def apply_first_condition(res: Response, req: Request, conditions: TList[Condition]) -> Response: condition: TOption[Condition] = conditions.find( lambda c: when_optional_filter(c.when, {'req': req.to_dict(), 'res': res.to_dict()}) ) if condition.is_none(): return res return Response.from_dict( { "body": res.body, "type": condition.get().type, "encoding": res.encoding.get(), "headers": res.headers, "url": res.url, "status_code": res.status_code, "elapsed": res.elapsed, "elapsed_sec": res.elapsed_sec, }, )
def test_from_requests_decide_encoding(self, title, headers, text, content, encoding, apparent_encoding, default_encoding, expected): Requests = namedtuple('Requests', ('headers', 'text', 'content', 'encoding', 'apparent_encoding')) actual = Response._decide_encoding( Requests(headers, text, content, encoding, apparent_encoding), TOption(default_encoding) ) assert actual == expected
def test_from_requests_decide_encoding(self, title, headers, text, content, encoding, apparent_encoding, default_encoding, expected): Requests = namedtuple( 'Requests', ('headers', 'text', 'content', 'encoding', 'apparent_encoding')) actual = Response._decide_encoding( Requests(headers, text, content, encoding, apparent_encoding), TOption(default_encoding)) assert actual == expected
def make_response(type: str, status_code: int) -> Response: return Response.from_dict({ "body": b'{"body": true}', "type": type, "encoding": "utf-8", "headers": { "content-type": "application/json" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": status_code, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, })
def make_response(text: str, encoding: str, body_encoding: str) -> Response: return Response.from_dict({ "body": text.encode(body_encoding), "type": "json", "encoding": encoding, "headers": { "content-type": "application/json" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, })
def apply_first_condition(res: Response, req: Request, conditions: TList[Condition]) -> Response: # TODO: remove TOption (owlmixin... find) condition: TOption[Condition] = TOption( conditions.find(lambda c: when_optional_filter(c.when, { 'req': req.to_dict(), 'res': res.to_dict() }))) if condition.is_none(): return res return Response.from_dict( { "body": res.body, "type": condition.get().type, "encoding": res.encoding.get(), "headers": res.headers, "url": res.url, "status_code": res.status_code, "elapsed": res.elapsed, "elapsed_sec": res.elapsed_sec, }, )
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import datetime import pytest from owlmixin.util import load_yaml from jumeaux.addons.judgement.same import Executor from jumeaux.models import JudgementAddOnPayload, Response, CaseInsensitiveDict, JudgementAddOnReference EMPTY_KEYS = {'changed': [], 'added': [], 'removed': []} RES_ONE = Response.from_dict({ 'body': b'a', "type": "unknown", 'headers': CaseInsensitiveDict({}), 'url': 'url', 'status_code': 200, 'elapsed': datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }) RES_OTHER = Response.from_dict({ 'body': b'b', "type": "unknown", 'headers': CaseInsensitiveDict({}), 'url': 'url', 'status_code': 200, 'elapsed': datetime.timedelta(seconds=2), "elapsed_sec": 2.0, })
{ 'title': 'Check point 2', 'conditions': [ { 'added': ['<add><99>'] } ] } ] } RES_ONE = Response.from_dict({ 'body': b'a', "type": "unknown", 'headers': CaseInsensitiveDict({}), 'url': 'url', 'status_code': 200, 'elapsed': datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }) RES_OTHER = Response.from_dict({ 'body': b'b', "type": "unknown", 'headers': CaseInsensitiveDict({}), 'url': 'url', 'status_code': 200, 'elapsed': datetime.timedelta(seconds=2), "elapsed_sec": 2.0, })
