def monitorDomains(): print 'starting the script for ', adminServerAddress, '....' username = adminUser password = adminPassword url = adminServerAddress try: connect(username,password,url) domainRuntime() serverNames = domainRuntimeService.getServerRuntimes() domainName = cmo.getName() print 'Getting data from domain ' , domainName fileToWrite = scriptHome + "/" + domainName + "/" + monitorDomain w = open(fileToWrite,"a") for s in serverNames: socketsOpenedTotalCount = s.getSocketsOpenedTotalCount() heap_details(s.getName()) thread_details(s.getName()) # Assign performance data # write monitor data for this instance jvm to monitorDomain timeStamping = Date() timeToShow = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,DateFormat.SHORT).format(timeStamping); infoLineMonitorData = domainName + "," + timeToShow + "," + s.getName() + "," + str(hfree) + "," + str(hsize)+ "," + str(hpercent) + "," + str(utime) + "," + str(socketsOpenedTotalCount) + "," + str(completedRequestCount) + "," + str(executeThreadIdleCount) + "," + str(executeThreadTotalCount) + "," + str(hoggingThreadCount) + "," + str(pendingUserRequestCount) + "," + str(queueLength) + "," + str(standbyThreadCount) + "," + str(throughput) +"\n" w.write(infoLineMonitorData) w.close() disconnect() except Exception, e: disconnect()
def parse_argument( operator, argument, argument_type, field ): # Handle the degenerate cases where we don't know what type of field we're # looking at (this happens, say, in the context of a deref operation). We'll # just try our best to convert the argument based on what the parser tells us # to do. if field == None and argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.INT_VALUE: return int(argument) if field == None and argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.DECIMAL_VALUE: return float(argument) if field == None and argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.STRING_VALUE: return dequote(argument) # Now we'll handle the normal cases where we know what kind of DBField we're # dealing with. This gives much more precise results. field_type = field.getType() # Length operations get special treatment, since they take integer arguments # regardless of the type of the underlying DBField if operator in ["len<", "len<=", "len>", "len>=", "len=="] and \ field.isArray() and \ argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.INT_VALUE: return int(argument) if field_type == FieldType.NUMERIC and \ argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.INT_VALUE: return int(argument) if field_type == FieldType.FLOAT and \ argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.DECIMAL_VALUE: return float(argument) if field_type == FieldType.BOOLEAN: if argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.BOOLEAN_VALUE: if argument == "true": return Boolean.TRUE else: return Boolean.FALSE if argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.STRING_VALUE: return (int(dequote(argument)) != 0) if argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.INT_VALUE: return (int(argument) != 0) if field_type in [FieldType.STRING, FieldType.INVID, FieldType.IP] and \ argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.STRING_VALUE: return dequote(argument) if field_type == FieldType.DATE and \ argument_type == QueryParserTokenTypes.STRING_VALUE: return DateFormat.parse(dequote(argument)) raise ParseException( "The field " + field.getName() + " takes arguments of type " + field.getTypeDesc() )
def cronTest(self):"cronTest") dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.GERMAN) assert CronExpression("* * * ? * SAT,SUN *").isSatisfiedBy( dateFormat.parse("29.07.2017")) assert CronExpression("* * * ? * SAT,SUN *").isSatisfiedBy( dateFormat.parse("30.07.2017")) assert CronExpression("* * * ? * SAT,SUN *").isSatisfiedBy( dateFormat.parse("03.09.2017"))
def __init__( self, data, headings ) : info = [] df = DateFormat.getDateInstance( DateFormat.SHORT ) for date, size, path in data : info.append( [ df.parse( date ), Integer( size.strip().replace( ',', '' ) ), String( path ) ] ) DefaultTableModel.__init__( self, info, headings )
