def handle(self): print 'connection from', self.client_address conn = self.request while 1: msg = conn.recv(20) if msg == "keymap": print "keymapping!" keymapFrame = JFrame('Key Mapping Configuration', defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (300, 500) ) keyButton = JButton('Press any key in iPhone') keymapFrame.add(keyButton) keymapFrame.visible = True while 1: recvKey = conn.recv(20) keyButton.setLabel("%s?" % recvKey) keyInput = raw_input() keynum[recvKey] = keyInput keyButton.setText('Press any key in iPhone') if recvKey == "keymap": keymapFrame.visible = False break if msg == "quit()": conn.close() print self.client_address, 'disconnected' break print self.client_address, msg
def run(self): frame = JFrame('MainFrame', defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) self.addButtons(frame.getContentPane()) frame.size = (300, 175) frame.visible = 1 self.frame = frame self.startTimerTask()
def cachedBPROM(genome, fileName, frame): """ genome: Genome as a string. fileName: File to save the BPROM results in. swing: A JFrame or None. If this is None then messages will be printed, if it isn't then they will also be put in a dialog box. return: Results of the BPROM prediction stored in a list of Promoter objects. If the file Specified by fileName already exists then this function simply parses the file already there. Also, if a request is made to BPROM and nothing is returned, no file is created, the user is warned, and an empty list is returned. """ offset = 25 if ".forward.bprom" in fileName else 50 direction = "forward" if offset == 50 else "reverse" def getPromoters(): input = open(fileName, "r") results = parseBPROM( input.close() return results if not os.path.isfile(fileName): results = urllib.urlopen("", urllib.urlencode({"DATA" : genome})) resultString = results.close() resultString = resultString[resultString.find("<pre>"):resultString.find("</pre>")] resultString = re.sub("<+.+>+", "", resultString).strip() if resultString: output = open(fileName, "w") output.write(resultString) output.close() return getPromoters() else: if frame: messageFrame = JFrame("BPROM Error", defaultCloseOperation = WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) messageFrame.setLocation(frame.location().x + offset, frame.location().y + offset) messageFrame.contentPane.layout = GridBagLayout() constraints = GridBagConstraints() constraints.gridx, constraints.gridy = 0, 0 constraints.gridwidth, constraints.gridheight = 1, 1 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH constraints.weightx, constraints.weighty = 1, 1 messageFrame.contentPane.add(JLabel("<html>The pipeline will continue to run but BPROM<br/>did not process the request for promoters on the<br/>" + direction + " strand. Try again tomorrow.</html>"), constraints) constraints.gridx, constraints.gridy = 0, 1 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE constraints.weightx, constraints.weighty = 1, 1 constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END messageFrame.contentPane.add(JButton("Ok", actionPerformed = lambda e: messageFrame.dispose()), constraints) messageFrame.pack() messageFrame.visible = True print "BPROM Error:", "The pipeline will continue to run but BPROM did not process the request for promoters on the " + direction + " strand. Try again tomorrow" return [] else: return getPromoters()
