def test_ramp_model_zero_frame_open_file(tmpdir):
    Ensures opening a FITS with ZEROFRAME results in a good ZEROFRAME.
    nints, ngroups, nrows, ncols = 2, 10, 5, 5
    dims = nints, ngroups, nrows, ncols
    zdims = (nints, nrows, ncols)

    dbase = 1000.
    zbase = dbase * .75

    data = np.ones(dims, dtype=float) * dbase
    err = np.zeros(dims, dtype=float)
    pdq = np.zeros(dims[-2:], dtype=np.uint32)
    gdq = np.zeros(dims, dtype=np.uint8)

    # Test default exposure zero_frame
    ramp = datamodels.RampModel(data=data, err=err, pixeldq=pdq, groupdq=gdq)

    ramp.meta.exposure.zero_frame = True
    ramp.zeroframe = np.ones(zdims, dtype=ramp.data.dtype) * zbase

    ofile = "my_temp_ramp.fits"
    fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, ofile)

    # Check opening a file doesn't change the dimensions
    with datamodels.RampModel(fname) as ramp1:
        assert ramp1.zeroframe.shape == ramp.zeroframe.shape
        zframe0 = ramp.zeroframe
        zframe1 = ramp1.zeroframe
        np.testing.assert_allclose(zframe0, zframe1, 1.e-5)
def test_ramp_model_zero_frame_by_dimensions():
    Ensures creating a RampModel by dimensions results in the correct
    dimensions for ZEROFRAME.
    nints, ngroups, nrows, ncols = 2, 10, 5, 5
    dims = (nints, ngroups, nrows, ncols)
    zdims = (nints, nrows, ncols)

    with datamodels.RampModel(dims) as ramp:
        assert ramp.zeroframe.shape == zdims
def test_mirirampmodel_deprecation(_jail):
    """Test that a deprecated MIRIRampModel can be opened"""

    # Create a MIRIRampModel, working around the deprecation.
    model = datamodels.RampModel((1, 1, 10, 10))
    hduls = fits.open('ramp.fits', mode='update')
    hduls[0].header['datamodl'] = 'MIRIRampModel'

    # Test it.
    miri_ramp = datamodels.open('ramp.fits')
    assert isinstance(miri_ramp, datamodels.RampModel)
def test_mirirampmodel_deprecation(tmp_path):
    """Test that a deprecated MIRIRampModel can be opened"""
    path = str(tmp_path / "ramp.fits")
    # Create a MIRIRampModel, working around the deprecation.
    model = datamodels.RampModel((1, 1, 10, 10))
    hduls = fits.open(path, mode='update')
    hduls[0].header['datamodl'] = 'MIRIRampModel'

    # Test it.
    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        miri_ramp = datamodels.open(path)
    assert isinstance(miri_ramp, datamodels.RampModel)
    def process(self, input):

        with datamodels.RampModel(input) as input_model:
            tstart = time.time()

            # Check for consistency between keyword values and data shape
            ngroups = input_model.data.shape[1]
            ngroups_kwd = input_model.meta.exposure.ngroups
            if ngroups != ngroups_kwd:
                self.log.error("Keyword 'NGROUPS' value of '{0}' does not match data array size of '{1}'".format(ngroups_kwd,ngroups))
                raise ValueError("Bad data dimensions")

            # Check for an input model with NGROUPS<=6. 
            if ngroups <= 6:
                self.log.warn('Will not apply column jump detection when NGROUPS<=6;')
                self.log.warn('Column jump step will be skipped')
                result = input_model.copy()
                result.meta.cal_step.jump = 'SKIPPED'
                return result

            # Retrieve the parameter values
            nsigma1jump  = self.nsigma1jump
            nsigma2jumps = self.nsigma2jumps
            outputdiagnostics = self.outputdiagnostics
            self.log.info('Sigma rejection threshold for one break = %g ', nsigma1jump)
            self.log.info('Sigma rejection threshold for two breaks = %g ', nsigma2jumps)
            self.log.info('Output Diagnostic files = %s ', outputdiagnostics)

