    def hogetest_create(self):
        """Tests that valid data is saved to the database, that the response
        redirects to the view() action that a flash message is set in the session"""
        response = self.app.post(
            url = url_for(controller = 'phone', action = 'create'),
            params = {'mobile_number': u'Created',
                      'name': u'Created',
                      'address': u'Created',
                      'home_number': u'Created',
                      'dob': u'2000/01/01'},

        mc = memcache.Client([config['app_conf']['memcachedb.servers']], debug = 0)
        ser = mc.get('2')

        u = Unpickler()
        c = u.restore(ser)

        assert c.__class__.__name__ == 'Phone'
        assert c.mobile_number == u'Created'
        assert c.name == u'Created'
        assert c.address == u'Created'
        assert c.home_number == u'Created'
        assert c.dob == u'2000/01/01'

        assert urlparse(response.response.location).path == url_for(
            controller = 'phone', action = 'view', id = '2')
        assert response.status_int == 302
class TaskTests(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.task = Task()
        self.pickler = Pickler()
        self.unpickler = Unpickler()

    def test_get_json_representation(self):
        """Get the json representation for the __dict__ object of the Task object..."""
        task_dict = self.task.__dict__()
        json_dict = self.unpickler.restore(self.task.to_json())
        self.assertEquals(json_dict, task_dict)