def main(): activeLayers=getActiveLayers() if len(activeLayers)==0: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(None, "Add and activate at least one vector layer in the view. Retry!", "Batch Transparency", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) return else: numFLyrVect=0 for i in range(len(activeLayers)): if activeLayers[i].getClass().getCanonicalName()=="com.iver.cit.gvsig.fmap.layers.FLyrVect": numFLyrVect=numFLyrVect+1 if numFLyrVect==0: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(None, "You have to add and activate at least one vector layer in the view. Retry!", "Batch Transparency", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) return else: global frame, outCheckbox, fillCheckbox, slider frame = JFrame("Batch Transparency", defaultCloseOperation=JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, bounds=(100, 100, 450, 80), layout=FlowLayout(), resizable=0) outCheckbox = JCheckBox("outline", 1) fillCheckbox = JCheckBox("fill", 1) # Create a horizontal slider with min=0, max=100, value=50 slider = JSlider() slider.setPreferredSize(Dimension(200, 50)) slider.setValue(100) slider.setMajorTickSpacing(25) slider.setMinorTickSpacing(5) slider.setPaintTicks(1) slider.setPaintLabels(1) applyButton = JButton("Apply", actionPerformed=action) acceptButton = JButton("Accept", actionPerformed=accept) frame.add(outCheckbox) frame.add(fillCheckbox) frame.add(slider) frame.add(applyButton) frame.add(acceptButton) return
def getGUI(sym_dict): global frame, outCheckbox, fillCheckbox, slider, colorTF, widthTF frame = JFrame("Border Symbology", defaultCloseOperation=JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, bounds=(100, 100, 450, 200), layout=FlowLayout(), resizable=0) colorL = JLabel('Color: ') colorTF = JTextField(20) color = sym_dict["color"] color = Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), sym_dict["alpha"]) colorTF.setBackground(color) colorTF.setText(color.toString()) colorB = JButton('...', actionPerformed=colorChooser) frame.add(colorL) frame.add(colorTF) frame.add(colorB) widthL = JLabel('Width: ') widthTF = JTextField(3) widthTF.setText(str(sym_dict["width"])) frame.add(widthL) frame.add(widthTF) alphaL = JLabel('Transparency: ') frame.add(alphaL) # Create a horizontal slider with min=0, max=100, value=50 slider = JSlider() slider.setPreferredSize(Dimension(200, 50)) slider.setValue(sym_dict["alpha"]*100/255) slider.setMajorTickSpacing(25) slider.setMinorTickSpacing(5) slider.setPaintTicks(1) slider.setPaintLabels(1) applyButton = JButton("Apply", actionPerformed=action) acceptButton = JButton("Accept", actionPerformed=accept) frame.add(slider) frame.add(applyButton) frame.add(acceptButton)
class Mi_Extension(IHttpListener, IScannerCheck): def __init__(self, extender): self._callbacks = extender._callbacks self._helpers = extender._callbacks.getHelpers() self._callbacks.registerScannerCheck(self) # Creamos el contenedor de paneles. self.contenedor = JTabbedPane() # Campos del sub-tab 1 (mash up) self._tab1_nombre = JTextField() self._tab1_apellido = JTextField() self._tab1_FNacimiento = JTextField() self._tab1_mascota = JTextField() self._tab1_otro = JTextField() self._tab1_feedback_ta = JTextArea('This may take a while . . .') self._tab1_feedback_ta.setEditable(False) self._tab1_feedback_sp = JScrollPane(self._tab1_feedback_ta) self._tab1_minsize = JSlider(4, 16, 6) self._tab1_minsize.setMajorTickSpacing(1) self._tab1_minsize.setPaintLabels(True) self._tab1_maxsize = JSlider(4, 16, 10) self._tab1_maxsize.setMajorTickSpacing(1) self._tab1_maxsize.setPaintLabels(True) self._tab1_specialchars = JTextField('!,@,#,$,&,*') self._tab1_transformations = JCheckBox('1337 mode') self._tab1_firstcapital = JCheckBox('first capital letter') # Campos del sub-tab 2 (redirect) self._tab2_JTFa = JTextField() self._tab2_JTFaa = JTextField() self._tab2_JTFb = JTextField() self._tab2_JTFbb = JTextField() self._tab2_boton = JButton(' Redirect is Off ', actionPerformed=self.switch_redirect) self._tab2_boton.background = Color.lightGray self._tab2_encendido = False # Campos del sub-tab 3 (loader) self._tab3_urls_ta = JTextArea(15, 5) self._tab3_urls_sp = JScrollPane(self._tab3_urls_ta) # Campos del sub-tab 4 (headers) self._tab4_tabla_model = DefaultTableModel() self._tab4_headers_dict = {} # Campos del sub-tab 5 (reverse ip) self._tab5_target = JTextArea(15, 5) self._tab5_target_sp = JScrollPane(self._tab5_target) def create(self): # Estilo general para todas las sub-tab. gBC = GridBagConstraints() gBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH gBC.ipadx = 5 gBC.ipady = 5 gBC.insets = Insets(0, 5, 5, 5) gBC.weightx = 0.5 #gBC.weighty = 0.7 ####################################### ### Creamos la primera sub-tab. (MASHUP) ####################################### tab_1 = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) tab_1_jlabelAyuda = JLabel( '<html><i>•Tip: This Mashup receive one or more keywords in order to generate a list of possible passwords</i></html>' ) tab_1_jlabelAyuda.setFont(Font("Serif", 0, 12)) gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_1.add( JLabel('<html><font color=green><i>Income:</i></font></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 1 tab_1.add(JLabel('<html><b>• Name:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 2 tab_1.add(self._tab1_nombre, gBC) gBC.gridy = 3 tab_1.add(JLabel('<html><b>• Surname:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 4 tab_1.add(self._tab1_apellido, gBC) gBC.gridy = 5 tab_1.add(JLabel('<html><b>• Birthdate: (DDMMYYYY)</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 6 tab_1.add(self._tab1_FNacimiento, gBC) gBC.gridy = 7 tab_1.add(JLabel('<html><b>• Pet:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 8 tab_1.add(self._tab1_mascota, gBC) gBC.gridy = 9 tab_1.add(JLabel('<html><b>• Anyother:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 10 tab_1.add(self._tab1_otro, gBC) gBC.gridy = 11 tab_1.add(JLabel('<html><b>• Passwd Min Size:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 12 tab_1.add(self._tab1_minsize, gBC) gBC.gridy = 13 tab_1.add(JLabel('<html><b>• Passwd Max Size:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 14 tab_1.add(self._tab1_maxsize, gBC) gBC.gridy = 15 tab_1.add( JLabel( '<html><b>• Especial Chars: (comma separated)</b></html>' ), gBC) gBC.gridy = 16 tab_1.add(self._tab1_specialchars, gBC) gBC.gridy = 17 tab_1.add(self._tab1_transformations, gBC) gBC.gridy = 18 tab_1.add(self._tab1_firstcapital, gBC) gBC.gridy = 19 tab_1.add(JButton('Mashup!', actionPerformed=self.mashup), gBC) gBC.gridy = 20 gBC.gridwidth = 3 tab_1.add(JSeparator(), gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.gridy = 21 gBC.gridwidth = 3 tab_1.add(tab_1_jlabelAyuda, gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.gridx = 1 gBC.gridy = 0 gBC.gridheight = 20 gBC.weightx = 0 tab_1.add(JSeparator(SwingConstants.VERTICAL), gBC) gBC.gridheight = 1 gBC.weightx = 0.5 gBC.gridx = 2 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_1.add( JLabel('<html><font color=green><i>Outcome:</i></font></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridy = 1 gBC.gridwidth = 2 gBC.gridheight = 18 tab_1.add(self._tab1_feedback_sp, gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.gridheight = 1 gBC.gridy = 19 tab_1.add( JButton('Copy to clipboard!', actionPerformed=self.cpy_clipboard), gBC) ####################################### ### Creamos la segunda sub-tab. (REDIRECT) ####################################### tab_2 = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) tab_2_jlabelAyuda = JLabel( '<html><i>•Tip: This Redirect receive a pair of hosts x,y in order to redirect from x to y.</i></html>' ) tab_2_jlabelAyuda.setFont(Font("Serif", 0, 12)) gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_2.add( JLabel('<html><b>• From: (i.e.</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridx = 1 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_2.add(self._tab2_JTFa, gBC) gBC.gridx = 2 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_2.add( JLabel('<html><b>• To: (i.e.</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridx = 3 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_2.add(self._tab2_JTFaa, gBC) gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 1 gBC.gridwidth = 4 tab_2.add(JSeparator(), gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 2 tab_2.add(JLabel('<html><b>• From:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridx = 1 gBC.gridy = 2 tab_2.add(self._tab2_JTFb, gBC) gBC.gridx = 2 gBC.gridy = 2 tab_2.add(JLabel('<html><b>• To:</b></html>'), gBC) gBC.gridx = 3 gBC.gridy = 2 tab_2.add(self._tab2_JTFbb, gBC) gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 3 gBC.gridwidth = 4 