def call_of_name(name, cut_own_trailer=False): """ Creates a "call" node that consist of all ``trailer`` and ``power`` objects. E.g. if you call it with ``append``:: list([]).append(3) or None You would get a node with the content ``list([]).append`` back. This generates a copy of the original ast node. """ par = name if tree.is_node(par.parent, 'trailer'): par = par.parent power = par.parent if tree.is_node(power, 'power') and power.children[0] != name \ and not (power.children[-2] == '**' and name.start_pos > power.children[-1].start_pos): par = power # Now the name must be part of a trailer index = par.children.index(name.parent) if index != len(par.children) - 1 or cut_own_trailer: # Now we have to cut the other trailers away. par = deep_ast_copy(par) if not cut_own_trailer: # Normally we would remove just the stuff after the index, but # if the option is set remove the index as well. (for goto) index = index + 1 par.children[index:] = [] return par
def create_index_types(evaluator, index): """ Handles slices in subscript nodes. """ if index == ':': # Like array[:] return set([Slice(evaluator, None, None, None)]) elif tree.is_node(index, 'subscript'): # subscript is a slice operation. # Like array[:3] result = [] for el in index.children: if el == ':': if not result: result.append(None) elif tree.is_node(el, 'sliceop'): if len(el.children) == 2: result.append(el.children[1]) else: result.append(el) result += [None] * (3 - len(result)) return set([Slice(evaluator, *result)]) # No slices return evaluator.eval_element(index)
def call_of_name(name, cut_own_trailer=False): """ Creates a "call" node that consist of all ``trailer`` and ``power`` objects. E.g. if you call it with ``append``:: list([]).append(3) or None You would get a node with the content ``list([]).append`` back. This generates a copy of the original ast node. """ par = name if pr.is_node(par.parent, 'trailer'): par = par.parent power = par.parent if pr.is_node(power, 'power') and power.children[0] != name \ and not (power.children[-2] == '**' and name.start_pos > power.children[-1].start_pos): par = power # Now the name must be part of a trailer index = par.children.index(name.parent) if index != len(par.children) - 1 or cut_own_trailer: # Now we have to cut the other trailers away. par = deep_ast_copy(par) if not cut_own_trailer: # Normally we would remove just the stuff after the index, but # if the option is set remove the index as well. (for goto) index = index + 1 par.children[index:] = [] return par
def get_sys_path_powers(names): for name in names: power = name.parent.parent if tree.is_node(power, "power", "atom_expr"): c = power.children if isinstance(c[0], tree.Name) and c[0].value == "sys" and tree.is_node(c[1], "trailer"): n = c[1].children[1] if isinstance(n, tree.Name) and n.value == "path": yield name, power
def get_sys_path_powers(names): for name in names: power = name.parent.parent if pr.is_node(power, 'power'): c = power.children if isinstance(c[0], pr.Name) and c[0].value == 'sys' \ and pr.is_node(c[1], 'trailer'): n = c[1].children[1] if isinstance(n, pr.Name) and n.value == 'path': yield name, power
def _paths_from_list_modifications(module_path, trailer1, trailer2): """ extract the path from either "sys.path.append" or "sys.path.insert" """ # Guarantee that both are trailers, the first one a name and the second one # a function execution with at least one param. if not (tree.is_node(trailer1, 'trailer') and trailer1.children[0] == '.' and tree.is_node(trailer2, 'trailer') and trailer2.children[0] == '(' and len(trailer2.children) == 3): return [] name = trailer1.children[1].value if name not in ['insert', 'append']: return [] arg = trailer2.children[1] if name == 'insert' and len(arg.children) in (3, 4): # Possible trailing comma. arg = arg.children[2] return _execute_code(module_path, arg.get_code())
def _eval_atom(self, atom): """ Basically to process ``atom`` nodes. The parser sometimes doesn't generate the node (because it has just one child). In that case an atom might be a name or a literal as well. """ if isinstance(atom, pr.Name): # This is the first global lookup. stmt = atom.get_definition() scope = stmt.get_parent_until(pr.IsScope, include_current=True) if isinstance(stmt, pr.CompFor): stmt = stmt.get_parent_until((pr.ClassOrFunc, pr.ExprStmt)) if stmt.type != 'expr_stmt': # We only need to adjust the start_pos for statements, because # there the name cannot be used. stmt = atom return self.find_types(scope, atom, stmt.start_pos, search_global=True) elif isinstance(atom, pr.Literal): return [compiled.create(self, atom.eval())] else: c = atom.children # Parentheses without commas are not tuples. if c[0] == '(' and not len(c) == 2 \ and not(pr.is_node(c[1], 'testlist_comp') and len(c[1].children) > 1): return self.eval_element(c[1]) try: comp_for = c[1].children[1] except (IndexError, AttributeError): pass else: if isinstance(comp_for, pr.CompFor): return [iterable.Comprehension.from_atom(self, atom)] return [iterable.Array(self, atom)]