           # Call the column jump detection routine
            result = detect_columnjumps(input_model, nsigma1jump, nsigma2jumps, outputdiagnostics)

            tstop = time.time()
            self.log.info('The execution time in seconds: %f', tstop - tstart)

        result.meta.cal_step.columnjump = 'COMPLETE'

        return result
    def image2ssb(self,inputfilename, outfilebasename='auto',outdir=None,outsuffix=None,outsubdir=None):
        outfilebasename = self.mkoutfilebasename(inputfilename, outfilebasename=outfilebasename,outdir=outdir,outsuffix=outsuffix,outsubdir=outsubdir)
        (self.data,self.hdr)=pyfits.getdata(inputfilename, 0, header=True)
        print('input shape:',self.data.shape)

        self.runID = self.getRunID(filename=inputfilename)
        self.hdr['SUBARRAY'] = 'FULL'

        # How many groups and integrations?
        if self.runID=='TUCSONNEW':
            Nint = int(self.hdr['NINT'])
        Ngroup =int(self.hdr['NGROUP'])
        Nframe = int(self.hdr['NFRAME'])
        if (Ngroup*Nint)!=self.data.shape[0]:
            raise RuntimeError('something is wrong! NGROUP=%d, NINT=%d, sum is not shape[0]=%d' % (Ngroup,Nint,self.data.shape[0]))

        # rearrange the data: 4th coordinate is integration
        scinew=scipy.zeros((Nint,Ngroup,self.data.shape[1],self.data.shape[2]), dtype=float)
        for i in range(Nint):
        print('output shape:',scinew.shape)

        self.outputmodel = models.RampModel(data=scinew)

        #Mask dead pixels
        #mask = scipy.where(np.isnan(scinew))
        # mask = np.where(np.isnan(a))
        #mask = np.isnan(scinew)
        # a=scinew[mask]
        #print mask

        #updates the date string
        print('meta data updated')
        #update detector
        print('cryo meta data updated')
        #flip the data around to place it in the science orientation expected by SSB
        if self.runID in ['CV2','CV3', 'OTIS']:

        if self.runID in ['CV3']:
            self.outputmodel.meta.exposure.readpatt = self.hdr['READOUT']

        if self.runID in ['OTIS']:
            self.outputmodel.meta.exposure.readpatt = self.hdr['READOUT']

        self.outputmodel.meta.exposure.nints = Nint
        self.outputmodel.meta.exposure.nframes = Nframe
        #self.outputmodel.meta.exposure.ngroups = self.hdr['NAXIS3']
        self.outputmodel.meta.exposure.ngroups = Ngroup

        # put the version of nircam2ssb into header
        # self.outputmodel.meta.channel = self.version

        outfilename = outfilebasename
        if not re.search('fits$',outfilename): outfilename += '_uncal.fits'

        print('Saving %s' % outfilename)

    def process(self, input):
        '''Process a Stage 0 *_uncal.fits file to Stage 1 *_rate.fits and *_rateints.fits files. 
        Steps taken to perform this processing can follow the default JWST pipeline, or alternative methods.  

        input:  str, tuple, `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`, ndarray, dict, None

            - None: Create a default data model with no shape.

            - tuple: Shape of the data array.
              Initialize with empty data array with shape specified by the.

            - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS or ASDF)

            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file

            - `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`: Initialize from the given

            - A numpy array: Used to initialize the data array
        out_model:  jwst.datamodels.ImageModel
            The output ImageModel to be returned from the ramp fit step.
        int_model:  jwst.datamodels.CubeModel
            The output CubeModel to be returned from the ramp fit step.

