def get(self,slug): global keystring,pagenum,pagesize startime = time.time() pageurl = '' p=urllib.unquote(slug).split('/',2) k = urllib.unquote(p[0]) if len(p) == 2: page = p[1] else: page = 1 url = pageurl + _en(k)+'&Pagesize='+_en(str(pagesize))+'&Pagenum='+_en(str(page)) param1 = url.split('?',2) param2 = (param1[1]+keystring).split('&') param = urllib.quote_plus(param1[1]+keystring) url += '&songname='+_en(hashlib.md5(param.upper()).hexdigest()); content = url_get_contents(url) obj = content =['content']) template_values = { 'content': content, 'page': page, 'executionTime': time.time()-startime, 'keyword': k, } render_template(self, 'mp3search.html', template_values)
def GET(self): input = web.input() web.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")["stacks"])["payouts"]) icm = ICM(stacks,payouts) print json.write(icm.equities)
def __init__(self, url, unique_key='_id', **kwargs): """Establish a connection to Algolia using target url 'APPLICATION_ID:API_KEY:INDEX_NAME' """ application_id, api_key, index = url.split(':') self.algolia = algoliasearch.Client(application_id, api_key) self.index = self.algolia.initIndex(index) self.unique_key = unique_key self.last_object_id = None self.batch = [] self.mutex = RLock() self.auto_commit = kwargs.pop('auto_commit', True) self.run_auto_commit() try: json = open("algolia_fields_" + index + ".json", 'r') self.attributes_filter = decoder.decode("Algolia Connector: Start with filter.") except IOError: # No "fields" filter file self.attributes_filter = None"Algolia Connector: Start without filter.") try: json = open("algolia_remap_" + index + ".json", 'r') self.attributes_remap = decoder.decode("Algolia Connector: Start with remapper.") except IOError: # No "remap" filter file self.attributes_remap = None"Algolia Connector: Start without remapper.") try: f = open("algolia_postproc_" + index + ".py", 'r') self.postproc ="Algolia Connector: Start with post processing.") except IOError: # No "postproc" filter file self.postproc = None"Algolia Connector: Start without post processing.")
def backup_month(start_tick,stop_tick,yyyymm): """备份一个月的短信""" conn=sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME) curr=conn.cursor() sql=SQL_GETSMS%{ 'start_tick':start_tick, 'stop_tick':stop_tick,} #print sql curr.execute(sql) dataset=curr.fetchall() savedset=set() if os.path.exists(INBOX_FILENAME%{'yyyymm':yyyymm}): fr_inbox=open(INBOX_FILENAME%{'yyyymm':yyyymm},'r') fr_sent=open(SENT_FILENAME%{'yyyymm':yyyymm},'r') for line in fr_inbox.xreadlines(): savedset.add(msgdict['msgid']) for line in fr_sent.xreadlines(): savedset.add(msgdict['msgid']) fr_inbox.close() fr_sent.close() msglist=[] fw_inbox=open(INBOX_FILENAME%{'yyyymm':yyyymm},'a+') fw_sent=open(SENT_FILENAME%{'yyyymm':yyyymm},'a+') #print 'len(dataset)=',len(dataset) for (starttime,outgoing,freetext,remoteuid) in dataset: #print repr(outgoing),repr(freetext),repr(starttime) msgdict={ 'msg':freetext.encode('utf-8'), 'msgid':'%d-%s-%d'%(starttime, remoteuid.encode('utf-8'),len(freetext)), 'ts':starttime, } if msgdict['msgid'] in savedset: continue if outgoing==1: msgdict['tfrom']=LOCAL_PHONENUMBER msgdict['tto']=remoteuid.encode('utf-8') fw_sent.write(json.write(msgdict)+'\n') elif outgoing==0: msgdict['tto']=LOCAL_PHONENUMBER msgdict['tfrom']=remoteuid.encode('utf-8') fw_inbox.write(json.write(msgdict)+'\n') else: raise ValueError('Unknow outgoing=%d'%outgoing) #print msgdict # do it fw_inbox.close() fw_sent.close() curr.close() conn.close() return
def run(self, data): try: obj, i = mailbox.send(obj) except: mailbox.send(data) return ''
def json_load(text): ''' Load JSON data using what ever resources are available. ''' if OLD_SUGAR_SYSTEM is True: listdata = else: # Remove MAGIC NUMBER, if present, and leading whitespace if text[0:2] == MAGICNUMBER: clean_text = text[2:].lstrip() else: clean_text = text.lstrip() # Strip out trailing whitespace, nulls, and newlines clean_text = clean_text.replace('\12', '') clean_text = clean_text.replace('\00', '') clean_text = clean_text.rstrip() # Look for missing ']'s left_count = clean_text.count('[') right_count = clean_text.count(']') while left_count > right_count: clean_text += ']' right_count = clean_text.count(']') io = StringIO(clean_text) try: listdata = jload(io) except ValueError: # Assume that text is ascii list listdata = text.split() for i, value in enumerate(listdata): listdata[i] = convert(value, float) # json converts tuples to lists, so we need to convert back, return _tuplify(listdata)
def fromAjax(self, text, languageFrom, languageTo): """ Returns a simple string translating the text from "languageFrom" to "LanguageTo" using Google Translate AJAX Service. """ LANG={ "arabic":"ar", "bulgarian":"bg", "chinese":"zh-CN", "croatian":"hr", "czech":"cs", "danish":"da", "dutch":"nl", "english":"en", "finnish":"fi", "french":"fr", "german":"de", "greek":"el", "hindi":"hi", "italian":"it", "japanese":"ja", "korean":"ko", "norwegian":"no", "polish":"pl", "portugese":"pt", "romanian":"ro", "russian":"ru", "spanish":"es", "swedish":"sv" } base_url='' langpair='%s|%s'%(LANG.get(languageFrom.lower(),languageFrom), LANG.get(languageTo.lower(),languageTo)) params=urllib.urlencode( (('v',1.0), ('q',text.encode('utf-8')), ('langpair',langpair),) ) url=base_url+params content=urllib2.urlopen(url).read() try: trans_dict=json.loads(content) except AttributeError: try: trans_dict=json.load(content) except AttributeError: return trans_dict['responseData']['translatedText']
