts[i] 

        #the user cannot miss badly
        if jasf.math.pointDistance((rx,ry), (x,y)) > 20:
            print 'not close enough!'
            print 'position set!'
            control_mouse.setPosition(rx, ry, mouse)
            control_mouse.initialized = True

            #add user input to dictionary of user inputs
                readControlSetting('framesSinceStart'), 'input':(rx,ry), 'settings_state':readSettingsState()}) 
def initialize(img, th, th_max, otsu_th):
    """Find the countours on the first frame. If there are more than one, then we need
    help from the user to select which contour to track"""
    cnts = jasf_ratFinder.detectInterestingContours(img, th, th_max, otsu_th) 
    cnts = cnts[0]#we don't need the other results for this
    if len(cnts) == 1:
        #if there is only one initial center, return it as the rat
        rx,ry =jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(cnts[0]) 
        return rx,ry, cnts[0]
        #if there are more, then we ask the user to help us
        global ratInitialized, mouse, rx, ry
        ratInitialized = False
        rx,ry = -1,-1
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert!", "We need you to inform the initial position of the rat! Please click on the rat on window 'initial position'")

        def getMousePosition(event, x, y, flags, param):
            """ mouse callback to set the rat position. This function gets the user press
            position and compare it with the known centers, picking the closest match"""
            global rx, ry, ratInitialized,mouse
            if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
                print 'clicked on', x, y
                #compute center of current contours and their distances to the user click
                centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
                distances = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(c) - np.array((x,y))) for c in centers]
                #the mouse is the one closest to the user click
                i = np.argmin(distances)
                rx,ry = centers[i]
                mouse = cnts[i] 

                #the user cannot miss badly
                if pointDistance((rx,ry), (x,y)) > 20:
                    print 'didnt work!'
                    tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert!", "The position clicked is not close enough to one of my centers!")
                    print 'mouse set'
                    ratInitialized = True

        #create window to display the current detection and assign the previous function
        #the deal with the user input
        cv2.namedWindow('initial position', cv2.WINDOW_KEEPRATIO)
        cv2.setMouseCallback('initial position', getMousePosition)

        while ratInitialized == False:
            #read thresholds
            th = cv2.getTrackbarPos('th', window_settings)
            th_max = cv2.getTrackbarPos('max', window_settings)
            #find contours
            cnts = jasf_ratFinder.detectInterestingContours(img, th, th_max, otsu_th) 
            cnts = cnts[0]#we don't need the other outputs 
            img2show = myDrawContours(img, cnts)
            cv2.imshow('initial position', img2show)

        cv2.destroyWindow('initial position')

        return rx, ry, mouse
def initialize(img, th, th_max):
    cnts = findRat(img, th, th_max) 
    cnts = cnts[0]
    if len(cnts) == 1:
        #if there is only one initial center, return it as the rat
        rx,ry =jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(cnts[0]) 
        return rx,ry, cnts[0]
        #if there are more, then we ask the user to help us
        global ratInitialized, mouse, rx, ry
        ratInitialized = False
        rx,ry = -1,-1
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert!", "We need you to inform the initial position of the\
                rat! Please click on the rat on window 'initial position'")

        def getMousePosition(event, x, y, flags, param):
            """ mouse callback to set the rat position. This function gets the user press
            position and compare it with the known centers, picking the closest match"""
            global rx, ry, ratInitialized,mouse
            if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
                print 'clicked on', x, y
                centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
                print len(centers)
                distances = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(c) - np.array((x,y))) for c in centers]
                i = np.argmin(distances)
                rx,ry = centers[i]
                mouse = cnts[i] 
                if pointDistance((rx,ry), (x,y)) > 20:
                    print 'didnt work!'
                    tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert!", "The position clicked is not close\
                            enough to one of my centers!")
                    print 'mouse set'
                    ratInitialized = True

        cv2.namedWindow('initial position', cv2.WINDOW_KEEPRATIO)
        cv2.setMouseCallback('initial position', getMousePosition)

        while ratInitialized == False:
            #read thresholds
            th = cv2.getTrackbarPos('th', window_settings)
            th_max = cv2.getTrackbarPos('max', window_settings)
            #find contours
            cnts = findRat(img, th, th_max) 
            cnts = cnts[0]
            img2show = myDrawContours(img, cnts)
            cv2.imshow('initial position', img2show)
        cv2.destroyWindow('initial position')

        return rx, ry, mouse
def myDrawContours(output, cnts):
    output = cv2.cvtColor(output, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    cv2.drawContours(output, cnts, -1, (255,0,0), 2)
    for c in cnts:
        x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(c)
        cv2.rectangle(output, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (0,255,0), 2)
        rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c)
        box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
        box = np.int0(box)
        cv2.drawContours(output, [box], 0, (0,0,255), 2)
        center = jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) 
        cv2.circle(output, center, 2, (0,0,255), 2)
    return output
 def getMousePosition(event, x, y, flags, param):
     """ mouse callback to set the rat position. This function gets the user press
     position and compare it with the known centers, picking the closest match"""
     global rx, ry, ratInitialized,mouse
     if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
         print 'clicked on', x, y
         centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
         print len(centers)
         distances = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(c) - np.array((x,y))) for c in centers]
         i = np.argmin(distances)
         rx,ry = centers[i]
         mouse = cnts[i] 
         if pointDistance((rx,ry), (x,y)) > 20:
             print 'didnt work!'
             tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert!", "The position clicked is not close\
                     enough to one of my centers!")
             print 'mouse set'
             ratInitialized = True
        def readParametersAndExecute(event):
            #read parameters from settings window
            settings = self.readSettingsParameters()
            th, th_max, area_delta, dilateSize, erodeSize = settings['th'], settings['max'], settings['delta'],\
                    settings['dilateSize'], settings['erodeSize']
            #find contours
            self.contourFinder.setParams(dilateSize, erodeSize, th, th_max)
            cnts, otsu_threshold, filterSmall = self.contourFinder.detectInterestingContours(img)
            #draw all contours
            img2show = jasf_cv.drawContours(img, cnts)

            #show image with contours produced with the new parameters to the user 
            #ret val will be true if the user clicked on the screen
            pointRead, retVal = self.GUI.readUserInputClick()
            if retVal == False:
            x,y = pointRead[0], pointRead[1]

            if len(cnts) == 0:
                self.GUI.log("the current parameters produce no contour! you need to tune it!")

            #compute center of current contours
            centers = [jasf_cv.getCenterOfContour(c) for c in cnts]
            #compute distances from centers to user click
            distances = [jasf.math.pointDistance(np.array(c), np.array((x,y))) for c in centers]
            #find closes center
            i = np.argmin(distances)
            rx,ry = centers[i]
            mouse_cnt = cnts[i] 
            #reject distant points
            if jasf.math.pointDistance((rx,ry), (x,y)) > 20:
                self.GUI.log('didnt work!')
                tkMessageBox.showinfo("Alert!", "The position clicked is not close enough to one of my centers!")
                #this is the case of sucessfull detection
                self.setMousePosition(rx, ry, mouse_cnt)
                self.GUI.log('mouse set')
                #by closing the window we proceed with the code