文件: Project.py 项目: dadicool/jasy
    def __init__(self, path, config=None, version=None):
        Constructor call of the project. 

        - First param is the path of the project relative to the current working directory.
        - Config can be read from jasyproject.json or using constructor parameter @config
        - Parent is used for structural debug messages (dependency trees)
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise JasyError("Invalid project path: %s" % path)
        # Only store and work with full path
        self.__path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
        # Store given params
        self.version = version
        # Intialize item registries
        self.classes = {}
        self.assets = {}        
        self.docs = {}
        self.translations = {}

        # Load project configuration
        self.__config = Config(config)
        self.__config.loadValues(os.path.join(self.__path, "jasyproject"), optional=True)

        # Initialize cache
            self.__cache = Cache(self.__path)
        except IOError as err:
            raise JasyError("Could not initialize project. Cache file in %s could not be initialized! %s" % (self.__path, err))
        # Read name from manifest or use the basename of the project's path
        self.__name = self.__config.get("name", getProjectNameFromPath(self.__path))
        # Read requires
        self.__requires = self.__config.get("requires", {})
        # Defined whenever no package is defined and classes/assets are not stored in the toplevel structure.
        self.__package = self.__config.get("package", self.__name if self.__config.has("name") else None)

        # Read fields (for injecting data into the project and build permutations)
        self.__fields = self.__config.get("fields", {})
文件: Builtin.py 项目: dadicool/jasy
def create(name="myproject", origin=None, skeleton=None, **argv):
    """Creates a new project"""

    header("Creating project %s" % name)

    if not validProjectName.match(name):
        raise JasyError("Invalid project name: %s" % name)

    # Initial Checks

    # Figuring out destination folder
    destinationPath = os.path.abspath(name)
    if os.path.exists(destinationPath):
        raise JasyError("Cannot create project in %s. File or folder exists!" % destinationPath)

    # Origin can be either:
    # 1) None, which means a skeleton from the current main project
    # 2) An repository URL
    # 3) A project name known inside the current session
    # 4) Relative or absolute folder path

    if origin is None:
        originProject = session.getMain()

        if originProject is None:
            raise JasyError("Auto discovery failed! No Jasy projects registered!")

        originPath = originProject.getPath()
        originName = originProject.getName()

    elif isRepository(origin):
        info("Using remote skeleton")

        tempDirectory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
        originPath = os.path.join(tempDirectory.name, "clone")
        originUrl = origin
        originVersion = getKey(argv, "origin-version")

        originRevision = updateRepository(originUrl, originVersion, originPath)

        if originRevision is None:
            raise JasyError("Could not clone origin repository!")

        debug("Cloned revision: %s" % originRevision)

        originProject = getProjectFromPath(originPath)
        originName = originProject.getName()

        originProject = session.getProjectByName(origin)
        if originProject is not None:
            originPath = originProject.getPath()
            originName = origin

        elif os.path.isdir(origin):
            originPath = origin
            originProject = getProjectFromPath(originPath)
            originName = originProject.getName()

            raise JasyError("Invalid value for origin: %s" % origin)

    # Figure out the skeleton root folder
    skeletonDir = os.path.join(originPath, originProject.getConfigValue("skeletonDir", "skeleton"))
    if not os.path.isdir(skeletonDir):
        raise JasyError("The project %s offers no skeletons!" % originName)

    # For convenience: Use first skeleton in skeleton folder if no other selection was applied
    if skeleton is None:
        skeleton = getFirstSubFolder(skeletonDir)

    # Finally we have the skeleton path (the root folder to copy for our app)
    skeletonPath = os.path.join(skeletonDir, skeleton)
    if not os.path.isdir(skeletonPath):
        raise JasyError('Skeleton %s does not exist in project "%s"' % (skeleton, originName))

    # Actual Work

    # Prechecks done
        "Creating %s from %s %s...",
        colorize(name, "bold"),
        colorize(skeleton + " @", "bold"),
        colorize(originName, "magenta"),
    debug("Skeleton: %s", colorize(skeletonPath, "grey"))
    debug("Destination: %s", colorize(destinationPath, "grey"))

    # Copying files to destination
    info("Copying files...")
    shutil.copytree(skeletonPath, destinationPath)
    debug("Files were copied successfully.")

    # Build data for template substitution
    data = {}
    data["name"] = name
    data["origin"] = originName
    data["skeleton"] = os.path.basename(skeletonPath)
    data["jasy"] = jasy.__version__

    # Do actual replacement of placeholders
    massFilePatcher(destinationPath, data)
    debug("Files were patched successfully.")