def _self_names_dict(self, add_mro=True): names = {} # This loop adds the names of the self object, copies them and removes # the self. for sub in self.base.subscopes: if isinstance(sub, pr.Class): continue # Get the self name, if there's one. self_name = self._get_func_self_name(sub) if self_name is None: continue if == '__init__' and not self.is_generated: # ``__init__`` is special because the params need are injected # this way. Therefore an execution is necessary. if not sub.get_decorators(): # __init__ decorators should generally just be ignored, # because to follow them and their self variables is too # complicated. sub = self._get_method_execution(sub) for name_list in sub.names_dict.values(): for name in name_list: if name.value == self_name and name.prev_sibling() is None: trailer = name.next_sibling() if pr.is_node(trailer, 'trailer') \ and len(trailer.children) == 2 \ and trailer.children[0] == '.': name = trailer.children[1] # After dot. if name.is_definition(): arr = names.setdefault(name.value, []) arr.append(get_instance_el(self._evaluator, self, name)) return names
def calculate_children(evaluator, children): """ Calculate a list of children with operators. """ iterator = iter(children) types = evaluator.eval_element(next(iterator)) for operator in iterator: right = next(iterator) if tree.is_node(operator, 'comp_op'): # not in / is not operator = ' '.join(str(c.value) for c in operator.children) # handle lazy evaluation of and/or here. if operator in ('and', 'or'): left_bools = set([left.py__bool__() for left in types]) if left_bools == set([True]): if operator == 'and': types = evaluator.eval_element(right) elif left_bools == set([False]): if operator != 'and': types = evaluator.eval_element(right) # Otherwise continue, because of uncertainty. else: types = calculate(evaluator, types, operator, evaluator.eval_element(right)) debug.dbg('calculate_children types %s', types) return types
def goto(self, name): def resolve_implicit_imports(names): for name in names: if isinstance(name.parent, helpers.FakeImport): # Those are implicit imports. s = imports.ImportWrapper(self, name) for n in s.follow(is_goto=True): yield n yield name stmt = name.get_definition() par = name.parent if par.type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[ 0] == name: # Named param goto. trailer = par.parent if trailer.type == 'arglist': trailer = trailer.parent if trailer.type != 'classdef': for i, t in enumerate(trailer.parent.children): if t == trailer: to_evaluate = trailer.parent.children[:i] types = self.eval_element(to_evaluate[0]) for trailer in to_evaluate[1:]: types = self.eval_trailer(types, trailer) param_names = [] for typ in types: try: params = typ.params except AttributeError: pass else: param_names += [ for param in params if == name.value ] return param_names elif isinstance(par, pr.ExprStmt) and name in par.get_defined_names(): # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just # a name it's something you can "goto" again. return [name] elif isinstance( par, (pr.Param, pr.Function, pr.Class)) and is name: return [name] elif isinstance(stmt, pr.Import): return imports.ImportWrapper(self, name).follow(is_goto=True) scope = name.get_parent_scope() if pr.is_node(name.parent, 'trailer'): call = call_of_name(name, cut_own_trailer=True) types = self.eval_element(call) return resolve_implicit_imports( iterable.unite( self.find_types(typ, name, is_goto=True) for typ in types)) else: return self.find_types(scope, name, stmt.start_pos, search_global=True, is_goto=True)
def as_tuple(self): for stars, argument in self._split(): if pr.is_node(argument, 'argument'): argument, default = argument.children[::2] else: default = None yield argument, default, stars
def _eval_element_not_cached(self, element): debug.dbg('eval_element %s@%s', element, element.start_pos) types = set() if isinstance(element, (tree.Name, tree.Literal)) or tree.is_node( element, 'atom'): types = self._eval_atom(element) elif isinstance(element, tree.Keyword): # For False/True/None if element.value in ('False', 'True', 'None'): types.add(compiled.builtin_from_name(self, element.value)) # else: print e.g. could be evaluated like this in Python 2.7 elif element.isinstance(tree.Lambda): types = set([er.LambdaWrapper(self, element)]) elif element.isinstance(er.LambdaWrapper): types = set([element ]) # TODO this is no real evaluation. id:121 gh:122 elif element.type == 'expr_stmt': types = self.eval_statement(element) elif element.type in ('power', 'atom_expr'): types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for trailer in element.children[1:]: if trailer == '**': # has a power operation. right = self.eval_element(element.children[2]) types = set( precedence.calculate(self, types, trailer, right)) break types = self.eval_trailer(types, trailer) elif element.type in ( 'testlist_star_expr', 'testlist', ): # The implicit tuple in statements. types = set([iterable.ImplicitTuple(self, element)]) elif element.type in ('not_test', 'factor'): types = self.eval_element(element.children[-1]) for operator in element.children[:-1]: types = set(precedence.factor_calculate(self, types, operator)) elif element.type == 'test': # `x if foo else y` case. types = (self.eval_element(element.children[0]) | self.eval_element(element.children[-1])) elif element.type == 'operator': # Must be an ellipsis, other operators are not evaluated. assert element.value == '...' types = set([compiled.create(self, Ellipsis)]) elif element.type == 'dotted_name': types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for next_name in element.children[2::2]: types = set( chain.from_iterable( self.find_types(typ, next_name) for typ in types)) types = types elif element.type == 'eval_input': types = self._eval_element_not_cached(element.children[0]) elif element.type == 'annassign': types = self.eval_element(element.children[1]) else: types = precedence.calculate_children(self, element.children) debug.dbg('eval_element result %s', types) return types
