def init(debug=False, verbose=False) : if debug : print "init inside" output = jobs.exec_alien_cmd('alien-token-init',verbose) if output['returncode'] == 0 : print "Token succesfully initialized!" else : print "Token NOT initialized!" if verbose : print output['output'].strip()
def destroy(debug=False,verbose=False) : if debug : print "destroy inside" output = jobs.exec_alien_cmd('alien-token-destroy',verbose) if output['returncode'] == 0 : print "Token succesfully destroyed!" else : print "Token not destoyed" if verbose : print output['output'].strip()
def check(debug=False,verbose=False) : token = jobs.exec_alien_cmd('alien-token-info',verbose) if token['returncode'] == 1 : # not succesfull (no token) if verbose : print "Token not validated!" if debug : print token return False else : # info succesfull but checking token content item = token['output'] item = item.replace(" ","") item = item.split("\n") # print item # checking host if item[0].split(":")[1] == "" : print item[0].split(":")[1] return False # checking Password if item[4].split(":")[1] == "" : print item[4].split(":")[1] return False # checking Nonce if item[5].split(":")[1] == "" : print item[5].split(":")[1] return False # checking SID if item[6].split(":")[1] == "" : print item[6].split(":")[1] return False return True
def main(): ### top-level group (L0) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Welcome to AliGEM - ALICE Grid Enviroment Manager (" ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="produce verbose output", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debugging mode (additional printout)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version='0.1', help="print current version") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="operations", dest="command") ### sub-parsers # jobs parser (L1) parser_jobs = subparsers.add_parser("jobs", help="Grid jobs operations") jobs_subparsers = parser_jobs.add_subparsers(dest="job_command") # jobs sub-parsers (L2) jobs_subparser_status = jobs_subparsers.add_parser( "status", description= "Print out compact (colored) overview of jobs states:\n['USER'] #M(asterjob)/#S(ubjob) " + jobs.stateclr.ALL + "#ALL" + jobs.stateclr.ENDC + " (" + jobs.stateclr.DONE + "#DONE" + jobs.stateclr.ENDC + "|" + jobs.stateclr.RUNNING + "#RUNNING" + jobs.stateclr.ENDC + "|" + jobs.stateclr.ERROR + "#ERROR" + jobs.stateclr.ENDC + "|" + jobs.stateclr.REST + "#REST" + jobs.stateclr.ENDC + ")", help="print overview of currently registered grid jobs", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) jobs_subparser_status.add_argument("-u", "--user", help="specify USER as CERN username", default=None) jobs_subparser_status.add_argument( "-f", "--full", help= "print detailed overview of all jobs states (also invoked by --verbose)", action="store_true") jobs_subparser_status.add_argument( "--only-positive", help="print only states with at least 1 (sub)job", action="store_true") jobs_subparser_kill = jobs_subparsers.add_parser( "kill", help="kill grid (sub)job(s) in DONE state") jobs_subparser_kill.add_argument( "-r", "--resub", help="resubmit failed jobs prior to sequential killing", action="store_true", dest="kill_resub") jobs_subparser_kill.add_argument( "-A", "--all", help="kill ALL registered jobs (independent of state)", action="store_true", dest="kill_all") # jobs_subparser_kill.add_argument("-u","--user", help="specify USER as CERN username") jobs_subparser_resubmit = jobs_subparsers.add_parser( "resub", help="re-submit all grid job(s) in ERROR, EXPIRED or ZOMBIE state") # token parser (L1) parser_token = subparsers.add_parser("token", help="AliEn token operations") token_subparsers = parser_token.add_subparsers(dest="token_command") token_subparser_init = token_subparsers.add_parser( "init", help="Initialize new token") token_subparser_destroy = token_subparsers.add_parser( "destroy", help="Destroy current token") token_subparser_info = token_subparsers.add_parser( "info", help="List token information") args = parser.parse_args() args = vars(args) # make an dictionary out of namespace debug = args['debug'] verbose = args['verbose'] if debug: print "=== Arguments =================================" print args print "===============================================" # check if alien is within the $PATH if not check_alien(debug=debug): print "AliEn not found in $PATH, please load alienv !" return if 'command' not in args: print "Something went wrong, no 'command' argument parsed." return if args['command'] == 'jobs': if debug: print "inside jobs" if 'job_command' not in args: print "Something went wrong, no 'job_command' argument parsed." return # check for valid token (if not found, token-init) if (token.check() == False): print "No valid token found. Initializiting new token!" token.init() local_user = jobs.exec_alien_cmd("alien_whoami")['output'].strip() if args['job_command'] == 'status': if debug: print "inside status" if args['user'] is not None: local_user = args['user'] if debug: print local_user if not verbose and args['full'] is True: verbose = True jobs.get_status(local_user, debug=debug, verbose=verbose, only_positive=args['only_positive']) if args['job_command'] == 'kill': if debug: print "inside kill" # user = args.user if args['kill_all'] == True: if debug: print "kill all is ON!" jobs.kill_all(local_user, debug=debug) else: if debug: print "kill done only" jobs.kill_done(local_user, resub=args['kill_resub'], debug=debug) if args['job_command'] == 'resub': if debug: print "inside resubmit" # user = args.user jobs.resubmit(local_user, debug=debug) if args['command'] == 'token': if 'token_command' not in args: print "Something went wrong, no 'token_command' argument parsed." return if args['token_command'] == "init": if not token.check(): token.init() else: print "Valid token already exists! Destroy it first!" if args['token_command'] == "destroy": token.destroy() if args['token_command'] == "info": return
def info(debug=False, verbose=False) : if debug : print "" output = jobs.exec_alien_cmd('alien-token-info',verbose) print output['output'].strip()