def cli(args=sys.argv[1:]): import optparse alias_config = Config(section='alias') if set(list(alias_config.items().keys())).intersection(args): for alias, target in list(alias_config.items()).items(): if args[0] == alias: args = shlex.split(target) + args[1:] break parser = build_parser() try: config = Config() pre_opts, pre_args = None, None try: optparser = optparse.OptionParser() def void(*args): raise SystemExit() optparser.print_usage = void optparser.add_option("", "--version", action='store_true', default=False) pre_opts, pre_args = optparser.parse_args(args) except SystemExit: pass if pre_opts and pre_opts.version: print(__version__) return if not (pre_opts and ("configure" in pre_args or "clear_cache" in pre_args)): post_args = parser.parse_args(args) jira = initialize( config, post_args.jira_url, post_args.username, post_args.password, persist=not (post_args.username or post_args.jira_url), protocol='rest' ) return post_args.cmd(jira, post_args).execute() else: if "configure" in pre_args: config.reset() initialize( config, "", "", "", True, protocol='rest' ) elif "clear_cache" in pre_args: clear_cache() print_output(colorfunc("jira-cli cache cleared", "green")) return except KeyboardInterrupt: print_error("aborted", severity=WARNING) except UsageWarning as e: print_error(str(e), severity=WARNING) except (JiraCliError, UsageError) as e: print_error(str(e)) except (WebFault) as e: print_error(JiraCliError(e)) except (JIRAError) as e: print_error(JiraCliError(e)) except NotImplementedError as e: print_error(e)
def cli(args=sys.argv[1:]): parser = build_parser() try: config = Config() pre_opts, pre_args = None, None try: pre_opts, pre_args = fake_parse(args) except StopIteration: pre_opts, pre_args = None, None if not ("--v2" in args or config.v2): return old_main() except SystemExit: pass if pre_opts and pre_opts.version: print(__version__) return if (not (pre_opts or pre_args) or (pre_opts and (pre_opts.v2 or config.v2)) and not (pre_opts and ("configure" in pre_args or "clear_cache" in pre_args))): post_args = parser.parse_args(args) jira = initialize( config, post_args.jira_url, post_args.username, post_args.password, persist=not (post_args.username or post_args.jira_url), protocol=post_args.protocol or config.protocol or 'soap') return post_args.cmd(jira, post_args).execute() else: if "configure" in pre_args: config.reset() initialize(config, "", "", "", True, protocol=pre_opts.protocol or config.protocol or 'soap') elif "clear_cache" in pre_args: clear_cache() print_output(colorfunc("jira-cli cache cleared", "green")) return except KeyboardInterrupt: print_error("aborted", severity=WARNING) except UsageWarning as e: print_error(str(e), severity=WARNING) except (JiraCliError, UsageError) as e: print_error(str(e)) except (WebFault) as e: print_error(JiraCliError(e)) except (JIRAError) as e: print_error(JiraCliError(e)) except NotImplementedError as e: print_error(e)
def create_issue(self, project, type='bug', summary="", description="", priority="minor", parent=None): issue = { "project": project.upper(), "summary": summary, "description": description, "priority": self.get_priorities()[priority.lower()]["id"] } if type.lower() == 'epic': issue['customfield_11401'] = summary try: if parent: issue['type'] = self.get_subtask_issue_types()[ type.lower()]['id'], return soap_recursive_dict( self.service.createIssueWithParent(self.token, issue, parent)) else: issue['type'] = self.get_issue_types()[type.lower()]['id'], return soap_recursive_dict( self.service.createIssue(self.token, issue)) except WebFault as e: raise JiraCliError(e)
def transition_issue(self, issue, transition, comment=""): transitions = self.get_available_transitions(issue) try: return self.jira.transition_issue(issue, transitions[transition]['id']) except KeyError: raise JiraCliError("Invalid transition '%s'. Use one of [%s]" % (transition, ",".join(transitions)))
def transition_issue(self, issue, transition, comment=""): transitions = self.get_available_transitions(issue) try: return self.service.progressWorkflowAction( self.token, issue, transitions[transition]['id']) except KeyError: raise JiraCliError("Invalid transition '%s'. Use one of [%s]" % (transition, ",".join(transitions)))
def transition_issue(self, issue, transition, resolution): transitions = self.get_available_transitions(issue) fields = {} if resolution: fields["resolution"] = self.get_resolutions()[resolution.lower()] try: return self.jira.transition_issue(issue, transitions[transition]['id'], fields=fields) except KeyError: raise JiraCliError("Invalid transition '%s'. Use one of [%s]" % (transition, ",".join(transitions)))
