 def download_jfsfile(remote_object, tofolder=None, checksum=False):
     'Helper function to get a jfsfile and store it in a local folder, optionally checksumming it. Returns boolean'
     if tofolder is None:
         tofolder = '.' # with no arguments, store in current dir
     total_size = remote_object.size
     if remote_object.state in (JFS.ProtoFile.STATE_CORRUPT, JFS.ProtoFile.STATE_INCOMPLETE):
         puts(colored.red('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - Incomplete file' % remote_file.name))
         return False
     topath = os.path.join(tofolder, remote_object.name)
     with open(topath, 'wb') as fh:
         bytes_read = 0
         puts(colored.white('Downloading: %s, size: %s \t' % (remote_object.name, 
                                                              print_size(total_size, humanize=True))))   
         with ProgressBar(expected_size=total_size) as bar:
             for chunk_num, chunk in enumerate(remote_object.stream()):
                 bytes_read += len(chunk)
     if checksum:
         md5_lf = JFS.calculate_md5(open(topath, 'rb'))
         md5_jf = remote_object.md5
         logging.info('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' % md5_lf)
         logging.info('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf)
         if md5_lf != md5_jf:
             puts(colored.blue('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' % md5_lf))
             puts(colored.blue('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf))
             puts(colored.red('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - cheksum mismatch' % remote_object.name))
             return False
         puts(colored.green('%s was downloaded successfully - checksum  matched' % remote_object.name))
     return True
 def download_jfsfile(remote_object, tofolder=None, checksum=False):
     'Helper function to get a jfsfile and store it in a local folder, optionally checksumming it. Returns boolean'
     if tofolder is None:
         tofolder = '.'  # with no arguments, store in current dir
     total_size = remote_object.size
     if remote_object.state in (JFS.ProtoFile.STATE_CORRUPT,
                 '%s was NOT downloaded successfully - Incomplete file' %
         return False
     topath = os.path.join(tofolder, remote_object.name)
     with open(topath, 'wb') as fh:
         bytes_read = 0
             colored.white('Downloading: %s, size: %s \t' %
                            print_size(total_size, humanize=True))))
         with ProgressBar(expected_size=total_size) as bar:
             for chunk_num, chunk in enumerate(remote_object.stream()):
                 bytes_read += len(chunk)
     if checksum:
         md5_lf = JFS.calculate_md5(open(topath, 'rb'))
         md5_jf = remote_object.md5
         logging.info('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' % md5_lf)
         logging.info('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf)
         if md5_lf != md5_jf:
             puts(colored.blue('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' %
             puts(colored.blue('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf))
                     '%s was NOT downloaded successfully - cheksum mismatch'
                     % remote_object.name))
             return False
                 '%s was downloaded successfully - checksum  matched' %
     return True
文件: cli.py 项目: antonhagg/jottalib
def download(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download a file or folder from Jottacloud.')
    parser.add_argument('remoteobject', help='The path to the file or folder that you want to download')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode',
                        help='Mode of operation(decides where the default root should be): DEVICE - Root is above device level (need to specify both Device and Mountpoint in front of the folder i.e. DEVICENAME/mountpoint/folder), ARCHIVE - root is in the archive mountpoint, SYNC - root is in sync mountpoint, Default: %(default)s.',
                        choices=( 'device', 'archive', 'sync'), default='sync')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--loglevel', help='Logging level. Default: %(default)s.',
                        choices=('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error'), default='warning')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--checksum', help='Verify checksum of file after download', action='store_true' )
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--resume', help='Will not download the files again if it exist in path', action='store_true' )
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase output verbosity', action='store_true' )
    args = parse_args_and_apply_logging_level(parser, argv)
    jfs = JFS.JFS()
    if args.mode == 'sync':      #Device is Jotta and mountpoint is Sync
        device = 'Jotta'
        mountpoint = 'Sync'
        print('Device is: %s' % device)
        print('Mountpoint is: %s' % mountpoint)
        root_folder = get_root_dir(jfs,device,mountpoint)
    elif args.mode == 'archive': #Device is Jotta and mountpoint is Archive
        device = 'Jotta'
        mountpoint = 'Archive'
        print('Device is: %s' % device)
        print('Mountpoint is: %s' % mountpoint)
        root_folder = get_root_dir(jfs,device,mountpoint)
    elif args.mode == 'device':  #Need to get the Device from first part of path and mountpoint from second part
        path_in_parts = os.path.normpath(args.remoteobject).split(os.sep)
        device = path_in_parts[0]
        mountpoint = path_in_parts[1]
        print('Device is: %s' % device)
        print('Mountpoint is: %s' % mountpoint)
        if len(path_in_parts)<3:
            print('You need to specify at least one folder of file in addition to the device and mountpoint (i.e. 3 levels)')
            root_folder = get_root_dir(jfs,device,mountpoint)
            del path_in_parts[0:2] #Removing device and mountpoint from path
            args.remoteobject = "/".join(path_in_parts)
        exit(1)#This shouldn't really be necessary
    path_to_object = posixpath.join(root_folder.path, args.remoteobject)

