def collectBgpFromDevice(self): logger.debug('Start BGP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) try: bgpTable = loadyaml(os.path.join(junosEzTableLocation, 'BGP.yaml'))['BGPNeighborTable'] table = bgpTable(self.deviceConnectionHandle) bgpData = table.get() links = [] for link in bgpData: device1Name = # strip ip device1Ip = util.stripPlusSignFromIpString(link.local_add) device2Ip = util.stripPlusSignFromIpString(link.peer_add) # find device2's hostname by AS device2Asn = int(link.peer_as) device2Obj = self.deviceAsn2NameMap.get(device2Asn) if device2Obj is not None: device2Name = else: logger.debug('Cannot find device2 by AS %d' % device2Asn) device2Name = None logger.debug('device1: %s, device1Ip: %s, device1as1: %s, device2: %s, device2Ip: %s, device2as: %s, inputMsgCount: %s, outputMsgCount: %s, outQueueCount: %s , linkState : %s, active/receive/acceptCount: %s/%s/%s, flapCount : %s' % (device1Name, device1Ip, link.local_as, device2Name, device2Ip, link.peer_as, link.in_msg, link.out_msg, link.out_queue, link.state, link.act_count, link.rx_count, link.acc_count, link.flap_count ) ) links.append({'device1': device1Name, 'device1Ip': device1Ip , 'device1as': link.local_as, 'device2': device2Name, 'device2Ip': device2Ip, 'device2as': link.peer_as, 'inputMsgCount': link.in_msg, 'outputMsgCount': link.out_msg, 'outQueueCount': link.out_queue , 'linkState' : link.state, 'activeReceiveAcceptCount': (str(link.act_count) +'/' + str(link.rx_count) + '/' + str(link.acc_count)), 'flapCount': link.flap_count, 'device2Obj': device2Obj}) logger.debug('End BGP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) return links except RpcError as exc: logger.error('BGP data collection failure, %s' % (exc)) raise DeviceRpcFailed("device '%s': BGPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc) except Exception as exc: logger.error('Unknown error, %s' % (exc)) logger.debug('StackTrace: %s' % (traceback.format_exc())) raise DeviceRpcFailed("device '%s': BGPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc)
def juniper_find_mac(dev, template, mac): ''' This function is used to find a specific mac address on a Juniper network device. dev = Juniper device connection template = YAML file mac = MAC address (Format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) return = Returns the specific mac entry if found This function might not work on older versions of Junos. ''' try: globals().update(loadyaml(template)) mac_table = mac_table_info(dev).get(address=mac) if mac_table: for item in mac_table: if item.mac_address == mac: return dict(item) else: print('\n' + "MAC NOT FOUND") sys.exit(1) except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1) return return
def main(): globals().update(loadyaml(yamlfile)) hosts = config.get('hosts') for host in hosts: dev = Device(host=host, user=user, password=password) try: except Exception as err: print("Cannot connect to device: {}".format(err)) return peerTable = BgpNeighborTable(dev) peerTable.get() for entry in peerTable: peer = dict(entry) print("Neighbor: {}:{}".format(peer["peer-address"], peer["peer-as"])) print(" Description: {}".format(peer["description"])) print(" State: {}".format(peer["peer-state"])) print(" RIB: {}".format(peer["rib-name"])) print(" Stats:") print(" Accepted Prefixes: {}" .format(peer["accepted-prefix"])) print(" Suppressed Prefixes: ", "{}".format(peer["suppressed-prefix"])) print(" Active Prefixes: {}".format(peer["active-prefix"])) print(" Received Prefixes: {}" .format(peer["received-prefix"])) print() dev.close()
def runTest(self): globals().update(loadyaml('bgpneighbor.yml')) bgpneighbors = BGPNeighborTable( for bgpnei in bgpneighbors: self.assertEqual(int(bgpnei.pfx_rx), 1)
def main(): globals().update(loadyaml(yamlfile)) hosts = config.get('hosts') for host in hosts: dev = Device(host=host, user=user, password=password) try: except Exception as err: print("Cannot connect to device: {}".format(err)) return peerTable = BgpNeighborTable(dev) peerTable.get() for entry in peerTable: peer = dict(entry) print("Neighbor: {}:{}".format(peer["peer-address"], peer["peer-as"])) print(" Description: {}".format(peer["description"])) print(" State: {}".format(peer["peer-state"])) print(" RIB: {}".format(peer["rib-name"])) print(" Stats:") print(" Accepted Prefixes: {}".format( peer["accepted-prefix"])) print(" Suppressed Prefixes: ", "{}".format(peer["suppressed-prefix"])) print(" Active Prefixes: {}".format(peer["active-prefix"])) print(" Received Prefixes: {}".format( peer["received-prefix"])) print() dev.close()