def calculate_children(evaluator, children): """ Calculate a list of children with operators. """ iterator = iter(children) types = evaluator.eval_element(next(iterator)) for operator in iterator: right = next(iterator) if pr.is_node(operator, 'comp_op'): # not in / is not operator = ' '.join(str(c.value) for c in operator.children) # handle lazy evaluation of and/or here. if operator in ('and', 'or'): left_bools = set([left.py__bool__() for left in types]) if left_bools == set([True]): if operator == 'and': types = evaluator.eval_element(right) elif left_bools == set([False]): if operator != 'and': types = evaluator.eval_element(right) # Otherwise continue, because of uncertainty. else: types = calculate(evaluator, types, operator, evaluator.eval_element(right)) debug.dbg('calculate_children types %s', types) return types
def unpack(self, func=None): named_args = [] for stars, el in self._split(): if stars == 1: arrays = self._evaluator.eval_element(el) iterators = [ _iterate_star_args(self._evaluator, a, el, func) for a in arrays ] iterators = list(iterators) for values in list(zip_longest(*iterators)): yield None, [v for v in values if v is not None] elif stars == 2: arrays = self._evaluator.eval_element(el) dicts = [ _star_star_dict(self._evaluator, a, el, func) for a in arrays ] for dct in dicts: for key, values in dct.items(): yield key, values else: if pr.is_node(el, 'argument'): named_args.append( (el.children[0].value, (el.children[2], ))) elif isinstance(el, (list, tuple)): yield None, el else: yield None, (el, ) # Reordering var_args is necessary, because star args sometimes appear # after named argument, but in the actual order it's prepended. for key_arg in named_args: yield key_arg
def as_tuple(self): for stars, argument in self._split(): if tree.is_node(argument, 'argument'): argument, default = argument.children[::2] else: default = None yield argument, default, stars
def _self_names_dict(self, add_mro=True): names = {} # This loop adds the names of the self object, copies them and removes # the self. for sub in self.base.subscopes: if isinstance(sub, pr.Class): continue # Get the self name, if there's one. self_name = self._get_func_self_name(sub) if self_name is None: continue if == '__init__' and not self.is_generated: # ``__init__`` is special because the params need are injected # this way. Therefore an execution is necessary. if not sub.get_decorators(): # __init__ decorators should generally just be ignored, # because to follow them and their self variables is too # complicated. sub = self._get_method_execution(sub) for name_list in sub.names_dict.values(): for name in name_list: if name.value == self_name and name.prev_sibling() is None: trailer = name.next_sibling() if pr.is_node(trailer, 'trailer') \ and len(trailer.children) == 2 \ and trailer.children[0] == '.': name = trailer.children[1] # After dot. if name.is_definition(): arr = names.setdefault(name.value, []) arr.append( get_instance_el(self._evaluator, self, name)) return names
def _eval_atom(self, atom): """ Basically to process ``atom`` nodes. The parser sometimes doesn't generate the node (because it has just one child). In that case an atom might be a name or a literal as well. """ if isinstance(atom, tree.Name): # This is the first global lookup. stmt = atom.get_definition() scope = stmt.get_parent_until(tree.IsScope, include_current=True) if isinstance(scope, (tree.Function, er.FunctionExecution)): # Adjust scope: If the name is not in the suite, it's a param # default or annotation and will be resolved as part of the # parent scope. colon = scope.children.index(':') if atom.start_pos < scope.children[colon + 1].start_pos: scope = scope.get_parent_scope() if isinstance(stmt, tree.CompFor): stmt = stmt.get_parent_until((tree.ClassOrFunc, tree.ExprStmt)) if stmt.type != 'expr_stmt': # We only need to adjust the start_pos for statements, because # there the name cannot be used. stmt = atom return self.find_types(scope, atom, stmt.start_pos, search_global=True) elif isinstance(atom, tree.Literal): return set([compiled.create(self, atom.eval())]) else: c = atom.children if c[0].type == 'string': # Will be one string. types = self._eval_atom(c[0]) for string in c[1:]: right = self._eval_atom(string) types = precedence.calculate(self, types, '+', right) return types # Parentheses without commas are not tuples. elif c[0] == '(' and not len(c) == 2 \ and not(tree.is_node(c[1], 'testlist_comp') and len(c[1].children) > 1): return self.eval_element(c[1]) try: comp_for = c[1].children[1] except (IndexError, AttributeError): pass else: if comp_for == ':': # Dict comprehensions have a colon at the 3rd index. try: comp_for = c[1].children[3] except IndexError: pass if comp_for.type == 'comp_for': return set([iterable.Comprehension.from_atom(self, atom)]) return set([iterable.Array(self, atom)])