    if args.verbose:
        print('Root folder path: %s' % root_folder.path)
        print('Relative path to object: %s' % args.remoteobject)
        print('Absolute path to object: %s' % path_to_object)
    remote_object = jfs.getObject(path_to_object)
    if hasattr(remote_object, 'size'): #Check if it's a file that is downloaded by checking if the attribute 'size' exist
        remote_file = remote_object
        total_size = remote_file.size
        if total_size == -1: # Indicates an incomplete file
            print('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - Incomplete file' % remote_file.name)
        with open(remote_file.name, 'wb') as fh:
            bytes_read = 0
            with ProgressBar(expected_size=total_size, label='Downloading: %s, Size:%s' % (remote_file.name, print_size(total_size, True))) as bar:
                for chunk_num, chunk in enumerate(remote_file.stream()):
                    bytes_read += len(chunk)
        if args.checksum:
            md5_lf = JFS.calculate_md5(open(remote_file.name, 'rb'))
            md5_jf = remote_file.md5
            if md5_lf != md5_jf:
                print('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' % md5_lf)
                print('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf)
                print('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - cheksum mismatch' % remote_file.name)
            if args.verbose:
                print('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' % md5_lf)
                print('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf)
            print('%s was downloaded successfully - checksum  matched' % remote_file.name)
        print('%s downloaded successfully - checksum not checked' % remote_file.name)

    else: #if it's not a file it has to be a folder
        incomplete_files = [] #Create an list where we can store incomplete files
        checksum_error_files = [] #Create an list where we can store checksum error files
        zero_files = [] #Create an list where we can store zero files
        long_path = [] #Create an list where we can store skipped files and folders because of long path
        if args.verbose:
            print "It's a folder that is downloaded - getting the folder and file structure. This might take a while if the tree is big..."     
        fileTree = remote_object.filedirlist().tree #Download the folder tree
        if args.verbose:
            print('Total number of folders to download: %d' % len(fileTree))

        #Iterate through each folder
        for folder in fileTree:
            #We need to strip the path to the folder path from account,device and mountpoint details      
            rel_path_to_object = folder[len(jfs.username)+len(device)+len(mountpoint)+4:] 

            if len(rel_path_to_object) > 250: #Windows has a limit of 250 characters in path
                print('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - path to long' % rel_path_to_object)
                if args.verbose:
                    print('Entering a new folder: %s' % rel_path_to_object)
                if not os.path.exists(rel_path_to_object): #Create the folder locally if it doesn't exist
                for _file in fileTree[folder]: #Enter the folder and download the files within
                    abs_path_to_object = posixpath.join(root_folder.path, posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object, _file[0])) #This is the absolute path to the file that is going to be downloaded
                    if args.verbose:
                        print('Downloading the file from: %s' % abs_path_to_object)
                    if _file[1]==-1: #Corrupt and incomplete files will be skipped 
                        print('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - Incomplete or corrupt file' % _file[0])
                        remote_object = jfs.getObject(abs_path_to_object)
                        remote_file = remote_object
                        total_size = remote_file.size
                        if total_size == 0: # Indicates an zero file
                            print('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - zero file' % remote_file.name)
                            if len(posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object,remote_file.name)) > 250: #Windows has a limit of 250 characters in path
                                print('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - path to long' % remote_file.name)
                                if args.verbose:
                                    print('Downloading the file to: %s' % posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object,remote_file.name))
                                if args.resume: #Check if file exist in path
                                    if os.path.isfile(posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object,remote_file.name)):
                                        print('File exist - skipping downloading: %s' % posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object,remote_file.name))
                                        with open(posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object,remote_file.name), 'wb') as fh:
                                            bytes_read = 0
                                            with ProgressBar(expected_size=total_size, label='Downloading: %s, Size:%s' % (remote_file.name, print_size(total_size, True))) as bar:
                                                for chunk_num, chunk in enumerate(remote_file.stream()):
                                                    bytes_read += len(chunk)
                                    with open(posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object,remote_file.name), 'wb') as fh:
                                        bytes_read = 0
                                        with ProgressBar(expected_size=total_size, label='Downloading: %s, Size:%s' % (remote_file.name, print_size(total_size, True))) as bar:
                                            for chunk_num, chunk in enumerate(remote_file.stream()):
                                                bytes_read += len(chunk)
                                if args.checksum:
                                    md5_lf = JFS.calculate_md5(open(posixpath.join(rel_path_to_object,remote_file.name), 'rb'))
                                    md5_jf = remote_file.md5
                                    if md5_lf != md5_jf:
                                        print('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' % md5_lf)
                                        print('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf)
                                        print('%s was NOT downloaded successfully - cheksum mismatch' % remote_file.name)
                                        if args.verbose:
                                            print('%s - Checksum for downloaded file' % md5_lf)
                                            print('%s - Checksum for server file' % md5_jf)
                                        print('%s was downloaded successfully - checksum  matched' % remote_file.name)
                                    print('%s downloaded successfully - checksum not checked' % remote_file.name)
        #Incomplete files
        if len(incomplete_files)> 0:
            with codecs.open("incomplete_files.txt", "w", "utf-8") as text_file:
                for item in incomplete_files:        
                    text_file.write("%s\n" % item)
        print('Incomplete files (not downloaded): %d' % len(incomplete_files))
        if args.verbose:
            for _files in incomplete_files:
                print _files

        #Checksum error files
        if len(checksum_error_files)> 0:
            with codecs.open("checksum_error_files.txt", "w", "utf-8") as text_file:
                for item in checksum_error_files:
                    text_file.write("%s\n" % item)
        print('Files with checksum error (not downloaded): %d' % len(checksum_error_files))
        if args.verbose:
            for _files in checksum_error_files:
                print _files

        #zero files
        if len(zero_files)> 0:
            with codecs.open("zero_files.txt", "w", "utf-8") as text_file:
                for item in zero_files:
                    text_file.write("%s\n" % item)
        print('Files with zero size (not downloaded): %d' % len(zero_files))
        if args.verbose:
            for _files in zero_files:
                print _files

        #long path
        if len(long_path)> 0:
            with codecs.open("long_path.txt", "w", "utf-8") as text_file:
                for item in long_path:
                    text_file.write("%s\n" % item)
        print('Folder and files not downloaded because of path to long: %d' % len(long_path))
        if args.verbose:
            for _files in long_path:
                print _files