def work(AgentConstructor,p=defaultParams, color = 'red',speed=None,temp=None,startPosition=None):
    Simulate one agent solving a problem independently, without a team.

    AgentConstructor : constructor class for the desired agent type

    p : Params object, contains current model Parameters

    color : string or rgb color, color to plot the path of the agent
    (only plots path if p.showViz == True)

    speed : float (default = None)
    If given, will give the agent a specific speed. Else drawn randomly.

    temp : float (default = None)
    If given, will give the agent a specific temperature. Else drawn randomly.

    startPosition : list of float, shape = [nDims] (default = none)
    If given, will start the agent a specific position. Else drawn randomly.

    a : AgentConstructor, an agent of class given by the first argument
    this agent contains it's history in agent.memory
    you can access the agent's best score using a.getBestScore()
    a = AgentConstructor(p.nDims)
    if p.aiScore is not None:
        a.kai = kai.findAiScore(p.aiScore,kaiPopulation)
        a.speed = h.bounds(p.AVG_SPEED + kai.standardizedAI(a.kai.KAI) * p.SD_SPEED, p.MIN_SPEED ,np.inf)
        a.temp = h.bounds(p.AVG_TEMP + kai.standardizedE(a.kai.E) * p.SD_TEMP, 0 ,np.inf)
    if p.startPositions is not None:
    if temp is not None:
        a.temp = temp
    if speed is not None:
        a.speed = speed
    a.startTemp = h.cp(a.temp)
    a.startSpeed = h.cp(a.speed)

    a.decay = kai.calculateAgentDecay(a, p.steps)

    scores = []

    for i in range(p.steps):
        didMove = a.move(p,teamPosition = None)
        if didMove:
            if(p.showViz and a.nmoves>0):
#                     plt.scatter(a.rNorm[0],a.rNorm[1],c=color)
        a.speed *= a.decay
        a.temp *= a.decay

    return a
文件: team.py 项目: THREDgroup/kaboom
    def __init__(self, agentConstructor, p, kaiPopulation):
        Create a Team of given Agent class according to model parameters.

        agentConstructor : costructor Class for desired agents (eg, Steinway)
        p : Params object, contains current model Parameters
        kaiPopulation: list of KAIScore, virtual population to draw from

        self : Team object
        #initialize the team with the desired agents
        self.agents = []
        aiScores = np.zeros(p.nAgents)
        #curated team composition:
        if (p.aiScore is not None) and (p.aiRange is not None):
            minScore = np.max([40, p.aiScore - p.aiRange / 2.0])
            maxScore = np.min([150, p.aiScore + p.aiRange / 2.0])
            aiScores = np.linspace(minScore, maxScore, p.nAgents)
                aiScores)  #randomly assign these to agents, not in order...
        for i in range(p.nAgents):
            a = agentConstructor(p)  #creates an agent with random kai score
            if p.startPositions is not None:
            #if necessary, give the agent a specific style (kai score):
            if (p.aiScore is not None) and (p.aiRange is not None):
                aiScore = aiScores[i]
                a.kai = kai.findAiScore(aiScore, kaiPopulation)
                a.speed = kai.calcAgentSpeed(a.kai.KAI, p)
                a.temp = kai.calcAgentTemp(a.kai.E, p)
            a.startSpeed = a.speed
            a.startTemp = a.temp
            #by default, all dimensions are owned by every agent
            a.myDims = np.ones(p.nDims)
        self.nAgents = p.nAgents
        aiScores = [a.kai.KAI for a in self.agents]
        self.dAI = np.max(aiScores) - np.min(aiScores)

        #record the team's process and behaviors:
        self.nMeetings = 0
        self.shareHistory = []
        self.nTeamMeetings = 0
        self.subTeamMeetings = 0
        self.meetingDistances = []
        self.scoreHistory = []

        #if there are subteams owning certain dimensions,
        #each subteams dimensions are listed in a matrix
        self.specializations = p.teamDims
def createCustomTeam(p,
                     agentConstructor = CarDesignerWeighted,
                     subTeamToVary = 0,
                     subTeamKAI = 95):
    Create a team of agents before running it through the simulation.