def run(sketch): from javax.swing import JFrame from processing.core import PApplet class Main(PApplet): def __init__(self, sketch): self.sketch = sketch P5_set_instance(self) def setup(self): self.sketch['setup']() def draw(self): self.sketch['draw']() def mousePressed(self, evt): P5_register_mouse_event(evt) self.sketch['mousePressed']() def mouseReleased(self, evt): P5_register_mouse_event(evt) def mouseClicked(self, evt): P5_register_mouse_event(evt) self.sketch['mouseClicked']() def mouseEntered(self, evt): P5_register_mouse_event(evt) def mouseExited(self, evt): P5_register_mouse_event(evt) def mouseDragged(self, evt): P5_register_mouse_event(evt) self.sketch['mouseDragged'](evt) def mouseMoved(self, evt): P5_register_mouse_event(evt) self.sketch['mouseMoved'](evt) def getField(self, name): # rqd due to PApplet's using frameRate and frameRate(n) etc. return self.class.superclass.getDeclaredField(name).get(self) if __name__ == '__main__' or True: frame = JFrame(title="Processing", resizable=0, defaultCloseOperation=JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) panel = Main(sketch) frame.add(panel) panel.init() while panel.defaultSize and not panel.finished: pass frame.pack() frame.visible = 1
def __init__(self): w = JFrame("Settler-o-matic", size = (120,680)) w.setAlwaysOnTop(True) pause = JButton("Pause", actionPerformed = self.pause) w.add(pause, SOUTH) w.visible = True self.window = w self.pause = pause
def run(self, query, print_urls = True, pr_weight =0.4, verbose = False): """this function basically runs a query""" self.query = parse_query(query, self.reader) start_time = time.clock() self.n_show = 10 if self.ah_flag is True: doc_ids, score, auth_ids, auth_score, hub_ids, hub_score = self.retrieve(verbose = verbose) elif self.pr_flag is True: doc_ids, score, pr_ids, pr = self.retrieve(pr_weight = pr_weight, verbose = verbose) else: doc_ids, score = self.retrieve(verbose = verbose) end_time = time.clock() frame = JFrame('Ragav\'s Search Engine', defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (100, 200) ) panel = JPanel(GridLayout(0,1)) frame.add(panel) print "in total " + str(end_time - start_time) + " seconds for retrieval" if print_urls is True: # panel.add ( JLabel("vector space retreival" ) ) for i in xrange(self.n_show): d = self.reader.document(doc_ids[i]) panel.add ( JLabel (d.getFieldable("path").stringValue().replace("%%", "/") ) ) print "doc: [" + str(doc_ids[i]) + "], score: [" + str(score[doc_ids[i]]) + "], url: " + d.getFieldable("path").stringValue().replace("%%", "/") if self.ah_flag is True: # panel.add ( Jlabel("authorities based retreival" ) ) for i in xrange(self.n_show): d = self.reader.document(auth_ids[i]) panel.add ( JLabel (d.getFieldable("path").stringValue().replace("%%", "/") ) ) # panel.add ( JLabel("hubs based retreival" ) ) for i in xrange(self.n_show): d = self.reader.document(hub_ids[i]) panel.add ( JLabel ( d.getFieldable("path").stringValue().replace("%%", "/") ) ) elif self.pr_flag is True: # panel.add ( JLabel("page rank based retreival" ) ) for i in xrange(self.n_Show): d = self.reader.document(pr_ids[i]) panel.add ( JLabel ( d.getFieldable("path").stringValue().replace("%%", "/") ) ) print "retrieval complete. " print "..........................................................................." frame.pack() frame.visible = True return d
def _open(): frame = JFrame('Galahad', defaultCloseOperation=WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) panel = JPanel(GridLayout(5, 2)) frame.add(panel) chosen_values = {} def create_file_choice_button(name, label_text): button = JButton('Click to select') label = JLabel(label_text) file_chooser = JFileChooser() def choose_file(event): user_did_choose_file = (file_chooser.showOpenDialog(frame) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) if user_did_choose_file: file_ = file_chooser.getSelectedFile(); button.text = chosen_values[name] = str(file_) button.actionPerformed = choose_file panel.add(label) panel.add(button) create_file_choice_button('binary', 'Binary archive:') create_file_choice_button('source', 'Source archive:') create_file_choice_button('output_dir', 'Output directory:') panel.add(JLabel('')) panel.add(JLabel('')) def run_fn(event): log_window = JFrame('Galahad Log') log_text_area = JTextArea() log_text_area.editable = False log_window.setSize(400, 500) log_window.add(log_text_area) log_text_area.append('sdfsdfsdfsdfsd %d' % 3) panel.add(JButton('Run analysis', actionPerformed=run_fn)) panel.add(JButton('Quit', actionPerformed=lambda e: sys.exit(0))) frame.setSize(300, 160) frame.visible = True
