def test_kp_ks_k_conversion(makeSynthetic=False): """ For Arches photometry, we need to convert between Kp, Ks, and K filters for extinction corrections and model comparisons. This code tests whether we can simply use a linear relationship between H-Kp and Kp-Ks or Kp-K for the conversion. I use synthetic atmospheres for a simulated stellar population at 8 kpc, 2.5 Myr, solar metallicity, for extinctions between AKs of 2-4 to get the range of colors. """ dir = '/u/jlu/work/arches/photo_calib/filter_conversions/' os.chdir(dir) if makeSynthetic: synthetic.nearIR(8000, 6.4) # Load up the synthetic data generated at a distance of # 8 kpc and for a population with an age of 10**9.35 years. synFile = dir + 'syn_nir_d08000_a640.dat' T, AKs, J, H, K, Kp, Ks, Lp, mass, logg, logL = synthetic.load_nearIR(synFile) # From Schoedel et al. 2010, the range of extinctions is given by a # gaussian with mean AKs = 2.74 and stddev = 0.3. Our synthetic # photometry samples AKs in steps of 0.1 so we will take the range # 2.1 <= AKs <= 4.2 (see Espinoza et al. 2009). adx = np.where((AKs >= 2.1) & (AKs <= 4.2))[0] AKs = AKs[adx] J = J[:,adx] H = H[:,adx] K = K[:,adx] Kp = Kp[:,adx] Ks = Ks[:,adx] Lp = Lp[:,adx] mass = mass[:,adx] logg = logg[:,adx] logL = logL[:,adx] # Lets make a color scale for our range of AKs for plotting. colorNorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(AKs) # First lets plot the full range of temperatures and magnitudes # to show what matches to the calibrators at Ks. Recall that our # photometric calibrators have H < 16.5, Ks < 14.5, Lp < 13.5. py.clf() pltH = py.semilogx(T, H, color='b', label='H') pltK = py.semilogx(T, Kp, color='g', label='Ks') pltL = py.semilogx(T, Lp, color='r', label='Lp') py.legend((pltH[0], pltK[0], pltL[0]), ('H', 'Kp', 'Lp')) loc = matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(10000) py.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( loc ) title_DA = 'd=8 kpc, 2.1<=AKs<=4.2' py.xlim(40000, 3000) py.ylim(25, 8) py.xlabel('Effective Temperature (K)') py.ylabel('Magnitude') py.title(title_DA) py.savefig(dir + 'temp_vs_mag.png') ########## # Temperature range for calibrators (inclusive) ########## T_range = [6000, 35000] title_AT = 'AKs=[2.1:4.2] T=[6000:35000]' # Lets trim down tdx = np.where((T >= T_range[0]) & (T <= T_range[1]))[0] T = T[tdx] J = J[tdx,:] H = H[tdx,:] K = K[tdx,:] Kp = Kp[tdx,:] Ks = Ks[tdx,:] Lp = Lp[tdx,:] # Plot up the color-magnitude diagrams and compare with # Schoedel et al. (2010). AKs_2D = AKs.repeat(len(T)).reshape((len(AKs), len(T))).transpose() # H-Ks vs. Ks py.clf() py.scatter(H-Ks, Ks, c=AKs_2D.flatten(),, edgecolor='none') cbar = py.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.2) cbar.set_label('AKs') rng = py.axis() py.xlim(0, 4) py.ylim(25, 8) py.xlabel('H - Ks') py.ylabel('Ks') py.title(title_AT) py.savefig(dir + 'cmd_h_ks.png') # Ks-Lp vs. Lp py.clf() py.scatter(Ks-Lp, Lp, c=AKs_2D.flatten(),, edgecolor='none') cbar = py.