        - October 2021 Aarynn Carter and Eva-Maria Ahrer
            Initial version
        - February 2022 Aarynn Carter and Eva-Maria Ahrer
            Updated for JWST version 1.3.3, code restructure    
        with datamodels.RampModel(input) as input_model:
            readnoise_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'readnoise')
            gain_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'gain')

            log.info('Using READNOISE reference file: %s', readnoise_filename)
            log.info('Using GAIN reference file: %s', gain_filename)

            with datamodels.ReadnoiseModel(readnoise_filename) as readnoise_model, \
                 datamodels.GainModel(gain_filename) as gain_model:

                # Try to retrieve the gain factor from the gain reference file.
                # If found, store it in the science model meta data, so that it's
                # available later in the gain_scale step, which avoids having to
                # load the gain ref file again in that step.
                if gain_model.meta.exposure.gain_factor is not None:
                    input_model.meta.exposure.gain_factor = gain_model.meta.exposure.gain_factor

                # Get gain arrays, subarrays if desired.
                frames_per_group = input_model.meta.exposure.nframes
                readnoise_2d, gain_2d = get_reference_file_subarrays(
                    input_model, readnoise_model, gain_model, frames_per_group)

            log.info('Using algorithm = %s' % self.algorithm)
            log.info('Using weighting = %s' % self.weighting)

            buffsize = ramp_fit.BUFSIZE
            if pipe_utils.is_tso(input_model) and hasattr(input_model, 'int_times'):
                input_model.int_times = input_model.int_times
                input_model.int_times = None

            if self.algorithm == 'default':
                # In our case, default just means Optimal Least Squares
                self.algorithm = 'OLS'
                if self.weighting == 'default':
                    # Want to use the default optimal weighting
                elif self.weighting == 'fixed':
                    # Want to use default weighting, but don't want to
                    # change exponent between pixels.
                    if not isinstance(self.fixed_exponent, (int, float)):
                        raise ValueError('Weighting exponent must be of type "int" or "float" for "default_fixed" weighting')

                    # Overwrite the exponent calculation function from ols_fit
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_power = partial(fixed_power, weighting_exponent=self.fixed_exponent) #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                elif self.weighting == 'interpolated':
                    # Want to use an interpolated version of the default weighting.

                    # Overwrite the exponent calculation function from ols_fit
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_power = interpolate_power #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                elif self.weighting == 'uniform':
                    # Want each frame and pixel weighted equally

                    # Overwrite the entire optimal calculation function
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_opt_sums = calc_opt_sums_uniform_weight #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                elif self.weighting == 'custom':
                    # Want to manually assign snr bounds for exponent changes

                    # Overwrite the exponent calculation function from ols_fit
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_power = partial(custom_power, snr_bounds=self.custom_snr_bounds, exponents=self.custom_exponents) #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                    raise ValueError('Could not interpret weighting "{}".'.format(self.weighting))

                # Important! Must set the weighting to 'optimal' for the actual
                # ramp_fit() function, previous if statements will have changed
                # it's underlying functionality.
                self.weighting = 'optimal'

                image_info, integ_info, opt_info, gls_opt_model = ramp_fit.ramp_fit(input_model, buffsize, self.save_opt, readnoise_2d,\
                                                                                    gain_2d, self.algorithm, self.weighting,\
                                                                                    self.maximum_cores, dqflags.pixel)
            # FUTURE IMPROVEMENT, WFC3-like differenced frames.
            elif self.algorithm == 'differenced':
                raise ValueError('I do not know how to do differenced frames yet.')
            elif self.algorithm == 'mean':
                image_info, integ_info, opt_info = mean_ramp_fit_single(input_model, buffsize, self.save_opt, readnoise_2d,\
                                                                        gain_2d, self.algorithm, self.weighting,\
                                                                        self.maximum_cores, dqflags.pixel)
                raise ValueError('Ramp fitting algorithm "{}" not implemented.'.format(self.algorithm))

        if image_info is not None:
            out_model = create_image_model(input_model, image_info)
            out_model.meta.bunit_data = 'DN/s'
            out_model.meta.bunit_err = 'DN/s'
            out_model.meta.cal_step.ramp_fit = 'COMPLETE'

        if integ_info is not None:
            int_model = create_integration_model(input_model, integ_info)
            int_model.meta.bunit_data = 'DN/s'
            int_model.meta.bunit_err = 'DN/s'
            int_model.meta.cal_step.ramp_fit = 'COMPLETE'

        return out_model, int_model
def calwebb_detector1_save_jump(input_file,
    """Call ``calwebb_detector1`` on the provided file, running all
    steps up to the ``ramp_fit`` step, and save the result. Optionally
    run the ``ramp_fit`` step and save the resulting slope file as well.