def startGui(self): frame = JFrame("Life", defaultCloseOperation=JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) (R, C) = (self.numRows, self.numCols) gridPanel = JPanel(GridLayout(R, C)) self.checkBoxes = [[JCheckBox() for c in range(C)] for r in range(R)] self.grid = [[False for c in range(C)] for r in range(R)] for r in range(R): for c in range(C): gridPanel.add(self.checkBoxes[r][c]) frame.add(gridPanel) buttonPanel = JPanel(FlowLayout()) stepButton = JButton("Step", actionPerformed=self._step) runButton = JToggleButton("Run", actionPerformed=self._run) buttonPanel.add(stepButton) buttonPanel.add(runButton) frame.add(buttonPanel, SOUTH) frame.pack() frame.locationRelativeTo = None frame.visible = True
def createMainWindow(): # Create window frame = JFrame('Epiphany Core Visualisation', defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (660,675) ) # Main layout mainLayout = JPanel() frame.add(mainLayout) # Title #title = JLabel('hello', JLabel.CENTER) #mainLayout.add(title) # Cores corepanel = JPanel(GridLayout(8,8)) global cores cores = [] for i in range(0,64): core = JPanel(GridLayout(2,1)) core.setPreferredSize(Dimension(80,80)) corename = '(' + str(i%8) + ',' + str(i/8) + ')' namelabel = JLabel(corename, JLabel.CENTER) namelabel.setFont(Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18)) portname = str(i+MINPORT) portlabel = JLabel(portname, JLabel.CENTER) portlabel.setFont(Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 16)) core.add(namelabel) core.add(portlabel) core.setBackground(Color.BLACK) corepanel.add(core) cores.append(core) mainLayout.add(corepanel) frame.visible = True
def menuItemClicked(self, caption, messageInfo): response = messageInfo[0].getResponse() strResponse = ''.join([chr(c%256) for c in response]) frame = JFrame('DOM XSS',size = (300,300)) parentPanel = JPanel() #printedCode = JTextPane(text = strResponse) #''' #colored code printedCode = JTextPane() styledDoc = printedCode.getStyledDocument() style = printedCode.addStyle('ColoredCode',None) self.filter2(strResponse,styledDoc,style) #''' #Scroll Bar scrollPanel = JScrollPane(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED) scrollPanel.preferredSize = 1500,800 scrollPanel.viewport.view = printedCode #Final Inclusion of Panels parentPanel.add(scrollPanel) frame.add(parentPanel) frame.visible = True
vdata = mdi.getGridData('V') #---- Create wind vector layer from the U/V grid data layer = DrawMeteoData.createGridVectorLayer(udata, vdata, 'UV_Vector', True) #layer = DrawMeteoData.createGridBarbLayer(udata, vdata, 'UV_Barb', True) #layer = DrawMeteoData.createStreamlineLayer(udata, vdata, 'Z_Streamline', True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) #--- Move pressure layer to bottom mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Add wind arrow windArrow = mapLayout.addWindArrow(660, 420) #---- Zoom layout map print 'Zoom layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(70, 140, 15, 55)) #---- Set mapframe mapFrame.setGridXDelt(10) mapFrame.setGridYDelt(10) frame = JFrame('MeteoInfo Script Sample', size = (800, 600)) frame.add(mapLayout) frame.visible = True print 'Finished!'