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.2) cbar.set_label('AKs') rng = py.axis() py.xlim(0, 3) py.ylim(25, 8) py.xlabel('Ks - Lp') py.ylabel('Lp') py.title(title_AT) py.savefig(dir + 'cmd_ks_lp.png') # Plot up the relationship between H-Ks and Kp-Ks.. same for Ks-Lp. # In principle, we can use this relationship directly as long as any # scatter for this simulated stellar population is less than 1% # First, Lets fit a line to each relation hkp = (H - Kp).flatten() kpks = (Kp - Ks).flatten() kplp = (Kp - Lp).flatten() hkp_coeffs = np.polyfit(hkp, kpks, 1) kplp_coeffs = np.polyfit(kplp, kpks, 1) hkp_idx = hkp.argsort() kplp_idx = kplp.argsort() hkp_fit = np.polyval(hkp_coeffs, hkp[hkp_idx]) kplp_fit = np.polyval(kplp_coeffs, kplp[kplp_idx]) # H-Ks vs. Kp-Ks py.clf() py.scatter(H-Kp, Kp-Ks, c=AKs_2D.flatten(),, edgecolor='none') py.plot(hkp[hkp_idx], hkp_fit, 'k--') cbar = py.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.2) cbar.set_label('AKs') py.xlabel('H - Kp') py.ylabel('Kp - Ks') py.title('Kp-Ks = %.4f + %.4f * H-Kp' % (hkp_coeffs[0], hkp_coeffs[1]), fontsize=14) py.savefig(dir+'color_HKp_KpKs.png') diff = hkp_fit - kpks[hkp_idx] print 'Best fit Kp-Ks = %.5f + %.5f * H-Ks' % \ (hkp_coeffs[0], hkp_coeffs[1]) print 'Residuals/Range from H-Kp vs. Kp-Ks fit: %.4f [%.4f - %.4f]' % \ (diff.std(), diff.min(), diff.max()) print '' # Kp-Lp vs. Kp-Ks py.clf() py.scatter(Kp-Lp, Kp-Ks, c=AKs_2D.flatten(),, edgecolor='none') py.plot(kplp[kplp_idx], kplp_fit, 'k--') cbar = py.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.2) cbar.set_label('AKs') py.xlabel('Kp - Lp') py.ylabel('Kp - Ks') py.title('Kp-Ks = %.4f + %.4f * Kp-Lp' % (kplp_coeffs[0], kplp_coeffs[1]), fontsize=14) py.savefig(dir+'color_KpLp_KpKs.png') diff = kplp_fit - kpks[kplp_idx] print 'Best fit Kp-Ks = %.5f + %.5f * Kp-Lp' % \ (kplp_coeffs[0], kplp_coeffs[1]) print 'Residuals/Range from Kp-Lp vs. Kp-Ks fit: %.4f [%.4f - %.4f]' % \ (diff.std(), diff.min(), diff.max()) print '' # Lets do the same for Kp vs. K hkp = (H - Kp).flatten() kpk = (Kp - K).flatten() kplp = (Kp - Lp).flatten() hkp_coeffs = np.polyfit(hkp, kpk, 1) kplp_coeffs = np.polyfit(kplp, kpk, 1) hkp_idx = hkp.argsort() kplp_idx = kplp.argsort() hkp_fit = np.polyval(hkp_coeffs, hkp[hkp_idx]) kplp_fit = np.polyval(kplp_coeffs, kplp[kplp_idx]) # H-Kp vs. Kp-K py.clf() py.scatter(H-Kp, Kp-K, c=AKs_2D.flatten(),, edgecolor='none') py.plot(hkp[hkp_idx], hkp_fit, 'k--') cbar = py.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.2) cbar.set_label('AKs') py.xlabel('H - Kp') py.ylabel('Kp - K') py.title('Kp-K = %.4f + %.4f * H-Kp' % (hkp_coeffs[0], hkp_coeffs[1]), fontsize=14) py.savefig(dir+'color_HKp_KpK.png') diff = hkp_fit - kpk[hkp_idx] print 'Best fit Kp-K = %.5f + %.5f * H-Kp' % \ (hkp_coeffs[0], hkp_coeffs[1]) print 'Residuals/Range from H-Kp vs. Kp-K fit: %.4f [%.4f - %.4f]' % \ (diff.std(), diff.min(), diff.max()) print '' # Kp-Lp vs. Kp-K py.clf() py.scatter(Kp-Lp, Kp-K, c=AKs_2D.flatten(),, edgecolor='none') py.plot(kplp[kplp_idx], kplp_fit, 'k--') cbar = py.colorbar(orientation='vertical', fraction=0.2) cbar.set_label('AKs') py.xlabel('Kp - Lp') py.ylabel('Kp - K') py.title('Kp-K = %.4f + %.4f * Kp-Lp' % (kplp_coeffs[0], kplp_coeffs[1]), fontsize=14) py.savefig(dir+'color_KpLp_KpK.png') diff = kplp_fit - kpk[kplp_idx] print 'Best fit Kp-K = %.5f + %.5f * Kp-Lp' % \ (kplp_coeffs[0], kplp_coeffs[1]) print 'Residuals/Range from Kp-Lp vs. Kp-K fit: %.4f [%.4f - %.4f]' % \ (diff.std(), diff.min(), diff.max())
def make_synthetic(): synthetic.nearIR(distance, logAge, redlawClass=synthetic.RedLawRomanZuniga07)