def run(self): while not self.__stopevent.isSet(): _data = self.socket.socket.recv(4096) if len(_data) == 4096: self.socket.socket.setblocking(0) while(1): try: buf = self.socket.socket.recv(4096) _data += buf if len(buf) == 4096: continue except socket.error: self.socket.socket.setblocking(1) break print "got new json data: " + _data if len(_data) == 0: break js = if "id" in js: action = self.socket.getActionForId(js['id']) else: action = "ANNOUNCEMENTS" socketData = BSSocketData() socketData.action = action = js if ("id" in js): if not self.socket.notifyId(int(js['id']), socketData): self.q.put(socketData) else: self.q.put(socketData)
def testOutputDataset(datasetName, requestType): url='' + datasetName result = datasets=result['phedex']['dataset'] if len(datasets)>0: dicts=datasets[0] subscriptions=dicts['subscription'] for subscription in subscriptions: if subscription['level']=='DATASET' and subscription['custodial']=='y': if 'MonteCarlo' in requestType: if subscription['custodial']=='y': print "This dataset is subscribed : "+ datasetName print "Custodial: "+subscription['custodial'] request=subscription['request'] print "Request page:"+str(request) return else: print "This dataset is subscribed : "+ datasetName print "Custodial: "+subscription['custodial'] request=subscription['request'] print "Request page:"+str(request) return else: print "The Subscription exist but not custodial" request=subscription['request'] print "Request page:"+str(request) else: print "This dataset wasn't subscribed: "+ datasetName
def jsonCmd(self, method, params = {}, retry = 0): if self.__nextdownload > diff = self.__nextdownload - secs = diff.microseconds/1000000.0 + diff.seconds + diff.days*24*3600 time.sleep(secs) # We could use system.listMethods to check that cmd["method"] # is still recognised by the server? cmd = urllib.quote(json.JsonWriter().write({"id":self.__jsonid, "method":method, "params":params})) try: ret =, cmd).read()) self.__nextdownload = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.config.getfloat("DEFAULT", "waitseconds")) except urllib2.URLError, e: # Retry on the following errors: # 104 - Connection reset # 110 - Connection timed out if e.reason[0] == 104 or e.reason[0] == 110: if retry < 5: self.__output("%s - will retry in 5 seconds" % e.reason[1]) time.sleep(5) return self.jsonCmd(method, params, retry + 1) else: self.__output("%s - giving up" % e.reason[1]) print >> sys.stderr, ("URL Error %d: %s (%s)" % (e.reason[0], e.reason[1], self.__jsonurl)) sys.exit(3)
def image_list(parent, title, user): """Get the image list for a specific user""" logger.log( 9, 'image_list(parent=%r, title=%r, user=%r)', parent, title, user) items = [] web = '' + user + \ '&format=json&api_key=' + config.FLICKR_KEY + '&per_page=' + str(config.FLICKR_LIMIT) + \ '&page=1&extras=original_format' url=urllib.urlopen(web) flickr=flickr.replace("jsonFlickrApi(",""); data =[:-1]) for foto in data['photos']['photo']: #items.append(ImageItem(y[1],parent,foto["title"])) mi = menu.MenuItem(foto["title"], parent.showimage, 0) mi.arg = (foto["title"],"" + foto["server"] + "/" + \ foto["id"] + "_" + foto["originalsecret"] + "_o.jpg",foto["id"]) imagen = '' + foto['server'] + '/' + foto['id'] + '_' + foto['secret'] + '_m.jpg' file = config.FLICKR_DIR + '/' + foto['id'].replace('-','_') + '_t.jpg' if not os.path.exists(file): box = PopupBox(_('Downloading thumbnail for picture "') + foto['title'] + '"', width=800) urllib.urlretrieve(imagen,file) box.destroy() mi.image = file items.append(mi) return items
def getGlobalTag(url, workflow): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY')) r1=conn.request("GET",'/reqmgr/reqMgr/request?requestName='+workflow) r2=conn.getresponse() request = globalTag=request['GlobalTag'] return globalTag
def getCacheID(url, workflow): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY')) r1=conn.request("GET",'/reqmgr/reqMgr/request?requestName='+workflow) r2=conn.getresponse() request = cacheID=request['StepOneConfigCacheID'] return cacheID
def checkArgvs(self): """check argvs """ try: #{ #"src":"http://xxxx", #"dest_path":"/home/tudou/0/a/b/c.flv", #"md5":"21345", #"proxy":"", #"threads":5 #} self.job = self.stdout.write("NEED###%s%s"%(self.job, os.linesep)) self.stdout.flush() self.src =self.job["src"] self.storage_root=self.set_storage_root() self.dest_path=self.set_dest_path() self.www_root =self.set_www_root() self.ip =self.set_ip() self.dst =self.set_dst() self.tmp =self.job["tmp"] self.md5 =self.job["md5"] if self.job.has_key("proxy"): self.proxy=self.job["proxy"] if self.job.has_key("thread"): self.thread=self.job["thread"] or self.thread if self.job.has_key("check_url"): self.check_url=self.job["check_url"] self.timeout=self.job["timeout"] self.outcome=os.path.join(self.tmp, "speeds.txt") except Exception, e: self.msg="check argument error. %s"%e self.stdout.write("RESULT###%s%s"%(json.write({"result":400, "msg":self.msg, "aux":self.get_aux_by_null(), "v":VERSION}), os.linesep)) self.stdout.flush() raise Exception(self.msg)