def collectLldpFromDevice(self): logger.debug('Start LLDP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) try: lldpTable = loadyaml( os.path.join(junosEzTableLocation, 'lldp.yaml'))['LLDPNeighborTable'] table = lldpTable(self.deviceConnectionHandle) lldpData = table.get() links = {} for link in lldpData: logger.debug( 'device1: %s, port1: %s, device2: %s, port2: %s' % (link.device1, link.port1, link.device2, link.port2)) links[link.port1] = { 'device1': link.device1, 'port1': link.port1, 'device2': link.device2, 'port2': link.port2 } logger.debug('End LLDP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) return links except RpcError as exc: logger.error('LLDP data collection failure, %s' % (exc)) raise DeviceRpcFailed( "device '%s': LLDPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc) except Exception as exc: logger.error('Unknown error, %s' % (exc)) logger.debug('StackTrace: %s' % (traceback.format_exc())) raise DeviceRpcFailed( "device '%s': LLDPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc)
def main(): globals().update(loadyaml(yamlfile)) dev = Device(host=host, user=user, password=password) try: except Exception as err: print "Cannot connect to device:", err return peerTable = BgpNeighborTable(dev) peerTable.get() for entry in peerTable: # print peer.items() # print "-----" # print peer = dict(entry) print "Neighbor: {}:{}".format(peer["peer-address"], peer["peer-as"]) print " Description: {}".format(peer["description"]) print " State: {}".format(peer["peer-state"]) print " RIB: {}".format(peer["rib-name"]) print " Stats:" print " Accepted Prefixes: {}".format(peer["accepted-prefix"]) print " Suppressed Prefixes: " \ "{}".format(peer["suppressed-prefix"]) print " Active Prefixes: {}".format(peer["active-prefix"]) print " Received Prefixes: {}".format(peer["received-prefix"]) print dev.close()
def get_fpc_yml(dev): fpcs_xpath=dev.rpc.get_fpc_information() pprint(etree.dump(fpcs_xpath)) user_defs=loadyaml('UserFPCTable.yml') globals().update(user_defs) user_table=UserFPCTable(dev) user_table.get() pprint(user_table.items())
def __init__(self, name, address, un, passw): self.yml_file = "routeStatus.yml" globals().update(loadyaml(self.yml_file)) = Device(host=address, user=un, passwd=passw) = name self.version = '' self.lastState = False self.lastError = ''
def __init__(self, name, address, un, passw): self.yml_file = "routeStatus.yml" globals().update(loadyaml(self.yml_file)) = Device(host=address, user=un, passwd=passw) = name self.version = '' self.address = address self.param = os.getpid() self.param2 = 0
def get_vlan_dict(dev, strict=0): globals().update(loadyaml('templates/vlans.yaml')) vlans = VlanTable(dev) vlans.get() vlans_keys = vlans.keys() vlans_values = vlans.values() if strict == 0: return {k: v for k, v in zip(vlans_keys, vlans_values)} else: return { k: v for k, v in zip(vlans_keys, vlans_values) if k == parser.parse_args().vlan[0] }
def main(): globals().update(loadyaml(yamlfile)) dev = Device(host=host, user=user, password=password) try: except Exception as err: print "Cannot connect to device:", err return peerTable = BgpNeighborTable(dev) peerTable.get() for entry in peerTable: print entry.items() print "-----" print dev.close()
def juniper_arp_table(dev): """ This function queries the ARP table on a Juniper network device. dev = Juniper device connection return = Returns ARP table """ try: template = 'yaml/arp_table_def.yml' globals().update(loadyaml(template)) arp_table = arp_table_info(dev).get(no_resolve=True) return arp_table except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1)
def main(): globals().update(loadyaml(yamlfile)) hosts = config.get('hosts') for host in hosts: dev = Device(host=host, user=user, password=password) try: except Exception as err: print("Cannot connect to device: {}".format(err)) return peerTable = BgpNeighborTable(dev) peerTable.get() for entry in peerTable: print(entry.items()) print("-----") print() dev.close()