def plot_cluster_isochrones(redo_iso=False): """ Plot isochrones and mass-luminosity functions for M17, Wd 2, Wd 1, and RSGC 1. """ # Cluster Info name = ['M17', 'Wd 2', 'Wd 1', 'RSGC 1', 'RSGC 2'] dist = np.array([2100, 4160, 3600, 6000, 6000]) age = np.array([1., 2., 5., 12., 17.]) * 1.0e6 AV = np.array([5., 6.5, 10., 23., 10.]) # Derived properties logage = np.log10(age) AKs = AV / 10.0 iso_all = [] # Loop through the clusters and make the isochrones. for ii in range(len(name)): pickleFile = 'syn_nir_d' + str(dist[ii]).zfill(5) + '_a' \ + str(int(round(logage[ii]*100))).zfill(3) + '.dat' if (not os.path.exists(pickleFile)) or (redo_iso == True): AKsGrid = np.array([AKs[ii]]) syn.nearIR(dist[ii], logage[ii], AKsGrid=AKsGrid) iso_all.append( syn.load_nearIR_dict(pickleFile) ) ########## # Plot CMDs ########## py.figure(1) py.clf() py.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) colors = ['green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'red', 'purple'] for ii in range(len(iso_all)): iso = iso_all[ii] py.plot(iso['J'] - iso['K'], iso['K'], label=name[ii], linewidth=2, color=colors[ii]) idx1 = np.argmin( np.abs(iso['mass'] - 1.0) ) py.plot(iso['J'][idx1] - iso['K'][idx1], iso['K'][idx1], 'ks', color=colors[ii], mew=0, ms=8) py.gca().invert_yaxis() py.xlabel("J - K color") py.ylabel("K magnitude") py.text(iso['J'][idx1] - iso['K'][idx1], iso['K'][idx1], r'1 M$_\odot$', color=colors[ii], horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') py.legend(loc="lower left") py.savefig('clusters_cmd_jk.png') ########## # Plot mass-luminosity relations for each of the filters. ########## py.figure(2, figsize=(12,4)) py.clf() py.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.22, right=0.97) py.subplot(1, 3, 1) for ii in range(len(iso_all)): iso = iso_all[ii] py.plot(iso['mass'], iso['J'], linewidth=2, color=colors[ii], label=name[ii]) py.xlabel(r'Stellar Mass (M$_\dot$)') py.ylabel('J magnitude') py.xlim(0, 20) py.ylim(26, 9) py.subplot(1, 3, 2) for ii in range(len(iso_all)): iso = iso_all[ii] py.plot(iso['mass'], iso['H'], linewidth=2, color=colors[ii], label=name[ii]) py.legend(mode="expand", bbox_to_anchor=(-0.5, 0.99, 2.0, 0.08), loc=3, ncol=4, frameon=False) py.xlabel(r'Stellar Mass (M$_\dot$)') py.ylabel('H magnitude') py.xlim(0, 20) py.ylim(26, 9) py.subplot(1, 3, 3) for ii in range(len(iso_all)): iso = iso_all[ii] py.plot(iso['mass'], iso['K'], linewidth=2, color=colors[ii], label=name[ii]) py.xlabel(r'Stellar Mass (M$_\dot$)') py.ylabel('K magnitude') py.xlim(0, 20) py.ylim(26, 9) py.savefig('clusters_mass_luminosity_jhk.png') ########## # Print out 0.1 Msun, 1 Msun, 10 Msun # photometry table. ########## for ii in range(len(iso_all)): iso = iso_all[ii] print('') print('Cluster: ' + name[ii]) print('') hdr = '{0:6s} {1:6s} {2:6s} {3:6s}' dat = '{0:6.1f} {1:6.2f} {2:6.2f} {3:6.2f}' print(hdr.format(' Mass', ' J', ' H', ' K')) print(hdr.format(' ----', ' ---', ' ---', ' ---')) idx01 = np.argmin( np.abs(iso['mass'] - 0.1) ) print(dat.format(iso['mass'][idx01], iso['J'][idx01][0], iso['H'][idx01][0], iso['K'][idx01][0])) idx1 = np.argmin( np.abs(iso['mass'] - 1.0) ) print(dat.format(iso['mass'][idx1], iso['J'][idx1][0], iso['H'][idx1][0], iso['K'][idx1][0])) idx10 = np.argmin( np.abs(iso['mass'] - 10.0) ) print(dat.format(iso['mass'][idx10], iso['J'][idx10][0], iso['H'][idx10][0], iso['K'][idx10][0]))