def getListings(self, start, end): """ Get all listings from start to end - both must be datetime objects and at least start must be a time where the hours are divisible by zero, and minutes, seconds and milliseconds set to 0. """ # Set up empty listings self._listings = {} for id in self._selectedChannels: self._listings[id] = [] # Loop from start to end, adding 4 hours each time while start <= end: timestamp = start.strftime('%s') url = self._listingsurl % timestamp data = self._getURL(url) object = for channel in object['channels']: # Only look after selected channels channelid = str(channel['id']) if self._listings.has_key(channelid): for program in channel['program']: # Only get details for specified channels if self._getDetails.has_key(channelid): program.update(self.getDetails(program['program_id'])) pass self._listings[channelid].append(program) #start += datetime.timedelta(800) start += datetime.timedelta(0,0,0,0,0,4)
def process_response(self, result): docs = [] rootDocs = [] docsDict = {} # Build a dictionary of the annotations for doc in result: # hack is done here to replace [] with null as does not properly parse jsonStr = unicode(doc.get("jsonString").replace("[]", "null")).encode("utf-8") doc = doc["replies"] = [] docs.append(doc) docsDict[doc["uri"]] = doc if doc["annotates"]["uri"] == doc["annotates"]["rootUri"]: rootDocs.append(doc) # Now process the dictionary for doc in docs: # If we are NOT a top level annotation if doc["annotates"]["uri"] != doc["annotates"]["rootUri"]: # Find what we are annotating try: d = docsDict[doc["annotates"]["uri"]] d["replies"].append(doc) # Add ourselves to its reply list except: # TODO KeyError pass return json.write(rootDocs)
def fromAjax(text, languageFrom, languageTo): """ Returns a simple string translating the text from "languageFrom" to "LanguageTo" using Google Translate AJAX Service. """ LANG = langCode base_url = '' langpair = '%s|%s'%(LANG.get(languageFrom.lower(),languageFrom), LANG.get(languageTo.lower(),languageTo)) try: params=urllib.urlencode( (('v',1.0), ('q',text.encode('utf-8')), ('langpair',langpair),) ) # print params except UnicodeDecodeError: pass url = base_url+params content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() try: trans_dict=json.loads(content) except AttributeError: try: trans_dict=json.load(content) except AttributeError: try: return trans_dict['responseData']['translatedText'] except TypeError: pass
def testReadWriteCopies(self): orig_obj = {'a':' " '} json_str = json.write(orig_obj) copy_obj = self.assertEqual(orig_obj, copy_obj) self.assertEqual(True, orig_obj == copy_obj) self.assertEqual(False, orig_obj is copy_obj)
def parasOperator(game_id,identity,game_name) : t_ParasOperatorUrl = ''+identity t_Content = urllib.urlopen(t_ParasOperatorUrl).read() t_Content = DealJsonString(t_Content) try : t_Data = if len(t_Data) == 0 : return False; else : UpdateGameOperator(identity) t_OperatorIdBegin = getMaxOperatorId(game_id) for t_Operator in t_Data : t_OperatorIdBegin += 1 t_OperatorInfo = CGameOperator() t_OperatorInfo.game_id = game_id t_OperatorInfo.game_identity = identity t_OperatorInfo.game_name = game_name t_OperatorInfo.operator_id = t_OperatorIdBegin t_OperatorInfo.operator_identity = t_Operator["id"] t_OperatorInfo.operator_name = t_Operator["name"].decode('gbk').encode('utf-8') InsertGameOperatorInfo(t_OperatorInfo) except : logger.error("json decode error,url:"+t_ParasOperatorUrl) logger.error( sys.exc_info())
def test_write_all_labels(self): """dumping json into a file""" filename = "test_labels.json" # remove the current file if os.path.exists(filename): os.system("rm " + filename) # make up some labels labels = [] # fake label 1 label = {"line_number": 5, "bank": 0, "label": "SomeLabel", "address": 0x10} labels.append(label) # fake label 2 label = {"line_number": 15, "bank": 2, "label": "SomeOtherLabel", "address": 0x9F0A} labels.append(label) # dump to file write_all_labels(labels, filename=filename) # open the file and read the contents file_handler = open(filename, "r") contents = file_handler.close() # parse into json obj = # begin testing self.assertEqual(len(obj), len(labels)) self.assertEqual(len(obj), 2) self.assertEqual(obj, labels)
def getCampaign(url, workflow): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file=os.getenv("X509_USER_PROXY"), key_file=os.getenv("X509_USER_PROXY")) r1 = conn.request("GET", "/reqmgr/reqMgr/request?requestName=" + workflow) r2 = conn.getresponse() request = campaign = request["Campaign"] return campaign