    # Change to directory before continuing

    # Create configuration file from question configs and custom scripts
    info("Starting configuration...")
    config = Config()
    config.readQuestions("jasycreate", optional=True)
    config.executeScript("jasycreate.py", optional=True)

    # Done
    info("Your application %s was created successfully!", colorize(name, "bold"))
文件: Project.py 项目: dadicool/jasy
class Project():
    kind = "none"
    def __init__(self, path, config=None, version=None):
        Constructor call of the project. 

        - First param is the path of the project relative to the current working directory.
        - Config can be read from jasyproject.json or using constructor parameter @config
        - Parent is used for structural debug messages (dependency trees)
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise JasyError("Invalid project path: %s" % path)
        # Only store and work with full path
        self.__path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
        # Store given params
        self.version = version
        # Intialize item registries
        self.classes = {}
        self.assets = {}        
        self.docs = {}
        self.translations = {}

        # Load project configuration
        self.__config = Config(config)
        self.__config.loadValues(os.path.join(self.__path, "jasyproject"), optional=True)

        # Initialize cache
            self.__cache = Cache(self.__path)
        except IOError as err:
            raise JasyError("Could not initialize project. Cache file in %s could not be initialized! %s" % (self.__path, err))
        # Read name from manifest or use the basename of the project's path
        self.__name = self.__config.get("name", getProjectNameFromPath(self.__path))
        # Read requires
        self.__requires = self.__config.get("requires", {})
        # Defined whenever no package is defined and classes/assets are not stored in the toplevel structure.
        self.__package = self.__config.get("package", self.__name if self.__config.has("name") else None)

        # Read fields (for injecting data into the project and build permutations)
        self.__fields = self.__config.get("fields", {})

    # Project Scan/Init

    def scan(self):
        # Processing custom content section. Only supports classes and assets.
        if self.__config.has("content"):
            self.kind = "manual"

        # Application projects
        elif self.__hasDir("source"):
            self.kind = "application"

            if self.__hasDir("source/class"):
                self.__addDir("source/class", "classes")
            if self.__hasDir("source/asset"):
                self.__addDir("source/asset", "assets")
            if self.__hasDir("source/translation"):
                self.__addDir("source/translation", "translations")
        # Compat - please change to class/style/asset instead
        elif self.__hasDir("src"):
            self.kind = "resource"
            self.__addDir("src", "classes")

        # Resource projects
            self.kind = "resource"

            if self.__hasDir("class"):
                self.__addDir("class", "classes")
            if self.__hasDir("asset"):
                self.__addDir("asset", "assets")
            if self.__hasDir("translation"):
                self.__addDir("translation", "translations")

        # Generate summary
        summary = []
        for section in ["classes", "assets", "translations"]:
            content = getattr(self, section, None)
            if content:
                summary.append("%s %s" % (len(content), section))

        # Import library methods
        libraryPath = os.path.join(self.__path, "jasylibrary.py")
        if os.path.exists(libraryPath):
            methodNumber = loadLibrary(self.__name, libraryPath)
            summary.append("%s methods" % methodNumber)

        # Print out
        if summary:
            info("Scanned %s %s: %s" % (colorize(self.__name, "bold"), colorize("[%s]" % self.kind, "grey"), colorize(", ".join(summary), "green")))
            error("Project %s is empty!", self.__name)

    def __hasDir(self, directory):
        full = os.path.join(self.__path, directory)
        if os.path.exists(full):
            if not os.path.isdir(full):
                raise JasyError("Expecting %s to be a directory: %s" % full)
            return True
        return False
    def __addContent(self, content):
        debug("Adding manual content")
        for fileId in content:
            fileContent = content[fileId]
            if len(fileContent) == 0:
                raise JasyError("Empty content!")
            # If the user defines a file extension for JS public idenfiers 
            # (which is not required) we filter them out
            if fileId.endswith(".js"):
                raise JasyError("JavaScript files should define the exported name, not a file name: %s" % fileId)

            fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fileContent[0])[1]
            # Support for joining text content
            if len(fileContent) == 1:
                filePath = os.path.join(self.__path, fileContent[0])
                filePath = [os.path.join(self.__path, filePart) for filePart in fileContent]
            # Structure files
            if fileExtension in classExtensions:
                construct = Class
                dist = self.classes
            elif fileExtension in translationExtensions:
                construct = Translation
                dist = self.translations
                construct = Asset
                dist = self.assets
            # Check for duplication
            if fileId in dist:
                raise JasyError("Item ID was registered before: %s" % fileId)
            # Create instance
            item = construct(self, fileId).attach(filePath)
            debug("Registering %s %s" % (item.kind, fileId))
            dist[fileId] = item
    def __addDir(self, directory, distname):
        debug("Scanning directory: %s" % directory)
        path = os.path.join(self.__path, directory)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
        for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(path):
            for dirName in dirNames:
                # Filter dotted directories like .git, .bzr, .hg, .svn, etc.
                if dirName.startswith("."):

