 def test_template_render_error_nonexistent_source(self):
     template = self.engine.get_template("template_backends/hello.html")
     with mock.patch(
                 "", 1, filename="nonexistent.html"),
         with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as e:
     debug = e.exception.template_debug
     self.assertEqual(debug["after"], "")
     self.assertEqual(debug["before"], "")
     self.assertEqual(debug["during"], "")
     self.assertEqual(debug["bottom"], 0)
     self.assertEqual(debug["top"], 0)
     self.assertEqual(debug["line"], 1)
     self.assertEqual(debug["total"], 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(debug["source_lines"]), 0)
     self.assertIn("message", debug)
 def test_template_render_error_nonexistent_source(self):
     template = self.engine.get_template('template_backends/hello.html')
     with mock.patch(
                 '', 1, filename='nonexistent.html'),
         with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError) as e:
     debug = e.exception.template_debug
     self.assertEqual(debug['after'], '')
     self.assertEqual(debug['before'], '')
     self.assertEqual(debug['during'], '')
     self.assertEqual(debug['bottom'], 0)
     self.assertEqual(debug['top'], 0)
     self.assertEqual(debug['line'], 1)
     self.assertEqual(debug['total'], 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(debug['source_lines']), 0)
     self.assertIn('message', debug)
def new_page_menu(context, *args, **kwargs):
    # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    context = dict(context)
    template_name = None
    parent_page = None
    for part in args:
        if isinstance(part, str):
            template_name = part
        elif isinstance(part, Page):
            parent_page = part
    if template_name is None:
            template_name = context["menu_template_name"]
        except KeyError:
            error = "No template found for page_menu in: %s" % args
            raise jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError(error)
    context["menu_template_name"] = template_name
    if "menu_pages" not in context:
            user = context["request"].user
            slug = context["request"].path
        except KeyError:
            user = None
            slug = ""
        num_children = lambda id: lambda: len(context["menu_pages"][id])
        has_children = lambda id: lambda: num_children(id)() > 0
        rel = [m.__name__.lower() for m in Page.get_content_models()]
        published = Page.objects.published(for_user=user).select_related(*rel)
        # Store the current page being viewed in the context. Used
        # for comparisons in page.set_menu_helpers.
        if "page" not in context:
                context["_current_page"] = published.exclude(
            except Page.DoesNotExist:
                context["_current_page"] = None
        elif slug:
            context["_current_page"] = context["page"]
        # Some homepage related context flags. on_home is just a helper
        # indicated we're on the homepage. has_home indicates an actual
        # page object exists for the homepage, which can be used to
        # determine whether or not to show a hard-coded homepage link
        # in the page menu.
        home = home_slug()
        context["on_home"] = slug == home
        context["has_home"] = False
        # Maintain a dict of page IDs -> parent IDs for fast
        # lookup in setting page.is_current_or_ascendant in
        # page.set_menu_helpers.
        context["_parent_page_ids"] = {}
        pages = defaultdict(list)
        for page in published.order_by("_order"):
            context["_parent_page_ids"][page.id] = page.parent_id
            setattr(page, "num_children", num_children(page.id))
            setattr(page, "has_children", has_children(page.id))
            if page.slug == home:
                context["has_home"] = True
        # Include menu_pages in all contexts, not only in the
        # block being rendered.
        context["menu_pages"] = pages
    # ``branch_level`` must be stored against each page so that the
    # calculation of it is correctly applied. This looks weird but if we do
    # the ``branch_level`` as a separate arg to the template tag with the
    # addition performed on it, the addition occurs each time the template
    # tag is called rather than once per level.
    context["branch_level"] = 0
    parent_page_id = None
    if parent_page is not None:
        context["branch_level"] = getattr(parent_page, "branch_level", 0) + 1
        parent_page_id = parent_page.id

    # Build the ``page_branch`` template variable, which is the list of
    # pages for the current parent. Here we also assign the attributes
    # to the page object that determines whether it belongs in the
    # current menu template being rendered.
    context["page_branch"] = context["menu_pages"].get(parent_page_id, [])
    context["page_branch_in_menu"] = False
    for page in context["page_branch"]:
        page.in_menu = page.in_menu_template(template_name)
        page.num_children_in_menu = 0
        if page.in_menu:
            context["page_branch_in_menu"] = True
        for child in context["menu_pages"].get(page.id, []):
            if child.in_menu_template(template_name):
                page.num_children_in_menu += 1
        page.has_children_in_menu = page.num_children_in_menu > 0
        page.branch_level = context["branch_level"]
        page.parent = parent_page
        context["parent_page"] = page.parent

        # Prior to pages having the ``in_menus`` field, pages had two
        # boolean fields ``in_navigation`` and ``in_footer`` for
        # controlling menu inclusion. Attributes and variables
        # simulating these are maintained here for backwards
        # compatibility in templates, but will be removed eventually.
        page.in_navigation = page.in_menu
        page.in_footer = not (not page.in_menu and "footer" in template_name)
        if page.in_navigation:
            context["page_branch_in_navigation"] = True
        if page.in_footer:
            context["page_branch_in_footer"] = True

    t = get_template(template_name)
    return jinja2.Markup(t.render(Context(context)))
 def error(self, message, stream):
     return jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError(message, stream.current.lineno,
                                       stream.name, stream.filename)