javascript.do_before_body(''' window.elidupree.show_transcript = function() { remove_class(document.documentElement, 'transcripts_hidden'); delete_cookie('transcripts_hidden'); }; window.elidupree.hide_transcript = function() { document.documentElement.className += ' transcripts_hidden'; set_cookie('transcripts_hidden', 'true', 30); }; window.elidupree.handle_content_warnings = function(id, default_on) { window.elidupree.enable_content_warnings = function() { remove_class(document.documentElement, 'content_warnings_disabled'); if (default_on) { delete_cookie('content_warnings_disabled_'+id); } else { set_cookie('content_warnings_enabled_'+id, 'true', 30); } }; window.elidupree.disable_content_warnings = function() { document.documentElement.className += ' content_warnings_disabled'; if (default_on) { set_cookie('content_warnings_disabled_'+id, 'true', 30); } else { delete_cookie('content_warnings_enabled_'+id); } }; if (default_on && read_cookie('content_warnings_disabled_'+id)) { window.elidupree.disable_content_warnings(); } if ((!default_on) && !read_cookie('content_warnings_enabled_'+id)) { window.elidupree.disable_content_warnings(); } if (read_cookie('transcripts_hidden')) { window.elidupree.hide_transcript(); } }; ''')
.scrutiny { background-color: #c0ffff; color: black; text-decoration: underline; } .skepticism { background-color: #ffc0c0; } html.restricted_user .hidden_from_restricted_users {display: none;} ''') javascript.do_before_body (r''' window.elidupree.transcripts = []; window.elidupree.handle_transcript = function (ID) { var show = function () { remove_class (document.documentElement, 'transcript_hidden_' + ID); set_cookie ('transcript_shown_' + ID, 'true', 30); }; var hide = function () { document.documentElement.className += ' transcript_hidden_'+ ID; delete_cookie ('transcript_shown_'+ ID); }; if (!read_cookie ('transcript_shown_' + ID)) { hide (); } window.elidupree.transcripts.push ([ID, show, hide]); }; if (read_cookie ('restricted')) { document.documentElement.className += ' restricted_user'; } ''') javascript.do_after_body(r''' var comments = document.getElementsByClassName("user_comment"); var all_comments_divs = document.getElementsByClassName("all_comments"); var random_post_link = document.getElementById("random_post"); var index_entries = document.getElementsByClassName("index_entry_link"); var random_entry;
utils.make_page (page_dict, '/stories', "Stories ⊂ Eli Dupree's website", '', '''<a class="skip" href="#content">Skip to content</a> '''+ utils.background_image () +''' '''+bars.bars_wrap({"stories":True}, '''<main> <div id="content">'''+ blog_posts.stories_index (True) +''' <div class="category_page_bottom"></div> </div> </main>''') ) javascript.do_before_body (r''' if (read_cookie ("debug_mode")) {document.documentElement.className += " debug_mode";} ''') def add_secrets (page_dict, orphaned_pages): utils.make_page (page_dict, '/secrets', "Secrets ⊂ Eli Dupree's website", "", '''<a class="skip" href="#content">Skip to content</a> '''+ utils.background_image () +''' '''+bars.bars_wrap({"games":True}, '''<main> <div id="content"> ''' + exhibit (None, "", None, '''<h1> Secrets </h1> <p>Congratulations! You've arrived at the secret page. You probably got here by supporting <a href="">my Patreon page</a>. (Thank you so much!) Or maybe you found it by snooping through <a href="">my code on GitHub</a>. (You're very clever!) Either way, welcome! Enjoy the secrets below.</p> ''', None) + exhibit (None, "", None, '''<p>When I work on designing this website, I use a debug mode that displays some extra information. Right now, the only hidden information is an estimate of the reading difficulty (in US grade level) of each post.</p> <p><a class="debug" id="disable_debug_mode" href=" javascript:;">Disable debug mode</a><a class="not_debug" id="enable_debug_mode" href=" javascript:;">Enable debug mode</a></p> ''', None) + exhibit (None, "", None, '''<p>Not all of my posts are accessible from the main page. Sometimes, I create a temporary page for testing purposes, or a game that is still a work-in-progress. Sometimes, I write things to share with specific fandoms, which wouldn't necessarily be interesting to a general audience (or I might want to avoid recommending a show even by mentioning it). You, dear reader, have special access.</p> <p>All currently inaccessible pages are listed below. If you start from this page and follow links, you can reach everything on</p> <p>'''+ "".join (['''<a class="orphaned_page_link" href="'''+ page +'''">'''+ page +'''</a>''' for page in orphaned_pages]) + "</p> ", None)