def create_indexes_or_slices(evaluator, index): if tree.is_node(index, 'subscript'): # subscript is a slice operation. start, stop, step = None, None, None result = [] for el in index.children: if el == ':': if not result: result.append(None) elif tree.is_node(el, 'sliceop'): if len(el.children) == 2: result.append(el.children[1]) else: result.append(el) result += [None] * (3 - len(result)) return (Slice(evaluator, *result),) return evaluator.eval_element(index)
def create_indexes_or_slices(evaluator, index): if pr.is_node(index, 'subscript'): # subscript is a slice operation. start, stop, step = None, None, None result = [] for el in index.children: if el == ':': if not result: result.append(None) elif pr.is_node(el, 'sliceop'): if len(el.children) == 2: result.append(el.children[1]) else: result.append(el) result += [None] * (3 - len(result)) return (Slice(evaluator, *result), ) return evaluator.eval_element(index)
def eval_element(self, element): if isinstance(element, iterable.AlreadyEvaluated): return list(element) elif isinstance(element, iterable.MergedNodes): return iterable.unite(self.eval_element(e) for e in element) debug.dbg('eval_element %s@%s', element, element.start_pos) if isinstance(element, (pr.Name, pr.Literal)) or pr.is_node(element, 'atom'): return self._eval_atom(element) elif isinstance(element, pr.Keyword): # For False/True/None if element.value in ('False', 'True', 'None'): return [compiled.builtin.get_by_name(element.value)] else: return [] elif element.isinstance(pr.Lambda): return [er.LambdaWrapper(self, element)] elif element.isinstance(er.LambdaWrapper): return [element] # TODO this is no real evaluation. elif element.type == 'expr_stmt': return self.eval_statement(element) elif element.type == 'power': types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for trailer in element.children[1:]: if trailer == '**': # has a power operation. raise NotImplementedError types = self.eval_trailer(types, trailer) return types elif element.type in ( 'testlist_star_expr', 'testlist', ): # The implicit tuple in statements. return [iterable.ImplicitTuple(self, element)] elif element.type in ('not_test', 'factor'): types = self.eval_element(element.children[-1]) for operator in element.children[:-1]: types = list(precedence.factor_calculate( self, types, operator)) return types elif element.type == 'test': # `x if foo else y` case. return (self.eval_element(element.children[0]) + self.eval_element(element.children[-1])) elif element.type == 'operator': # Must be an ellipsis, other operators are not evaluated. return [] # Ignore for now. elif element.type == 'dotted_name': types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for next_name in element.children[2::2]: types = list( chain.from_iterable( self.find_types(typ, next_name) for typ in types)) return types else: return precedence.calculate_children(self, element.children)
def get_posibilities(evaluator, module, func_name): try: names = module.used_names[func_name] except KeyError: return [] for name in names: stmt = name.get_definition() if not isinstance(stmt, (pr.ExprStmt, pr.CompFor, pr.ReturnStmt)): continue parent = name.parent if pr.is_node(parent, 'trailer'): parent = parent.parent trailer = None if pr.is_node(parent, 'power'): for t in parent.children[1:]: if t == '**': break if t.start_pos > name.start_pos and t.children[ 0] == '(': trailer = t break if trailer is not None: types = evaluator.goto_definition(name) # We have to remove decorators, because they are not the # "original" functions, this way we can easily compare. # At the same time we also have to remove InstanceElements. undec = [] for escope in types: if escope.isinstance(er.Function, er.Instance) \ and escope.decorates is not None: undec.append(escope.decorates) elif isinstance(escope, er.InstanceElement): undec.append(escope.var) else: undec.append(escope) if er.wrap(evaluator, compare) in undec: # Only if we have the correct function we execute # it, otherwise just ignore it. evaluator.eval_trailer(types, trailer) return listener.param_possibilities
def _eval_element_not_cached(self, element): debug.dbg('eval_element %s@%s', element, element.start_pos) types = set() if isinstance(element, (tree.Name, tree.Literal)) or tree.is_node(element, 'atom'): types = self._eval_atom(element) elif isinstance(element, tree.Keyword): # For False/True/None if element.value in ('False', 'True', 'None'): types.add(compiled.builtin_from_name(self, element.value)) # else: print e.g. could be evaluated like this in Python 2.7 elif element.isinstance(tree.Lambda): types = set([er.LambdaWrapper(self, element)]) elif element.isinstance(er.LambdaWrapper): types = set([element]) # TODO this is no real evaluation. elif element.type == 'expr_stmt': types = self.eval_statement(element) elif element.type in ('power', 'atom_expr'): types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for trailer in