def show(globs: AttrDict, full: bool, patch: bool, patch_only: bool, browse: bool, bugs: List[int]): """Displaying bugs.""" results = [] tmpl = template.get_template('view', '/issue.txt') for bug_no in bugs: if browse: click.launch('{}/issues/{:d}'.format( globs.project, bug_no)) continue r, bug = globs.req_get(bug_no, model='Issue') if full and bug.comments: r, comments = globs.req_get('{}/comments'.format(bug_no), model='Comment') else: comments = [] if (patch or patch_only) and bug.pull_request: url = '{}/repos/{}/pulls/{}'.format(globs.host_url, globs.project, bug_no) headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.patch'} r, c = globs.req_get(url, headers=headers, is_json=False) patch = c.decode('utf-8') else: patch = None results.append(tmpl.render(bug=bug, comments=comments, full=True, patch=patch, patch_only=patch_only, project=globs.repo_obj())) if results: utils.pager('\n'.join(results), pager=globs.pager)
def milestones(globs: AttrDict, order: str, state: str, create: str, list: bool): """Repository milestones.""" if not list and not create: fail('No action specified!') return 1 milestones_url = '{}/repos/{}/milestones'.format(globs.host_url, globs.project) r, milestones = globs.req_get(milestones_url, model='Milestone') if list: tmpl = template.get_template('view', '/list_milestones.txt') columns = utils.T.width if utils.T.width else 80 max_id = max(i.number for i in milestones) id_len = len(str(max_id)) result = tmpl.render(milestones=milestones, order=order, state=state, project=globs.repo_obj(), id_len=id_len, max_title=columns - id_len - 2) if result: utils.pager(result, pager=globs.pager) elif create: data = {'title': create} r, milestone = globs.req_post('', body=data, model='Milestone') success('Milestone {:d} created'.format(milestone.number))
def list_bugs(globs: AttrDict, label: List[str], page: int, pull_requests: bool, order: str, state: str): """Listing bugs.""" bugs = [] params = {} if pull_requests: # FIXME: Dirty solution to supporting PRs only, needs rethink url = '{}/repos/{}/pulls'.format(globs.host_url, globs.project) else: url = '' if page != 1: params['page'] = page if label: params['labels'] = ','.join(label) states = ['open', 'closed'] if state == 'all' else [state, ] for state in states: _params = params.copy() _params['state'] = state r, _bugs = globs.req_get(url, params=_params, model='Issue') bugs.extend(_bugs) result = template.display_bugs(bugs, order, state=state, project=globs.repo_obj()) if result: utils.pager(result, pager=globs.pager)
def milestone(globs: AttrDict, milestone: str, bugs: List[int]): """Issue milestones.""" milestones_url = '{}/repos/{}/milestones'.format(globs.host_url, globs.project) r, milestones = globs.req_get(milestones_url, model='Milestone') milestone_mapping = dict((m.title, m.number) for m in milestones) try: milestone = milestone_mapping[milestone] except KeyError: raise ValueError('No such milestone {:!r}'.format(milestone)) for bug_no in bugs: globs.req_post(bug_no, body={'milestone': milestone}, model='Milestone')
def label(globs: AttrDict, add: List[str], create: List[str], remove: List[str], list: bool, bugs: List[int]): """Labelling bugs.""" label_names = utils.sync_labels(globs, add, create) if list: click.echo(', '.join(sorted(label_names))) return for bug_no in bugs: r, bug = globs.req_get(bug_no, model='Issue') labels = [ for label in bug.labels] labels.extend(add + create) for string in remove: labels.remove(string) globs.req_post(bug_no, body={'labels': labels}, model='Label')
def search(globs: AttrDict, order: str, state: str, term: str): """Searching bugs.""" search_url = '{}/search/issues'.format(globs.host_url) states = ['open', 'closed'] if state == 'all' else [state, ] params = { 'q': term, 'repo': globs.project, } bugs = [] for state in states: params['state'] = state r, c = globs.req_get(search_url, params=params, model='issue') bugs.extend(c.issues) result = template.display_bugs(bugs, order, term=term, state=state, project=globs.repo_obj()) if result: utils.pager(result, pager=globs.pager)
def edit(globs: AttrDict, stdin: bool, title: str, body:str, bugs: List[int]): """Editing bugs.""" if (title or stdin) and len(bugs) > 1: raise ValueError('Can not use --stdin or command line title/body ' 'with multiple bugs') for bug in bugs: if stdin: text = click.get_text_stream().readlines() elif not title: r, current = globs.req_get(bug, model='Issue') current_data = {'title': current.title, 'body': current.body} text = template.edit_text('open', current_data).splitlines() if stdin or not title: title = text[0] body = '\n'.join(text[1:]) else: title = title body = body data = {'title': title, 'body': body} globs.req_post(bug, body=data, model='Issue')