def collectLldpFromDevice(self): logger.debug('Start LLDP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) try: lldpTable = loadyaml(os.path.join(junosEzTableLocation, 'lldp.yaml'))['LLDPNeighborTable'] table = lldpTable(self.deviceConnectionHandle) lldpData = table.get() links = {} for link in lldpData: logger.debug('device1: %s, port1: %s, device2: %s, port2: %s' % (link.device1, link.port1, link.device2, link.port2)) links[link.port1] = {'device1': link.device1, 'port1': link.port1, 'device2': link.device2, 'port2': link.port2} logger.debug('End LLDP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) return links except RpcError as exc: logger.error('LLDP data collection failure, %s' % (exc)) raise DeviceRpcFailed("device '%s': LLDPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc) except Exception as exc: logger.error('Unknown error, %s' % (exc)) logger.debug('StackTrace: %s' % (traceback.format_exc())) raise DeviceRpcFailed("device '%s': LLDPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc)
def juniper_lldp_neighbor(dev): """ This function is used to gather LLDP data from a Juniper network device. dev = Juniper device connection return = Returns the LLDP neighbor table """ try: globals().update(loadyaml('yaml/lldp_neighbor.yml')) lldp_ni = lldp_neighbor_info(dev).get() return lldp_ni except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1) return return
def juniper_int_terse(dev): """ This function is used to get show interface terse data from a Juniper network device. dev = Juniper device connection return = Returns the show interface terse table for ge- and xe- interfaces """ try: globals().update(loadyaml('yaml/junos_interface.yml')) interface_terse = junos_logical_interface_general_terse(dev).get( terse=True, interface_name='[g,x,f]*') return interface_terse except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1) return return
def juniper_bgp_state(dev, bgp_neighbor): """ This function queries the BGP neighbor table on a Juniper network device. dev = Juniper device connection bgp_neighbor = IP address of BGP neighbor return = Returns state of BGP neighbor """ try: globals().update(loadyaml('yaml/bgp_neighbor.yml')) bgp_ni = bgp_neighbor_info(dev).get(neighbor_address=bgp_neighbor) return bgp_ni except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1) return return
def juniper_find_arp(dev, ip): """ This function queries the ARP table on a Juniper network device looking for a specific MAC address. dev = Juniper device connection ip = IP address return = Returns ARP information for specified IP address """ try: template = 'yaml/arp_table_def.yml' globals().update(loadyaml(template)) arp_table = arp_table_info(dev).get(no_resolve=True) for item in arp_table: if item.ip_address == ip: return dict(item) except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1)
def juniper_bgp_summary(dev): """ This function queries BGP summary information on a Juniper network device. dev = Juniper device connection return = Returns BGP summary information """ try: globals().update(loadyaml('yaml/bgp_summary.yml')) bgp_summary = bgp_summary_info(dev).get() return bgp_summary except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1) return return
def juniper_mac_table(dev, template): """ This function is used to query the mac table on a Juniper network device. dev = Juniper device connection template = YAML file mac = MAC address (Format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) return = Returns the complete mac table """ try: globals().update(loadyaml(template)) mac_table = mac_table_info(dev).get() return mac_table except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1) return return
def juniper_int_terse_exact(dev, interface_num): ''' This function is used to get information about a specific interface. dev = Juniper device connection interface_num = Interface - format ge-0/0/1 return = Returns information about the interface ''' try: globals().update(loadyaml('yaml/junos_interface.yml')) interface_terse = junos_logical_interface_terse(dev).get( terse=True, interface_name=interface_num) return interface_terse except Exception as err: print(err) dev.close() sys.exit(1) return return
