def joerd_enqueue_downloads(cfg):
    Sends a list of all the source files needed for rendering the configured
    regions in the config file to the queue for downloading by workers.

    logger = logging.getLogger('enqueuer')

    j = Server(cfg)
    downloads = j.list_downloads()

    logger.info("Sending %d download jobs to the queue" % len(downloads))
    queue = _make_queue(j, cfg.queue_config)

    # download jobs are long-running and don't benefit from any cache re-use,
    # so don't batch them - just one job per batch.
    max_batch_len = 1
    dispatcher = Dispatcher(queue, max_batch_len, logger)

    # env var to turn on/off skipping existing files. this can be useful when
    # re-running the jobs for a particular area.
    skip_existing = os.getenv('SKIP_EXISTING', False)

    for d in downloads:
        # skip any files which already exist.
        if skip_existing and j.source_store.exists(d.output_file()):

        data = d.freeze_dry()
        job = dict(job='download', data=data)

def joerd_enqueue_single_renders(cfg):
    Renders single tiles without a queue. The list of tiles is read from a file
    called `tiles_to_enqueue.txt`. Can be useful for testing.

    logger = logging.getLogger('enqueuer')

    j = Server(cfg)

    logger.info("Fetching download information")

    logger.info("Streaming jobs to the queue")
    queue = _make_queue(j, cfg.queue_config)

    max_batch_len = 1000
    # size limit is 256KB for SQS, but we'll leave a little bit of space
    # just in case there's some small overhead for encoding it as an array.
    size_limit = 256 * 1024 - 100
    dispatcher = GroupingDispatcher(queue, max_batch_len, logger, size_limit)

    idx = 0
    next_idx = 0

    tiff_output = j.outputs['tiff']
    normal_output = j.outputs['normal']
    terrarium_output = j.outputs['terrarium']

    import joerd.output as output

    logger.info("Starting loop")
    with open('tiles_to_enqueue.txt', 'r') as fh:
        for line in fh:
            location = line.split(".")[0]
            tile = None

            if location.startswith('skadi/'):
                output_name, y, tile_name = location.split("/")
                pos = output.skadi._parse_tile(tile_name)
                if pos is None:
                    raise Exception, "Couldn't parse skadi tile name %r" \
                        % tile_name
                tile = output.skadi.SkadiTile('skadi', *pos)

                output_name, z, x, y = location.split("/")
                z = int(z)
                x = int(x)
                y = int(y)

                if output_name == 'geotiff':
                    tile = output.tiff.TiffTile(tiff_output, z, x, y)
                elif output_name == 'normal':
                    tile = output.normal.NormalTile(normal_output, z, x, y)
                elif output_name == 'terrarium':
                    tile = output.terrarium.TerrariumTile(terrarium_output,
                                                          z, x, y)
                    raise Exception, "Couldn't make a tile from line %r" \
                        % line

            sources = []
            for name, s in j.sources:
                v = s.vrts_for(tile)
                if v:
                    vrts = []
                    for rasters in v:
                        files = [r.output_file() for r in rasters]
                        if files:
                    if vrts:
                        sources.append(dict(source=name, vrts=vrts))

            assert sources, "Was expecting at least one source for tile %r, " \
                "but it has none." % tile.tile_name()

            job = dict(job='render', data=tile.freeze_dry(), sources=sources)