element.children[1:]: if trailer == '**': # has a power operation. right = self.eval_element(element.children[2]) types = set(precedence.calculate(self, types, trailer, right)) break types = self.eval_trailer(types, trailer) elif element.type in ('testlist_star_expr', 'testlist',): # The implicit tuple in statements. types = set([iterable.ImplicitTuple(self, element)]) elif element.type in ('not_test', 'factor'): types = self.eval_element(element.children[-1]) for operator in element.children[:-1]: types = set(precedence.factor_calculate(self, types, operator)) elif element.type == 'test': # `x if foo else y` case. types = (self.eval_element(element.children[0]) | self.eval_element(element.children[-1])) elif element.type == 'operator': # Must be an ellipsis, other operators are not evaluated. assert element.value == '...' types = set([compiled.create(self, Ellipsis)]) elif element.type == 'dotted_name': types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for next_name in element.children[2::2]: types = set(chain.from_iterable(self.find_types(typ, next_name) for typ in types)) types = types elif element.type == 'eval_input': types = self._eval_element_not_cached(element.children[0]) elif element.type == 'annassign': types = self.eval_element(element.children[1]) else: types = precedence.calculate_children(self, element.children) debug.dbg('eval_element result %s', types) return types
def get_posibilities(evaluator, module, func_name): try: names = module.used_names[func_name] except KeyError: return [] for name in names: parent = name.parent if tree.is_node(parent, 'trailer'): parent = parent.parent trailer = None if tree.is_node(parent, 'power'): for t in parent.children[1:]: if t == '**': break if t.start_pos > name.start_pos and t.children[0] == '(': trailer = t break if trailer is not None: types = evaluator.goto_definition(name) # We have to remove decorators, because they are not the # "original" functions, this way we can easily compare. # At the same time we also have to remove InstanceElements. undec = [] for escope in types: if escope.isinstance(er.Function, er.Instance) \ and escope.decorates is not None: undec.append(escope.decorates) elif isinstance(escope, er.InstanceElement): undec.append(escope.var) else: undec.append(escope) if evaluator.wrap(compare) in undec: # Only if we have the correct function we execute # it, otherwise just ignore it. evaluator.eval_trailer(types, trailer) return listener.param_possibilities
def eval_element(self, element): if isinstance(element, iterable.AlreadyEvaluated): return list(element) elif isinstance(element, iterable.MergedNodes): return iterable.unite(self.eval_element(e) for e in element) debug.dbg('eval_element %s@%s', element, element.start_pos) if isinstance(element, (pr.Name, pr.Literal)) or pr.is_node(element, 'atom'): return self._eval_atom(element) elif isinstance(element, pr.Keyword): # For False/True/None if element.value in ('False', 'True', 'None'): return [compiled.builtin.get_by_name(element.value)] else: return [] elif element.isinstance(pr.Lambda): return [er.LambdaWrapper(self, element)] elif element.isinstance(er.LambdaWrapper): return [element] # TODO this is no real evaluation. elif element.type == 'expr_stmt': return self.eval_statement(element) elif element.type == 'power': types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for trailer in element.children[1:]: if trailer == '**': # has a power operation. raise NotImplementedError types = self.eval_trailer(types, trailer) return types elif element.type in ('testlist_star_expr', 'testlist',): # The implicit tuple in statements. return [iterable.ImplicitTuple(self, element)] elif element.type in ('not_test', 'factor'): types = self.eval_element(element.children[-1]) for operator in element.children[:-1]: types = list(precedence.factor_calculate(self, types, operator)) return types elif element.type == 'test': # `x if foo else y` case. return (self.eval_element(element.children[0]) + self.eval_element(element.children[-1])) elif element.type == 'operator': # Must be an ellipsis, other operators are not evaluated. return [] # Ignore for now. elif element.type == 'dotted_name': types = self._eval_atom(element.children[0]) for next_name in element.children[2::2]: types = list(chain.from_iterable(self.find_types(typ, next_name) for typ in types)) return types else: return precedence.calculate_children(self, element.children)
def _items(self): c = self.atom.children array_node = c[1] if array_node in (']', '}', ')'): return [] # Direct closing bracket, doesn't contain items. if tree.is_node(array_node, 'testlist_comp'): return array_node.children[::2] elif tree.is_node(array_node, 'dictorsetmaker'): kv = [] iterator = iter(array_node.children) for key in iterator: op = next(iterator, None) if op is None or op == ',': kv.append(key) # A set. else: assert op == ':' # A dict. kv.append((key, next(iterator))) next(iterator, None) # Possible comma. return kv else: return [array_node]