<span>Main contents</span> </div> </body> </html> """ NORMAL_CASE = ("Normal", """ force: False """, Response.from_dict({ "body": NORMAL_BODY.encode('utf8'), "type": "html", "encoding": 'utf8', "headers": { "content-type": "text/html" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), { "html": { "head": { "title": { "##value": "タイトル" }, "meta": [ { "#name": "format-detection", "#content": "telephone=no",
<author>次郎</author> <title>次郎22</title> </book> </catalog> """ NORMAL_CASE = ("Normal", """ force: False """, Response.from_dict({ "body": NORMAL_BODY.encode('euc-jp'), "type": "xml", "encoding": 'euc-jp', "headers": { "content-type": "application/xml" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), { "catalog": { "book": [ {"@id": "bk001", "author": "Ichiro", "title": "Ichiro55"}, {"@id": "bk002", "author": "次郎", "title": "次郎22"} ] } } )
<div id="main"> <span>Main contents</span> </div> </body> </html> """ NORMAL_CASE = ("Normal", """ force: False """, Response.from_dict({ "body": NORMAL_BODY.encode('utf8'), "type": "html", "encoding": 'utf8', "headers": { "content-type": "text/html" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), { "html": { "head": { "title": { "##value": "タイトル" }, "meta": [{ "#name": "format-detection", "#content": "telephone=no", "##value": "" }, {
}] }, ensure_ascii=False) CORRUPTION_BODY_BYTES: bytes = '{"normal": "次郎", '.encode( 'euc-jp') + '"corruption": "三郎"}'.encode('utf8') NORMAL_CASE = ("Normal", """ force: False """, Response.from_dict({ "body": NORMAL_BODY.encode('euc-jp'), "type": "json", "encoding": 'euc-jp', "headers": { "content-type": "application/json; charset=euc-jp" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), NORMAL_BODY.encode('euc-jp'), 'euc-jp', """ { "items": [ { "favorites": [ "apple", "orange" ], "id": 1, "name": "Ichiro" },
def challenge(arg: ChallengeArg) -> dict: """ Response is dict like `Trial` because Status(OwlEnum) can't be pickled. """ name: str = log_prefix = f"[{arg.seq} / {arg.number_of_request}]" logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} {'-'*80}") logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} {arg.seq}. {}") logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} {'-'*80}") path_str_one = x: re.sub(x.before, x.after, arg.req.path)).get_or(arg.req.path) path_str_other = x: re.sub(x.before, x.after, arg.req.path)).get_or(arg.req.path) qs_str_one = create_query_string(arg.req.qs, arg.query_one, arg.req.url_encoding) qs_str_other = create_query_string(arg.req.qs, arg.query_other, arg.req.url_encoding) url_one = f'{arg.host_one}{path_str_one}?{qs_str_one}' url_other = f'{arg.host_other}{path_str_other}?{qs_str_other}' # Get two responses req_time = now() try: logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} One URL: {url_one}") logger.debug(f"{log_prefix} One PROXY: { x: x.to_dict()).get()}") logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} Other URL: {url_other}") logger.debug(f"{log_prefix} Other PROXY: { x: x.to_dict()).get()}") r_one, r_other = concurrent_request(arg.session, arg.req.headers, url_one, url_other, arg.proxy_one, arg.proxy_other) logger.info_lv3( f"{log_prefix} One: {r_one.status_code} / {to_sec(r_one.elapsed)}s / {len(r_one.content)}b / {r_one.headers.get('content-type')}" # noqa ) logger.info_lv3( f"{log_prefix} Other: {r_other.status_code} / {to_sec(r_other.elapsed)}s / {len(r_other.content)}b / {r_other.headers.get('content-type')}" # noqa ) except ConnectionError: logger.info_lv1(f"{log_prefix} 💀 {}") # TODO: Integrate logic into create_trial return { "seq": arg.seq, "name": name, "tags": [], "request_time": req_time.isoformat(), "status": 'failure', "path": arg.req.path, "queries": arg.req.qs, "headers": arg.req.headers, "one": { "url": url_one, "type": "unknown", }, "other": { "url": url_other, "type": "unknown", } } res_one: Response = res2res(Response.from_requests(r_one, arg.default_response_encoding_one), arg.req) res_other: Response = res2res(Response.from_requests(r_other, arg.default_response_encoding_other), arg.req) dict_one: TOption[dict] = res2dict(res_one) dict_other: TOption[dict] = res2dict(res_other) # Create diff # Either dict_one or dic_other is None, it means that it can't be analyzed, therefore return None ddiff = None if dict_one.is_none() or dict_other.is_none() \ else {} if res_one.body == res_other.body \ else DeepDiff(dict_one.get(), dict_other.get()) initial_diffs_by_cognition: Optional[TDict[DiffKeys]] = TDict({ "unknown": DiffKeys.from_dict({ "changed": TList(ddiff.get('type_changes', {}).keys() | ddiff.get('values_changed', {}).keys()) .map(to_jumeaux_xpath) .order_by(_), "added": TList(ddiff.get('dictionary_item_added', {}) | ddiff.get('iterable_item_added', {}).keys()) .map(to_jumeaux_xpath) .order_by(_), "removed": TList(ddiff.get('dictionary_item_removed', {}) | ddiff.get('iterable_item_removed', {}).keys()) .map(to_jumeaux_xpath) .order_by(_) }) }) if ddiff is not None else None # Judgement status, diffs_by_cognition = judgement(res_one, res_other, dict_one, dict_other, name, arg.req.path, arg.req.qs, arg.req.headers, initial_diffs_by_cognition) status_symbol = "O" if status == Status.SAME else "X" log_msg = f"{log_prefix} {status_symbol} ({res_one.status_code} - {res_other.status_code}) <{res_one.elapsed_sec}s - {res_other.elapsed_sec}s> {}" # noqa (logger.info_lv2 if status == Status.SAME else logger.info_lv1)(log_msg) file_one: Optional[str] = None file_other: Optional[str] = None prop_file_one: Optional[str] = None prop_file_other: Optional[str] = None if store_criterion(status, name, arg.req, res_one, res_other): dir = f'{arg.res_dir}/{arg.key}' file_one = f'one/({arg.seq}){name}' file_other = f'other/({arg.seq}){name}' write_to_file(file_one, dir, dump(res_one)) write_to_file(file_other, dir, dump(res_other)) if not dict_one.is_none(): prop_file_one = f'one-props/({arg.seq}){name}.json' write_to_file(prop_file_one, dir, TDict(dict_one.get()).to_json().encode('utf-8', errors='replace')) if not dict_other.is_none(): prop_file_other = f'other-props/({arg.seq}){name}.json' write_to_file(prop_file_other, dir, TDict(dict_other.get()).to_json().encode('utf-8', errors='replace')) return global_addon_executor.apply_did_challenge( DidChallengeAddOnPayload.from_dict({ "trial": Trial.from_dict({ "seq": arg.seq, "name": name, "tags": [], # TODO: tags created by reqs2reqs "request_time": req_time.isoformat(), "status": status, "path": arg.req.path, "queries": arg.req.qs, "headers": arg.req.headers, "diffs_by_cognition": diffs_by_cognition, "one": { "url": res_one.url, "type": res_one.type, "status_code": res_one.status_code, "byte": res_one.byte, "response_sec": res_one.elapsed_sec, "content_type": res_one.content_type, "mime_type": res_one.mime_type, "encoding": res_one.encoding, "file": file_one, "prop_file": prop_file_one, }, "other": { "url": res_other.url, "type": res_other.type, "status_code": res_other.status_code, "byte": res_other.byte, "response_sec": res_other.elapsed_sec, "content_type": res_other.content_type, "mime_type": res_other.mime_type, "encoding": res_other.encoding, "file": file_other, "prop_file": prop_file_other, } }) }), DidChallengeAddOnReference.from_dict({ "res_one": res_one, "res_other": res_other, "res_one_props": dict_one, "res_other_props": dict_other, }) ).trial.to_dict()
