def trainsplit(self, ntrain=1000, tt=4000): x_inp_real = np.real(self.denMO)[:, self.rnzl[0], self.rnzl[1]] x_inp_imag = np.imag(self.denMO)[:, self.inzl[0], self.inzl[1]] self.x_inp = np.hstack([x_inp_real, x_inp_imag]) self.offset = 2 = tt self.ntrain = ntrain self.x_inp = self.x_inp[self.offset:( + self.offset), :] self.dt = 0.08268 self.tint_whole = np.arange(self.x_inp.shape[0]) * self.dt # training set self.x_inp_train = self.x_inp[:ntrain, :] self.tint = self.tint_whole[:ntrain] # validation set self.x_inp_valid = self.x_inp[ntrain:, :] self.tint_valid = self.tint_whole[ntrain:] # adding field commutator terms hpcommute_real = np.real(self.eftraincommuteMOflat) hpcommute_imag = np.imag(self.eftraincommuteMOflat) self.hpcommute_train = np.hstack([hpcommute_real, hpcommute_imag]) self.hpcommute_train_loss = self.hpcommute_train[1:(self.ntrain - 1), :] # show that we got here return True
def pinv(model: SpectralSobolev1Fit): ns = model.exponents A = vander_builder(model.grid, ns)(model.mesh) B = vandergrad_builder(model.grid, ns)(model.mesh) I = np.ones((np.size(A, 0), 1)) O = np.zeros((np.size(B, 0), 1)) # if model.is_periodic: U = np.hstack((I, np.real(A), np.imag(A))) V = np.hstack((O, np.imag(B), np.real(B))) else: U = np.hstack((I, A)) V = np.hstack((O, B)) # return np.linalg.pinv(np.vstack((U, V)))
def pinv(model: SpectralGradientFit): A = vandergrad_builder(model.grid, model.exponents)(model.mesh) # if model.is_periodic: A = np.hstack((np.imag(A), np.real(A))) # return np.linalg.pinv(A)
def newton(fn, jac_fn, U): maxit=20 tol = 1e-8 count = 0 res = 100 fail = 0 Uold = U maxit=5 # # @jax.jit # def body_fun(U,Uold): # J = jac_fn(U, Uold) # y = fn(U,Uold) # res = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) # delta = solve(J,y) # U = U - delta # return U, res # print("here") start =timeit.default_timer() J = jac_fn(U, Uold) print("computed jacobian") y = fn(U,Uold) res0 = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) delta = solve(J,y) U = U - delta count = count + 1 end = timeit.default_timer() print("time elapsed in first loop", end-start) print(count, res0) while(count < maxit and res > tol): # U, res, delta = body_fun(U,Uold)\ start1 =timeit.default_timer() J = jac_fn(U, Uold) y = fn(U,Uold) res = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) delta = solve(J,y) U = U - delta count = count + 1 end1 =timeit.default_timer() print("time per loop", end1-start1) print(count, res) if fail ==0 and np.any(np.isnan(delta)): fail = 1 print("nan solution") if fail == 0 and max(abs(np.imag(delta))) > 0: fail = 1 print("solution complex") if fail == 0 and res > tol: fail = 1; print('Newton fail: no convergence') else: fail == 0 return U, fail
def loss(params): contrasts = np.array([0, 25, 50, 100]) spect, fs, f0, r_fp, CONVG, _ = ssn_PS(params, contrasts) if CONVG: if np.max(np.abs(np.imag(spect))) > 0.01: print("Spectrum is dangerously imaginary") cons = len(contrasts) lower_bound_rates = -5 * np.ones([2, cons-1]) upper_bound_rates = np.vstack((70*np.ones(cons-1), 100*np.ones(cons-1))) kink_control = 1 # how quickly log(1 + exp(x)) goes to ~x, where x = target_rates - found_rates prefact_rates = 1 prefact_params = 10 fs_loss_inds = np.arange(0 , len(fs)) fs_loss_inds = np.array([freq for freq in fs_loss_inds if fs[freq] >20]) spect_loss = losses.loss_spect_nonzero_contrasts(fs[fs_loss_inds], spect[fs_loss_inds,:]) # spect_loss = losses.loss_spect_contrasts(fs, np.real(spect)) rates_loss = prefact_rates * losses.loss_rates_contrasts(r_fp[:,1:], lower_bound_rates, upper_bound_rates, kink_control) #fourth arg is slope which is set to 1 normally #param_loss = prefact_params * losses.loss_params(params) return spect_loss + rates_loss# + param_loss else: return np.inf