def parseGroup(game_id,game_identity,game_name,operator_id,operator_identity,operator_name,area_id,area_identity,area_name) : t_ParasGroupUrl = ''+area_identity t_Content = urllib.urlopen(t_ParasGroupUrl).read() t_Content = DealJsonString(t_Content) try : t_Data = t_GroupIdBegin = getMaxGroupId(game_id,area_id) for t_Operator in t_Data : t_GroupIdBegin += 1 t_GroupInfo = CGameGroupArea() t_GroupInfo.game_id = game_id t_GroupInfo.game_identity = game_identity t_GroupInfo.game_name = game_name t_GroupInfo.operator_id = operator_id t_GroupInfo.operator_identity = operator_identity t_GroupInfo.operator_name = operator_name t_GroupInfo.area_id = area_id t_GroupInfo.area_identity = area_identity t_GroupInfo.area_name = area_name t_GroupInfo.group_id = t_GroupIdBegin t_GroupInfo.group_identity = t_Operator["id"] t_GroupInfo.group_name = t_Operator["name"].decode('gbk').encode('utf-8') InsertGameAreaGroupInfo(t_GroupInfo) except : logger.error("json decode error,url:"+t_ParasGroupUrl) logger.error( sys.exc_info())
def _init_desc(self): """ definition is [mapping, filter, sub, pub ] mapping is list of tuples or dictionaries, [("src-attr","dest-attr")|("src-class.attr","dst-class.attr")] filter is list of tuple of tuples, or tuple of dictionaries [("P|S|D|N", "src","dst"] sub/pub lists of policy sets: event, matching, cmd, output/input policy sets are lists of polices policy is list of actions action is tuple of "condition", "action", "action if condition failed" condition is one of (("if", "op","arg1","arg2"), (filter, op, arg1), (reduce, ) action is list of verbs verb is one of ("stop","append(noun)","set (noun, noun)") """ self._validate_map() self._validate_filter() for l in self.sub.keys(): if self.parsed_fmdef[2].has_key(l): self.sub[l]=self.parsed_fmdef[2][l] for l in if self.parsed_fmdef[3].has_key(l):[l]=self.parsed_fmdef[3][l] pass
def handleJsonRpc(self): # Get parameter values from the "get" query string or "post" args fields = cgi.FieldStorage() request = fields.getfirst("request") try: if request == None: raise InvalidJsonRpcRequest req = id = req["id"] params = req["params"] methodname = req["method"] except: self.sendResponse(None, None, InvalidJsonRpcRequest("Empty or malformed JSON-RPC request.").__dict__) return () try: # to get a callable obj method = self.getMethodByName(methodname) except: method = None self.sendResponse(id, None, MethodNotFound(req["method"]).__dict__) return () if method: try: result = method(*params) if id is not None: self.sendResponse(id, result, None) return () except SystemExit: pass except: # error inside the callable object s = getTracebackStr() self.sendResponse(id, None, ApplicationError(s).__dict__) return ()
def _q_lookup(self, request, component): request = quixote.get_request() response = quixote.get_response() if component not in self.get_fields: raise TraversalError('No meta key "%s"' % component) http.json_response() if request.get_method() in ('POST', 'PUT'): if '_json' in request.form: data =['_json']) # Return a callable thing def set_a_meta(request): ret = self.set_meta(component, data) ref = request.get_environ('HTTP_REFERER') if ref is not None: p = self.image.pic() response.redirect(ref + '#pic%d' % http.json_response() return json.write(ret) return set_a_meta respose.set_status(204) # no content return '' p = self.image.pic() return json.write(self.get_fields[component](p))
def parseArea(game_id,identity,game_name) : t_ParasAreaUrl = ''+identity t_Content = urllib.urlopen(t_ParasAreaUrl).read() t_Content = DealJsonString(t_Content) try : t_Data = t_AreaIdBegin = getMaxAreaId(game_id,-1) for t_Operator in t_Data : t_AreaIdBegin += 1 t_AreaInfo = CGameArea() t_AreaInfo.game_id = game_id t_AreaInfo.game_identity = identity t_AreaInfo.game_name = game_name t_AreaInfo.operator_id = -1 t_AreaInfo.operator_identity = '' t_AreaInfo.operator_name = '' t_AreaInfo.area_id = t_AreaIdBegin t_AreaInfo.area_identity = t_Operator["id"] t_AreaInfo.area_name = t_Operator["name"].decode('gbk').encode('utf-8') InsertGameAreaInfo(t_AreaInfo) except : logger.error("json decode error,url:"+t_ParasAreaUrl) logger.error( sys.exc_info())
def __init__(self,tiapp,project_dir,java,classes_dir,root_dir): self.tiapp = tiapp = java self.appname =['name'] self.classes_dir = classes_dir self.template_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_filename)) self.appid =['id'] self.root_dir = root_dir self.project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(project_dir)) self.modules = set() self.jar_libraries = [] json_contents = open(os.path.join(self.template_dir,'dependency.json')).read() self.depends_map = # go ahead and slurp in any required modules for required in self.depends_map['required']: self.add_required_module(required) if (tiapp.has_app_property('')): if tiapp.to_bool(tiapp.get_app_property('')): print '[INFO] Force including all modules...' sys.stdout.flush() for module in self.depends_map['dependencies'].keys(): self.add_required_module(module) self.module_methods = set() self.js_files = {} self.html_scripts = [] self.compiled_files = []