Author: Dan Houtz Email: [email protected] ''' from multiprocessing import Pool from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml import logging #Disable logging handler warnings logging.root.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning = True #Load license TABLE/VIEW data from yaml file globals().update( loadyaml('license')) # Default variables failed_check = [] #Set number of worker threads maxThreads=10 #Array of devices to check device_list = [] #SSH username/password to connect to devices user = '' password = '' #Array of devices to ignore during processing
def collectBgpFromDevice(self): logger.debug('Start BGP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) try: bgpTable = loadyaml(os.path.join(junosEzTableLocation, 'BGP.yaml'))['BGPNeighborTable'] table = bgpTable(self.deviceConnectionHandle) bgpData = table.get() links = [] for link in bgpData: device1Name = # strip ip device1Ip = util.stripPlusSignFromIpString(link.local_add) device2Ip = util.stripPlusSignFromIpString(link.peer_add) # find device2's hostname by AS device2Asn = int(link.peer_as) device2Obj = self.deviceAsn2NameMap.get(device2Asn) if device2Obj is not None: device2Name = else: logger.debug('Cannot find device2 by AS %d' % device2Asn) device2Name = None logger.debug( 'device1: %s, device1Ip: %s, device1as1: %s, device2: %s, device2Ip: %s, device2as: %s, inputMsgCount: %s, outputMsgCount: %s, outQueueCount: %s , linkState : %s, active/receive/acceptCount: %s/%s/%s, flapCount : %s' % (device1Name, device1Ip, link.local_as, device2Name, device2Ip, link.peer_as, link.in_msg, link.out_msg, link.out_queue, link.state, link.act_count, link.rx_count, link.acc_count, link.flap_count)) links.append({ 'device1': device1Name, 'device1Ip': device1Ip, 'device1as': link.local_as, 'device2': device2Name, 'device2Ip': device2Ip, 'device2as': link.peer_as, 'inputMsgCount': link.in_msg, 'outputMsgCount': link.out_msg, 'outQueueCount': link.out_queue, 'linkState': link.state, 'activeReceiveAcceptCount': (str(link.act_count) + '/' + str(link.rx_count) + '/' + str(link.acc_count)), 'flapCount': link.flap_count, 'device2Obj': device2Obj }) logger.debug('End BGP data collector for %s' % (self.deviceLogStr)) return links except RpcError as exc: logger.error('BGP data collection failure, %s' % (exc)) raise DeviceRpcFailed( "device '%s': BGPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc) except Exception as exc: logger.error('Unknown error, %s' % (exc)) logger.debug('StackTrace: %s' % (traceback.format_exc())) raise DeviceRpcFailed( "device '%s': BGPNeighborTable" % (self.deviceId), exc)
#!/usr/bin/python from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from getpass import getpass host = raw_input('hostname or address: ') username = raw_input('username: '******'password: '******'vlaninfo.yml')) dev = Device(host, user=username, password=passwd) dev.timeout = 60 formatter = "{0:<14}{1:<14}{2:<17}{3:<8}{4:<30}" header = formatter.format("Name", "L3 Int", "L3 Address", "Count", "Member List") print header vlan_table = ShowInterface(dev) vlan_table.get() for i in vlan_table: memberlist = formatter.format(str(, str(i.l3int), str(i.l3addr), str(i.membercount), str(i.memberlist)) print memberlist dev.close()
timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log.basicConfig(filename="net_to_db.log", format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=getattr(log, LOG_LEVEL)) console = log.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(getattr(log, LOG_LEVEL)) formatter = log.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) log.getLogger('').addHandler(console) for fileName in yamlTBL_to_MongoCollections: # Adding path and '.yml' extension file = PATH_TO_YAML + fileName + '.yml' try: globals().update(FactoryLoader.loadyaml(file)) except IOError as err: log.error('error: failed to load: ' + file + '...' + repr(err) + '. Skipping...') continue else:'Succesfully loaded: ' + file + '...') # trying to connect to MongoDB using mongo Driver try: dbclient = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as err: log.critical("ERROR: failed to connect to DB (" + repr(err) + ")") log.critical("ERROR: Exiting....") exit(1)
