    def getTrades(self, listDf=None):
        Create an alternate dataFrame by ticket. For large share sizes this may have dramatically
        fewer transactions. 
        :params listDf: Normally leave blank. If used, listDf should be the be a list of DFs.
        :params jf: A JournalFiles object as this new CSV file needs to be written into the outdir.
        :return: The DataFrame created version of the data.
        :side effects: Saves a csv file of all transactions as single ticket transactions to
        # TODO: Add the date to the saved file name after we get the date sorted out.
        rc = ReqCol()
        if not listDf:
            listDf = self.getListOfTicketDF()
        DataFrameUtil.checkRequiredInputFields(listDf[0], rc.columns)

        newDF = DataFrameUtil.createDf(listDf[0], 0)

        for tick in listDf:
            t = self.createSingleTicket(tick)
            newDF = newDF.append(t)

        outfile = "tradesByTicket.csv"
        opf = os.path.join(self.jf.indir, outfile)

        return newDF, self.jf
    def createSingleTicket(self, tickTx):
        Create a single row ticket from a Dataframe with a list (1 or more) of Transactions.
        :prerequisites: tickTx needs to have 'len(unique()) == 1' for side, symb, account, and
                        cloid. That uniqueness is created in getListOfTicketDF() so use that to
                         create a list of ticktTX.
        :params tickTx: A DataFrame with transactions from a single ticket
        :return: A single row data frame with total shares and average price.

        rc = ReqCol()

        total = 0
        totalPL = 0
        for dummy, row in tickTx.iterrows():
            total = total + (row[rc.price] * row[rc.shares])
            totalPL = totalPL + row[rc.PL]

        totalShares = tickTx[rc.shares].sum()
        avgPrice = total / totalShares

        newDf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(tickTx, 0)

        oneRow = tickTx.sort_values([rc.time, rc.price]).head(1)
        newDf = newDf.append(oneRow)

        newDf[rc.price] = avgPrice
        newDf[rc.shares] = totalShares
        newDf[rc.PL] = totalPL
        return newDf
    def test_dfUtil_addRow(self):
        '''Test method DataFrameUtil.addRows
        cols2 = [
            'Its', 'the', 'end', 'of', 'the', 'world', 'as', 'we', 'know', 'it'
        numRow = 9
        fill = 'something silly'
        fill2 = 'sillier'

        y = DataFrameUtil.createDf(cols2, numRow, fill=fill)
        y = DataFrameUtil.addRows(y, numRow, fill=fill2)
        self.assertEqual(len(y), numRow * 2)

        for i in range(numRow):
            for ii in y.iloc[i]:
                self.assertEqual(ii, fill)

        for i in range(numRow, numRow * 2):
            for ii in y.iloc[i]:
                self.assertEqual(ii, fill2)
def loadTradeSummaries(loc, trades):
    Load up each trade summary in the excel doc into a 1 row DataFrame, return a list
    of these DataFrames
    :params:loc: A list of the rows within the excel doc on which to find the trade summaries
    :return: A list of 1-row DataFrames Each trade is on one row from each of the trade summay forms

    ldf = list()
    srf = SumReqFields()
    reqCol = srf.rc
    newdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=reqCol.values())
    colFormat = srf.tfcolumns

    for rowNum in loc:
        newdf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(newdf, 1)
        for key in reqCol.keys():
            cell = colFormat[reqCol[key]][0]
            if isinstance(cell, list):
                cell = cell[0]
            cell = tcell(cell, anchor=(1, rowNum))
            newdf.iloc[-1][reqCol[key]] = trades[cell].value
    return ldf
    def insertOvernightRow(self, dframe, swTrade):
        Insert non-transaction rows that show overnight transactions. Set Side to one of:
        HOLD+, HOLD-, HOLD+B, HOLD_B
        :params dframe: The trades dataframe.
        :params swTrade: A data structure holding information about tickers with unbalanced shares.

        rc = ReqCol()

        newdf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(dframe, 0)

        for ldf in self.getListTickerDF(dframe):
            # print(ldf[rc.ticker].unique()[0], ldf[rc.acct].unique()[0])
            for trade in swTrade:
                if (trade['ticker'] == ldf[rc.ticker].unique()[0]
                        and (trade['acct'] == ldf[rc.acct].unique()[0])):
                    # msg = "Got {0} with the balance {1}, before {2} and after {3} in {4}"
                    # print(msg.format(trade['ticker'], trade['shares'], trade['before'],
                    #       trade['after'], trade['acct']))

                    # insert a non transaction HOLD row before transactions of the same ticker

                    if trade['before'] != 0:
                        newldf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(dframe, 1)
                        for j, dummy in newldf.iterrows():

                            if j == len(newldf) - 1:
                                newldf.at[j, rc.time] = '00:00:01'
                                newldf.at[j, rc.ticker] = trade['ticker']
                                if trade['before'] > 0:
                                    newldf.at[j, rc.side] = "HOLD-B"
                                    newldf.at[j, rc.side] = "HOLD+B"
                                newldf.at[j, rc.price] = float(0.0)
                                newldf.at[j, rc.shares] = -trade['before']
                                # ZeroSubstance'
                                newldf.at[j, rc.acct] = trade['acct']
                                newldf.at[j, rc.PL] = 0

                                ldf = newldf.append(ldf, ignore_index=True)

                    # Insert a non-transaction HOLD row after transactions from the same ticker
                    # Reusing ldf for something different here...bad form ... maybe ...
                    # adding columns then appending and starting over
                    if trade['after'] != 0:
                        # print("Are we good?")
                        ldf = DataFrameUtil.addRows(ldf, 1)

                        for j, dummy in ldf.iterrows():

                            if j == len(ldf) - 1:
                                ldf.at[j, rc.time] = '23:59:59'
                                ldf.at[j, rc.ticker] = trade['ticker']

                                if trade['after'] > 0:
                                    ldf.at[j, rc.side] = "HOLD+"
                                    ldf.at[j, rc.side] = "HOLD-"
                                ldf.at[j, rc.price] = float(0.0)

                                # -trade makes the share balance work in excel
                                # for shares held after close
                                ldf.at[j, rc.shares] = 0  # -trade['after']
                                # 'ZeroSubstance'
                                ldf.at[j, rc.acct] = trade['acct']
                                ldf.at[j, rc.PL] = 0

            newdf = newdf.append(ldf, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
        return newdf