def sign(utxo, priv, destaddrs, segwit=True):
    """Sign a tx sending the amount amt, from utxo utxo,
    equally to each of addresses in list destaddrs,
    after fees; the purpose is to create a large
    number of utxos. If segwit=True the (single) utxo is assumed to
    be of type segwit p2sh/p2wpkh.
    results = validate_utxo_data([(utxo, priv)], retrieve=True, segwit=segwit)
    if not results:
        return False
    assert results[0][0] == utxo
    amt = results[0][1]
    ins = [utxo]
    txtype = 'p2sh-p2wpkh' if segwit else 'p2pkh'
    estfee = estimate_tx_fee(1, len(destaddrs), txtype=txtype)
    outs = []
    share = int((amt - estfee) / len(destaddrs))
    fee = amt - share * len(destaddrs)
    assert fee >= estfee
    log.info("Using fee: " + str(fee))
    for i, addr in enumerate(destaddrs):
        outs.append({'address': addr, 'value': share})
    unsigned_tx = btc.mktx(ins, outs)
    amtforsign = amt if segwit else None
    return btc.sign(unsigned_tx,
                    btc.from_wif_privkey(priv, vbyte=get_p2pk_vbyte()),
def sign(utxo, priv, destaddrs):
    """Sign a tx sending the amount amt, from utxo utxo,
    equally to each of addresses in list destaddrs,
    after fees; the purpose is to create a large
    number of utxos.
    results = validate_utxo_data([(utxo, priv)], retrieve=True)
    if not results:
        return False
    assert results[0][0] == utxo
    amt = results[0][1]
    ins = [utxo]
    estfee = estimate_tx_fee(1, len(destaddrs))
    outs = []
    share = int((amt - estfee) / len(destaddrs))
    fee = amt - share*len(destaddrs)
    assert fee >= estfee
    log.info("Using fee: " + str(fee))
    for i, addr in enumerate(destaddrs):
        outs.append({'address': addr, 'value': share})
    unsigned_tx = btc.mktx(ins, outs)
    return btc.sign(unsigned_tx, 0, btc.from_wif_privkey(
        priv, vbyte=get_p2pk_vbyte()))