tab_2.add(self._tab2_boton, gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 4 gBC.gridwidth = 4 gBC.insets = Insets(100, 10, 5, 10) tab_2.add(JSeparator(), gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.insets = Insets(5, 10, 5, 10) gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 5 gBC.gridwidth = 4 tab_2.add(tab_2_jlabelAyuda, gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 ####################################### ### Creamos la tercera sub-tab. (LOADER) ####################################### tab_3 = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) tab_3_jlabelAyuda = JLabel( '<html><i>•Tip: This Loader receive a list of Hosts or IPs that will be added to the Burp Scope.</i></html>' ) tab_3_jlabelAyuda.setFont(Font("Serif", 0, 12)) gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_3.add( JLabel( '<html><font color=green><i>List of targets: (i.e.</i></font></html>' ), gBC) gBC.gridy = 1 gBC.gridheight = 10 gBC.weighty = 0.5 tab_3.add(self._tab3_urls_sp, gBC) gBC.gridheight = 1 gBC.weighty = 0 gBC.gridy = 11 tab_3.add( JButton('Load Into Target => Scope!', actionPerformed=self.loader), gBC) gBC.gridy = 12 gBC.gridwidth = 5 gBC.insets = Insets(100, 10, 5, 10) tab_3.add(JSeparator(), gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.insets = Insets(5, 10, 5, 10) gBC.gridy = 13 tab_3.add(tab_3_jlabelAyuda, gBC) ####################################### ### Creamos la cuarta sub-tab. (HEADERS) ####################################### tab_4_jlabelAyuda = JLabel( "<html><i>•Tip: This Headers records all unique headers that appear in every host, check out the security headers.</i></html>" ) tab_4_jlabelAyuda.setFont(Font("Serif", 0, 12)) tab_4_jLabelRecomendacion = JLabel( "<html>•<b>Server</b>: Don't give away much information.<br> •<b>Content-Security-Policy</b>: Protect your site from XSS attacks by whitelisting sources of approved content.<br> •<b>Strict-Transport-Security</b>: Enforce the browser to use HTTPS.<br> •<b>Public-Key-Pins</b>: Protect your site from MITM attacks.<br> •<b>X-Content-Type-Options</b>: the valid value is -> nosniff .<br> •<b>X-Frame-Options</b>: tells the browser whether you want to allow your site to be framed or not.<br> •<b>X-XSS-Protection</b>: the best value is -> 1; mode=block .</html>" ) tab_4_jLabelRecomendacion.setFont(Font("Dialog", 0, 13)) tab_4 = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) splitpane = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT) tab_4_top = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) tab_4_bottom = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) gBC_table = GridBagConstraints() gBC_table.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH gBC_table.ipadx = 5 gBC_table.ipady = 5 gBC_table.insets = Insets(5, 10, 5, 10) gBC_table.weightx = 1 gBC_table.weighty = 1 tabla_datos = [] tabla_headers = ('Severity', 'Header', 'Value', 'Host') self._tab4_tabla_model = DefaultTableModel(tabla_datos, tabla_headers) tabla_ej = JTable(self._tab4_tabla_model) tabla_example = JScrollPane(tabla_ej, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED) gBC_table.gridx = 0 gBC_table.gridy = 0 gBC_table.gridheight = 5 tab_4_top.add(tabla_example, gBC_table) gBC_table.gridheight = 1 gBC_table.weightx = 0.5 gBC_table.weighty = 0 gBC_table.gridwidth = 2 gBC_table.gridx = 0 gBC_table.gridy = 0 tab_4_bottom.add(JSeparator(), gBC_table) gBC_table.gridy = 1 tab_4_bottom.add(tab_4_jlabelAyuda, gBC_table) gBC_table.gridy = 2 tab_4_bottom.add(tab_4_jLabelRecomendacion, gBC_table) splitpane.setTopComponent(tab_4_top) splitpane.setBottomComponent(tab_4_bottom) gBC_table.weightx = 1 gBC_table.weighty = 1 gBC_table.gridx = 0 gBC_table.gridy = 0 tab_4.add(splitpane, gBC_table) ####################################### ### Creamos la quinta sub-tab. (ACTIVE SCAN) ####################################### tab_5 = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) tab_5_jlabelAyuda = JLabel( '<html><i>•Tip: This Quick Scan receive a list of targets and launch an active scan.</i></html>' ) tab_5_jlabelAyuda.setFont(Font("Serif", 0, 12)) tab_5_jlabelWarning = JLabel( '<html><font color=red><i>•Warning: Active scanning generates large numbers of requests which are malicious in form and which may result in compromise of the application. You should use this scanning mode with caution, only with the explicit permission of the application owner. For more information, read the documentation of active scan, Burp Suite.