def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
    client = 'http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/fake-client'
    contact = '[email protected]/Resource'
    files = [("file", "File.txt", 12345, False),
             ("file", "Image.txt", 54321, True),
             ("folder", "Folder", 123, False),
             ("folder", "Folder no size", None, True)]

    test_ft_caps_from_contact(q, bus, conn, stream, contact,
        2L, client)

    self_handle = conn.Properties.Get(cs.CONN, "SelfHandle")
    jid =  conn.inspect_contact_sync(self_handle)

    iq = IQ(stream, "set")
    iq['to'] = jid
    iq['from'] = contact
    session = iq.addElement("session", "http://www.google.com/session")
    session['type'] = "initiate"
    session['id'] = "2156517633"
    session['initiator'] = contact
    session.addElement("transport", "http://www.google.com/transport/p2p")
    description = session.addElement("description",

    manifest = description.addElement("manifest")
    for f in files:
        type, name, size, image = f
        file = manifest.addElement(type)
        if size is not None:
            file['size'] = str(size)
        file.addElement("name", None, name)
        if image:
            image = file.addElement("image")
            image['width'] = '1200'
            image['height'] = '1024'

    protocol = description.addElement("protocol")
    http = protocol.addElement("http")
    url = http.addElement("url", None, "/temporary/ade15194140cf7b7bceafe/")
    url['name'] = 'source-path'
    url = http.addElement("url", None, "/temporary/578d715be25ddc28870d3f/")
    url['name'] = 'preview-path'


    patterns = []
    found = {}

    def get_predicate(name, found, i):
        # This needs to be a function so that name, found, i
        # are part of a closure.

        # /!\ This predicate has side-effects: it writes to 'found'
        def predicate(e):
            path, props = e.args[0][0]
            if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] != cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER:
                return False

            if props[cs.FT_FILENAME] == name:
                found[i] = (path, props)
                return True
        return predicate

    for i, f in enumerate(files):
        type, name, size, image = f
        if type == "folder":
            name = "%s.tar" % name

            return False

            predicate=get_predicate(name, found, i)))

    # Make sure every file transfer has a channel associated with it
    file_collection = None
    assertLength(len(files), found)

    channels = []
    for i in found:
        assert found[i] is not None
        path, props = found[i]
        channels.append((path, props))

        # Get the FileCollection and make sure it exists
        if file_collection is None:
            file_collection = props[cs.FT_FILE_COLLECTION]
            assert file_collection != ''
        assert file_collection is not None

        # FileCollection must be the same for every channel
        assert props[cs.FT_FILE_COLLECTION] == file_collection, props

        type, name, size, image = files[i]
        if size is None:
            size = 0

        assertEquals(size, props[cs.FT_SIZE])

        assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER, props
            ], props[cs.INTERFACES])
        assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == 2L, props
        assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == contact.replace("/Resource", ""), props
        assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_CONTACT, props
        assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False, props
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == 2L, props
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == contact.replace("/Resource", ""), props
        assert props[cs.FT_STATE] == cs.FT_STATE_PENDING, props
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_TYPE] == '', props
        # FT's protocol doesn't allow us the send the hash info
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_HASH_TYPE] == cs.FILE_HASH_TYPE_NONE, props
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_HASH] == '', props
        assert props[cs.FT_DESCRIPTION] == '', props
        assert props[cs.FT_DATE] == 0, props
        assert props[cs.FT_AVAILABLE_SOCKET_TYPES] == \
        assert props[cs.FT_TRANSFERRED_BYTES] == 0, props
        assert props[cs.FT_INITIAL_OFFSET] == 0, props

    event = q.expect('stream-iq', to=contact,
                     iq_type='set', query_name='session')
    session_node = event.query
    assert session_node.attributes['type'] == 'transport-accept'

    # Close all but one of the channels, and make sure Gabble doesn't cancel
    # the multi-FT yet.
    terminate_pattern = EventPattern('stream-iq', to=contact, iq_type='set',
        predicate=lambda event: event.query['type'] == 'terminate')


    for path, props in channels[:-1]:
        ft_chan = bus.get_object(conn.object.bus_name, path)
        channel = dbus.Interface(ft_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
        q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Closed', path=path)

    sync_stream(q, stream)

