def init(self): bag = GridBag(self) self.framedArea = FramedArea(self) bag.addRow(self.framedArea, weighty=1.0, fill='BOTH') self.label = awt.Label('Click within the framed area') bag.addRow(self.label, weightx=1.0, weighty=0.0, fill='HORIZONTAL')
def init(self): self.choices = awt.Choice(itemStateChanged=self.change) for item in ['ichi', 'ni', 'san', 'yon']: self.choices.addItem(item) self.label = awt.Label() self.change() self.add(self.choices) self.add(self.label)
def __init__(self, title, units, controller): self.units = units self.controller = controller bag = GridBag(self, fill='HORIZONTAL') label = awt.Label(title, awt.Label.CENTER) bag.addRow(label) self.text = awt.TextField('0', 10, actionListener=self) bag.add(self.text, weightx=1.0) self.chooser = awt.Choice(itemListener=self) for name, multiplier in units: self.chooser.add(name) bag.addRow(self.chooser) self.slider = awt.Scrollbar(awt.Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, maximum=self.max + 10, blockIncrement=self.block, adjustmentListener=self) bag.add(self.slider)
n1 = getField(f1) n2 = getField(f2) sum.setText(repr(n1 + n2)) diff.setText(repr(n1 - n2)) prod.setText(repr(n1 * n2)) quo.setText(repr(n1 / n2)) f = awt.Frame('BSH Calculator (jpython)', windowClosing=exit) f1 = awt.TextField(20, actionPerformed=doMath) f2 = awt.TextField(20, textValueChanged=doMath) p = awt.Panel() p.setLayout(awt.GridLayout(2, 2)) p.add(awt.Label('Enter Operand')) p.add(f1) p.add(awt.Label('Enter Operand')) p.add(f2) f.add('North', p) f.add("Center", awt.Label('Results:')) p = awt.Panel() p.setLayout(awt.GridLayout(4, 2)) p.add(awt.Label('Sum')) sum = awt.TextField(20) p.add(sum) p.add(awt.Label('Difference')) diff = awt.TextField(20)
"""\ Create a panel showing all of the colors defined in the pawt.colors module Display the names of bright colors in black and of dark colors in white """ from java import awt from pawt import colors, test from math import sqrt p = awt.Panel() for name in dir(colors): color = getattr(colors, name) if isinstance(color, awt.Color): l = awt.Label(name, awt.Label.CENTER, background=color) intensity = sqrt(**2 +**2 +**2) / 3 if intensity < 90: l.foreground = colors.white p.add(l) test(p, size=(700, 500))