import jnpr.junos.exception from jexceptions import jException from jnpr.junos import Device from pprint import pprint as pp from decimal import * import multiprocessing as mp # import yaml # from jnpr.junos.factory.factory_loader import FactoryLoader from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from termcolor import colored from IPy import IP SUCCESSFUL = 0 CONNECTION_FAILED = 1 TABLE_DEFS = loadyaml('jvision.yml') globals().update(TABLE_DEFS) class myDev(): def __init__(self, hostname=None, port=None, username=None, password=None): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.jnprdev = Device(host=hostname, username=username, password=password, port=port, timeout=5,
from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from jnpr.junos import Device globals().update( loadyaml('/root/pyez/bgp_table.yml')) dev = Device(host='',user='******',ssh_private_key_file='/root/.ssh/VRF') tbl=BgpNeigh(dev) tbl.get() for k in tbl: print k.items()
from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from getpass import getpass host = raw_input('hostname or address: ') username = raw_input('username: '******'password: '******'what source address pattern are you looking for? ') appl = raw_input('what application port are you looking for [any]? ') or 'any' globals().update(loadyaml('flowsession.yml')) dev = Device(host, user=username, password=passwd) dev.timeout = 60 session_table = SessionTable(dev) session_table.get() header = formatter.format("source", "destination", "destination port") print "\n" + header for s in session_table: if session_table.keys(): if "any" in appl and s.session_protocol == 'tcp' and s.session_direction == 'In':
#!/usr/bin/python from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.op.ethport import * from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from pprint import pprint #Loads the custom .yml file using the loadyaml function imported. Manual way. #mydefs = loadyaml('ethport.yml') ospfNeighbors = loadyaml('yaml-definitions/ospfneighbors2.yml') globals().update(ospfNeighbors) ex2200 = Device(host='',user='******',password='******') eths = EthPortTable(ex2200) ospfneighbors = OSPFNeighborTable(ex2200) interface = "ge-0/0/0" ospfneighbors.get() # Example of if statements to determine certain things print eths.get() if eths['ge-0/0/0'].oper == "up": print "ge-0/0/0 is up" else: print "it's down"
import os from nose.plugins.attrib import attr import yaml from jnpr.junos import Device from ncclient.manager import Manager, make_device_handler from ncclient.transport import SSHSession from lxml import etree from mock import MagicMock, patch from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from jnpr.junos.factory.factory_loader import FactoryLoader try: _YAML_ = loadyaml('lib/jnpr/junos/cfgro/srx') except: # Try to load the template relative to test base try: _YAML_ = loadyaml( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../..', 'lib/jnpr/junos/cfgro/srx.yml')) except: raise globals().update(_YAML_) yaml_data = \ """--- UserTable: get: system/login/user
# Retrieve LLDP neighbors lldpneis = LLDPNeighborTable(device).get() # Loop over LLDP neighbors for this device for lldpnei in lldpneis: print('I see that %s is connected to my %s interface.' % ( lldpnei.remote_sysname, lldpnei.key ) ) print("------BGP------") # If your table is not built in to PyEZ, you can build your own! # See bgpneighbor.yml, referenced below # Also look at the "display xml [rpc] JunOS command" globals().update(loadyaml('bgpneighbor.yml')) # Loop over devices for devname, device in devs.items(): # Proper introductions print("Hi! I'm %s!" % devname) # Retrieve BGP Neighbors bgpneighbors = BGPNeighborTable(device).get() # Loop over BGP neighbors for this device for bgpnei in bgpneighbors: print('My BGP neighbor: %s from AS# %s has sent me %s prefixes.' % ( bgpnei.peeraddr,
import os from nose.plugins.attrib import attr import yaml from jnpr.junos import Device from ncclient.manager import Manager, make_device_handler from ncclient.transport import SSHSession from lxml import etree from mock import MagicMock, patch from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from jnpr.junos.factory.factory_loader import FactoryLoader try: _YAML_ = loadyaml('lib/jnpr/junos/cfgro/srx') except: # Try to load the template relative to test base try: _YAML_ = loadyaml(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../..', 'lib/jnpr/junos/cfgro/srx.yml')) except: raise globals().update(_YAML_) yaml_data = \ """--- UserTable: get: system/login/user required_keys:
