def get_filtered(self, args=None, table=None): if table == None: return None xOptions = TOptions(args) aTblFiltered = TTable(aColNames=table.get_columns_names(), aHeaderStr='Filtered:' + xOptions.mFilter) if not xOptions.mFilter: return table aFilter = xOptions.mFilter.split('=') if len(aFilter) < 2: return table xColInx = [i for i, j in enumerate( table.get_columns()[0] ) if j == aFilter[0] ] if not xColInx: return table xColInx = xColInx[0] xParser = re.compile(aFilter[1]) for xRow in table: xRes =[xColInx])) if xRes != None: aTblFiltered.append(xRow[1:]) # return aTblFiltered return self.get_sorted(args=args, table=aTblFiltered)
def readStack(self, aFile, aInfo): aPrefix = "" xNewLine = '\n' if '\r\n' in aInfo: xNewLine = '\r\n' if aInfo.startswith('J'): aInfo = aInfo[3:-len(xNewLine)] aPrefix = 'J ' else: aInfo = aInfo[:-len(xNewLine)] aTblDump = TTable(['Thread', 'CPU', 'Depth'], aInfo) xRegCpu = re.compile('cpu=(\d+.\d+)') xRegName = re.compile('^{}"([-.#:@\[\]\w+ /]+)"'.format(aPrefix)) xRegMethod = re.compile('^{}(\s+)at'.format(aPrefix)) for aLine in aFile: if isinstance(aLine, bytes): aLine = aLine.decode('utf-8') if aLine == "{}{}".format(aPrefix, xNewLine): continue xThreadName = xThreadCpu = if aLine.startswith('{}Monitors'.format(aPrefix)): break if xThreadName == None: continue if xThreadCpu == None: aLine = aFile.readline() aLine = aFile.readline() xThreadCpu ='utf-8')) aTblThread = TTable(['Method'], for aLine in aFile: if isinstance(aLine, bytes): aLine = aLine.decode('utf-8') if aLine == "{}{}".format(aPrefix, xNewLine): break xRes = if xRes != None: aTblThread.append([aLine[len(]]) try: xCpuVal =',','.') aTblDump.append([aTblThread, float(xCpuVal), len(aTblThread)]) except AttributeError: aTblDump.append([aTblThread, 0.0, len(aTblThread)]) return aTblDump
def __init__(self, args=None): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.intro = 'Stack Traces Analyser for Developer traces' self.prompt = '(hibroker)> ' self.file = None self.mDumpList = [] self.mSortedKeys = [] self.mHeader = {'actual_file' : 'Thread Dumps', 'user-text' : 'TEXT', 'action': 'http://localhost:8080'} self.mTblRoot = TTable(['Root'], 'Collected Sections') self.mErrors = TTable(['Errors']) self.mTblCurrent = self.mTblRoot
def get_files(self, file = None, filename = 'dev_server0'): 'collect the stack traces in a file' aSecCount = 0 self.aFileName = filename aTblSection = None aFile = file if file == None: return self.mHeader['actual_file'] = filename self.mTblRoot = TTable(['Root'], 'RootTable') self.mTblCurrent = self.mTblRoot for aLine in aFile: if isinstance(aLine, bytes): aLine = aLine.decode('utf-8') if aLine.startswith('stdout/stderr redirect') or aLine.startswith('trc file:'): # self.get_statistic(aTblSection) # Create a new section aTblSection = TTable(['Collections'], 'Section {}'.format(len(self.mTblRoot) + 1)) self.mTblRoot.append([aTblSection]) if aTblSection == None: continue if aLine.startswith('J Thread dump triggered') or aLine.startswith('Thread dump triggered') or aLine.startswith('Full thread dump'): aStackDump = self.readStack(aFile, aLine) aTblSection.append([aStackDump]) for xInx in range( len(self.mTblRoot) ): self.calculate_statistic( self.mTblRoot.get_selected(xInx) )