    # Now close the final channel, and make sure Gabble terminates the session.
    last_path, props = channels[-1]

    ft_chan = bus.get_object(conn.object.bus_name, last_path)
    channel = dbus.Interface(ft_chan, cs.CHANNEL)

def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
    client = 'http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/fake-client'

    test_ft_caps_from_contact(q, bus, conn, stream, '[email protected]/Foo',
        2L, client)
def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
    client = 'http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/fake-client'
    contact = '[email protected]/Resource'
    files = [("file", "File.txt", 12345, False),
             ("file", "Image.txt", 54321, True),
             ("folder", "Folder", 123, False),
             ("folder", "Folder no size", None, True)]

    test_ft_caps_from_contact(q, bus, conn, stream, contact, 2, client)

    self_handle = conn.Properties.Get(cs.CONN, "SelfHandle")
    jid = conn.inspect_contact_sync(self_handle)

    iq = IQ(stream, "set")
    iq['to'] = jid
    iq['from'] = contact
    session = iq.addElement("session", "http://www.google.com/session")
    session['type'] = "initiate"
    session['id'] = "2156517633"
    session['initiator'] = contact
    session.addElement("transport", "http://www.google.com/transport/p2p")
    description = session.addElement("description",

    manifest = description.addElement("manifest")
    for f in files:
        type, name, size, image = f
        file = manifest.addElement(type)
        if size is not None:
            file['size'] = str(size)
        file.addElement("name", None, name)
        if image:
            image = file.addElement("image")
            image['width'] = '1200'
            image['height'] = '1024'

    protocol = description.addElement("protocol")
    http = protocol.addElement("http")
    url = http.addElement("url", None, "/temporary/ade15194140cf7b7bceafe/")
    url['name'] = 'source-path'
    url = http.addElement("url", None, "/temporary/578d715be25ddc28870d3f/")
    url['name'] = 'preview-path'


    patterns = []
    found = {}

    def get_predicate(name, found, i):
        # This needs to be a function so that name, found, i
        # are part of a closure.

        # /!\ This predicate has side-effects: it writes to 'found'
        def predicate(e):
            path, props = e.args[0][0]
            if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] != cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER:
                return False

            if props[cs.FT_FILENAME] == name:
                found[i] = (path, props)
                return True

        return predicate

    for i, f in enumerate(files):
        type, name, size, image = f
        if type == "folder":
            name = "%s.tar" % name

            return False

                         predicate=get_predicate(name, found, i)))

    # Make sure every file transfer has a channel associated with it
    file_collection = None
    assertLength(len(files), found)

    channels = []
    for i in found:
        assert found[i] is not None
        path, props = found[i]
        channels.append((path, props))

        # Get the FileCollection and make sure it exists
        if file_collection is None:
            file_collection = props[cs.FT_FILE_COLLECTION]
            assert file_collection != ''
        assert file_collection is not None

        # FileCollection must be the same for every channel
        assert props[cs.FT_FILE_COLLECTION] == file_collection, props

        type, name, size, image = files[i]
        if size is None:
            size = 0

        assertEquals(size, props[cs.FT_SIZE])

        assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER, props
        ], props[cs.INTERFACES])
        assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == 2, props
        assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == contact.replace("/Resource", ""), props
        assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_CONTACT, props
        assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False, props
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == 2, props
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == contact.replace("/Resource",
                                                         ""), props
        assert props[cs.FT_STATE] == cs.FT_STATE_PENDING, props
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_TYPE] == '', props
        # FT's protocol doesn't allow us the send the hash info
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_HASH_TYPE] == cs.FILE_HASH_TYPE_NONE, props
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_HASH] == '', props
        assert props[cs.FT_DESCRIPTION] == '', props
        assert props[cs.FT_DATE] == 0, props
        assert props[cs.FT_AVAILABLE_SOCKET_TYPES] == \
        assert props[cs.FT_TRANSFERRED_BYTES] == 0, props
        assert props[cs.FT_INITIAL_OFFSET] == 0, props

    event = q.expect('stream-iq',
    session_node = event.query
    assert session_node.attributes['type'] == 'transport-accept'

    # Close all but one of the channels, and make sure Gabble doesn't cancel
    # the multi-FT yet.
    terminate_pattern = EventPattern(
        predicate=lambda event: event.query['type'] == 'terminate')


    for path, props in channels[:-1]:
        ft_chan = bus.get_object(conn.object.bus_name, path)
        channel = dbus.Interface(ft_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
        q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Closed', path=path)

    sync_stream(q, stream)