def __init__(self, data, headings): info = [] df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT) for tf, date, size, f, d in data: info.append([ Boolean(tf == '1'), df.parse(date), Integer(size.strip().replace(',', '')), Float(f), Double(d) ]) DefaultTableModel.__init__(self, info, headings)
def getExpirationDate(license_props): """ Iterates through a property list and returns the expirationDate """ if license_props: df = DateFormat.getInstance() for p in license_props: if p.getKey() == "expirationDate": val = p.getValue() if val.getClass().getName() == "java.util.GregorianCalendar": return df.format(val.getTime()) return None
def printHostHardwareSummary(si): host = InventoryNavigator(si.getRootFolder()).searchManagedEntities("HostSystem") df = DateFormat.getInstance() for h in host: hinfo = h.getHardware() print "Hypervisor Name: " + h.getName() print hinfo.getSystemInfo().getVendor(), print hinfo.getSystemInfo().getModel() print "Bios: ", hinfo.getBiosInfo().getBiosVersion(), print df.format(hinfo.getBiosInfo().getReleaseDate().getTime()) print "Overall Status: ", print h.getOverallStatus().toString().capitalize() print "CPU Info: ", hinfo.getCpuPkg()[0].getDescription() print "\tCPU's: ", hinfo.getCpuInfo().getNumCpuPackages() print "\tCores: ", hinfo.getCpuInfo().getNumCpuCores() print "Memory Info: %.2f GB" % (hinfo.getMemorySize() * pow(10.0, -9))
def getDailyScheduleName(self): self.scheduleName = None now = Date() for calendarItem in self.config:"Parser: found calendar item: " + str(calendarItem)) # check if daily schedule exists: try: self.schedules.getSchedules(calendarItem['daily_schedule']) except Exception as e: self.logger.warn("Config Error" + str(e)) raise e if calendarItem.get('cron') != None: cronExpression = "* * * " + calendarItem.get('cron') self.logger.debug(cronExpression) self.logger.debug(now) if CronExpression(cronExpression).isSatisfiedBy(now): # don't break we want to test the config if self.scheduleName == None: self.scheduleName = calendarItem['daily_schedule'] else: # has to be timerange df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.GERMAN) fromDate = df.parse(calendarItem['timerange']['from']) toDate = df.parse(calendarItem['timerange']['to']) self.logger.debug(calendarItem['timerange']['from']) self.logger.debug(fromDate) self.logger.debug(calendarItem['timerange']['to']) self.logger.debug(toDate) self.logger.debug(now) if now.before(toDate) and now.after(fromDate): # don't break we want to test the config if self.scheduleName == None: self.scheduleName = calendarItem['daily_schedule'] if self.scheduleName == None: self.logger.warn("Todays daily schedule: " + str(self.scheduleName)) else:"todays daily schedule: " + str(self.scheduleName)) return self.scheduleName
def dumpPropertyList(pList): """ Iterates through a property list and prints the key/value pairs Primarily for debugging """ FORMAT = "%16s %s" for p in pList: k = p.getKey() if p.getValue().__class__ is unicode or \ p.getValue().__class__ is long: v = p.getValue() elif p.getValue().getClass().getName() == "com.vmware.vim25.KeyValue": v = p.getValue().getValue() elif p.getValue().getClass().getName() == "java.util.GregorianCalendar": df = DateFormat.getInstance() v = df.format(p.getValue().getTime()) else: v = "Val: UNABLE TO PRINT; " + p.getValue().getClass().getName() print FORMAT % (k.capitalize()+":", v)
def setColumnWidths(table): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # It's possible for this table to not have a header... #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- header = table.getTableHeader() if header: hRenderer = header.getDefaultRenderer() else: hRenderer = None #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables used to access the table properties and data #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tcm = table.getColumnModel() # Table Column Model data = table.getModel() # To access table data margin = tcm.getColumnMargin() # gap between columns #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each column, determine the maximum width required #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- rows = data.getRowCount() # Number of rows