def calculate_statistic(self, xSectionTable): if xSectionTable == None: return aDictCPU = dict() aDictDepth = dict() for xInxDumps in range(len(xSectionTable)): xDumps = xSectionTable.get_selected(xInxDumps) for xRow in xDumps: xInx, xName, xCpu, xDepth = xRow if aDictCPU.get(str(xName)) == None: xList = [xName] + [float(0) for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] aDictCPU[str(xName)] = xList xList = aDictCPU.get(str(xName)) xList[xInxDumps+1] = float(xCpu) if aDictDepth.get(str(xName)) == None: xList = [xName] + [0 for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] aDictDepth[str(xName)] = xList xList = aDictDepth.get(str(xName)) xList[xInxDumps+1] = int(xDepth) xColNames = ['ThreadName'] + ['CPU-{}'.format(x) for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] + ['Delta'] xCpuTable = TTable(xColNames, aHeaderStr="Statistic CPU") xColNames = ['ThreadName'] + ['Depth-{}'.format(x) for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] + ['Delta'] xDepthTable = TTable(xColNames, aHeaderStr="Statistic Depth") for xValues in aDictCPU.values(): xValues.append(max([abs(x-y) for x, y in zip(xValues[1:], xValues[2:])])) xCpuTable.append(xValues) for xValues in aDictDepth.values(): xValues.append(max([abs(x-y) for x, y in zip(xValues[1:], xValues[2:])])) xDepthTable.append(xValues) xSectionTable.append([xCpuTable]) xSectionTable.append([xDepthTable])
def get_condensed(self, aArgs): xOptions = TOptions(aArgs) xTblFiltered = TTable(['Name', 'Delta-{}'.format(xOptions.mStatistic)]) xTable = self.mTblSection[xOptions.mInxSec][1] xTable = xTable[xOptions.mInxDmp][1] for xRow in xTable: xMax = max( [abs(y - x) for x, y in zip(xRow[2:], xRow[3:])] ) xTblFiltered.append([xRow[1], xMax]) if xOptions.mInxSort > 0: xTblFiltered.sort(xOptions.mInxSort) return xTblFiltered
class TDevAnalyser(cmd.Cmd): aFileName = 'std_server0.out' # Initialize class properties def __init__(self, args=None): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.intro = 'Stack Traces Analyser for Developer traces' self.prompt = '(hibroker)> ' self.file = None self.mDumpList = [] self.mSortedKeys = [] self.mHeader = {'actual_file' : 'Thread Dumps', 'user-text' : 'TEXT', 'action': 'http://*****:*****@\[\]\w+ /]+)"'.format(aPrefix)) xRegMethod = re.compile('^{}(\s+)at'.format(aPrefix)) for aLine in aFile: if isinstance(aLine, bytes): aLine = aLine.decode('utf-8') if aLine == "{}{}".format(aPrefix, xNewLine): continue xThreadName = xThreadCpu = if aLine.startswith('{}Monitors'.format(aPrefix)): break if xThreadName == None: continue if xThreadCpu == None: aLine = aFile.readline() aLine = aFile.readline() xThreadCpu ='utf-8')) aTblThread = TTable(['Method'], for aLine in aFile: if isinstance(aLine, bytes): aLine = aLine.decode('utf-8') if aLine == "{}{}".format(aPrefix, xNewLine): break xRes = if xRes != None: aTblThread.append([aLine[len(]]) try: xCpuVal =',','.') aTblDump.append([aTblThread, float(xCpuVal), len(aTblThread)]) except AttributeError: aTblDump.append([aTblThread, 0.0, len(aTblThread)]) return aTblDump # Read a developer trace file def get_files(self, file = None, filename = 'dev_server0'): 'collect the stack traces in a file' aSecCount = 0 self.aFileName = filename aTblSection = None aFile = file if file == None: return self.mHeader['actual_file'] = filename self.mTblRoot = TTable(['Root'], 'RootTable') self.mTblCurrent = self.mTblRoot for aLine in aFile: if isinstance(aLine, bytes): aLine = aLine.decode('utf-8') if aLine.startswith('stdout/stderr redirect') or aLine.startswith('trc file:'): # self.get_statistic(aTblSection) # Create a new section aTblSection = TTable(['Collections'], 'Section {}'.format(len(self.mTblRoot) + 1)) self.mTblRoot.append([aTblSection]) if aTblSection == None: continue if aLine.startswith('J