def main(): binNaviProxy = StandAlone.getPluginInterface() binNaviProxy.databaseManager.addDatabase("","com.mysql.jdbc.Driver","localhost","BINNAVI1","binnavi","binnavi",False,False) db=binNaviProxy.databaseManager.databases[0] db.connect() db.load() mods=db.getModules() ### initiate dialogBox to setect the module that should be used. ###################################################### frame = JFrame('BinNavi Module Selector',layout=BorderLayout(), defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (1500, 800) ) frame2 = JFrame('Function Selector',layout=BorderLayout(), defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (30, 30) ) frame2.setFocusableWindowState(False) frame2.setFocusable(False) frame2.setAlwaysOnTop(False) #convert the module list into the string to be used in the TextBox. textTemp = map((lambda x,y:"[%d]%s"%(x,y)),range(len(mods)),mods) textStr=''.join(textTemp) tx=JTextArea(textStr) tx.setLineWrap(True); tx.setWrapStyleWord(True); frame.add(tx,BorderLayout.PAGE_START) frame.visible = True modInd = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame2, "Enter the index of the chosen module", "Module selector"); #Open the module returned by the index bfname=mods[int(modInd)] # this modules correxponds to the chosen module bfname.load() funcViews=bfname.views #textTemp2 = ["[%d]%s"%(i,j) for i in range(len(funcViews)) for j in funcViews] textTemp2=map((lambda x,y:"[%d]%s"%(x,y.toString()[5:18])),range(len(funcViews)),funcViews) textStr1=''.join(textTemp2) ## remove the older text from the frame view frame.remove(tx) frame.update(frame.getGraphics()) frame.visible = False ## create a new textArea with the string made from all the functions' name txStr=JTextArea(textStr1) #tx.setsrcollOffset(20) txStr.setLineWrap(True); txStr.setWrapStyleWord(True); frame.add(txStr,BorderLayout.PAGE_START) frame.update(frame.getGraphics()) frame.visible = True funcInd = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame2, "Enter the index of the function", "Function selector"); ###################################################### bffunc=bfname.views[int(funcInd)] #this is the view of the buildfname function bffunc.load() frame2.setVisible(False) dispose(frame2) bfReil=bffunc.getReilCode() # this is the REIL code of the function bfReilGraph=bfReil.getGraph() instGraph = InstructionGraph.create(bfReilGraph) time.clock() results=doAnalysis(instGraph) totalTime=time.clock() #print "resultsLen", len([r for r in results]) print "**** printing results *******\n" print "Total time:", totalTime, '\n' numNode=0 for n in instGraph: numNode+=numNode nIn=list(results.getState(n).inVal) nIn.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) nOut=list(results.getState(n).out) nOut.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) print '@@ ',n.getInstruction(),'\n' print '\t In', nIn, '\n' print '\t OUT', nOut, '\n' print '\t memory: ',results.getState(n).memoryWritten, '\n' print "++++ Total instructions: %d +++++\n"%numNode #finally close the view of the function bffunc.close() #print bffunc.isLoaded() #junky=raw_input("function closed. enter any charater") print "Done! Closing the module selector window" frame.setVisible(False) dispose(frame)
def main(): ''' Main function that implements main algorithm ''' # a file where some log will be created which says how many functions are discovered etc. logFile=raw_input("Enter the name of log file") # this is provided as an extra file which is a pickled file comtains a list of functions # that are found to be BOP. Its main purpose is: if you want to use these functions for some # other analysis, just load this file and viola!!! fileBOP=raw_input("Enter the file name (full path) to store (Pickled) BOP function's name: ") interestingFuncs={} # dictionary of interesting functions interestingFuncsLOC={} # dictionary of LOC in interesting functions binNaviProxy = StandAlone.getPluginInterface() ################## place to set database connectivity parameter ######### binNaviProxy.databaseManager.addDatabase("","org.postgresql.Driver","localhost","DataBase_name","user","password",False,False) ######################################################################## db=binNaviProxy.databaseManager.databases[0] db.connect() db.load() mods=db.getModules() ### initiate dialogBox to setect the module that should be used. ###################################################### frame = JFrame('BinNavi Module Selector',layout=BorderLayout(), defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (500, 500) ) frame2 = JFrame('Function Selector',layout=BorderLayout(), defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (30, 30) ) #convert the module list into the string to be used in the TextBox. ## This gives a very ugly box to select the required function (yes, I am bit lazy to learn Java Swing!!). textTemp = map((lambda x,y:"[%d]%s"%(x,y)),range(len(mods)),mods) textStr=''.join(textTemp) tx=JTextArea(textStr) tx.setLineWrap(True); tx.setWrapStyleWord(True); frame.add(tx,BorderLayout.PAGE_START) frame.visible = True modInd = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame2, "Enter the index of the chosen module", "Module selector"); #Open the module returned by the index bfname=mods[int(modInd)] # this modules correxponds to the chosen module bfname.load() funcViews=bfname.views frame2.setVisible(False) dispose(frame2) ###################################################### analyzedFunctions = 0 totalDiscoveredLoops=0 totalInterestingLoops=0 time.clock() for funcInd in range(1,len(funcViews)): BBnum=funcViews[funcInd].getNodeCount() if BBnum <4: print "skipped" continue #do not analyse function if num of BB less than 4 print 'analyzing %s'%funcViews[funcInd].getName() dominatingSets={}#dictionary to keep dominating nodes of a node bffunc=bfname.views[int(funcInd)] #this is the view of the buildfname function bffunc.load() try: bfReil=bffunc.getReilCode() # this is the REIL code of the function except: print "error in getReilCode()" bffunc.close() gc.collect() continue bfReilGraph=bfReil.getGraph() try: #dominatorTree = GraphAlgorithms.getDominatorTree(bfReilGraph, findRoot(bfReilGraph.getNodes())) #only for BinNavi v 3.0 dominatorTree = GraphAlgorithms.getDominatorTree(bfReilGraph, findRoot(bfReilGraph.getNodes()),None) except: print "dominator tree problem.. continue with the next function" bffunc.close() gc.collect() continue fillDominatingSets(dominatorTree.getRootNode(), dominatingSets, None) # let us find loops in this function finalLoops=findLoops(bfReilGraph,dominatingSets) if finalLoops ==None: bffunc.close() gc.collect() continue analyzedFunctions = analyzedFunctions +1 totalDiscoveredLoops = totalDiscoveredLoops + len(finalLoops) # check if the loops are potential candidates for being interesting. # this is done by checking if there are atleast 2 STM statements in each loop. #print "privious length", len(finalLoops) if len(finalLoops)== 0: bffunc.close() gc.collect() continue for lp in finalLoops.keys(): countSTM=0 for lpn in finalLoops[lp]: inst=lpn.getInstructions() for i in inst: if i.getMnemonic() == 'stm': countSTM=countSTM+1 if countSTM >0: break if countSTM <= 0: del finalLoops[lp] #print "latest length", len(finalLoops) if len(finalLoops)== 0: bffunc.close() gc.collect() continue instGraph = InstructionGraph.create(bfReilGraph) interestingFuncs[funcViews[funcInd].getName()]=[] for k in finalLoops.keys(): print 'analysing loop at %s-%s'%(k[0],k[1]) if k[0] == k[1]: print "skipping this loop as src= dest" continue #check to skip very big loops i.e. loops having 100 BB if len(finalLoops[k]) > 100: print "very big loop, skipping!" continue if isInteresting(finalLoops[k],instGraph) ==True: totalInterestingLoops = totalInterestingLoops + 1 interestingFuncs[funcViews[funcInd].getName()].append(k) interestingFuncsLOC[str(funcViews[funcInd].getName())]=sum([len(x.getInstructions()) for x in (getCodeNodes(bffunc.getGraph()))]) print 'loop at %s IS interesting.'%k[0] else: print 'loop at %s is NOT interesting.'