</font></i></html>' ) tab_5_jlabelWarning.setFont(Font("Dialog", 0, 13)) gBC.gridx = 0 gBC.gridy = 0 tab_5.add( JLabel( '<html><font color=green><i>List of targets: (i.e.</i></font></html>' ), gBC) gBC.gridy = 1 gBC.gridheight = 8 gBC.weighty = 0.5 tab_5.add(self._tab5_target_sp, gBC) gBC.gridheight = 1 gBC.weighty = 0 gBC.gridy = 9 tab_5.add(JButton('Launch Scan!', actionPerformed=self.do_active_scan), gBC) gBC.gridy = 10 gBC.gridwidth = 5 gBC.insets = Insets(100, 10, 5, 10) tab_5.add(JSeparator(), gBC) gBC.gridwidth = 1 gBC.insets = Insets(5, 10, 5, 10) gBC.gridy = 11 tab_5.add(tab_5_jlabelAyuda, gBC) gBC.gridy = 12 tab_5.add(tab_5_jlabelWarning, gBC) ####################################### ### Creamos la ultima sub-tab. ####################################### tab_about = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) gBC_about = GridBagConstraints() gBC_about.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL gBC_about.ipadx = 5 gBC_about.ipady = 5 gBC_about.insets = Insets(5, 10, 5, 10) gBC_about.weightx = 1 gBC_about.weighty = 1 Jlabel1 = JLabel('<html><b>Plug-in L-Tools</b></html>') Jlabel1.setFont(Font("Dialog", 1, 18)) jlabel2 = JLabel( '<html>This Plug-in provides utilities for pentesters, researchers and developers, in order to support their work.</html>' ) jlabel3 = JLabel('<html><b>CC-BY 4.0, 2017. Gino Angles</b></html>') jlabel3.setFont(Font("Dialog", 1, 14)) jlabel4 = JLabel('<html><b>License</b></html>') jlabel4.setFont(Font("Dialog", 1, 14)) jlabel5 = JLabel( '<html><img alt="Licensed under a Creative Commons BY" style="border-width:0" src=""></html>' ) jlabel6 = JLabel( '<html>This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.</html>' ) jlabel7 = JLabel('<html><b>Dependencies</b></html>') jlabel7.setFont(Font("Dialog", 1, 14)) jlabel8 = JLabel('Jython +2.7') jlabel9 = JLabel('') gBC_about.gridx = 0 gBC_about.gridy = 0 tab_about.add(Jlabel1, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 1 tab_about.add(jlabel2, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 2 tab_about.add(jlabel3, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 3 gBC_about.gridwidth = 5 tab_about.add(JSeparator(), gBC_about) gBC_about.gridwidth = 1 gBC_about.gridy = 4 tab_about.add(jlabel4, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 5 tab_about.add(jlabel5, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 6 tab_about.add(jlabel6, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 7 gBC_about.gridwidth = 5 tab_about.add(JSeparator(), gBC_about) gBC_about.gridwidth = 1 gBC_about.gridy = 8 tab_about.add(jlabel7, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 9 tab_about.add(jlabel8, gBC_about) gBC_about.gridy = 10 tab_about.add(jlabel9, gBC_about) # Añadimos los sub-tab al contenedor y lo devolvemos. self.contenedor.addTab('Mashup', tab_1) self.contenedor.addTab('Redirect', tab_2) self.contenedor.addTab('Loader', tab_3) self.contenedor.addTab('Headers', tab_4) self.contenedor.addTab('Quick Scan', tab_5) self.contenedor.addTab('About', tab_about) return self.contenedor # Funcion que copia el contenido de texto al clipboard. def cpy_clipboard(self, event): toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard() clipboard.setContents(StringSelection(self._tab1_feedback_ta.text), None) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self.contenedor, "Output copied to clipboard", "Information", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE) return # Funcion que instancia la clase Masher() y hace el mashup del sub-tab1 (mashup). def mashup(self, event): if self._tab1_minsize.value > self._tab1_maxsize.value: self._callbacks.issueAlert( 'Mashup=> min size have to be bigger than max size.') else: estado_JCH_trans = self._tab1_transformations.isSelected() especial_chars = self._tab1_specialchars.text.split(",") mymash = Masher(self._tab1_minsize.value, self._tab1_maxsize.value, especial_chars, estado_JCH_trans) reverse_name = self._tab1_nombre.text[::-1] if self._tab1_firstcapital.isSelected(): lista_palabras = [ self._tab1_nombre.text.title(), self._tab1_apellido.text.title(), self._tab1_FNacimiento.text, self._tab1_mascota.text.title(), self._tab1_otro.text.title(), reverse_name.title() ] else: lista_palabras = [ self._tab1_nombre.text, self._tab1_apellido.text, self._tab1_FNacimiento.text, self._tab1_mascota.text, self._tab1_otro.text, reverse_name ] while "" in lista_palabras: lista_palabras.remove("") rdo_rdo = mymash.mashup(lista_palabras, self._tab1_FNacimiento.text) self._tab1_feedback_ta.text = "\n".join(rdo_rdo) return # Funcion que activa/desactiva el redirect. def switch_redirect(self, event): if not self._tab2_encendido: self._tab2_boton.text = ' Redirect is On ' self._tab2_boton.background = Color.gray self._tab2_encendido = True # Registramos la instancia del escuchador http. self._callbacks.registerHttpListener(self) else: self._tab2_boton.text = ' Redirect is Off ' self._tab2_boton.background = Color.lightGray self._tab2_encendido = False # Borramos la instancia del escuchador http. self._callbacks.removeHttpListener(self) return # @override def processHttpMessage(self, toolFlag, messageIsRequest, messageInfo): if messageIsRequest and self._tab2_encendido: serviceHttp = messageInfo.getHttpService() if messageInfo.getHttpService().getHost() == self._tab2_JTFa.text: if self._tab2_JTFaa.text == '': self._tab2_JTFaa.text = 'localhost' messageInfo.setHttpService( self._helpers.buildHttpService(self._tab2_JTFaa.text, serviceHttp.getPort(), serviceHttp.getProtocol())) elif messageInfo.getHttpService().getHost( ) == self._tab2_JTFb.text: if self._tab2_JTFbb.text == '': self._tab2_JTFbb.text = 'localhost' messageInfo.setHttpService( self._helpers.buildHttpService(self._tab2_JTFbb.text, serviceHttp.getPort(), serviceHttp.getProtocol())) return # Funcion que carga el textArea de URL a Scope. def loader(self, event): lista_url = self._tab3_urls_ta.text.split("\n") for newUrl in lista_url: self._callbacks.includeInScope(URL(newUrl)) return # @override def doPassiveScan(self, request_response): _response = request_response.getResponse() _request = request_response.getRequest() _httpService = request_response.getHttpService() _url = request_response.getHttpService().getHost() info_response = self._helpers.analyzeResponse(_response) info_request = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(_httpService, _request) headers = info_response.getHeaders() _fullUrl = info_request.getUrl().toString() for head in headers: head_w1 = head.split("\n") for head_w2 in head_w1: head_w3 = head_w2.split(":") if len(head_w3) > 1: head_w3[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore') head_w3[1].encode('ascii', 'ignore') key = "%s-%s" % (_url, head_w3[0]) if key not in self._tab4_headers_dict: critical = self.analizeHeader(head_w3[0]) fila_tabla = [ critical, head_w3[0], head_w3[1], _fullUrl ] self._tab4_headers_dict[key] = fila_tabla self._tab4_tabla_model.addRow(fila_tabla) return # devuelve cuan importante es la cabecera HTTP. def analizeHeader(self, header): if header == "Content-Security-Policy": return "High" elif header == "X-Content-Type-Options": return "High" elif header == "X-Frame-Options": return "High" elif header == "X-XSS-Protection": return "High" elif header == "Strict-Transport-Security": return "High" elif header == "Public-Key-Pins": return "High" elif header == "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": return "High" elif header == "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies": return "High" elif header == "X-Powered-By": return "Information" elif header == "Server": return "Information" elif header == "Referrer-Policy": return "Medium" else: return " " # realiza un escaner al host/s apuntado. def do_active_scan(self, event): _lista_urls = self._tab5_target.text.split("\n") for _x_url in _lista_urls: _target_url = URL(_x_url) _target_request = self._helpers.buildHttpRequest(_target_url) _host = _target_url.getHost() _port = _target_url.getDefaultPort() _isHttps = True if _target_url.getProtocol() == "https" else False try: self._callbacks.doActiveScan(_host, _port, _isHttps, _target_request) except: pass return