def newton_while_lax(fn, jac_fn, U, maxit, tol): count = 0 res = 100 fail = 0 val = (U, count, res, fail) Uold = U J = jac_fn(U, Uold) y = fn(U,Uold) delta = solve(J,y) U = U - delta; # res0 = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) def cond_fun(val): U, count, res, _ = val res = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) print("res:",res) return np.logical_and(res > tol, count < maxit) # def body_fun(val): U, count, res, fail = val J = jac_fn(U,Uold); y = fn(U,Uold) delta = solve(J,y) U = U - delta res = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) count = count + 1 print(count, res) val = U, count, res, fail return val val =lax.while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, val ) U, count, res, _ = val if fail ==0 and np.any(np.isnan(delta)): fail = 1 print("nan solution") if fail == 0 and max(abs(np.imag(delta))) > 0: fail = 1 print("solution complex") if fail == 0 and res > tol: fail = 1; print('Newton fail: no convergence') else: fail == 0 return U, fail
def testNormalComplex(self, dtype): key = random.PRNGKey(0) rand = lambda key: random.normal(key, (10000,), dtype) crand = api.jit(rand) uncompiled_samples = rand(key) compiled_samples = crand(key) for samples in [uncompiled_samples, compiled_samples]: self._CheckKolmogorovSmirnovCDF(jnp.real(samples), scipy.stats.norm(scale=1/np.sqrt(2)).cdf) self._CheckKolmogorovSmirnovCDF(jnp.imag(samples), scipy.stats.norm(scale=1/np.sqrt(2)).cdf)
def damped_newton(fn, jac_fn, U): maxit=10 tol = 1e-8 count = 0 res = 100 fail = 0 # U = jax.ops.index_update(U, jax.ops.index[jp02:etap02], U[jp02:etap02]*2**(-16)) Uold = U J = jac_fn(U, Uold) y = fn(U,Uold) delta = solve(J,y) U = U - delta; res0 = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) print(count, res0) while(count < maxit and res > tol): J = jac_fn(U, Uold) y = fn(U,Uold) res = norm(y/norm(U,np.inf),np.inf) # res=norm(y, np.inf) print(count, res) delta = solve(J,y) # alpha = 1.0 # while (norm( fn(U - alpha*delta,Uold )) > (1-alpha*0.5)*norm(y)): ## print("norm1",norm( fn(U - alpha*delta,Uold ))) ## print("norm2", (1-alpha*0.5)*norm(y) ) # alpha = alpha/2; ## print("alpha",alpha) # if (alpha < 1e-8): # break; # # U = U - alpha*delta U = U - delta; count = count + 1 if fail ==0 and np.any(np.isnan(delta)): fail = 1 print("nan solution") if fail == 0 and max(abs(np.imag(delta))) > 0: fail = 1 print("solution complex") if fail == 0 and res > tol: fail = 1; print('Newton fail: no convergence') else: fail == 0 return U, fail
def __call__(self, x): if x.ndim < 3: x = jnp.expand_dims(x, -2) # add a feature dimension x_flip = self.dense_symm(-1 * x) x = self.dense_symm(x) for layer in range(self.layers - 1): x = self.activation(x) x_flip = self.activation(x_flip) x_new = ( self.equivariant_layers[layer](x) + self.equivariant_layers_flip[layer](x_flip) ) / np.sqrt(2) x_flip = ( self.equivariant_layers[layer](x_flip) + self.equivariant_layers_flip[layer](x) ) / np.sqrt(2) x = jnp.array(x_new, copy=True) x = jnp.concatenate((x, x_flip), -1) x = self.output_activation(x) if self.parity == 1: par_chars = jnp.expand_dims( jnp.concatenate( (jnp.array(self.characters), jnp.array(self.characters)), 0 ), (0, 1), ) else: par_chars = jnp.expand_dims( jnp.concatenate( (jnp.array(self.characters), -1 * jnp.array(self.characters)), 0 ), (0, 1), ) if self.complex_output: x = logsumexp_cplx(x, axis=(-2, -1), b=par_chars) else: x = logsumexp(x, axis=(-2, -1), b=par_chars) if self.equal_amplitudes: return 1j * jnp.imag(x) else: return x
