def handle_checkbd(bot, ievent):
    """ bd-check .. check birthdays for current month """
    global db
    if not db: ievent.reply("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return
    (nowday, nowmonth) = getdaymonth(time.time())
    mstr = ""
    result = []
    bds = db.execute(""" SELECT * FROM birthday """)
    if not bds: ievent.reply('no birthdays this month') ; return
    for i in bds:
        btime = strtotime(i[1])
        if btime == None: continue
        (day, month) = getdaymonth(btime)
        if month == nowmonth:
            result.append((int(day), i[0], i[1]))
            if day == nowday and month == nowmonth: ievent.reply("it's %s's birthday today!" % i[0])
    result.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
    for i in result: mstr += "%s: %s " % (i[1], i[2])
    if mstr: mstr = "birthdays this month = " + mstr ; ievent.reply(mstr)
    else: ievent.reply('no birthdays this month')
def handle_checkbd2(bot, ievent):
    """ bd-check <nr> .. show birthdays in month (by number) """
    global db
    if not db: ievent.reply("plugin isnt initialised yet") ; return
        monthnr = int(ievent.args[0])
        if monthnr < 1 or monthnr > 12: ievent.reply("number must be between 1 and 12") ; return
    except (IndexError, ValueError): ievent.missing('<monthnr>') ; return
    mstr = ""
    result = []
    bds = db.execute(""" SELECT * FROM birthday """)
    if not bds: ievent.reply('no birthdays known') ; return
    for i in bds:
        btime = strtotime(i[1])
        if btime == None: continue
        (day, month) = getdaymonth(btime)
        if month == bdmonths[monthnr]: result.append((int(day), i[0], i[1]))
    result.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
    for i in result: mstr += "%s: %s " % (i[1], i[2])
    if mstr: mstr = "birthdays in %s = " % bdmonths[monthnr] + mstr ; ievent.reply(mstr)
    else: ievent.reply('no birthdays found for %s' % bdmonths[monthnr])