    # Now close the final channel, and make sure Gabble terminates the session.
    last_path, props = channels[-1]

    ft_chan = bus.get_object(conn.object.bus_name, last_path)
    channel = dbus.Interface(ft_chan, cs.CHANNEL)

def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
    client = 'http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/fake-client'

    test_ft_caps_from_contact(q, bus, conn, stream, '[email protected]/Foo', 2,
def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
    client = 'http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/fake-client'
    contact = '[email protected]/Resource'
    files = [("file", "File.txt", 12345, False),
             ("file", "Image.txt", 54321, True),
             ("folder", "Folder", 123, False),
             ("folder", "Folder no size", None, True)]

    test_ft_caps_from_contact(q, bus, conn, stream, contact,
        2L, client)

    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
    jid =  conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [self_handle])[0]

    iq = IQ(stream, "set")
    iq['to'] = jid
    iq['from'] = contact
    session = iq.addElement("session", "http://www.google.com/session")
    session['type'] = "initiate"
    session['id'] = "2156517633"
    session['initiator'] = contact
    session.addElement("transport", "http://www.google.com/transport/p2p")
    description = session.addElement("description",

    manifest = description.addElement("manifest")
    for f in files:
        type, name, size, image = f
        file = manifest.addElement(type)
        if size is not None:
            file['size'] = str(size)
        file.addElement("name", None, name)
        if image:
            image = file.addElement("image")
            image['width'] = '1200'
            image['height'] = '1024'

    protocol = description.addElement("protocol")
    http = protocol.addElement("http")
    url = http.addElement("url", None, "/temporary/ade15194140cf7b7bceafe/")
    url['name'] = 'source-path'
    url = http.addElement("url", None, "/temporary/578d715be25ddc28870d3f/")
    url['name'] = 'preview-path'

    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal="NewChannels")
    channels = event.args[0]

    # Make sure we get the right amout of channels
    assert len(channels) == len(files)

    # Make sure every file transfer has a channel associated with it
    found = [False for i in files]
    file_collection = None
    for channel in channels:
        path, props = channel

        # Get the FileCollection and make sure it exists
        if file_collection is None:
            file_collection = props[cs.FT_FILE_COLLECTION]
            assert file_collection != ''
        assert file_collection is not None

        # FileCollection must be the same for every channel
        assert props[cs.FT_FILE_COLLECTION] == file_collection, props

        for i, f in enumerate(files):
            type, name, size, image = f
            if type == "folder":
                name = "%s.tar" % name
            if size is None:
                size = 0

            if props[cs.FT_FILENAME].encode('utf=8') == name:
                assert found[i] == False
                found[i] = True
                assert props[cs.FT_SIZE] == size, props

        assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER, props
        assert props[cs.INTERFACES] == [], props
        assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == 2L, props
        assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == contact.replace("/Resource", ""), props
        assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_CONTACT, props
        assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False, props
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == 2L, props
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == contact.replace("/Resource", ""), props
        assert props[cs.FT_STATE] == cs.FT_STATE_PENDING, props
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_TYPE] == '', props
        # FT's protocol doesn't allow us the send the hash info
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_HASH_TYPE] == cs.FILE_HASH_TYPE_NONE, props
        assert props[cs.FT_CONTENT_HASH] == '', props
        assert props[cs.FT_DESCRIPTION] == '', props
        assert props[cs.FT_DATE] == 0, props
        assert props[cs.FT_AVAILABLE_SOCKET_TYPES] == \
        assert props[cs.FT_TRANSFERRED_BYTES] == 0, props
        assert props[cs.FT_INITIAL_OFFSET] == 0, props

    assert False not in found

    event = q.expect('stream-iq', to=contact,
                     iq_type='set', query_name='session')
    stanza = event.stanza
    session_node = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq/session', event.stanza)[0]
    assert session_node.attributes['type'] == 'transport-accept'

    # Lower the timeout because we will do a q.expect where we expect it to
    # timeout since we check for the *not* reception of the terminate
    q.timeout = 2

    # Cancel all the channels and make sure gabble cancels the multiFT only
    # once the last channel has been closed
    last_path, props = channels[-1]
    for i in range(len(channels)):
        path, props = channels[i]
        ft_chan = bus.get_object(conn.object.bus_name, path)
        channel = dbus.Interface(ft_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
            event = q.expect('stream-iq', to=contact,
                             iq_type='set', query_name='session')
            # If the iq is received, it must be for the last channel closed
            assert path == last_path, event
            # Make sure it's a terminate message
            stanza = event.stanza
            session_node = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq/session', event.stanza)[0]
            assert session_node.attributes['type'] == 'terminate'
        except TimeoutError, e:
            # Timeout only for the non last channel getting closed
            assert path != last_path