def reorder(self, **kvargs): """ move the configuration within the Junos hierarcy the same as the Junos config-mode "insert" command :kvargs: after="<name>" before="<name>" """ cmd, name = next(kvargs.iteritems()) if cmd != "before" and cmd != "after": raise ValueError("Must be either 'before' or 'after'") xml = self._xml_edit_at_res() xml.attrib.update(JXML.INSERT(cmd)) xml.attrib.update(JXML.NAME(name)) self._r_config_write_xml(xml) return True
def rename(self, new_name): """ rename resource in Junos configuration the same as the Junos config-mode "rename" command """ # cannot rename something that doesn't exist # @@@ should raise? if not self.exists: return False xml = self._xml_edit_at_res() xml.attrib.update(JXML.REN) xml.attrib.update(JXML.NAME(new_name)) self._r_config_write_xml(xml) self._name = new_name return True