def compute_expectations(self, mean, cov): """ returns a list of expected values of the following expressions: x, x^2, cos(x), sin(x) """ # characteristic function at [1, ..., 1]: t = np.ones(self.d) char = np.exp(np.vdot(t, (1j * mean -, t) / 2))) expectations = [ mean, np.diagonal(cov) + mean**2, np.real(char), np.imag(char) ] return expectations
def fun_on_leaf(_z): if np.isnan(_z): if not ignore_nan: raise ValueError('NaN encountered') return np.real(_z) _z_re = np.real(_z) if not ignore_im_part: if not np.allclose( _z_re, _z_re + np.imag(_z), rtol=rtol, atol=atol): raise ValueError( 'Significant imaginary part encountered where it was not expected' ) return _z_re
def __call__(self, x): x = self.dense_symm(x) for layer in range(self.layers - 1): x = self.activation(x) x = self.equivariant_layers[layer](x) x = self.output_activation(x) x = logsumexp(x, axis=(-2, -1), b=jnp.expand_dims(jnp.asarray(self.characters), (0, 1))) if self.equal_amplitudes: return 1j * jnp.imag(x) else: return x
def newton(fn, jac_fn, U): maxit = 20 tol = 1e-8 count = 0 res = 100 fail = 0 Uold = U start = timeit.default_timer() J = jac_fn(U, Uold) y = fn(U, Uold) res0 = norm(y / norm(U, np.inf), np.inf) delta = solve(J, y) U = U - delta count = count + 1 end = timeit.default_timer() print("time elapsed in first loop", end - start) print(count, res0) while (count < maxit and res > tol): start1 = timeit.default_timer() J = jac_fn(U, Uold) y = fn(U, Uold) res = norm(y / norm(U, np.inf), np.inf) delta = solve(J, y) U = U - delta count = count + 1 end1 = timeit.default_timer() print(count, res) print("time per loop", end1 - start1) if fail == 0 and np.any(np.isnan(delta)): fail = 1 print("nan solution") if fail == 0 and max(abs(np.imag(delta))) > 0: fail = 1 print("solution complex") if fail == 0 and res > tol: fail = 1 print('Newton fail: no convergence') else: fail == 0 return U, fail
def _apply( self, iter: jnp.ndarray, grad: jnp.ndarray, state: Tuple[jnp.ndarray], param: jnp.ndarray, precond: Union[None, jnp.ndarray], use_precond=False ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, Tuple[jnp.ndarray]]: if use_precond: rgrad = self.manifold.egrad_to_rgrad(param, grad.conj(), precond) else: rgrad = self.manifold.egrad_to_rgrad(param, grad.conj()) momentum = self.beta1 * state[0] + (1 - self.beta1) * rgrad if use_precond: v = self.beta2 * state[1] + (1 - self.beta2) * self.manifold.inner( param, rgrad, rgrad, precond ) else: v = self.beta2 * state[1] + (1 - self.beta2) * self.manifold.inner( param, rgrad, rgrad ) if self.ams: v_hat = jax.lax.complex(jnp.maximum(jnp.real(v), jnp.real(state[2])), jnp.imag(v)) # Bias correction lr_corr = ( self.learning_rate * jnp.sqrt(1 - self.beta2 ** (iter + 1)) / (1 - self.beta1 ** (iter + 1)) ) if self.ams: search_dir = -lr_corr * momentum / (jnp.sqrt(v_hat) + self.eps) param, momentum = self.manifold.retraction_transport( param, momentum, search_dir ) return param, (momentum, v, v_hat) else: search_dir = -lr_corr * momentum / (jnp.sqrt(v) + self.eps) param, momentum = self.manifold.retraction_transport( param, momentum, search_dir ) return param, (momentum, v)