    input_file : str
        Name of fits file to run on the pipeline

    output_dir : str
        Directory into which the pipeline outputs are saved

    ramp_fit : bool
        If ``False``, the ``ramp_fit`` step is not run. The output file
        will be a ``*_jump.fits`` file.
        If ``True``, the ``*jump.fits`` file will be produced and saved.
        In addition, the ``ramp_fit`` step will be run and a
        ``*rate.fits`` or ``*_rateints.fits`` file will be saved.
        (``rateints`` if the input file has >1 integration)

    save_fitopt : bool
        If ``True``, the file of optional outputs from the ramp fitting
        step of the pipeline is saved.

    jump_output : str
        Name of the saved file containing the output prior to the
        ``ramp_fit`` step.

    pipe_output : str
        Name of the saved file containing the output after ramp-fitting
        is performed (if requested). Otherwise ``None``.
    input_file_only = os.path.basename(input_file)

    # Find the instrument used to collect the data
    datamodel = datamodels.RampModel(input_file)
    instrument = datamodel.meta.instrument.name.lower()

    # If the data pre-date jwst version 1.2.1, then they will have
    # the NUMDTHPT keyword (with string value of the number of dithers)
    # rather than the newer NRIMDTPT keyword (with an integer value of
    # the number of dithers). If so, we need to update the file here so
    # that it doesn't cause the pipeline to crash later. Both old and
    # new keywords are mapped to the model.meta.dither.dither_points
    # metadata entry. So we should be able to focus on that.
    if isinstance(datamodel.meta.dither.dither_points, str):
        # If we have a string, change it to an integer
        datamodel.meta.dither.dither_points = int(
    elif datamodel.meta.dither.dither_points is None:
        # If the information is missing completely, put in a dummy value
        datamodel.meta.dither.dither_points = 1

    # Switch to calling the pipeline rather than individual steps,
    # and use the run() method so that we can set parameters
    # progammatically.
    model = Detector1Pipeline()

    # Always true
    if instrument == 'nircam':
        model.refpix.odd_even_rows = False

    # Default CR rejection threshold is too low
    model.jump.rejection_threshold = 15

    # Turn off IPC step until it is put in the right place
    model.ipc.skip = True

    model.jump.save_results = True
    model.jump.output_dir = output_dir
    jump_output = os.path.join(output_dir,
                               input_file_only.replace('uncal', 'jump'))

    # Check to see if the jump version of the requested file is already
    # present
    run_jump = not os.path.isfile(jump_output)

    if ramp_fit:
        model.ramp_fit.save_results = True
        # model.save_results = True
        model.output_dir = output_dir
        # pipe_output = os.path.join(output_dir, input_file_only.replace('uncal', 'rate'))
        pipe_output = os.path.join(
            output_dir, input_file_only.replace('uncal', '0_ramp_fit'))
        run_slope = not os.path.isfile(pipe_output)
        if save_fitopt:
            model.ramp_fit.save_opt = True
            fitopt_output = os.path.join(
                output_dir, input_file_only.replace('uncal', 'fitopt'))
            run_fitopt = not os.path.isfile(fitopt_output)
            model.ramp_fit.save_opt = False
            fitopt_output = None
            run_fitopt = False
        model.ramp_fit.skip = True
        pipe_output = None
        fitopt_output = None
        run_slope = False
        run_fitopt = False

    # Call the pipeline if any of the files at the requested calibration
    # states are not present in the output directory
    if run_jump or (ramp_fit and run_slope) or (save_fitopt and run_fitopt):
            "Files with all requested calibration states for {} already present in "
            "output directory. Skipping pipeline call.".format(input_file)))

    return jump_output, pipe_output, fitopt_output