    Design the team with a specific composition of KAI scores,
    and subdivision of a problem into specialized subteams

    p : Params object, contains current model Parameters
    including p.nAgents, p.nTeams, p.nDims, p.AVG_SPEED, p.AVG_TEMP

    AgentConstructor : constructor class (default = Steinway)

    myTeam: Team object with desired characteristics, ready to run in the model
    p.aiScore = 95
    p.aiRange = 0

    myTeam = createTeam(p,agentConstructor)
    #now, we need to make a specific sub-team have a different ai composition
    for i, a in enumerate(myTeam.agents):
        if a.team == subTeamToVary:
            a.kai = kai.findAiScore(subTeamKAI)
            a.speed = kai.calcAgentSpeed(a.kai.KAI,p)
            a.temp = kai.calcAgentTemp(a.kai.E,p)
            a.decay = kai.calculateAgentDecay(a,p.steps)

    for a in myTeam.agents:
        a.startSpeed = h.cp(a.speed)
        a.startTemp = h.cp(a.temp)

    return myTeam
def createTeam(p,agentConstructor = Steinway):
    Create a team of agents before running it through the simulation.

    Design the team with a specific composition of KAI scores,
    and subdivision of a problem into specialized subteams

    p : Params object, contains current model Parameters
    including p.nAgents, p.nTeams, p.nDims, p.AVG_SPEED, p.AVG_TEMP

    AgentConstructor : constructor class (default = Steinway)

    myTeam: Team object with desired characteristics, ready to run in the model

#    p.agentTeams = specializedTeams(p.nAgents,p.nTeams)
#    p.teamDims = teamDimensions(p.nDims,p.nTeams)
#     print(teamDims)
    myTeam = Team(agentConstructor,p,kaiPopulation)
    for i in range(len(myTeam.agents)):
        a = myTeam.agents[i]
        aTeam = p.agentTeams[i]
        a.team = aTeam
        a.myDims = p.teamDims[aTeam]
        a.decay = kai.calculateAgentDecay(a,p.steps)

    #adding an option to specify the exact list of KAI scores for a team (Sam 2020/02/11)
    #to use this, add a list of KAI scores as an attribute called "kaiList" to the Parameters object p
    #for example: p.kaiList = [70,80,80,101,84] 
    #the list must have the same number of elements as there are agents on the team
    #to explicitly NOT use this option, set p.kaiList = None (which is the default value)
    if p.kaiList is not None:
        if len(p.kaiList) != len(myTeam.agents):
            raise ValueError(f'The length of Parameters.kaiList ({len(p.kaiList)}) does not match the number of agents on the team ({len(myTeam.agents)}).')
        for i,a in enumerate(myTeam.agents):
            a.kai = kai.findAiScore(p.kaiList[i])
            a.speed = kai.calcAgentSpeed(a.kai.KAI,p)
            a.temp = kai.calcAgentTemp(a.kai.E,p)
            a.decay = kai.calculateAgentDecay(a,p.steps)
    elif p.curatedTeams and p.aiRange is not None and p.aiScore is not None:
        for team in range(len(p.teamDims)):
            teamAgents=[a for a in myTeam.agents if a.team == team]
            if len(teamAgents)<2:
                a = teamAgents[0]
                a.kai = kai.findAiScore(p.aiScore,kaiPopulation)
                a.speed = kai.calcAgentSpeed(a.kai.KAI,p)
                a.temp = kai.calcAgentTemp(a.kai.E,p)
                #should a.decay be recalculated here? I think it should... (Sam 2020/02/11)
                for i in range(len(teamAgents)):
                    myKai = p.aiScore - p.aiRange/2.0 + p.aiRange*(float(i)/(len(teamAgents)-1))
                    a = teamAgents[i]
                    a.kai = kai.findAiScore(myKai,kaiPopulation)
                    a.speed = kai.calcAgentSpeed(a.kai.KAI,p)
                    a.temp = kai.calcAgentTemp(a.kai.E,p)
                    #should a.decay be recalculated here? I think it should... (Sam 2020/02/11)

    for a in myTeam.agents:
        a.startSpeed = h.cp(a.speed)
        a.startTemp = h.cp(a.temp)

    return myTeam