def create_issue(self, project, type='bug', summary="", description="", priority="minor", parent=None, assignee="", reporter="", labels=[], components={}, **extras): issue = { "project": project.upper(), "summary": summary, "description": description, "priority": self.get_priorities()[priority.lower()]["id"], "assignee": assignee, "reporter": reporter, "components": [{ "name": k, "id": components[k] } for k in components] } if not issue["components"]: issue.pop("components") if type.lower() == 'epic': issue['customfield_11401'] = summary try: if parent: issue['type'] = self.get_subtask_issue_types()[ type.lower()]['id'], created_issue = soap_recursive_dict( self.service.createIssueWithParent(self.token, issue, parent)) else: issue['type'] = self.get_issue_types()[type.lower()]['id'], created_issue = soap_recursive_dict( self.service.createIssue(self.token, issue)) if assignee or reporter or labels: if assignee: created_issue = self.assign_issue(created_issue['key'], assignee) if reporter: created_issue = self.change_reporter( created_issue['key'], reporter) if labels: created_issue = self.add_labels(created_issue['key'], labels) return soap_recursive_dict(created_issue) else: return created_issue except WebFault as e: raise JiraCliError(e)
def transition_issue(self, issue, transition, resolution): transitions = self.get_available_transitions(issue) try: fields = {} if resolution: fields.append( {"resolution": self.get_resolutions()[resolution]["id"]}) return self.service.progressWorkflowAction( self.token, issue, transitions[transition]['id'], fields) except KeyError: raise JiraCliError("Invalid transition '%s'. Use one of [%s]" % (transition, ",".join(transitions)))
def create_issue(self, project, type='bug', summary="", description="", priority="minor", parent=None, assignee="", reporter=""): issue = { "project": project.upper(), "summary": summary, "description": description, "priority": self.get_priorities()[priority.lower()]["id"], "assignee": assignee, "reporter": reporter } if type.lower() == 'epic': issue['customfield_11401'] = summary try: if parent: issue['type'] = self.get_subtask_issue_types()[ type.lower()]['id'], created_issue = soap_recursive_dict( self.service.createIssueWithParent(self.token, issue, parent)) else: issue['type'] = self.get_issue_types()[type.lower()]['id'], created_issue = soap_recursive_dict( self.service.createIssue(self.token, issue)) if assignee: created_issue = self.assign_issue(created_issue['key'], assignee) if reporter: created_issue = self.change_reporter(created_issue['key'], reporter) return soap_recursive_dict(created_issue) except WebFault as e: raise JiraCliError(e)
def cli(args=sys.argv[1:]): alias_config = Config(section='alias') if set(alias_config.items().keys()).intersection(args): for alias, target in alias_config.items().items(): if args[0] == alias: args = shlex.split(target) + args[1:] break parser = build_parser() try: config = Config() pre_opts, pre_args = None, None try: pre_opts, pre_args = fake_parse(args) except StopIteration: pre_opts, pre_args = None, None if "--v1" in args or config.v1: if '--v1' in sys.argv: print_error( "Use of the v1 interface is no longer supported. Please refer to", WARNING) sys.argv.remove("--v1") return old_main() except SystemExit: pass if pre_opts and pre_opts.version: print(__version__) return if (not (pre_opts or pre_args) or (pre_opts and not (pre_opts.v1 or config.v1)) and not (pre_opts and ("configure" in pre_args or "clear_cache" in pre_args))): post_args = parser.parse_args(args) jira = initialize( config, post_args.jira_url, post_args.username, post_args.password, persist=not (post_args.username or post_args.jira_url), protocol=post_args.protocol or config.protocol or 'rest') return post_args.cmd(jira, post_args).execute() else: if "configure" in pre_args: config.reset() initialize(config, "", "", "", True, protocol=pre_opts.protocol or config.protocol or 'soap') elif "clear_cache" in pre_args: clear_cache() print_output(colorfunc("jira-cli cache cleared", "green")) return except KeyboardInterrupt: print_error("aborted", severity=WARNING) except UsageWarning as e: print_error(str(e), severity=WARNING) except (JiraCliError, UsageError) as e: print_error(str(e)) except (WebFault) as e: print_error(JiraCliError(e)) except (JIRAError) as e: print_error(JiraCliError(e)) except NotImplementedError as e: print_error(e)
def get_available_transitions(self, issue): transitions = self.service.getAvailableActions(self.token, issue) if not transitions: raise JiraCliError("No transitions found for issue %s" % issue) return dict( (, soap_recursive_dict(k)) for k in transitions)
def add_labels(self, issue_id, labels, merge=False): if merge: raise JiraCliError( "updating labels via the soap protocol is not supported") return self.update_issue(issue_id, labels=labels)