def sd_dir(grad, eps_iter): dft = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.dft(grad.shape[0], scale='sqrtn')) dftxgrad = dft @ grad dftz = dftxgrad.reshape(1, -1) dftz = jnp.concatenate((jnp.real(dftz), jnp.imag(dftz)), axis=0) # projection does not scale bigger, here we want to scale it def l2_normalize(delta, eps): avoid_zero_div = 1e-15 norm2 = jnp.sum(delta**2, axis=0, keepdims=True) norm = jnp.sqrt(jnp.maximum(avoid_zero_div, norm2)) # only decrease the norm, never increase delta = delta * eps / norm return delta dftz = l2_normalize(dftz, eps_iter) dftz = (dftz[0, :] + 1j * dftz[1, :]).reshape(grad.shape) adv_step = dft.getH() @ dftz return adv_step
def wofzs2(x, y): """Asymptotic representation of wofz (Faddeeva) function 1 for |z|**2 > 112 (for e = 10e-6) See Zaghloul (2018) arxiv:1806.01656 Args: x: y: Returns: jnp.array, jnp.array: H=real(wofz(x+iy)),L=imag(wofz(x+iy)) """ z = x + y * (1j) a = 1.0 / (2.0 * z * z) q = (1j) / (z * jnp.sqrt(jnp.pi)) * (1.0 + a * (1.0 + a * (3.0 + a * 15.0))) return jnp.real(q), jnp.imag(q)
def store_eig_vec(evals_small, evecs_small, filename): idx_min = np.argmin(evals_small) print("GS energy: %f" % evals_small[idx_min]) vec_r = np.real(evecs_small[:, idx_min]) vec_i = np.imag(evecs_small[:, idx_min]) vec_r = vec_r / np.linalg.norm(vec_r) vec_i = vec_i / np.linalg.norm(vec_i) if np.abs( - 1. < 1e-6: print("Eigen Vec can be casted as real") log_file = open(filename, 'wb') np.savetxt(log_file, vec_r, fmt='%.8e', delimiter=',') log_file.close() else: print(np.abs( - 1.) print("Complex Eigen Vec !!!") print("The real part <E> : %f " % print("The imag part <E> : %f " % return
def _sph_harm(m: jnp.ndarray, n: jnp.ndarray, theta: jnp.ndarray, phi: jnp.ndarray, n_max: int) -> jnp.ndarray: """Computes the spherical harmonics.""" cos_colatitude = jnp.cos(phi) legendre = _gen_associated_legendre(n_max, cos_colatitude, True) legendre_val =[abs(m), n, jnp.arange(len(n))].get(mode="clip") angle = abs(m) * theta vandermonde = lax.complex(jnp.cos(angle), jnp.sin(angle)) harmonics = lax.complex(legendre_val * jnp.real(vandermonde), legendre_val * jnp.imag(vandermonde)) # Negative order. harmonics = jnp.where(m < 0, (-1.0)**abs(m) * jnp.conjugate(harmonics), harmonics) return harmonics
def norm_projection(delta, norm_type, eps=1.): """Projects to a norm-ball centered at 0. Args: delta: An array of size dim x num containing vectors to be projected. norm_type: A string denoting the type of the norm-ball. eps: A float denoting the radius of the norm-ball. Returns: An array of size dim x num, the projection of delta to the norm-ball. """ shape = delta.shape if len(delta.shape) == 1: delta = delta.reshape(-1, 1) if norm_type == 'linf': delta = jnp.clip(delta, -eps, eps) elif norm_type == 'l2': # Euclidean projection: divide all elements by a constant factor avoid_zero_div = 1e-12 norm2 = jnp.sum(delta**2, axis=0, keepdims=True) norm = jnp.sqrt(jnp.maximum(avoid_zero_div, norm2)) # only decrease the norm, never increase delta = delta * jnp.clip(eps / norm, a_min=None, a_max=1) elif norm_type == 'l1': delta = l1_unit_projection(delta / eps) * eps elif norm_type == 'dftinf': # transform to DFT, project using known projections, then transform back # dft = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.dft(delta.shape[0]) / np.sqrt(delta.shape[0])) dft = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.dft(delta.shape[0], scale='sqrtn')) dftxdelta = dft @ delta # dftxdelta = np.matrix(scipy.fft.fft(delta, axis=0, norm='ortho')) # L2 projection of each coordinate to the L2-ball in the complex plane dftz = dftxdelta.reshape(1, -1) dftz = jnp.concatenate((jnp.real(dftz), jnp.imag(dftz)), axis=0) dftz = norm_projection(dftz, 'l2', eps) dftz = (dftz[0, :] + 1j * dftz[1, :]).reshape(delta.shape) # project back from DFT delta = dft.getH() @ dftz # delta = np.matrix(scipy.fft.ifft(dftz, axis=0, norm='ortho')) # Projected vector can have an imaginary part delta = jnp.real(delta) return delta.reshape(shape)
def __call__(self, x): if x.ndim < 3: x = jnp.expand_dims(x, -2) # add a feature dimension x = self.dense_symm(x) for layer in range(self.layers - 1): x = self.activation(x) x = self.equivariant_layers[layer](x) x = self.output_activation(x) if self.complex_output: x = logsumexp_cplx(x, axis=(-2, -1), b=jnp.asarray(self.characters)) else: x = logsumexp(x, axis=(-2, -1), b=jnp.asarray(self.characters)) if self.equal_amplitudes: return 1j * jnp.imag(x) else: return x
def trainsplit(self, ntrain=1000, tt=4000): x_inp_real = np.real(self.denMO)[:, self.rnzl[0], self.rnzl[1]] x_inp_imag = np.imag(self.denMO)[:, self.inzl[0], self.inzl[1]] self.x_inp = np.hstack([x_inp_real, x_inp_imag]) self.offset = 2 = tt self.ntrain = ntrain self.x_inp = self.x_inp[self.offset:( + self.offset), :] self.dt = 0.08268 self.tint_whole = np.arange(self.x_inp.shape[0]) * self.dt # training set self.x_inp_train = self.x_inp[:ntrain, :] self.tint = self.tint_whole[:ntrain] # validation set self.x_inp_valid = self.x_inp[ntrain:, :] self.tint_valid = self.tint_whole[ntrain:] # show that we got here return True
def newton_tol(fn, jac_fn, U,tol): maxit=20 count = 0 res = 100 fail = 0 Uold = U while(count < maxit and res > tol): J = jac_fn(U, Uold) # J = jacrev(fn)(U,Uold) # Jsparse = csr_matrix(J) y = fn(U,Uold) res = max(abs(y/norm(y,2))) print(count, res) delta = solve(J,y) # delta = jitsolve(J,fn(U, Uold)) # delta = spsolve(csr_matrix(J),fn(U,Uold)) U = U - delta count = count + 1 if fail ==0 and np.any(np.isnan(delta)): fail = 1 print("nan solution") if fail == 0 and max(abs(np.imag(delta))) > 0: fail = 1 print("solution complex") if fail == 0 and res > tol: fail = 1; print('Newton fail: no convergence') else: fail == 0 return U, fail
def compute_expectations(self, means, covs, weights): """ returns a list of expected values of the following expressions: x, x^2, cos(x), sin(x) """ # characteristic function at [1, ..., 1]: t = np.ones(self.d) chars = np.array([ np.exp(np.vdot(t, (1j * mean -, t) / 2))) for mean, cov in zip(means, covs) ]) # shape (k,d) char = np.vdot(weights, chars) mean = np.einsum("i,id->d", weights, means) xsquares = [ np.diagonal(cov) + mean**2 for mean, cov in zip(means, covs) ] expectations = [ mean, np.einsum("i,id->d", weights, xsquares), np.real(char), np.imag(char) ] expectations = [np.squeeze(e) for e in expectations] return expectations
def comp2real(z): return np.concatenate((np.real(z), np.imag(z)))
def test_expect_herm(oper, state): """Tests that the expectation value of a hermitian operator is real and that of the non-hermitian operator is complex""" assert jnp.imag(expect(oper, state)) == 0.0
def f(z): x_re = jnp.concatenate([jnp.real(z), jnp.imag(z)]) return f_re(x_re)
