def _matching_builds(url, jobname, arch, distrover, branch=None):
    Iterator: return builds of jobname, in newest-first order, that
    match arch/distrover/optional branch (if there are any).
    job = Jenkins(url)[jobname]
    # get_build_ids() returns in newest-to-oldest order
    for buildno in job.get_build_ids():
        build = job.get_build(buildno)
        build.lname = str(build).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        # set dist and arch later in the horrible _has_arch_distrover

        # if it's a matrix build, search the runs; if not, search parent.
        for run in build.get_matrix_runs():
            run.lname = str(run).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
            if _build_matches(run, arch, distrover, branch, is_matrix=True):
                yield run
            if _build_matches(build, arch, distrover, branch, is_matrix=False):
                yield build

    raise StopIteration
def _matching_builds(url, jobname, arch, distrover, branch=None):
    Iterator: return builds of jobname, in newest-first order, that
    match arch/distrover/optional branch (if there are any).
    job = Jenkins(url)[jobname]
    # get_build_ids() returns in newest-to-oldest order
    for buildno in job.get_build_ids():
        build = job.get_build(buildno)
        build.lname = str(build).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        # set dist and arch later in the horrible _has_arch_distrover

        # if it's a matrix build, search the runs; if not, search parent.
        for run in build.get_matrix_runs():
            run.lname = str(run).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
            if _build_matches(run, arch, distrover, branch, is_matrix=True):
                yield run
            if _build_matches(build, arch, distrover, branch, is_matrix=False):
                yield build

    raise StopIteration