Thread dump triggered') or aLine.startswith('Thread dump triggered') or aLine.startswith('Full thread dump'): aStackDump = self.readStack(aFile, aLine) aTblSection.append([aStackDump]) for xInx in range( len(self.mTblRoot) ): self.calculate_statistic( self.mTblRoot.get_selected(xInx) ) # self.get_statistic(aTblSection) # return self.mTblRoot def get_condensed(self, aArgs): xOptions = TOptions(aArgs) xTblFiltered = TTable(['Name', 'Delta-{}'.format(xOptions.mStatistic)]) xTable = self.mTblSection[xOptions.mInxSec][1] xTable = xTable[xOptions.mInxDmp][1] for xRow in xTable: xMax = max( [abs(y - x) for x, y in zip(xRow[2:], xRow[3:])] ) xTblFiltered.append([xRow[1], xMax]) if xOptions.mInxSort > 0: xTblFiltered.sort(xOptions.mInxSort) return xTblFiltered def get_sorted(self, args=None, table=None): if table == None: return None xOptions = TOptions(args) if xOptions.mSortDir == xOptions.SORT_DIRECTION_NONE: return table xAscending = xOptions.mSortDir == xOptions.SORT_DIRECTION_UP table.do_sort(xOptions.mInxSort, asc = xAscending) return table def get_filtered(self, args=None, table=None): if table == None: return None xOptions = TOptions(args) aTblFiltered = TTable(aColNames=table.get_columns_names(), aHeaderStr='Filtered:' + xOptions.mFilter) if not xOptions.mFilter: return table aFilter = xOptions.mFilter.split('=') if len(aFilter) < 2: return table xColInx = [i for i, j in enumerate( table.get_columns()[0] ) if j == aFilter[0] ] if not xColInx: return table xColInx = xColInx[0] xParser = re.compile(aFilter[1]) for xRow in table: xRes =[xColInx])) if xRes != None: aTblFiltered.append(xRow[1:]) # return aTblFiltered return self.get_sorted(args=args, table=aTblFiltered) # Return the list of sections def get_sections(self, args=None): xTable = None try: xOptions = TOptions(args) xTable = self.mTblRoot xTable.do_select(xOptions.mInxSec[0]) except AttributeError: return None self.mTblCurrent = xTable return xTable # Return the list of dumps within a section def get_dumps(self, args=None): xTable = None try : xOptions = TOptions(args) xTable = self.get_sections(args) xTable = xTable.get_selected() xTable.do_select(xOptions.mInxSec[1]) except AttributeError: return None self.mTblCurrent = xTable return xTable # Return the list of threads in a dump def get_threads(self, args=None): xTable = None try : xOptions = TOptions(args) xTable = self.get_dumps(args) xTable = xTable.get_selected() xTable.do_select(xOptions.mInxSec[2]) except AttributeError: return None xTable = self.get_filtered( args=args, table = xTable ) self.mTblCurrent = xTable return xTable # Return the list of methods for a thread def get_trace(self, args = None): xTable = None try : xOptions = TOptions(args) xTable = self.get_threads(args) xTable = xTable.get_selected() except AttributeError: return None self.mTblCurrent = xTable return xTable def get_selected(self, index = -1): aInx = int(index) if aInx == -1: return self.mTblCurrent aSelected = self.mTblCurrent.get_selected(aInx) if aSelected != None: self.mTblCurrent = aSelected return self.mTblCurrent def get_parent(self): self.mTblCurrent = self.mTblCurrent.get_parent() def get_current(self): return self.mTblCurrent def calculate_statistic(self, xSectionTable): if xSectionTable == None: return aDictCPU = dict() aDictDepth = dict() for xInxDumps in range(len(xSectionTable)): xDumps = xSectionTable.get_selected(xInxDumps) for xRow in xDumps: xInx, xName, xCpu, xDepth = xRow if aDictCPU.get(str(xName)) == None: xList = [xName] + [float(0) for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] aDictCPU[str(xName)] = xList xList = aDictCPU.get(str(xName)) xList[xInxDumps+1] = float(xCpu) if aDictDepth.get(str(xName)) == None: xList = [xName] + [0 for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] aDictDepth[str(xName)] = xList xList = aDictDepth.get(str(xName)) xList[xInxDumps+1] = int(xDepth) xColNames = ['ThreadName'] + ['CPU-{}'.format(x) for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] + ['Delta'] xCpuTable = TTable(xColNames, aHeaderStr="Statistic CPU") xColNames = ['ThreadName'] + ['Depth-{}'.format(x) for x in range(len(xSectionTable))] + ['Delta'] xDepthTable = TTable(xColNames, aHeaderStr="Statistic Depth") for xValues in aDictCPU.values(): xValues.append(max([abs(x-y) for x, y in zip(xValues[1:], xValues[2:])])) xCpuTable.append(xValues) for xValues in aDictDepth.values(): xValues.append(max([abs(x-y) for x, y in zip(xValues[1:], xValues[2:])])) xDepthTable.append(xValues) xSectionTable.append([xCpuTable]) xSectionTable.append([xDepthTable]) def get_statistic(self, args = None): xOptions = TOptions(args) xSectionTable = self.mTblRoot.get_selected() if xOptions.mStatistic == 'cpu': return self.get_sorted( args=args, table=xSectionTable[-2][1] ) elif xOptions.mStatistic == 'depth': return self.get_sorted( args=args, table=xSectionTable[-1][1] ) else: return None def get_statistic_depth(self, args = None): xOptions = TOptions(args) xInxStat = 0 aCollect = dict() aInx = 0 if xOptions.mStatistic == 'cpu': xInxStat = 0 elif xOptions.mStatistic == 'depth': xInxStat = 1 else: return None xTableSec = self.get_traces(args) xNrDumps = len(xTableSec)-2 xTable = self.get_dumps(args) if xTable == None: return None if len(xTable) == 0: for xRowDump in xTableSec[2:]: aInx = 0 for xRowMethod in xRowDump[1]: xInx, xName, xCpu, xDepth = xRowMethod xLst = aCollect.setdefault(xName, [0 for x in range(xNrDumps)]) xLst[aInx] = xRowMethod[2+xInxStat] aInx += 1 for xKey, xVal in aCollect.items(): xTable.append(xVal + [xKey]) return self.get_sorted(args, xTable) def do_read(self, aArgs): """Reads a developer trace file: std_server0.out or dev_server0 """ aArgsList = aArgs.split() self.get_files(open(aArgsList[0], 'rb')) self.mTblRoot.printTable() def do_detail(self, aArgs): xTable = self.mTblCurrent.get_selected() if xTable != None: xTable.printTable() def do_show(self, aArgs): """Shows the traces for sections show sections [options] show dumps [options] -i <inx section> show threads [options] -i <inx section>:<inx dump> show trace [options] -i <inx section>:<inx dump>:<inx thread> show statistic [options] -i <inx section> [--cpu | --depth] Options: -s <inx column> : sort down +s <inx column> : sort up -f <column-name>=<regex>: searches the regex each row on a given column Example: List threads having "App" in the name for section 0 and dump 0 show threads -i 0:0 -f Thread=App -s 4 """ xOptions = TOptions(aArgs) aDetail = aArgs.split()[0] if aDetail == 'sections': xTable = self.get_sections(aArgs) if xTable != None: xTable.printTable() return if aDetail == 'dumps': xTable = self.get_dumps(aArgs) if xTable != None: xTable.printTable() return if aDetail == 'threads': xTable = self.get_threads(aArgs) if xTable != None: xTable.printTable() return if aDetail == 'trace': xTable = self.get_trace(aArgs) if xTable != None: xTable.printTable() return if aDetail == 'statistic': xTable = self.get_statistic(aArgs) if xTable != None: xTable.printTable() return def do_exit(self, arg): 'leave program or so' sys.exit()