def transf(x): # use jax.numpy instead of numpy in this function f = jnp.fft.rfft(x) return jnp.stack([jnp.real(f), jnp.imag(f)])
hamimags[(i,j)] = cnt cnt += 1 """ hamreals = nzreals.copy() hamimags = nzimags.copy() print('hamreals:') print(hamreals) print('hamimags:') print(hamimags) hamdof = cnt print('hamdof: ', hamdof) # set up training data x_inp_real = np.real(denMO)[:, rnzl[0], rnzl[1]] x_inp_imag = np.imag(denMO)[:, inzl[0], inzl[1]] x_inp = np.hstack([x_inp_real, x_inp_imag]) offset = 2 tt = 4000 x_inp = x_inp[offset:(tt + offset), :] dt = 0.08268 npts = x_inp.shape[0] tint_whole = np.arange(npts) * dt if mol == 'c2h4': ntrain = 2000 else: ntrain = 1000
def flat_gradient(fun, arg): gr = grad(lambda x, y: jnp.real(x(y)))(fun,arg) gr = tree_flatten(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.ravel(), gr))[0] gi = grad(lambda x, y: jnp.imag(x(y)))(fun,arg) gi = tree_flatten(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.ravel(), gi))[0] return jnp.concatenate(gr) + 1.j * jnp.concatenate(gi)
def loss(params): spect, fs, obs_f0, r_fp, CONVG = ssn_PS(params, contrasts) if CONVG: if np.max(np.abs(np.imag(spect))) > 0.01: print("Spectrum is dangerously imaginary") #half_width_rates = 20 # basin around acceptable rates #lower_bound_rates = 0 # needs to be > 0, valley will start -lower_bound, 5 is a nice value with kink_control = 5 #upper_bound_rates = 80 # valley ends at upper_bound, keeps rates from blowing up prefact_rates = 1 prefact_params = 10 fs_loss_inds = np.arange(0, len(fs)) fs_loss_inds = np.array([ freq for freq in fs_loss_inds if fs[freq] > 20 ]) #np.where(fs > 0, fs_loss_inds, ) # fs_loss = fs[np.where(fs > 20)] spect_loss = losses.loss_spect_contrasts( fs[fs_loss_inds], np.real(spect[fs_loss_inds, :])) #spect_loss = losses.loss_spect_nonzero_contrasts(fs[fs_loss_inds], spect[fs_loss_inds,:]) #rates_loss = prefact_rates * losses.loss_rates_contrasts(r_fp[:,1:], lower_bound_rates, upper_bound_rates, kink_control) #fourth arg is slope which is set to 1 normally #rates_loss = prefact_rates * losses.loss_rates_contrasts(r_fp, lower_bound_rates, upper_bound_rates, kink_control) # recreate ground truth #param_loss = prefact_params * losses.loss_params(params) # peak_freq_loss = losses.loss_peak_freq(fs, obs_f0) #if spect_loss/rates_loss < 1: #print('rates loss is greater than spect loss') # print(spect_loss/rates_loss) return spect_loss # + param_loss + rates_loss # + peak_freq_loss # else: return np.inf # def sigmoid_params(pos_params): # J_max = 3 # i2e_max = 2 # gE_max = 2 # gI_max = 1.5 #because I do not want gI_min = 0, so I will offset the sigmoid # gI_min = 0.5 # NMDA_max = 1 # Jee = J_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[0]) # Jei = J_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[1]) # Jie = J_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[2]) # Jii = J_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[3]) # if len(pos_params) < 6: # i2e = i2e_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[4]) # gE = 1 # gI = 1 # NMDAratio = 0.4 # params = np.array([Jee, Jei, Jie, Jii, gE, gI, NMDAratio]) # else: # i2e = 1 # gE = gE_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[4]) # gI = gI_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[5]) + gI_min # NMDAratio = NMDA_max * logistic_sig(pos_params[6]) # params = np.array([Jee, Jei, Jie, Jii, gE, gI, NMDAratio]) # return params # def logistic_sig(x): # return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))