def _q_index(self, request): request = quixote.get_request() response = quixote.get_response() if request.get_method() in ('POST', 'PUT'): if '_json' in request.form: ret = {} try: changes =['_json']) for n,v in changes.items(): ret[n] = self.set_meta(n, v) ref = request.get_environ('HTTP_REFERER') if ref is not None: p = self.image.pic() response.redirect(ref + '#pic%d' % http.json_response() return json.write(ret) except json.ReadException: raise QueryError('badly formatted JSON') response.set_status(204) # no content return '' meta = self.get_meta() http.json_response() return json.write(meta)
def _marshaled_dispatch(self, data, dispatch_method = None): """Dispatches a JSON-RPC method from marshalled (JSON) data. JSON-RPC methods are dispatched from the marshalled (JSON) data using the _dispatch method and the result is returned as marshalled data. For backwards compatibility, a dispatch function can be provided as an argument (see comment in SimpleJSONRPCRequestHandler.do_POST) but overriding the existing method through subclassing is the prefered means of changing method dispatch behavior. """ print data rawreq = #params, method = xmlrpclib.loads(data) id = rawreq.get('id', 0) method = rawreq['method'] params = rawreq.get('params', []) responseDict = {'id':id} # generate response try: if dispatch_method is not None: response = dispatch_method(method, params) else: response = self._dispatch(method, params) ## wrap response in a singleton tuple #response = (response,) #response = xmlrpclib.dumps(response, methodresponse=1) responseDict['result'] = response except Fault, fault: #response = xmlrpclib.dumps(fault) responseDict['error'] = repr(response)
def parasGame() : t_ParseGameUrl = '' #t_ParseGameUrl = '' t_Content = urllib.urlopen(t_ParseGameUrl).read() #去掉前后的空格 #t_Content = t_Content[1:t_Len-1] t_Content = DealJsonString(t_Content) try : t_Data = t_GameIdBegin = getMaxGameId() for k,v in t_Data.items() : if k != "Types" and k != "HOT" : for t_Game in v : t_GameIdBegin += 1 t_GameInfo = CGameInfo(); t_GameInfo.game_id =t_GameIdBegin t_GameInfo.game_identity = t_Game["id"] t_GameInfo.game_name = t_Game["name"].decode('gbk').encode('utf-8') t_GameInfo.is_hot = t_Game["hot"] t_GameInfo.type = k t_GameInfo.category = t_Game["type"] InsertGameInfo(t_GameInfo) except : logger.error( sys.exc_info())
def loads(self, res): if hasattr(json, "loads"): res = json.loads(res) else: res = return res
from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from graphite.account.models import Profile from graphite.logger import log # There are a couple different json modules floating around out there with # different APIs. Hide the ugliness here. try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json if hasattr(json, 'read') and not hasattr(json, 'loads'): json.loads = json.dumps = json.write json.load = lambda file: json.dump = lambda obj, file: file.write(json.write(obj)) def getProfile(request, allowDefault=True): if request.user.is_authenticated(): return Profile.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user)[0] elif allowDefault: return default_profile() def getProfileByUsername(username): try: return Profile.objects.get(user__username=username) except Profile.DoesNotExist: return None
def get_channel_statistics(self): url = f'{self.channel_id}&key={self.api_key}' print(url) json_url = requests.get(url) data = print(data)
def fromJson(self, text): return self.fromPython(
def comments(): attempts = 0 accessible = 0 index = 1 with"Google - My Activity.html", "r", encoding="utf-8") as raw_html: html ="\n", "").replace("'", "`") comments = str( re.findall( '<div class="QTGV3c" jsname="r4nke">(.*?)</div><div class="SiEggd">', html)) uuids = str(re.findall('data-token="(.*?)" data-date', html)) links = str( re.findall( '<div class="iXL6O"><a href="(.*?)" jslog="65086; track:click"', html)) for i in range(int(links.count("'") / 2)): link = links.split("'")[index] comment = comments.split("'")[index] uuid = uuids.split("'")[index] instances = 0 index += 2 print('\n"' + comment.replace("`", "'") + '"') print(link + "\n") for i in range(0, 3, 1): rotate_connection() fetch_comments( link.replace("", "")) if private == bool(True): break with open("temp_comments.json", "r") as json: j = if j.find(uuid) >= 0: print("[ ✓ ]", end="") instances += 1 else: print("[ X ]", end="") if instances > 0: instances -= 1 try: r = get_tor_session().get("") r_dict = r.json() print(" " + r_dict["country"] + " (" + r_dict["ip"] + ")") except IOError: print(" Unknown location.") if private == bool(False): if instances > 0: accessible += 1 print("\nAccessible.") elif instances == 0: print("\nNon-accessible.") attempts += 1 if attempts == accessible and accessible > 0: print( "No abnormal behavior detected. All comments are publicly available." ) elif attempts > accessible: print("Questionable behavior in " + str(attempts - accessible) + " comment(s) of " + str(attempts) + " attempted.") else: print( str(accessible) + " of " + str(attempts) + " comments publicly available.")