from jnpr.junos.op.routes import RouteTable dev = Device( host='', user='******', password='******', port=sys.argv[1] ) # Warning - this will break if you haven't applied the base configuration yet lldpneis = LLDPNeighborTable(dev).get() print("LLDP Neighbors: %s" % len(lldpneis)) scriptdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) globals().update(loadyaml('%s/bgpneighbor.yml' % scriptdir)) bgpneighbors = BGPNeighborTable(dev).get() print("BGP Neighbors: %s" % len(bgpneighbors)) route_table = RouteTable(dev) routes = route_table.get('') if len(routes) == 1: print("Mission ACCOMPLISHED") else: print("Mission NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED") dev.close()
#!/usr/bin/python from pprint import pprint as pp from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml dev = Device('', user='******', password='******') dev.timeout = 60 globals().update(loadyaml('partitioninfo-tfc.yml')) partition_table = PartitionTable(dev) partition_table.get() pp(partition_table[0]) pp(partition_table[0].items()) pp(partition_table[1]) pp(partition_table[1].items()) #for s in partition_table: # if partition_table.keys(): # pprint(partition_table.values()) dev.close()
if opts.returncode == 12: sys.exit(1) ''' user name/password ''' _usrname = opts.args.u _password = opts.args.p ''' locate the YAML file ''' if opts.args.f is None: _yamlfile = './ospfoutput.yml' else: _yamlfile = opts.args.f globals().update(loadyaml(_yamlfile)) ''' define output format ''' outfmt = "%16s%20s%10s%16s%16s%16s%10s" def gen_sepline(count): ''' Generating the sepration line eg: ---------------- ''' line = '-' for x in range(count): line = line + '-' return line
import numpy as np import os.path #Setup Variables csv = 'csv/csv.csv' userName = '******' userPassword = '******' save_path = 'output' #save file name prefix prefix = 'dev' #Create 2D Array from csv [name,ip] devList=np.genfromtxt(csv,delimiter=',',dtype=None) #Setup Views mydefs = loadyaml('yaml/allport.yml') globals().update(mydefs) def main(): #Setup for output now = txt = os.path.join(save_path, "stats-" + prefix + "-" + now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") + ".txt") text_file = open(txt, "w") text_file.write("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") text_file.write('\n') #iterate over csv for row in devList: #define host for pyez dev = Device(host=row[1], user=userName, password=userPassword)
print("Hi! I'm %s!" % devname) # Retrieve LLDP neighbors lldpneis = LLDPNeighborTable(device).get() # Loop over LLDP neighbors for this device for lldpnei in lldpneis: print('I see that %s is connected to my %s interface.' % (lldpnei.remote_sysname, lldpnei.key)) print("------BGP------") # If your table is not built in to PyEZ, you can build your own! # See bgpneighbor.yml, referenced below # Also look at the "display xml [rpc] JunOS command" globals().update(loadyaml('bgpneighbor.yml')) # Loop over devices for devname, device in devs.items(): # Proper introductions print("Hi! I'm %s!" % devname) # Retrieve BGP Neighbors bgpneighbors = BGPNeighborTable(device).get() # Loop over BGP neighbors for this device for bgpnei in bgpneighbors: print('My BGP neighbor: %s from AS# %s has sent me %s prefixes.' % (bgpnei.peeraddr, bgpnei.peeras, bgpnei.pfx_rx))
#!/usr/bin/python from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from getpass import getpass host = raw_input('hostname or address: ') username = raw_input('username: '******'password: '******'showinterface.yml')) dev = Device(host, user=username, password=passwd) #dev = Device(hostname, user=username, password=passwd) dev.timeout = 60 interface_table = ShowInterface(dev) interface_table.get() for i in interface_table: if "ge" in or "fe" in or "vlan" in if i.addrfamily == 'inet' and i.status == 'up': print str(i.logicalname) + " " + str(i.logicalinetaddr) # print + " " + str(i.description) + " " + str(i.linkmode) + " " + str(i.linkspeed) + " " + str(i.logicalname) + " " + str(i.logicalinetaddr) dev.close()