def _items(self): c = self.atom.children array_node = c[1] if array_node in (']', '}', ')'): return [] # Direct closing bracket, doesn't contain items. if pr.is_node(array_node, 'testlist_comp'): return array_node.children[::2] elif pr.is_node(array_node, 'dictorsetmaker'): kv = [] iterator = iter(array_node.children) for key in iterator: op = next(iterator, None) if op is None or op == ',': kv.append(key) # A set. elif op == ':': # A dict. kv.append((key, [next(iterator)])) next(iterator, None) # Possible comma. else: raise NotImplementedError('dict/set comprehensions') return kv else: return [array_node]
def _rewrite_last_newline(self): """ The ENDMARKER can contain a newline in the prefix. However this prefix really belongs to the function - respectively to the next function or parser node. If we don't rewrite that newline, we end up with a newline in the wrong position, i.d. at the end of the file instead of in the middle. """ c = self._content_scope.children if tree.is_node(c[-1], 'suite'): # In a simple_stmt there's no DEDENT. end_marker = self.parser.module.children[-1] # Set the DEDENT prefix instead of the ENDMARKER. c[-1].children[-1].prefix = end_marker.prefix end_marker.prefix = ''
def _rewrite_last_newline(self): """ The ENDMARKER can contain a newline in the prefix. However this prefix really belongs to the function - respectively to the next function or parser node. If we don't rewrite that newline, we end up with a newline in the wrong position, i.d. at the end of the file instead of in the middle. """ c = self._content_scope.children if pr.is_node(c[-1], 'suite'): # In a simple_stmt there's no DEDENT. end_marker = self.parser.module.children[-1] # Set the DEDENT prefix instead of the ENDMARKER. c[-1].children[-1].prefix = end_marker.prefix end_marker.prefix = ''
def _split(self): if isinstance(self.argument_node, (tuple, list)): for el in self.argument_node: yield 0, el else: if not (tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist') or ( # in python 3.5 **arg is an argument, not arglist (tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'argument') and self.argument_node.children[0] in ('*', '**')))): yield 0, self.argument_node return iterator = iter(self.argument_node.children) for child in iterator: if child == ',': continue elif child in ('*', '**'): yield len(child.value), next(iterator) elif tree.is_node(child, 'argument') and \ child.children[0] in ('*', '**'): assert len(child.children) == 2 yield len(child.children[0].value), child.children[1] else: yield 0, child
def _split(self): if isinstance(self.argument_node, (tuple, list)): for el in self.argument_node: yield 0, el else: if not tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist'): yield 0, self.argument_node return iterator = iter(self.argument_node.children) for child in iterator: if child == ',': continue elif child in ('*', '**'): yield len(child.value), next(iterator) else: yield 0, child
def _split(self): if isinstance(self.argument_node, (tuple, list)): for el in self.argument_node: yield 0, el else: if not pr.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist'): yield 0, self.argument_node return iterator = iter(self.argument_node.children) for child in iterator: if child == ',': continue elif child in ('*', '**'): yield len(child.value), next(iterator) else: yield 0, child
def eval_node(self): """ The first part `x + 1` of the list comprehension: [x + 1 for x in foo] """ comprehension = self._atom.children[1] # For nested comprehensions we need to search the last one. last = comprehension.children[-1] last_comp = comprehension.children[1] while True: if isinstance(last, tree.CompFor): last_comp = last elif not tree.is_node(last, 'comp_if'): break last = last.children[-1] return helpers.deep_ast_copy(comprehension.children[0], parent=last_comp)
def eval_node(self): """ The first part `x + 1` of the list comprehension: [x + 1 for x in foo] """ comprehension = self._atom.children[1] # For nested comprehensions we need to search the last one. last = comprehension.children[-1] last_comp = comprehension.children[1] while True: if isinstance(last, pr.CompFor): last_comp = last elif not pr.is_node(last, 'comp_if'): break last = last.children[-1] return helpers.deep_ast_copy(comprehension.children[0], parent=last_comp)
def _paths_from_assignment(evaluator, expr_stmt): """ Extracts the assigned strings from an assignment that looks as follows:: >>> sys.path[0:0] = ['module/path', 'another/module/path'] This function is in general pretty tolerant (and therefore 'buggy'). However, it's not a big issue usually to add more paths to Jedi's sys_path, because it will only affect Jedi in very random situations and by adding more paths than necessary, it usually benefits the general user. """ for assignee, operator in zip(expr_stmt.children[::2], expr_stmt.children[1::2]): try: assert operator in ['=', '+='] assert tree.is_node(assignee, 'power', 'atom_expr') and \ len(assignee.children) > 1 c = assignee.children assert c[0].type == 'name' and c[0].value == 'sys' trailer = c[1] assert trailer.children[0] == '.' and trailer.children[ 1].value == 'path' # TODO Essentially we're not checking details on sys.path # manipulation. Both assigment of the sys.path and changing/adding # parts of the sys.path are the same: They get added to the current # sys.path. """ execution = c[2] assert execution.children[0] == '[' subscript = execution.children[1] assert subscript.type == 'subscript' assert ':' in subscript.children """ except AssertionError: continue from jedi.evaluate.iterable import py__iter__ from jedi.evaluate.precedence import is_string types = evaluator.eval_element(expr_stmt) for types in py__iter__(evaluator, types, expr_stmt): for typ in types: if is_string(typ): yield typ.obj