from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2 import pickle import os # from . import views import json json_file_path = "loan_no_loan.json" with open(os.path.abspath(json_file_path), 'r') as j: contents = json.loads( data = pd.DataFrame(contents) # stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english') # words = stopwords.words("english") X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data['post'], data.intent, test_size=0.2) pipeline = Pipeline([('vect', TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), stop_words="english", sublinear_tf=True)), ('chi', SelectKBest(chi2, k='all')),
import urllib2 import urlparse import uuid # Find a JSON parser try: import simplejson _parse_json = lambda s: simplejson.loads(s.decode("utf-8")) except ImportError: try: import cjson _parse_json = lambda s: cjson.decode(s.decode("utf-8"), True) except ImportError: try: import json _parse_json = lambda s: _unicodify( except ImportError: # For Google AppEngine from django.utils import simplejson _parse_json = lambda s: simplejson.loads(s.decode("utf-8")) _FRIENDFEED_API_BASE = "" _FRIENDFEED_OAUTH_BASE = "" def _authenticated(method): @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.consumer_token or not self.access_token: raise Exception("OAuth required for this method") return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
) # Number of rows that will be imported randomly for column in columns: column_as_df = json_normalize(df[column]) column_as_df.columns = [ f"{column}.{subcolumn}" for subcolumn in column_as_df.columns ] df = df.drop(column, axis=1).merge( column_as_df, right_index=True, left_index=True) #drop original columns after extracting values return df #import the data using the name and extension df_train ="train.csv") #first 5 rows of our dataset df_train.head() def missing_values(data): total = data.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False) percent = (data.isnull().sum() / data.isnull().count() * 100).sort_values(ascending=False) df = pd.concat([total, percent], axis=1, keys=['Total', 'Percent']) print("Total columns at least one Values: ") print(df[~(df['Total'] == 0)]) # Returning values of nulls different of 0 print( "\n Total of Sales % of Total: ",
# log from ipython as I played with the pricing api #index.json from # Per # But this may no longer be supported as it (EC2) is not part of the parent index of all services any longer import json with open('index.json', 'r') as foo: data = with open('index.json', 'r') as foo: data = json.load(foo) data.keys() for key in data: print(data[key]) data.keys() for key in data: if key != 'products': print(data[key]) data.keys() for key in data: print(key) for key in data: if key != u'products': print(data[key]) for key in data: if key != u'products':
def colorize(self, msg): state, foo = msg.split(' ', 1) if state in ('OK', 'UP'): msg = '9' + msg elif state in ('WARNING'): msg = '8' + msg elif state in ('CRITICAL', 'DOWN', 'UNREACHABLE'): msg = '4' + msg elif state in ('UNKNOWN'): msg = '7' + msg return msg if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print " config.json" exit(1) fh = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') config = fh.close() c = StatusBot(nickname=config['nick'], server=config['server'], ssl=config['ssl'], default_chan=config['channel'], fifo=config['fifo']) c.connect() while True: c.one_loop()
import json try: json.dumps json.loads except AttributeError: try: # monkey patching for python-json package json.dumps = lambda obj, *args, **kwargs: json.write(obj) json.loads = lambda str, *args, **kwargs: except AttributeError: raise ImportError('Could not load an appropriate JSON library ' 'currently supported are simplejson, ' 'python3.7 json and python-json') loads = json.loads dumps = json.dumps
def ReadObjectFromJsonString(string): return
def fromFd(cls, fd): data = return cls(data)
parser.add_argument("asm_file", help="Assembly directives to assemble") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", help="Output MIF format file for FPGA program", default="asm-out.mif") parser.add_argument("--opcodes", help="JSON Definition file to map mnemonics to opcodes") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Generate verbose output") args = parser.parse_args() if args.opcodes: with open(parser.opcodes, 'r') as infile: opcodes = else: opcodes = { "LD": int("0b0000", 0), "ST": int("0b0001", 0), "CPY": int("0b0010", 0), "SWAP": int("0b0011", 0), "ADD": int("0b0100", 0), "SUB": int("0b0101", 0), "ADDC": int("0b0110", 0), "SUBC": int("0b0111", 0), "AND": int("0b1000", 0), "OR": int("0b1001", 0), "NOT": int("0b1010", 0), "SHRA": int("0b1011", 0), "ROTR": int("0b1100", 0),
def upload(self): self.getDuration() # Take screenshots at even increments between 20% and 80% of the duration stops = range(20, 81, 60 / (self.shots - 1)) imgs = [] try: for stop in stops: imgfilename = TMPDIR + "screen%d.png" % len(imgs) ffmpegproc = subprocess.Popen([ r"/usr/bin/ffmpeg", "-ss", str((self.duration * stop) / 100), "-i", self.path, "-vframes", "1", "-y", "-qscale", "0", "-f", "image2", imgfilename ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdoutdata, stderrdata = ffmpegproc.communicate() if ffmpegproc.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Ffmpeg call failed, error text:\n" + str(stdoutdata)) imgs.append(imgfilename) except OSError: sys.stderr.write( "Error: Ffmpeg not installed, refer to for installation" ) exit(1) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) exit(1) opener = urllib2.build_opener( MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler) try: for img in imgs: params = ({'ImageUp': open(img, "rb")}) socket ="", params) json_str = if hasattr(json, 'loads'): read = json.loads(json_str) elif hasattr(json, 'read'): read = else: err_msg = "I cannot decipher your `json`;\n" + \ "please report the following output to the bB forum:\n" + \ ("%s" % dir(json)) raise Exception(err_msg) self.imageurl.append("" + read['ImgName']) return True except urllib2.URLError, s: if self.tries < 3: self.tries += 1 sys.stderr.write( 'Connection timed out, retrying to upload screenshots to imgur. This is try: ' ) sys.stderr.write(str(self.tries)) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write(str(s)) self.upload() return True
