def parse_restrs(rdng, tag, kanjs):
    restrtxts = [x.strip(' ') for x in tag.split(';')]
    errs = []
    jdb.txt2restr(restrtxts, rdng, kanjs, '_restr', errs)
    for err in errs:
        raise ParseError('Reading restriction "%s" doesn\'t match any kanji' %
 def test002(_):
     rtxts = []
     retval = jdb.txt2restr(rtxts, _.e._rdng[1], _.e._kanj, '_restr')
     for r in _.e._rdng:
         _.assertEqual([], r._restr)
     for k in _.e._kanj:
         _.assertEqual([], k._restr)
     _.assertEqual([], retval)
def parse_stags(tag, sens, kanjs, rdngs):
    stagrtxts = []
    stagktxts = []
    words = tag.split(',')
    for word in words:
        word = word.strip()
        if jdb.jstr_reb(word): stagrtxts.append(word)
        elif jdb.jstr_keb(word): stagktxts.append(word)
            raise ParseError(
                'stagx restriction word neither reading or kanji: "%s"' % word)
    errs = []
    jdb.txt2restr(stagrtxts, sens, rdngs, '_stagr', bad=errs)
    if errs:
        raise ParseError('Stagr text not in readings: "%s"' % '","'.join(errs))
    errs = []
    jdb.txt2restr(stagktxts, sens, kanjs, '_stagk', bad=errs)
    if errs:
        raise ParseError('Stagk text not in kanji: "%s"' % '","'.join(errs))
 def test014(_):
     rtxts = ['あ']
     retval = jdb.txt2restr(rtxts, _.e._sens[0], _.e._rdng, '_stagr')
     for expect, s in zip([1, 0], _.e._sens):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(s._stagr))
     for expect, r in zip([0, 1], _.e._rdng):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(r._stagr))
     for s in _.e._sens:
         for x in s._stagr:
             _.assert_(isinstance(x, Stagr))
     _.assertEqual(_.e._sens[0]._stagr[0], _.e._rdng[1]._stagr[0])
     _.assertEqual([2], retval)
 def test011(_):
     rtxts = ['亜']
     retval = jdb.txt2restr(rtxts, _.e._rdng[0], _.e._kanj, '_restr')
     for expect, r in zip([2, 0], _.e._rdng):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(r._restr))
     for expect, k in zip([0, 1, 1], _.e._kanj):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(k._restr))
     for r in _.e._rdng:
         for x in r._restr:
             _.assert_(isinstance(x, Restr))
     _.assertEqual(_.e._rdng[0]._restr[0], _.e._kanj[1]._restr[0])
     _.assertEqual(_.e._rdng[0]._restr[1], _.e._kanj[2]._restr[0])
     _.assertEqual([2, 3], retval)
 def test013(_):
     rtxts = ['亜']
     retval = jdb.txt2restr(rtxts, _.e._sens[0], _.e._kanj, '_stagk')
     for expect, s in zip([2, 0], _.e._sens):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(s._stagk))
     for expect, k in zip([0, 1, 1], _.e._kanj):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(k._stagk))
     for s in _.e._sens:
         for x in s._stagk:
             _.assert_(isinstance(x, Stagk))
     _.assertEqual(_.e._sens[0]._stagk[0], _.e._kanj[1]._stagk[0])
     _.assertEqual(_.e._sens[0]._stagk[1], _.e._kanj[2]._stagk[0])
     _.assertEqual([2, 3], retval)
 def test012(_):
     rtxts = None  # Equiv to "nokanji".
     retval = jdb.txt2restr(rtxts, _.e._rdng[0], _.e._kanj, '_restr')
     for expect, r in zip([3, 0], _.e._rdng):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(r._restr))
     for expect, k in zip([1, 1, 1], _.e._kanj):
         _.assertEqual(expect, len(k._restr))
     for r in _.e._rdng:
         for x in r._restr:
             _.assert_(isinstance(x, Restr))
     _.assertEqual(_.e._rdng[0]._restr[0], _.e._kanj[0]._restr[0])
     _.assertEqual(_.e._rdng[0]._restr[1], _.e._kanj[1]._restr[0])
     _.assertEqual(_.e._rdng[0]._restr[2], _.e._kanj[2]._restr[0])
     _.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], retval)
def mk_restrs (listkey, rdngs, kanjs):
        # Note: mk_restrs() are used for all three
        # types of restriction info: restr, stagr, stagk.  However to
        # simplify things, the comments and variable names assume use
        # with reading restrictions (restr).
        # What we do is take a list of restr text items received from
        # a user which list the kanji (a subset of all the kanji for
        # the entry) that are valid with this reading, and turn it
        # into a list of restr records that identify the kanji that
        # are *invalid* with this reading.  The restr records identify
        # kanji by id number rather than text.
        # listkey -- Name of the key used to get the list of text
        #    restr items from 'rdngs'.  These are the text strings
        #    provided by the user.  Should be "_RESTR", "_STAGR",
        #    or "_STAGK".
        # rdngs -- List of rdng or sens records depending on whether
        #    we're doing restr or stagr/stagk restrictions.
        # kanjs -- List of the entry's kanji or reading records
        #    depending on whether we are doing restr/stagk or stagr
        #    restrictions.

        errs = []
        ktxts = [x.txt for x in kanjs]

        for n,r in enumerate (rdngs):
              # Get the list of restr text strings and nokanji flag and
              # delete them from the rdng object since they aren't part
              # of the standard api.
            restrtxt = getattr (r, listkey, None)
            if restrtxt: delattr (r, listkey)
            nokanj = getattr (r, '_NOKANJI', None)
            if nokanj: delattr (r, '_NOKANJI')

              # Continue with next reading if nothing to be done
              # with this one.
            if not nokanj and not restrtxt: continue

              # bld_rdngs() guarantees that {_NOKANJI} and {_RESTR}
              # won't both be present on the same rdng.
            if nokanj and restrtxt:
                  # Only rdng-kanj restriction should have "nokanji" tag, so
                  # message can hardwire "reading" and "kanji" text even though
                  # this function in also used for sens-rdng and sens-kanj
                  # restrictions.
                errs.append ("Reading %d has 'nokanji' tag but entry has no kanji" % (n+1))
            if nokanj: restrtxt = None
            z = jdb.txt2restr (restrtxt, r, kanjs, listkey.lower())
              # Check for kanji erroneously in the 'restrtxt' but not in
              # 'kanjs'.  As an optimization, we only do this check if the
              # number of Restr objects created (len(z)) plus the number of
              # 'restrtxt's are not equal to the number of 'kanjs's.  (This
              # criterion my not be valid in some corner cases.)
            if restrtxt is not None and len (z) + len (restrtxt) != len (kanjs):
                nomatch = [x for x in restrtxt if x not in ktxts]
                if nomatch:
                    if   listkey == "_RESTR": not_found_in = "kanji"
                    elif listkey == "_STAGR": not_found_in = "readings"
                    elif listkey == "_STAGK": not_found_in = "kanji"
                    errs.append ("restr value(s) '" +
                            "','".join (nomatch) +
                            "' not in the entry's %s" % not_found_in)
        return "\n".join (errs)