def _paths_from_assignment(evaluator, expr_stmt): """ Extracts the assigned strings from an assignment that looks as follows:: >>> sys.path[0:0] = ['module/path', 'another/module/path'] This function is in general pretty tolerant (and therefore 'buggy'). However, it's not a big issue usually to add more paths to Jedi's sys_path, because it will only affect Jedi in very random situations and by adding more paths than necessary, it usually benefits the general user. """ for assignee, operator in zip(expr_stmt.children[::2], expr_stmt.children[1::2]): try: assert operator in ['=', '+='] assert tree.is_node(assignee, 'power', 'atom_expr') and \ len(assignee.children) > 1 c = assignee.children assert c[0].type == 'name' and c[0].value == 'sys' trailer = c[1] assert trailer.children[0] == '.' and trailer.children[1].value == 'path' # TODO Essentially we're not checking details on sys.path # manipulation. Both assigment of the sys.path and changing/adding # parts of the sys.path are the same: They get added to the current # sys.path. """ execution = c[2] assert execution.children[0] == '[' subscript = execution.children[1] assert subscript.type == 'subscript' assert ':' in subscript.children """ except AssertionError: continue from jedi.evaluate.iterable import py__iter__ from jedi.evaluate.precedence import is_string types = evaluator.eval_element(expr_stmt) for types in py__iter__(evaluator, types, expr_stmt): for typ in types: if is_string(typ): yield typ.obj
def get_types_for_typing_module(evaluator, typ, node): from jedi.evaluate.iterable import FakeSequence if not typ.base.get_parent_until().name.value == "typing": return None # we assume that any class using [] in a module called # "typing" with a name for which we have a replacement # should be replaced by that class. This is not 100% # airtight but I don't have a better idea to check that it's # actually the PEP-0484 typing module and not some other if tree.is_node(node, "subscriptlist"): nodes = node.children[::2] # skip the commas else: nodes = [node] del node nodes = [_fix_forward_reference(evaluator, node) for node in nodes] # hacked in Union and Optional, since it's hard to do nicely in parsed code if == "Union": return unite(evaluator.eval_element(node) for node in nodes) if == "Optional": return evaluator.eval_element(nodes[0]) typing = _get_typing_replacement_module() factories = evaluator.find_types(typing, "factory") assert len(factories) == 1 factory = list(factories)[0] assert factory function_body_nodes = factory.children[4].children valid_classnames = set( for child in function_body_nodes if isinstance(child, tree.Class)) if not in valid_classnames: return None compiled_classname = compiled.create(evaluator, args = FakeSequence(evaluator, nodes, "tuple") result = evaluator.execute_evaluated(factory, compiled_classname, args) return result
def unpack(self, func=None): named_args = [] for stars, el in self._split(): if stars == 1: arrays = self._evaluator.eval_element(el) iterators = [ _iterate_star_args(self._evaluator, a, el, func) for a in arrays ] iterators = list(iterators) for values in list(zip_longest(*iterators)): yield None, [v for v in values if v is not None] elif stars == 2: arrays = self._evaluator.eval_element(el) dicts = [ _star_star_dict(self._evaluator, a, el, func) for a in arrays ] for dct in dicts: for key, values in dct.items(): yield key, values else: if pr.is_node(el, 'argument'): c = el.children if len(c) == 3: # Keyword argument. named_args.append((c[0].value, (c[2], ))) else: # Generator comprehension. # Include the brackets with the parent. comp = iterable.GeneratorComprehension( self._evaluator, self.argument_node.parent) yield None, (iterable.AlreadyEvaluated([comp]), ) elif isinstance(el, (list, tuple)): yield None, el else: yield None, (el, ) # Reordering var_args is necessary, because star args sometimes appear # after named argument, but in the actual order it's prepended. for key_arg in named_args: yield key_arg
def unpack(self, func=None): named_args = [] for stars, el in self._split(): if stars == 1: arrays = self._evaluator.eval_element(el) iterators = [_iterate_star_args(self._evaluator, a, el, func) for a in arrays] iterators = list(iterators) for values in list(zip_longest(*iterators)): yield None, [v for v in values if v is not None] elif stars == 2: arrays = self._evaluator.eval_element(el) dicts = [_star_star_dict(self._evaluator, a, el, func) for a in arrays] for dct in dicts: for key, values in dct.items(): yield key, values else: if tree.is_node(el, 'argument'): c = el.children if len(c) == 3: # Keyword argument. named_args.append((c[0].value, (c[2],))) else: # Generator comprehension. # Include the brackets with the parent. comp = iterable.GeneratorComprehension( self._evaluator, self.argument_node.parent) yield None, (iterable.AlreadyEvaluated([comp]),) elif isinstance(el, (list, tuple)): yield None, el else: yield None, (el,) # Reordering var_args is necessary, because star args sometimes appear # after named argument, but in the actual order it's prepended. for key_arg in named_args: yield key_arg