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on Jul 29, 2011 @author: wangyouhua ''' import json from t4py.tblog.tblog import TBlog from t4py.tblog.constants import CONSUMER_KEY from t4py.tblog.constants import CONSUMER_SECRET from t4py.http.oauth import OAuthToken from t4py.utils.token_util import TokenUtil util = TokenUtil() str = util.get_token_str('user_test') t = TBlog(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) t._request_handler.access_token = OAuthToken.from_string(str) friends = t.statuses_friends() result = #get friends for friend in result["users"]: #Ĭ默认只返回30个关注列表 print friend["name"].decode("utf-8")
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, urllib2 import json, re from SpyTools import * lang = sys.argv[1] opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'BrightByte/WikiWord/WikipediaDisambiguationSpy <*****@*****.**>')] u = "" % lang js =; data = disambig = [] pid = data["query"]["pages"].keys()[0] page = data["query"]["pages"][pid] if not "links" in page: sys.exit() links = page["links"] for link in links: n = link["title"] n = re.sub("^[^:]*:", "", n) disambig.append(n)
def toJSON(self, indata): return
from viz.plot_classification_model_evaluation import * from data.generate_shards import genereate_shards parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-r', '--results_dir', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('-n', '--model-num', type=int, default=0) args = parser.parse_args() results_dir = args.results_dir model_num = args.model_num with open(os.path.join(results_dir, 'config.json'), 'r') as f: config = model_config = config['model_config']['data_model'] data_config = config['data_config'] # Load the correct model # TODO: abstract the general model loading process? if model_config['type'] == 'bnn': if config['model_config']['type'] == 'pvi': from src.methods.pvi.model_bnn import BNNModel model = BNNModel.load_model( os.path.join(results_dir, f'best_model_{model_num}')) # Load the relevant data # In sample sets, out of sample sets. if data_config['dataset'] == 'MNIST':
from random import getrandbits from google.appengine.api import urlfetch # We require a JSON parsing library. These seem to be the most popular. try: import cjson decode_json = lambda s: cjson.decode(s.decode("utf-8"), True) except ImportError: try: # Django includes simplejson from django.utils import simplejson decode_json = lambda s: simplejson.loads(s.decode("utf-8")) except ImportError: import json decode_json = lambda s: _unicodify( # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # oauth client # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class OAuthToken(object): '''OAuthToken is a data type that represents an End User via either an access or request token.''' key = None secret = None ''' key = the token secret = the token secret
def json_load(text): """ Load JSON data. """ listdata = return listdata
def getDeviceByName(devicename): if os.path.isfile('Devices/' + devicename + '.json'): with open('Devices/' + devicename + '.json') as json: return else: return "NOPE", 404
def getWorkflowByName(workflowname): if os.path.isfile('Workflows/' + workflowname + '.json'): with open('Workflows/' + workflowname + '.json') as json: return else: return "NOPE", 404
if params.has_key('code'): code = params['code'].value #construct POST object for access token fetch request postvals = { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'client_id': key, 'client_secret': secret, 'code': code, 'redirect_uri': callback_url } #make request to capture access token params = urllib.urlencode(postvals) f = urllib.urlopen(access_token_endpoint, params) token = print "<h1>token</h1>" print token print "<br /><br />" #build headers for protected data request headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} #make OAuth signed request for protected user profile profile_url = "" + token[ 'access_token'] request = urllib2.Request(profile_url, None, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) profile =
def control(env, start_response): # Save the time the results were received. thetime = time_module.time() def cc_start_response(status, headers): c = get_counter() start_response(status, headers + [counter_cookie_header(c)]) set_counter(c + 1) ip = None if env.has_key('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'): ip = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] else: ip = env['REMOTE_ADDR'] user_agent = "Unknown user agent" if env.has_key('USER_AGENT'): user_agent = env['USER_AGENT'] elif env.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT'): user_agent = env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] base = env.has_key('REQUEST_URI') and env['REQUEST_URI'] or env['PATH_INFO'] last = filter(lambda x: x != [], base.split('/'))[-1]; if last in STATIC_FILES: contents = None f = None try: f = open(os.path.join(PWD, last)) contents = except IOError: start_response('500 Internal Server Error', [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]) return ["<html><body><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></body></html>"] finally: if f: f.close() rr = last == 'main.js' and cc_start_response or start_response rr('200 OK', [('Content-Type', (last == 'spr.html' and 'text/html' or 'text/javascript') +'; charset=utf-8')]) return [contents] elif last == PY_SCRIPT_NAME: qs = env.has_key('QUERY_STRING') and env['QUERY_STRING'].lstrip('?') or '' qs_hash = cgi.parse_qs(qs) # Is it a request for a JS/CSS include file? if qs_hash.has_key('include'): if qs_hash['include'][0] == 'js': m = create_monster_string(JS_INCLUDES_DIR, '.js', JS_INCLUDES_LIST) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8'), ('Pragma', 'no-cache')]) return [m] elif qs_hash['include'][0] == 'css': m = create_monster_string(CSS_INCLUDES_DIR, '.css', CSS_INCLUDES_LIST) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/css; charset=utf-8'), ('Pragma', 'no-cache')]) return [m] # ...if not, it's some results. if not (env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') and (env.has_key('CONTENT_LENGTH')): start_response('400 Bad Request', [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]) return ["<html><body><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></body></html>"] content_length = None try: content_length = int(env['CONTENT_LENGTH']) except ValueError: start_response('500 Internal Server Error', [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]) return ["<html><body><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></body></html>"] post_data = env['wsgi.input'].read(content_length) # This will be called in the normal course of events, and if # there is an error parsing the JSON. def backup_raw_post_data(header=None): bf = None try: bf = lock_and_open(os.path.join(PWD, RESULT_FILES_DIR, RAW_RESULT_FILE_NAME), "a") if header: bf.write("\n") bf.write(header) bf.write(post_data) except: pass finally: if bf: unlock_and_close(bf) rf = None try: parsed_json = random_counter, counter, main_results = rearrange(parsed_json, thetime, ip) header = '#\n# Results on %s.\n# USER AGENT: %s\n# %s\n#\n' % \ (time_module.strftime("%A %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time_module.gmtime(thetime)), user_agent, "Design number was " + ((random_counter and "random = " or "non-random = ") + str(counter))) rf = lock_and_open(os.path.join(PWD, RESULT_FILES_DIR, RESULT_FILE_NAME), "a") backup_raw_post_data(header) csv_results = to_csv(main_results) rf.write(header) rf.write(csv_results) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=ascii')]) return ["OK"] except json.ReadException: backup_raw_post_data(header="# BAD REQUEST FROM %s\n" % user_agent) start_response('400 Bad Request', [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]) return ["<html><body><1>400 Bad Request</h1></body></html>"] except HighLevelParseError: backup_raw_post_data(header="# BAD REQUEST FROM %s\n" % user_agent) start_response('400 Bad Request', [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]) return ["<html><body><1>400 Bad Request</h1></body></html>"] except IOError: start_response('500 Internal Server Error', [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]) return ["<html><body><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></body></html>"] finally: if rf: unlock_and_close(rf) else: start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]) return ["<html><body><h1>404 Not Found</h1></body></html>"]
def load(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: o = self._taxonomy = o[TAXONOMY] self._calibrating_multisets = o[CALIBRATING_SET] self._taxonomy_calibrate = o[TAXONOMY_CALIBRATE]
import urllib, json, appuifw, time URL = "" +\ "getTime?appid=MobilePython&output=json" output = print "Yahoo response: ", output tstamp = int(output["Result"]["Timestamp"]) appuifw.note(u"Yahoo says that time is %s" % time.ctime(tstamp))
def wlcg_pledges(self,, thisyear = str(year) debug=0 sites_per_accountname={} fednames_and_accounts={} cms_fed = {} atlas_fed = {} alice_fed = {} cms_pledge = {} atlas_pledge = {} alice_pledge = {} url = '' response = urllib2.urlopen(url) s = x = #resourcesnestedlist=x['aaData'] for obj in x: if('USA'==obj['Country']): try: sites_per_accountname[obj['FederationAccountingName']].append(obj['Site']) except KeyError: sites_per_accountname[obj['FederationAccountingName']]=[obj['Site']] fednames_and_accounts[obj['Federation']]=obj['FederationAccountingName']#Name is key if('USA'==obj['Country'] and obj['Federation'].find('CMS') >= 0): cms_fed[obj['FederationAccountingName']]=1; if('USA'==obj['Country'] and obj['Federation'].find('ATLAS') >= 0): atlas_fed[obj['FederationAccountingName']]=1; if('USA'==obj['Country'] and obj['Federation'].find('ALICE') >= 0): alice_fed[obj['FederationAccountingName']]=1; if(debug > 0): for key in sites_per_accountname: print "\n FederationAccountingName: ",key for key2 in sites_per_accountname[key]: print "\n\t Site: %s"%(key2) for key in cms_fed: print "\n CMS FederationAccountingName- %s "%(key) for key in atlas_fed: print "\n ATLAS FederationAccountingName- %s "%(key) for key in alice_fed: print "\n ALICE FederationAccountingName- %s "%(key) url = ''+thisyear+'/2/json' response = urllib2.urlopen(url) s = x = #resourcesnestedlist=x['aaData'] for obj in x: if('USA'==obj['Country'] and 'HEP-SPEC06' == obj['PledgeUnit']): try: int(obj['ATLAS']) #atlas number exists atlas_pledge[fednames_and_accounts[obj['Federation']]] = {'pledge': obj['ATLAS'], 'site_names': sites_per_accountname[fednames_and_accounts[obj['Federation']]]} except: None try: int(obj['CMS']) #cms number exists cms_pledge[fednames_and_accounts[obj['Federation']]] = {'pledge': obj['CMS'], 'site_names': sites_per_accountname[fednames_and_accounts[obj['Federation']]]} except: None try: int(obj['ALICE']) #alice number exists alice_pledge[fednames_and_accounts[obj['Federation']]] = {'pledge': obj['ALICE'], 'site_names': sites_per_accountname[fednames_and_accounts[obj['Federation']]]} except: None if(debug > 0): for key in cms_pledge: print "\n %s %s"%(key, cms_pledge[key]['pledge']) for key2 in cms_pledge[key]['site_names']: print "\n\t %s"%(key2) if(debug > 0): for key in cms_fed: print "\n cms_fed: ",key for key in atlas_fed: print "\n atlas_fed: ",key return atlas_pledge, cms_pledge, atlas_fed, cms_fed, alice_pledge, alice_fed
def read_prog(prog): return