%k[0] #finally close the view of the function bffunc.close() gc.collect() #print bffunc.isLoaded() #junky=raw_input("function closed. enter any charater") totalTime=time.clock() # remove the function entries that do not have any interesting loops for ky in interestingFuncs.keys(): if len(interestingFuncs[ky]) == 0: del interestingFuncs[ky] # write the results in a file # outFile=open(logFile,'w') outFile.write('########## Global Results ###########\n') outFile.write('Total Functions in the module: ') outFile.write(str(len(funcViews))) outFile.write('\nTotal Analyzed Functions in the module: ') outFile.write(str(analyzedFunctions)) outFile.write('\nTotal Interesting Functions in the module: ') outFile.write(str(len(interestingFuncs))) outFile.write('\nTotal loops discovered in the module: ') outFile.write(str(totalDiscoveredLoops)) outFile.write('\nTotal INTERESTING loops discovered in the module: ') outFile.write(str(totalInterestingLoops)) outFile.write('\nTotal Time: ') outFile.write(str(totalTime)) outFile.write('\n') outFile.write('########## Global Results ###########\n') for k in interestingFuncs.keys(): outFile.write("%s: %s: %d"%(str(k), "LOC", interestingFuncsLOC[k])) outFile.write('\n') for l in interestingFuncs[k]: outFile.write('\t') outFile.write(str(l)) outFile.write('\n') outFile.close() # before we save these BOPS, we include few widely known BOPs which are given int eh following list knownBOPs = ['strcpy', 'strncpy', 'memcpy','wcscpy'] for fn in knownBOPs: interestingFuncs[fn] = [] # save the function name as pickled objects fileBOPFd=open(fileBOP+'.pkl', 'w') pickle.dump(interestingFuncs.keys(), fileBOPFd) fileBOPFd.close() print "[*] Pickled in the file %s"%fileBOP+'.pkl' print "Done! Closing the module selector window" frame.setVisible(False) dispose(frame)
try: x, y = county_to_coordinates(county) except Exception: return TREE, updated = insert(TREE, x, y) p.noStroke() p.rectMode(p.CORNER) drawT(updated) p.stroke(0) p.fill(255) p.rectMode(p.CORNERS) p.rect(0, p.height, 150, p.height - 20) p.fill(0) p.text(date, 5, p.height - 5) if __name__ == '__main__': frame = JFrame(title="Processing", resizable=0, defaultCloseOperation=JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) panel = HelloProcessing() frame.add(panel) panel.init() while panel.defaultSize and not panel.finished: pass frame.pack() frame.visible = 1
mainForm = JFrame("Halaman Utama", size=(987,610), ) myPanel = JPanel() myPanel.setOpaque(True) myPanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE) myPanel.setLayout(None) message = JLabel("<html><center>Teknik Pemecahan Kunci Algoritma ElGamal <br>Dengan Metode Index Calculus<html>", JLabel.CENTER) message.setSize(987, 144) message.setFont(myFont) #message.setAlignmentX(433) message.setAlignmentY(34) mainForm.setContentPane(myPanel) #mainForm.setSize(310, 125) mainForm.locationByPlatform=True mainForm.visible=True #buttons creation button1 = JButton("Naive User", actionPerformed=naiveButton) button1.setSize(233,145) button1.setLocation(226, 233) button1.setFont(myFont) button2 = JButton("Hacker", actionPerformed=hackerButton) button2.setSize(233,145) button2.setLocation(527, 233) button2.setFont(myFont) button3 = JButton("Tentang", actionPerformed = aboutButton)
def __init__(self): """ setting up flags in this section """ verbose = False # if true prints a lot of stuff.. if false goes a little quiter create_lexicon_flag = True # if true will rebuild lexicon from scratch, if false will load a pre-created one as supplied in sys_arg[1] create_page_rank_flag = False # same as for create page rank... default load file is 'page_rank' with loader extension normalize = True # will use document norms and normalized tf-idf, false will not. n_retrieves = 50 # number of documents to retreive root_set_size = 50 tf_idf_flag = True # True retrieves based on Tf/idf, False retrieves based on only Tf. directory = '../index' # directory of index linksFile = "../index/IntLinks.txt" citationsFile = "../index/IntCitations.txt" maxIter = 100 ah_flag = False pr_flag = False saver = json_down loader = json_up cluster_results = False num_clusters = 3 if len(sys.argv) < 2: filename = 'temp' else: filename = sys.argv[1] frame = JFrame('Ragav\'s Search Engine', defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (100, 100) ) panel = JPanel(GridLayout(0,2)) frame.add(panel) panel.add (JLabel("Loading please wait ... ")) frame.pack() frame.visible = True start_time = time.clock() self.engine = search_gui ( filename = filename, create_lexicon_flag = create_lexicon_flag, normalize = normalize, directory = directory, n_retrieves = n_retrieves, cluster_results = cluster_results, num_clusters = num_clusters, maxIter = maxIter, root_set_size = root_set_size, tf_idf_flag = tf_idf_flag, ah_flag = ah_flag, pr_flag = pr_flag, linksFile = linksFile, create_page_rank_flag = create_page_rank_flag, citationsFile = citationsFile, saver = saver, loader = loader, verbose = verbose ) end_time = time.clock() frame.visible = False if (end_time - start_time) > 60: message = "finished loading in " + str((end_time - start_time)/60.) + " minutes" + "\n" else: message = "finished loading in " + str(end_time - start_time) + " seconds" + "\n" print message frame = JFrame('Ragav\'s Search Engine', defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size = (500, 50) ) panel = JPanel(GridLayout(0,2)) frame.add(panel) self.query = JTextField('', 30) panel.add(self.query) searchButton = JButton('Search', actionPerformed = panel.add(searchButton) frame.visible = True
# Put Objects Altogether on Panel naiveFormPanel.add(naiveHeader, BorderLayout.CENTER) naiveForm.add(myTabbedPane) naiveFormPanel.add(primaLabel) naiveFormPanel.add(aphaLabel) naiveFormPanel.add(bitPrimaLabel) naiveFormPanel.add(label1) naiveFormPanel.add(betaLabel) naiveFormPanel.add(bitPrima) naiveFormPanel.add(genPrima) naiveFormPanel.add(alpha) alpha.text = "20135" beta.text = "17096" genPrima.text = "90059" naiveFormPanel.add(beta) naiveFormPanel.add(genKeyButton) naiveFormPanel.add(kunciPrivatLabel) naiveFormPanel.add(kunciPrivatTextBox) naiveFormPanel.add(label3) naiveFormPanel.add(label4) naiveFormPanel.add(pesanAsli) naiveFormPanel.add(scrollPanePTx) naiveFormPanel.add(pesanTerenkripsi) naiveFormPanel.add(scrollPaneCTx) naiveForm.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE) naiveForm.visible = True naiveFormPanel.visible = True
def show_data(self, event): frame = JFrame('%s Data' % frame.visible = True frame.add( frame.size = (500, 600)
# from java.awt import Component from javax.swing import JTextArea, JFrame import time frame = JFrame('Message', defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, size = (300, 300) ) t = JTextArea(text = 'Hello\nworld', editable = False, wrapStyleWord = True, lineWrap = True, alignmentX = Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT, size = (300, 1) ) frame.add(t) frame.visible = True sleep(2) frame.visible = False sleep(0.5) t.text = "{}\n{}".format("Hello",time.asctime()) frame.visible = True sleep(2) frame.visible = False frame.dispose() frame = None
fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'MICAPS/10101414.000') mdi.openMICAPSData(fn) #---- Get wind direction/speed station data windDir = mdi.getStationData('WindDirection') windSpeed = mdi.getStationData('WindSpeed') #---- Create barb and vector wind layers bLayer = DrawMeteoData.createSTBarbLayer(windDir, windSpeed, 'WindBarb_Point', False) vLayer = DrawMeteoData.createSTVectorLayer(windDir, windSpeed, 'WindVector_Point', False) #---- Add layers mapFrame.addLayer(bLayer) mapFrame.addLayer(vLayer) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Set layout map print 'Set layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().setWidth(580) mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(70, 140, 15, 55)) #---- Set mapframe mapFrame.setGridXDelt(10) mapFrame.setGridYDelt(10) frame = JFrame('MeteoInfo Script Sample', size = (800, 600)) frame.add(mapLayout) frame.visible = True print 'Finished!'