                # Filter sub projects
                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirPath, dirName, "jasyproject.json")):
            relDirPath = os.path.relpath(dirPath, path)

            for fileName in fileNames:
                if fileName[0] == ".":
                relPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(relDirPath, fileName)).replace(os.sep, "/")
                fullPath = os.path.join(dirPath, fileName)
                self.addFile(relPath, fullPath, distname)

    def addFile(self, relPath, fullPath, distname, override=False):
        fileName = os.path.basename(relPath)
        fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1]

        # Prepand package
        if self.__package:
            fileId = "%s/" % self.__package
            fileId = ""

        # Structure files  
        if fileExtension in classExtensions and distname == "classes":
            fileId += os.path.splitext(relPath)[0]
            construct = Class
            dist = self.classes
        elif fileExtension in translationExtensions and distname == "translations":
            fileId += os.path.splitext(relPath)[0]
            construct = Translation
            dist = self.translations
        elif fileName in docFiles:
            fileId += os.path.dirname(relPath)
            fileId = fileId.strip("/") # edge case when top level directory
            construct = Doc
            dist = self.docs
            fileId += relPath
            construct = Asset
            dist = self.assets

        # Only assets keep unix style paths identifiers
        if construct != Asset:
            fileId = fileId.replace("/", ".")

        # Check for duplication
        if fileId in dist and not override:
            raise JasyError("Item ID was registered before: %s" % fileId)

        # Create instance
        item = construct(self, fileId).attach(fullPath)
        debug("Registering %s %s" % (item.kind, fileId))
        dist[fileId] = item

    def getRequires(self, prefix="external"):
        Return the project requirements as project instances

        global projects
        result = []
        for entry in self.__requires:
            if type(entry) is dict:
                source = entry["source"]
                config = getKey(entry, "config")
                version = getKey(entry, "version")
                kind = getKey(entry, "kind")
                source = entry
                config = None
                version = None
                kind = None

            revision = None
            if isRepository(source):
                kind = kind or getRepositoryType(source)
                path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(prefix, getRepositoryFolder(source, version, kind)))
                # Only clone and update when the folder is unique in this session
                # This reduces git/hg/svn calls which are typically quite expensive
                if not path in projects:
                    revision = updateRepository(source, version, path)
                    if revision is None:
                        raise JasyError("Could not update repository %s" % source)
                kind = "local"
                if not source.startswith(("/", "~")):
                    path = os.path.join(self.__path, source)
                    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(source))
            if path in projects:
                project = projects[path]
                fullversion = []
                # Produce user readable version when non is defined
                if version is None and revision is not None:
                    version = "master"
                if version is not None:
                    if "/" in version:
                if revision is not None:
                    # Shorten typical long revisions as used by e.g. Git
                    if type(revision) is str and len(revision) > 20:
                if fullversion:
                    fullversion = "-".join(fullversion)
                    fullversion = None

                project = Project(path, config, fullversion)
                projects[path] = project
        return result

    def getFields(self):
        """ Return the project defined fields which may be configured by the build script """
        return self.__fields

    def getClassByName(self, className):
        """ Finds a class by its name."""

            return self.getClasses()[className]
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def getName(self):
        return self.__name
    def getPath(self):
        return self.__path
    def getPackage(self):
        return self.__package

    def getConfigValue(self, key, default=None):
        return self.__config.get(key, default)
    def toRelativeUrl(self, path, prefix="", subpath="source"):
        root = os.path.join(self.__path, subpath)
        relpath = os.path.relpath(path, root)

        if prefix:
            if not prefix[-1] == os.sep:
                prefix += os.sep
            relpath = os.path.normpath(prefix + relpath)
        return relpath.replace(os.sep, "/")

    def getCache(self):
        """Returns the cache instance"""
        return self.__cache
    def clean(self):
        """Clears the cache of the project"""
        info("Clearing cache of %s..." % self.__name)
    def close(self):
        """Closes the project which deletes the internal caches"""
        self.__cache = None
        self.classes = None
        self.assets = None
        self.docs = None
        self.translations = None
    def pause(self):
        """Pauses the project so that other processes could modify/access it"""
    def resume(self):
        """Resumes the paused project"""

    def getDocs(self):
        """Returns all package docs"""
        return self.docs

    def getClasses(self):
        """ Returns all project JavaScript classes. Requires all files to have a "js" extension. """
        return self.classes

    def getAssets(self):
        """ Returns all project asssets (images, stylesheets, static data, etc.). """
        return self.assets

    def getTranslations(self):
        """ Returns all translation files. Supports gettext style PO files with .po extension. """
        return self.translations