[Module2 alpha] Name: Jumeaux Viewer Version: 1.0.0 (r1585) """.strip() PATTERN1 = ("Normal", """ force: False header_regexp: '\\[(.+)\\]' record_regexp: '([^:]+): (.+)' """, Response.from_dict({ "body": PATTERN1_BODY.encode('utf-8'), "type": "plain", "encoding": 'utf-8', "headers": { "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), { "Module1": { "Name": "Jumeaux", "License": "MIT", "Version": "0.33.0" }, "Module2 alpha": { "Name": "Jumeaux Viewer", "Version": "1.0.0 (r: 1585:1586)" } })
""".replace(os.linesep, '').replace(' ', '') CORRUPTION_BODY_BYTES: bytes = \ '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>タイトル</title></head>'.encode('utf8') + \ '<body><div>コンテンツ</div></body></html>'.encode('euc-jp') NORMAL_CASE = ("Normal", """ force: False """, Response.from_dict({ "body": NORMAL_BODY.encode('euc-jp'), "type": "html", "encoding": 'euc-jp', "headers": { "content-type": "text/html; charset=euc-jp" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), NORMAL_BODY.encode('euc-jp'), 'euc-jp', """<html> <head> <title> タイトル </title> <meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection"/> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
Name: Jumeaux Viewer Version: 1.0.0 (r1585) """.strip() PATTERN1 = ("Normal", """ force: False header_regexp: '\\[(.+)\\]' record_regexp: '([^:]+): (.+)' """, Response.from_dict({ "body": PATTERN1_BODY.encode('utf-8'), "type": "plain", "encoding": 'utf-8', "headers": { "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), { "Module1": { "Name": "Jumeaux", "License": "MIT", "Version": "0.33.0" }, "Module2 alpha": { "Name": "Jumeaux Viewer", "Version": "1.0.0 (r: 1585:1586)" }
def challenge(arg: ChallengeArg) -> dict: """ Response is dict like `Trial` because Status(OwlEnum) can't be pickled. """ name: str = log_prefix = f"[{arg.seq} / {arg.number_of_request}]" logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} {'-'*80}") logger.info_lv3( f"{log_prefix} {arg.seq}. {}") logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} {'-'*80}") path_str_one = lambda x: re.sub(x.before, x.after, arg.req.path)).get_or(arg.req.path) path_str_other = lambda x: re.sub(x.before, x.after, arg.req.path)).get_or(arg.req.path) qs_str_one = create_query_string(arg.req.qs, arg.query_one, arg.req.url_encoding) qs_str_other = create_query_string(arg.req.qs, arg.query_other, arg.req.url_encoding) url_one = f'{arg.host_one}{path_str_one}?{qs_str_one}' url_other = f'{arg.host_other}{path_str_other}?{qs_str_other}' # Get two responses req_time = now() try: logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} One URL: {url_one}") logger.debug( f"{log_prefix} One PROXY: { x: x.to_dict()).get()}" ) logger.info_lv3(f"{log_prefix} Other URL: {url_other}") logger.debug( f"{log_prefix} Other PROXY: { x: x.to_dict()).get()}" ) r_one, r_other = concurrent_request(arg.session, arg.req.headers, url_one, url_other, arg.proxy_one, arg.proxy_other) logger.info_lv3( f"{log_prefix} One: {r_one.status_code} / {to_sec(r_one.elapsed)}s / {len(r_one.content)}b / {r_one.headers.get('content-type')}" # noqa ) logger.info_lv3( f"{log_prefix} Other: {r_other.status_code} / {to_sec(r_other.elapsed)}s / {len(r_other.content)}b / {r_other.headers.get('content-type')}" # noqa ) except ConnectionError: logger.info_lv1(f"{log_prefix} 💀 {}") # TODO: Integrate logic into create_trial return { "seq": arg.seq, "name": name, "tags": [], "request_time": req_time.isoformat(), "status": 'failure', "path": arg.req.path, "queries": arg.req.qs, "headers": arg.req.headers, "one": { "url": url_one, "type": "unknown", }, "other": { "url": url_other, "type": "unknown", } } res_one: Response = res2res( Response.from_requests(r_one, arg.default_response_encoding_one), arg.req) res_other: Response = res2res( Response.from_requests(r_other, arg.default_response_encoding_other), arg.req) dict_one: TOption[dict] = res2dict(res_one) dict_other: TOption[dict] = res2dict(res_other) # Create diff # Either dict_one or dic_other is None, it means that it can't be analyzed, therefore return None ddiff = None if dict_one.is_none() or dict_other.is_none() \ else {} if res_one.body == res_other.body \ else DeepDiff(dict_one.get(), dict_other.get()) diff_keys: Optional[DiffKeys] = DiffKeys.from_dict({ "changed": TList( ddiff.get('type_changes', {}).keys() | ddiff.get('values_changed', {}).keys()).map( lambda x: x.replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')).order_by(_), "added": TList( ddiff.get('dictionary_item_added', {}) | ddiff.get('iterable_item_added', {}).keys()).map( lambda x: x.replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')).order_by(_), "removed": TList( ddiff.get('dictionary_item_removed', {}) | ddiff.get('iterable_item_removed', {}).keys()).map( lambda x: x.replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')).order_by(_) }) if ddiff is not None else None # Judgement status: Status = judgement(res_one, res_other, dict_one, dict_other, name, arg.req.path, arg.req.qs, arg.req.headers, diff_keys) status_symbol = "O" if status == Status.SAME else "X" log_msg = f"{log_prefix} {status_symbol} ({res_one.status_code} - {res_other.status_code}) <{res_one.elapsed_sec}s - {res_other.elapsed_sec}s> {}" # noqa (logger.info_lv2 if status == Status.SAME else logger.info_lv1)(log_msg) file_one: str = None file_other: str = None prop_file_one: str = None prop_file_other: str = None if store_criterion(status, name, arg.req, res_one, res_other): dir = f'{arg.res_dir}/{arg.key}' file_one = f'one/({arg.seq}){name}' file_other = f'other/({arg.seq}){name}' write_to_file(file_one, dir, dump(res_one)) write_to_file(file_other, dir, dump(res_other)) if not dict_one.is_none(): prop_file_one = f'one-props/({arg.seq}){name}.json' write_to_file( prop_file_one, dir, TDict(dict_one.get()).to_json().encode('utf-8', errors='replace')) if not dict_other.is_none(): prop_file_other = f'other-props/({arg.seq}){name}.json' write_to_file( prop_file_other, dir, TDict(dict_other.get()).to_json().encode('utf-8', errors='replace')) return global_addon_executor.apply_did_challenge( DidChallengeAddOnPayload.from_dict({ "trial": Trial.from_dict({ "seq": arg.seq, "name": name, "tags": [], # TODO: tags created by reqs2reqs "request_time": req_time.isoformat(), "status": status, "path": arg.req.path, "queries": arg.req.qs, "headers": arg.req.headers, "diff_keys": diff_keys, "one": { "url": res_one.url, "type": res_one.type, "status_code": res_one.status_code, "byte": res_one.byte, "response_sec": res_one.elapsed_sec, "content_type": res_one.content_type, "mime_type": res_one.mime_type, "encoding": res_one.encoding, "file": file_one, "prop_file": prop_file_one, }, "other": { "url": res_other.url, "type": res_other.type, "status_code": res_other.status_code, "byte": res_other.byte, "response_sec": res_other.elapsed_sec, "content_type": res_other.content_type, "mime_type": res_other.mime_type, "encoding": res_other.encoding, "file": file_other, "prop_file": prop_file_other, } }) }), DidChallengeAddOnReference.from_dict({ "res_one": res_one, "res_other": res_other, })).trial.to_dict()
<book id="bk002"> <author>次郎</author> <title>次郎22</title> </book> </catalog> """ NORMAL_CASE = ("Normal", """ force: False """, Response.from_dict({ "body": NORMAL_BODY.encode('euc-jp'), "type": "xml", "encoding": 'euc-jp', "headers": { "content-type": "application/xml" }, "url": "http://test", "status_code": 200, "elapsed": datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), "elapsed_sec": 1.0, }), { "catalog": { "book": [{ "@id": "bk001", "author": "Ichiro", "title": "Ichiro55" }, { "@id": "bk002", "author": "次郎", "title": "次郎22" }]