#!/usr/bin/python # RMZ 2014 import sys, math from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml globals().update(loadyaml("bgp-peer.yml")) dev = Device(host="cr-xx-01", user="******", password="******") try: results = BgpPeerTable(dev).get() cu = Config(dev) except Exception as err: print err sys.exit(1) for r in results: if r.peer_type == "External" and r.table == "inet.0" and r.policy != "none": neighbor, port = r.peer_address.split("+") ixt = r.policy.split("-") if ixt[1] == "equinixix" and "RS" not in r.description: ix = ixt[1] prefix_limit = int(math.ceil(int(r.prefix_received) * 1.25 / 10) * 10) print ( "Peer: %s / %s, AS: %s, Pfx Received: %s / %s, IX : %s " % (neighbor, r.description, r.peer_as, r.prefix_received, prefix_limit, ix) )
#!/usr/bin/python # RMZ 2014 import sys, math from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml globals().update(loadyaml('bgp-peer.yml')) dev = Device(host='cr-xx-01', user='******', password='******' ) try: results = BgpPeerTable(dev).get() cu = Config(dev) except Exception as err: print err sys.exit(1) for r in results: if r.peer_type == "External" and r.table == "inet.0" and r.policy != 'none' : neighbor,port = r.peer_address.split('+') ixt = r.policy.split('-') if ixt[1] == 'equinixix' and "RS" not in r.description : ix = ixt[1] prefix_limit = int(math.ceil(int(r.prefix_received)*1.25/10)*10) print("Peer: %s / %s, AS: %s, Pfx Received: %s / %s, IX : %s " % (neighbor, r.description, r.peer_as, r.prefix_received, prefix_limit, ix)) cu.load("set protocols bgp group ipv4-%s-peer neighbor %s family inet unicast prefix-limit maximum %s" % (ix, neighbor, prefix_limit), format="set") cu.pdiff() cu.commit()
from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml globals().update( loadyaml('flowsession.yml')) dev = Device('') cu = Config(dev) session_table = SessionTable(dev) session_table.get() for s in session_table: if session_table.keys(): if s.session_direction == 'In' and s.destination_address == '' and s.destination_port == '22' and s.session_protocol == 'tcp': block_src = {'Address': s.source_address} rsp = cu.load( template_path="add-global-address-book-template.conf", template_vars=block_src ) clearflow = dev.rpc.clear_flow_session(destination_prefix=s.destination_address, source_prefix=s.source_address, destination_port=s.destination_port, protocol=s.session_protocol) cu.commit() dev.close()
### --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### MAIN ### --------------------------------------------------------------------------- args = parseargs() def die(msg): sys.stderr.write("ERROR: {}\n".format(msg)) sys.exit(1) if args.upf is None: die("You must specify -U") if args.dnf is None: die("You must specify -D") if args.upi is None: die("You must specify -i") if args.dni is None: die("You must specify -d") PimJoinTable = loadyaml("defs-pim.yml")['PimJoinTable'] up = PimJoinTable(path=args.upf).get() dn = PimJoinTable(path=args.dnf).get() if not '.' in args.dni: args.dni += '.0' if not '.' in args.upi: args.upi += '.0' # upstream is easy since there is only 1 up_iface per (S,G) up_keys = set([ for i in up if i.up_iface == args.upi]) # downstream is tricky since there can be many per (S,G) dn_keys = set([ for i in dn if args.dni in i.dn_iface]) missing = up_keys - dn_keys print "MISSING {} (S,G) entries".format(len(missing))
""" Pythonifier for ARP Table/View """ from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from os.path import splitext _YAML_ = splitext(__file__)[0] + '.yml' globals().update(loadyaml(_YAML_))
from jnpr.junos.factory import loadyaml from jnpr.junos import Device globals().update(loadyaml("/root/pyez/interfaces_table.yml")) dev = Device(host="", user="******", ssh_private_key_file="/root/.ssh/VRF") tbl = IfacesEthernetTable(dev) tbl.get() for k in tbl: print k.items() for l in k.items()[2][1]: print l.items()