def get_calling_var_args(self): if tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist', 'argument') \ or self.argument_node == () and self.trailer is not None: return _get_calling_var_args(self._evaluator, self) else: return None
def get_calling_var_args(self): if pr.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist', 'argument') \ or self.argument_node == () and self.trailer is not None: return _get_calling_var_args(self._evaluator, self) else: return None
def goto(self, name): def resolve_implicit_imports(names): for name in names: if isinstance(name.parent, helpers.FakeImport): # Those are implicit imports. s = imports.ImportWrapper(self, name) for n in s.follow(is_goto=True): yield n else: yield name stmt = name.get_definition() par = name.parent if par.type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[ 0] == name: # Named param goto. trailer = par.parent if trailer.type == 'arglist': trailer = trailer.parent if trailer.type != 'classdef': if trailer.type == 'decorator': types = self.eval_element(trailer.children[1]) else: i = trailer.parent.children.index(trailer) to_evaluate = trailer.parent.children[:i] types = self.eval_element(to_evaluate[0]) for trailer in to_evaluate[1:]: types = self.eval_trailer(types, trailer) param_names = [] for typ in types: try: params = typ.params except AttributeError: pass else: param_names += [ for param in params if == name.value ] return param_names elif isinstance(par, tree.ExprStmt) and name in par.get_defined_names(): # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just # a name it's something you can "goto" again. return [name] elif isinstance( par, (tree.Param, tree.Function, tree.Class)) and is name: return [name] elif isinstance(stmt, tree.Import): modules = imports.ImportWrapper(self, name).follow(is_goto=True) return list(resolve_implicit_imports(modules)) elif par.type == 'dotted_name': # Is a decorator. index = par.children.index(name) if index > 0: new_dotted = helpers.deep_ast_copy(par) new_dotted.children[index - 1:] = [] types = self.eval_element(new_dotted) return resolve_implicit_imports( iterable.unite( self.find_types(typ, name, is_goto=True) for typ in types)) scope = name.get_parent_scope() if tree.is_node(par, 'trailer') and par.children[0] == '.': call = helpers.call_of_leaf(name, cut_own_trailer=True) types = self.eval_element(call) return resolve_implicit_imports( iterable.unite( self.find_types(typ, name, is_goto=True) for typ in types)) else: if stmt.type != 'expr_stmt': # We only need to adjust the start_pos for statements, because # there the name cannot be used. stmt = name return self.find_types(scope, name, stmt.start_pos, search_global=True, is_goto=True)
def goto(self, name): def resolve_implicit_imports(names): for name in names: if isinstance(name.parent, helpers.FakeImport): # Those are implicit imports. s = imports.ImportWrapper(self, name) for n in s.follow(is_goto=True): yield n else: yield name stmt = name.get_definition() par = name.parent if par.type == 'argument' and par.children[1] == '=' and par.children[0] == name: # Named param goto. trailer = par.parent if trailer.type == 'arglist': trailer = trailer.parent if trailer.type != 'classdef': if trailer.type == 'decorator': types = self.eval_element(trailer.children[1]) else: i = trailer.parent.children.index(trailer) to_evaluate = trailer.parent.children[:i] types = self.eval_element(to_evaluate[0]) for trailer in to_evaluate[1:]: types = self.eval_trailer(types, trailer) param_names = [] for typ in types: try: params = typ.params except AttributeError: pass else: param_names += [ for param in params if == name.value] return param_names elif isinstance(par, tree.ExprStmt) and name in par.get_defined_names(): # Only take the parent, because if it's more complicated than just # a name it's something you can "goto" again. return [name] elif isinstance(par, (tree.Param, tree.Function, tree.Class)) and is name: return [name] elif isinstance(stmt, tree.Import): modules = imports.ImportWrapper(self, name).follow(is_goto=True) return list(resolve_implicit_imports(modules)) elif par.type == 'dotted_name': # Is a decorator. index = par.children.index(name) if index > 0: new_dotted = helpers.deep_ast_copy(par) new_dotted.children[index - 1:] = [] types = self.eval_element(new_dotted) return resolve_implicit_imports(iterable.unite( self.find_types(typ, name, is_goto=True) for typ in types )) scope = name.get_parent_scope() if tree.is_node(par, 'trailer') and par.children[0] == '.': call = helpers.call_of_leaf(name, cut_own_trailer=True) types = self.eval_element(call) return resolve_implicit_imports(iterable.unite( self.find_types(typ, name, is_goto=True) for typ in types )) else: if stmt.type != 'expr_stmt': # We only need to adjust the start_pos for statements, because # there the name cannot be used. stmt = name return self.find_types(scope, name, stmt.start_pos, search_global=True, is_goto=True)