def filter(args): """ %prog filter <deltafile|coordsfile> Produce a new delta/coords file and filter based on id% or cov%. Use `delta-filter` for .delta file. """ p = OptionParser(filter.__doc__) p.set_align(pctid=0, hitlen=0) p.add_option("--overlap", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print overlap status (e.g. terminal, contained)") opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) pctid = opts.pctid hitlen = opts.hitlen filename, = args if pctid == 0 and hitlen == 0: return filename pf, suffix = filename.rsplit(".", 1) outfile = "".join((pf, ".P{0}L{1}.".format(pctid, hitlen), suffix)) if not need_update(filename, outfile): return outfile if suffix == "delta": cmd = "delta-filter -i {0} -l {1} {2}".format(pctid, hitlen, filename) sh(cmd, outfile=outfile) return outfile fp = open(filename) fw = must_open(outfile, "w") for row in fp: try: c = CoordsLine(row) except AssertionError: continue if c.identity < pctid: continue if c.len2 < hitlen: continue if opts.overlap and not c.overlap: continue outrow = row.rstrip() if opts.overlap: ov = Overlap_types[c.overlap] outrow += "\t" + ov print >> fw, outrow return outfile
def __init__(self, filename, sorted=False, header=False): if filename.endswith(".delta"): coordsfile = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".coords" if need_update(filename, coordsfile): fromdelta([filename]) filename = coordsfile super(Coords, self).__init__(filename) fp = open(filename) if header: self.cmd = for row in fp: try: self.append(CoordsLine(row)) except AssertionError, e: pass
def blast(args): """ %prog blast <deltafile|coordsfile> Covert delta or coordsfile to BLAST tabular output. """ p = OptionParser(blast.__doc__) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) deltafile, = args blastfile = deltafile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".blast" if need_update(deltafile, blastfile): coords = Coords(deltafile) fw = open(blastfile, "w") for c in coords: print >> fw, c.blastline