cols = tcm.getColumnCount() # Number of cols #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Used for parse & format date strings & objects #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM) tWidth = 0 # Table width for i in range(cols): # For col 0..N col = tcm.getColumn(i) # TableColumn: col i idx = col.getModelIndex() # model index: col i #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # To determine the preferred column width, we # must use the current renderer for this column #----------------------------------------------------------------------- render = col.getHeaderRenderer() # header renderer, if not render: # render = hRenderer # or a default #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get preferred header width for column i #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if render: comp = render.getTableCellRendererComponent( table, col.getHeaderValue(), 0, 0, -1, i) cWidth = comp.getPreferredSize().width else: cWidth = -1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compute the maximum width required for the data values in this column #----------------------------------------------------------------------- Type = data.getColumnClass(i) # dataType: col i for row in range(rows): v = data.getValueAt(row, idx) # value if Type == Date: val = df.format(v) # formatted date r = table.getDefaultRenderer(String) else: val = Type(v) r = table.getCellRenderer(row, i) comp = r.getTableCellRendererComponent( table, val, # formatted value 0, # not selected 0, # not in focus row, # row num i # col num ) cWidth = max(cWidth, comp.getPreferredSize().width) if cWidth > 0: col.setPreferredWidth(cWidth + margin) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Table width = sum of column widths #----------------------------------------------------------------------- tWidth += col.getPreferredWidth() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the preferred viewport size so we don't (initially) see scrollbars # Note: This assumes a uniform row height for every row #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize( Dimension(tWidth, rows * table.getRowHeight()))
def put(self, item): self.lblLabel.setText(item.getCaption()) v = item.getValue() if v in ("", None): v = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(Date()) self.btnDo.setText(v)
def getBasicInformation(): print 'starting the script for ', adminServerAddress, '....' username = adminUser password = adminPassword url = adminServerAddress try: connect(username, password, url) binaryVersion = cmo.getConfigurationVersion() domainRuntime() serverNames = domainRuntimeService.getServerRuntimes() domainName = cmo.getName() print 'Getting data from domain ', domainName w = open(inventoryWLS, "a") for s in serverNames: cd("/ServerRuntimes/" + s.getName()) serverName = cmo.getName() serverState = cmo.getState() activationTime = cmo.getActivationTime() currentDirectory = cmo.getCurrentDirectory() valueThisIsAdminServer = cmo.isAdminServer() if valueThisIsAdminServer: thisAdminServer = "true" else: thisAdminServer = "false" currentMachine = cmo.getCurrentMachine() listenAddress = cmo.getListenAddress() listenPort = cmo.getListenPort() socketsOpenedTotalCount = cmo.getSocketsOpenedTotalCount() cd("/ServerRuntimes/" + s.getName() + "/JVMRuntime/" + s.getName()) javaVendor = cmo.getJavaVendor() javaJVMDescription = cmo.getType() javaVersion = cmo.getJavaVersion() if javaJVMDescription == "JRockitRuntime": numberOfProcessors = cmo.getNumberOfProcessors() else: numberOfProcessors = 0 osJvmName = cmo.getOSName() osJvmVersion = cmo.getOSVersion() heapSizeMax = cmo.getHeapSizeMax() # write inventory data for this instance jvm timeStamping = Date() timeToShow = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT).format(timeStamping) infoLineForServerInstance = str(domainName) + "|" + str( timeToShow ) + "|" + str(serverName) + "|" + str(listenAddress) + "|" + str( listenPort ) + "|" + str(serverState) + "|" + str(binaryVersion) + "|" + str( currentDirectory) + "|" + str(thisAdminServer) + "|" + str( currentMachine) + "|" + str(activationTime) + "|" + str( socketsOpenedTotalCount ) + "|" + str(javaVendor) + "|" + str( javaJVMDescription ) + "|" + str(javaVersion) + "|" + str( osJvmName) + "|" + str(osJvmVersion) + "|" + str( numberOfProcessors) + "|" + str(heapSizeMax) + "\n" infoServerToWrite = infoLineForServerInstance w.write(infoServerToWrite) w.close() # Now, get applications deployed on Domain in specific directory dir = scriptHome + "/" + domainName if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) feApp = open(dir + "/" + appsDomainInv, "a") domainConfig() dsCounter = 0 allJDBCResources = cmo.getJDBCSystemResources() for jdbcResource in allJDBCResources: dsname = jdbcResource.getName() dsResource = jdbcResource.getJDBCResource() # dsServer = dsResource.getJDBCDataSourceParams().getJNDINames()#[0] dsJNDIname = dsResource.getJDBCDataSourceParams().getJNDINames( ) #[0] dsInitialCap = dsResource.getJDBCConnectionPoolParams( ).getInitialCapacity() dsMaxCap = dsResource.getJDBCConnectionPoolParams().getMaxCapacity( ) dsParams = dsResource.getJDBCDataSourceParams() dsDriver = dsResource.getJDBCDriverParams().getDriverName() conn = dsResource.getJDBCDriverParams().getUrl() test = dsResource.getJDBCDriverParams().getProperties() test1 = dsResource.getJDBCConnectionPoolParams() targets = jdbcResource.getTargets() user = '' readTimeOut = '' conTimeOut = '' streamAsBlob = '' print 'FOR' timeStamping = Date() timeToShow = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT).format(timeStamping) infoLineForDBDetails = str(dsname) + "|" + str( dsResource) + "|" + str(dsJNDIname) + "|" + str( dsParams) + "|" + str(dsDriver) + "|" + str( conn) + "|" + str(test1) + "|" + str(targets) + "\n" print(infoLineForDBDetails) dbs = open(dir + "/" + dataSourcersDomainInv, "a") dbs.write(infoLineForDBDetails) dbs.close() dsCounter += 1 try: user = get("/JDBCSystemResources/" + dsname + "/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/user/Value") readTimeOut = get("/JDBCSystemResources/" + dsname + "/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout/Value") conTimeOut = get("/JDBCSystemResources/" + dsname + "/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/") streamAsBlob = get("/JDBCSystemResources/" + dsname + "/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/SendStreamAsBlob/Value") except Exception, e: fe = open(pathConnectionProblems, "a") errorLineToWrite = url + "," + username + "," + password + "," + str( e) + "\n" fe.write(errorLineToWrite) fe.close vasApps = cmo.getAppDeployments() for app in vasApps: appName = app.getName() targetAppToWrite = "" targetsApp = app.getTargets() for targetApp in targetsApp: targetAppToWrite = targetAppToWrite + "," + targetApp.getName() appDataLineToWrite = appName + targetAppToWrite + "\n" feApp.write(appDataLineToWrite) feApp.close() disconnect()
import as WordHelper import java.util.Calendar as Calendar import java.text.DateFormat as DateFormat import java.util.List as List import java.util.Arrays as Arrays df = DateFormat.getInstance() rp = WordHelper("./samplet.dotx") #Create Helper Object doc = rp.getDocument() #Sample method to get Document object #Replace Keywords: rp.replaceText("##LetterNum##", "123/456/789") rp.replaceText("##CurrentDate##", df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())) rp.replaceText("##CustomerName##", "IBM") rp.replaceText("##TicketID##", "ABC123") rp.replaceText("##ResolveDate##", df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())) rp.replaceText("##SolutionDetails##", "Restart Server\n Recreate User\n") rp.replaceText("##Resolver##", "John Doe") #Update Tables - template table first row must match the header tbheads = Arrays.asList("Circuit ID", "Speed", "Location") tbdata = Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList("CI100", "100 Mbps", "Singapore"), Arrays.asList("CI210", "1 Gbps", "Kuala Lumpur"), Arrays.asList("CI320", "10 Gbps", "Bangkok")) rp.updateTable(tbheads, tbdata) #Save the result rp.saveAs("./jython_output.doc")
from java.util import Date from java.util import Locale from java.text import DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.FRANCE); today = Date() print today dateOut = dateFormatter.format(today); print dateOut