    def __init__(self, extra_vars_func=None, options=None):
        if 'jinja.environment' in options:
            self.env = options['jinja.environment']
            opt = {}
            for key, value in options.iteritems():
                if key.startswith('jinja.') and key != 'jinja.extension':
                    opt[key[6:]] = value
            loader_func = opt.pop('loader_func', None)
            getmtime_func = opt.pop('getmtime_func', None)
            use_memcache = opt.pop('use_memcache', False)
            memcache_size = opt.pop('memcache_size', 40)
            cache_folder = opt.pop('cache_folder', None)
            auto_reload = opt.pop('auto_reload', True)
            if 'searchpath' in opt:
                opt['loader'] = FileSystemLoader(opt.pop('searchpath'),
                                                 use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                                 cache_folder, auto_reload)
            elif 'package' in opt:
                opt['loader'] = PackageLoader(opt.pop('package'),
                                              opt.pop('package_path', ''),
                                              use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                              cache_folder, auto_reload)
            elif loader_func is not None:
                opt['loader'] = FunctionLoader(loader_func, getmtime_func,
                                               use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                               cache_folder, auto_reload)
            self.env = Environment(**opt)

        self.extra_vars_func = extra_vars_func
        self.extension = options.pop('jinja.extension', 'html')
 def create_template(self):
     env = Environment()
     env.loader = FileSystemLoader(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_FOLDER)
     template = env.get_template(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE)
     output_text = template.render(self.__template_vars)
     output_report = open(self.__template_path, 'w')
def from_string(source):
    Create a template from the template source.
    global _from_string_env
    if _from_string_env is None:
        from jinja.environment import Environment
        _from_string_env = Environment()
    return _from_string_env.from_string(source)
文件: utils.py 项目: adamreis/GeoCash
def from_string(source):
    Create a template from the template source.
    global _from_string_env
    if _from_string_env is None:
        from jinja.environment import Environment
        _from_string_env = Environment()
    return _from_string_env.from_string(source)
class BuffetPlugin(object):
    Implements the Jinja buffet plugin. Well. It works for pylons and should
    work for TurboGears too if their plugin system would work.
    def __init__(self, extra_vars_func=None, options=None):
        if 'jinja.environment' in options:
            self.env = options['jinja.environment']
            opt = {}
            for key, value in options.iteritems():
                if key.startswith('jinja.') and key != 'jinja.extension':
                    opt[key[6:]] = value
            loader_func = opt.pop('loader_func', None)
            getmtime_func = opt.pop('getmtime_func', None)
            use_memcache = opt.pop('use_memcache', False)
            memcache_size = opt.pop('memcache_size', 40)
            cache_folder = opt.pop('cache_folder', None)
            auto_reload = opt.pop('auto_reload', True)
            if 'searchpath' in opt:
                opt['loader'] = FileSystemLoader(opt.pop('searchpath'),
                                                 use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                                 cache_folder, auto_reload)
            elif 'package' in opt:
                opt['loader'] = PackageLoader(opt.pop('package'),
                                              opt.pop('package_path', ''),
                                              use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                              cache_folder, auto_reload)
            elif loader_func is not None:
                opt['loader'] = FunctionLoader(loader_func, getmtime_func,
                                               use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                               cache_folder, auto_reload)
            self.env = Environment(**opt)

        self.extra_vars_func = extra_vars_func
        self.extension = options.pop('jinja.extension', 'html')

    def load_template(self, templatename, template_string=None):
        if template_string is not None:
            return self.env.from_string(template_string)
        if templatename.startswith('!'):
            jinja_name = templatename[1:]
            jinja_name = templatename.replace('.', '/') + '.' + self.extension
        return self.env.get_template(jinja_name)

    def render(self, info, format='html', fragment=False, template=None):
        if isinstance(template, basestring):
            template = self.load_template(template)
        if self.extra_vars_func:
        return template.render(info)
    def render_template(self, branch):
        Render XML from the Jinja2 template
        from jinja import FileSystemLoader
        from jinja.environment import Environment

        env = Environment()
        env.loader = FileSystemLoader('templates')
        template = env.get_template(self.template_name)
        rendered_xml = template.render(git_repo=self.repo_url,
        return rendered_xml
def jinja_plugin_factory(options):
    Basic implementation of the `GeneralTemplateInterface`.

    Supports ``loader_func`` and ``getmtime_func``, as well as
    string and file loading but ignores ``mode`` since it's a
    text based template engine.

    All options passed to this function are forwarded to the
    jinja environment. Exceptions are the following keys:

    =================== =================================================
    ``environment``     If this is provided it must be the only
                        configuration value and it's used as jinja
    ``searchpath``      If provided a new file system loader with this
                        search path is instanciated.
    ``package``         Name of the python package containing the
                        templates. If this and ``package_path`` is
                        defined a `PackageLoader` is used.
    ``package_path``    Path to the templates inside of a package.
    ``loader_func``     Function that takes the name of the template to
                        load. If it returns a string or unicode object
                        it's used to load a template. If the return
                        value is None it's considered missing.
    ``getmtime_func``   Function used to check if templates requires
                        reloading. Has to return the UNIX timestamp of
                        the last template change or 0 if this template
                        does not exist or requires updates at any cost.
    ``use_memcache``    Set this to ``True`` to enable memory caching.
                        This is usually a good idea in production mode,
                        but disable it during development since it won't
                        reload template changes automatically.
                        This only works in persistent environments like
    ``memcache_size``   Number of template instance you want to cache.
                        Defaults to ``40``.
    ``cache_folder``    Set this to an existing directory to enable
                        caching of templates on the file system. Note
                        that this only affects templates transformed
                        into python code. Default is ``None`` which means
                        that caching is disabled.
    ``auto_reload``     Set this to `False` for a slightly better
                        performance. In that case of `getmtime_func`
                        not being provided this won't have an effect.
    =================== =================================================
        DeprecationWarning('general plugin interface implementation '
                           'deprecated because not an accepted '

    if 'environment' in options:
        env = options['environment']
        if not len(options) == 1:
            raise TypeError('if environment provided no other '
                            'arguments are allowed')
        loader_func = options.pop('loader_func', None)
        getmtime_func = options.pop('getmtime_func', None)
        use_memcache = options.pop('use_memcache', False)
        memcache_size = options.pop('memcache_size', 40)
        cache_folder = options.pop('cache_folder', None)
        auto_reload = options.pop('auto_reload', True)
        if 'searchpath' in options:
            options['loader'] = FileSystemLoader(options.pop('searchpath'),
                                                 use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                                 cache_folder, auto_reload)
        elif 'package' in options:
            options['loader'] = PackageLoader(options.pop('package'),
                                              options.pop('package_path', ''),
                                              use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                              cache_folder, auto_reload)
        elif loader_func is not None:
            options['loader'] = FunctionLoader(loader_func, getmtime_func,
                                               use_memcache, memcache_size,
                                               cache_folder, auto_reload)
        env = Environment(**options)

    def render_function(template, values, options):
        if options.get('is_string'):
            tmpl = env.from_string(template)
                tmpl = env.get_template(template)
            except TemplateNotFound:
        return tmpl.render(**values)

    return render_function