class FEA_ConfigPanel(JPanel): numThreads = 8 generateXLS = True generateCSV = True doNSLookup = True doWBLookup = True cbNSLookup = None cbGenerateExcel = None cbGenerateCSV = None cbWayback = None def __init__(self): self.initComponents() # get previous settings selected by the user if (ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "doNSLookup") != None) and ( ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "doNSLookup") != ""): if ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "doNSLookup"): self.cbNSLookup.setSelected(True) self.doNSLookup = True else: self.cbNSLookup.setSelected(False) self.doNSLookup = False if (ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "generateCSV") != None) and (ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting( "FEA", "generateCSV") != ""): if ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "generateCSV"): self.cbGenerateCSV.setSelected(True) self.generateCSV = True else: self.cbGenerateCSV.setSelected(False) self.generateCSV = False if (ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "generateXLS") != None) and (ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting( "FEA", "generateXLS") != ""): if ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "generateXLS"): self.cbGenerateExcel.setSelected(True) self.generateXLS = True else: self.cbGenerateExcel.setSelected(False) self.generateXLS = False if (ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "numThreads") != None) and ( ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting("FEA", "numThreads") != ""): self.numThreads = ModuleSettings.getConfigSetting( "FEA", "numThreads") self.numberThreadsSlider.setValue(self.numThreads) else: self.numThreads = self.numberThreadsSlider.getValue() def addStatusLabel(self, msg): gbc = GridBagConstraints() gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST gbc.gridx = 0 gbc.gridy = 7 lab = JLabel(msg) self.add(lab, gbc) def getDoNSLookup(self): return self.doNSLookup def getGenerateCSV(self): return self.generateCSV def getGenerateXLS(self): return self.generateXLS def getDoWBLookup(self): return self.doWBLookup def getNumThreads(self): return self.numThreads def initComponents(self): self.setLayout(GridBagLayout()) gbc = GridBagConstraints() gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST gbc.gridx = 0 gbc.gridy = 0 descriptionLabel = JLabel("FEA - Forensics Email Analysis") self.add(descriptionLabel, gbc) gbc.gridy = 1 self.cbNSLookup = JCheckBox( "Perform DNS Lookup on email domains", actionPerformed=self.cbNSLookupActionPerformed) self.cbNSLookup.setSelected(True) self.add(self.cbNSLookup, gbc) # TODO: include option to browse for text file with list of emails to exclude from analysis numberThreadsLabel = JLabel( "Maximum number of threads for DNS Lookup task: ") gbc.gridy = 2 self.add(numberThreadsLabel, gbc) self.numberThreadsSlider = JSlider( JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 1, 16, 8, stateChanged=self.sliderActionPerformed) self.numberThreadsSlider.setMajorTickSpacing(1) self.numberThreadsSlider.setPaintLabels(True) self.numberThreadsSlider.setPaintTicks(True) self.numberThreadsSlider.setSnapToTicks(True) self.numberThreadsSlider.setToolTipText( "set maximum number of concurrent threads when performing DNS lookup on email domains" ) gbc.gridy = 5 gbc.gridwidth = 15 gbc.gridheight = 1 gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH gbc.weightx = 0 gbc.weighty = 0 gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST gbc.gridy = 3 self.add(self.numberThreadsSlider, gbc) self.cbGenerateExcel = JCheckBox( "Generate Excel format report (more detailed)", actionPerformed=self.cbGenerateExcelActionPerformed) self.cbGenerateExcel.setSelected(True) gbc.gridy = 4 self.add(self.cbGenerateExcel, gbc) self.cbGenerateCSV = JCheckBox( "Generate CSV format report (plaintext)", actionPerformed=self.cbGenerateCSVActionPerformed) self.cbGenerateCSV.setSelected(True) gbc.gridy = 5 self.add(self.cbGenerateCSV, gbc) gbc.gridy = 6 self.cbWayback = JCheckBox( "Perform Wayback Machine Lookup on email domains (WARNING: can be a slow process!)", actionPerformed=self.cbWaybackActionPerformed) self.cbWayback.setSelected(True) self.add(self.cbWayback, gbc) def cbWaybackActionPerformed(self, event): source = event.getSource() if (source.isSelected()): ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "doWBLookup", "true") self.doWBLookup = True else: ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "doNSLookup", "false") self.doWBLookup = False def cbNSLookupActionPerformed(self, event): source = event.getSource() if (source.isSelected()): ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "doNSLookup", "true") self.doNSLookup = True self.cbWayback.setEnabled(True) else: ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "doNSLookup", "false") self.doNSLookup = False self.cbWayback.setSelected(False) self.cbWayback.setEnabled(False) self.doWBLookup = False def cbGenerateExcelActionPerformed(self, event): source = event.getSource() if (source.isSelected()): ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "generateXLS", "true") self.generateXLS = True else: ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "generateXLS", "false") self.generateXLS = False def cbGenerateCSVActionPerformed(self, event): source = event.getSource() if (source.isSelected()): ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "generateCSV", "true") self.generateCSV = True else: ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "generateCSV", "false") self.generateCSV = False def sliderActionPerformed(self, event): source = event.getSource() self.numThreads = source.getValue() ModuleSettings.setConfigSetting("FEA", "numThreads", self.numThreads) self.addStatusLabel("number of threads set: " + str(self.numThreads))
class VadCheckModuleSettingsPanel(IngestModuleIngestJobSettingsPanel): # Note, we can't use a self.settings instance variable. # Rather, self.local_settings is used. # # Jython Introspector generates a property - 'settings' on the basis # of getSettings() defined in this class. Since only getter function # is present, it creates a read-only 'settings' property. This auto- # generated read-only property overshadows the instance-variable - # 'settings' # We get passed in a previous version of the settings so that we can # prepopulate the UI # TODO: Update this for your UI def __init__(self, settings): #print("init: " + settings.getSetting("runVadTranscriber") + " " + settings.getSetting("minPercVoiced") + " " + settings.getSetting("minTotalVoiced")) #print("init local_settings: " + self.local_settings.getSetting("vadAggressivness") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minPercVoiced") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minTotalVoiced")) self.local_settings = GenericIngestModuleJobSettings() #initComponents will initialize sliders which will call lambdas for updating settings using current values in sliders #which would overwrite settings. self.initComponents() #print("init local_settings 2: " + self.local_settings.getSetting("vadAggressivness") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minPercVoiced") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minTotalVoiced")) #now safe to set settings self.local_settings = settings #print("init 2: " + self.local_settings.getSetting("runVadTranscriber") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minPercVoiced") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minTotalVoiced")) self.customizeComponents() _logger = Logger.getLogger(VadCheckModuleFactory.moduleName) def log(self, level, msg): self._logger.logp(level, self.__class__.__name__, inspect.stack()[1][3], msg) # def makeGuiCallback(self, key, guiGetAction): # def callback(event): # #self.log(Level.INFO, "setting key = " + key + " val =" + str(event.getSource().getValue())) # value = str(guiGetAction(event.getSource())) # print("setting key = " + key + " val =" + value) # self.local_settings.setSetting(key, value) # print("test in settings key = " + key + " val =" + self.local_settings.getSetting(key)) # return callback def initComponents(self): #print("initComponents 1: " + self.local_settings.getSetting("vadAggressivness") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minPercVoiced") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minTotalVoiced")) self.setLayout(BoxLayout(self, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)) self.label2 = JLabel() self.label2.setText("Minimum percentage of segments with speech") self.label3 = JLabel() self.label3.setText("Minimum total duration of segment with speech (s)") #sliderGetAction = lambda slider: slider.getValue() self.minPercVoiced = JSlider()#stateChanged=self.makeGuiCallback("minPercVoiced", sliderGetAction)) self.minPercVoiced.setMajorTickSpacing(20) self.minPercVoiced.setMinorTickSpacing(5) self.minPercVoiced.setPaintLabels(True) self.minPercVoiced.setPaintTicks(True) self.minTotalVoiced = JSlider()#stateChanged=self.makeGuiCallback("minTotalVoiced", sliderGetAction)) self.minTotalVoiced.setMajorTickSpacing(60) self.minTotalVoiced.setMaximum(180) self.minTotalVoiced.setMinorTickSpacing(10) self.minTotalVoiced.setPaintLabels(True) self.minTotalVoiced.setPaintTicks(True) #print("initComponents 2: " + self.local_settings.getSetting("vadAggressivness") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minPercVoiced") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minTotalVoiced")) #checkboxGetAction = lambda checkbox: checkbox.isSelected() self.runVadTranscriber = JCheckBox("Transcribe files with speech detected ? (slow)")#, #actionPerformed=self.makeGuiCallback("runVadTranscriber", checkboxGetAction)) self.showTextSegmentStartTime = JCheckBox("Show text segment start time ?") self.add(self.label2) self.add(self.minPercVoiced) self.add(self.label3) self.add(self.minTotalVoiced) self.add(self.showTextSegmentStartTime) self.add(self.runVadTranscriber) self.vadTranscriberLanguage = makeLanguageSelectionComboBox(self, "english") #this is needed because of #class ComboActionListener(ActionListener): # def actionPerformed(self, e): # value = e.getSource().getSelectedItem() # self.local_settings.setSetting(key, value) #self.vadTranscriberLanguage.actionListener = ComboActionListener() #local_settings is of type def customizeComponents(self): def setValue(key, default, stringToPythonObj, guiSetAction): string = self.local_settings.getSetting(key) #print("customizeComponents " + key + " stored value was " + str(string)) #print("string is None " + str(string is None) + " stringToPythonObj(string) " + str(stringToPythonObj(string))) checkedValue = default if string is None else stringToPythonObj(string) obj = getattr(self, key) guiSetAction(obj, checkedValue) #self.log(Level.INFO, "setValue for key " + key + " " + str(checkedValue)) sliderSetAction = lambda obj, val: obj.setValue(val) checkBoxSetAction = lambda obj, val: obj.setSelected(val) comboBoxSetAction = lambda obj, val: obj.setSelectedItem(val) setValue("minPercVoiced", minPercVoicedDefault, int, sliderSetAction) setValue("minTotalVoiced", minTotalVoicedDefault, int, sliderSetAction) setValue("runVadTranscriber", runVadTranscriberDefault, eval, checkBoxSetAction) setValue("showTextSegmentStartTime", showTextSegmentStartTimeDefault, eval, checkBoxSetAction) setValue("vadTranscriberLanguage", runVadTranscriberDefault, lambda x: x, comboBoxSetAction) # Return the settings used #note: exceptions thrown here will be caught and not logged. def getSettings(self): #print("getSettings: " + self.local_settings.getSetting("runVadTranscriber") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minPercVoiced") + " " + self.local_settings.getSetting("minTotalVoiced")) self.local_settings.setSetting("minPercVoiced", str(self.minPercVoiced.getValue())) self.local_settings.setSetting("minTotalVoiced", str(self.minTotalVoiced.getValue())) self.local_settings.setSetting("runVadTranscriber", str(self.runVadTranscriber.isSelected())) self.local_settings.setSetting("showTextSegmentStartTime", str(self.showTextSegmentStartTime.isSelected())) self.local_settings.setSetting("vadTranscriberLanguage", str(self.vadTranscriberLanguage.getSelectedItem())) return self.local_settings
self.view = view def stateChanged(self, evt): s = evt.getSource() self.view.update(s.getValue()) frame = JFrame("Mesh taken from " + xmlDir + "* directories") frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) canvas = MyView(xmlDir) frame.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER) jSlider1 = JSlider() jSlider1.setValue(0) jSlider1.setMaximum(canvas.getMaxIndex()) jSlider1.setPaintLabels(True) jSlider1.addChangeListener(SliderListener(canvas)) frame.add(jSlider1, BorderLayout.SOUTH) frame.setSize(800, 600) frame.setVisible(True) class MyKeyListener(KeyListener): def __init__(self, view, slider): self.view = view self.slider = slider def keyTyped(self, e): pass
class SliderListener(ChangeListener): def __init__(self, view): self.view = view def stateChanged(self, evt): s = evt.getSource() self.view.update(s.getValue()) frame = JFrame("Mesh taken from "+xmlDir+"* directories") frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) canvas = MyView(xmlDir) frame.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER) jSlider1 = JSlider() jSlider1.setValue(0) jSlider1.setMaximum(canvas.getMaxIndex()) jSlider1.setPaintLabels(True) jSlider1.addChangeListener(SliderListener(canvas)) frame.add(jSlider1, BorderLayout.SOUTH) frame.setSize(800,600) frame.setVisible(True) class MyKeyListener(KeyListener): def __init__(self, view, slider): self.view = view self.slider = slider def keyTyped(self, e): pass def keyReleased(self, e): code = int(e.getKeyCode()) if (code == KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT):