def test_paused(kafka_broker, topic): consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=get_connect_str(kafka_broker)) topics = [TopicPartition(topic, 1)] consumer.assign(topics) assert set(topics) == consumer.assignment() assert set() == consumer.paused() consumer.pause(topics[0]) assert set([topics[0]]) == consumer.paused() consumer.resume(topics[0]) assert set() == consumer.paused() consumer.unsubscribe() assert set() == consumer.paused()
class GroupConsumer(threading.Thread): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def __init__(self, threadId, name, sKey, bootstrapServers, groupId, permissions, token, cipher = None, uid = None): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadId = threadId = name = groupId; self.subKey = sKey; self.cipher = None if cipher is None else cipher; configs = Configs.consumerConfigs(); configs["bootstrap_servers"] = bootstrapServers.split(','); configs["group_id"] = groupId; configs['enable_auto_commit'] = False; self.__isAlive = True home = expanduser("~") if uid == None: self.__consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers = configs["bootstrap_servers"], check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 64, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, api_version = (0, 10), group_id = groupId); else: self.__consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers = configs["bootstrap_servers"], check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 64, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, security_protocol = 'SSL', ssl_check_hostname = False, ssl_keyfile = home + '/magistral/' + token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile = home + '/magistral/' + token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile = home + '/magistral/' + token + '/certificate.pem', api_version = (0, 10), group_id = groupId); self.permissions = permissions; = {} self.__offsets = {} def recordsTotally(self, data): size = 0; for val in list(data.values()): if len(val) > 0: size = size + len(val); return size; def consumerRecord2Message(self, record): payload = record[6] if self.cipher is not None: try: payload = self.cipher.decrypt(payload) except: pass msg = Message(record[0][41:], record[1], payload, record[2], record[3]) return msg def run(self): threadLock.acquire(False) while self.__isAlive: try: data = self.__consumer.poll(512); for values in list(data.values()): for value in values: msg = self.consumerRecord2Message(value); listener =[value[0]][]; if listener is not None: listener(msg); if len(list(data.values())) > 0: self.__consumer.commit_async(); except: pass threadLock.release() # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def subscribe(self, topic, channel = -1, listener = None, callback = None): assert channel is not None and isinstance(channel, int), "Channel expected as int argument" if (channel < -1): channel = -1; etopic = self.subKey + "." + topic; self.logger.debug("Subscribe -> %s : %s | key = %s", topic, channel, self.subKey); if (self.permissions == None or len(self.permissions) == 0): raise MagistralException("User has no permissions for topic [" + topic + "]."); self.fch = []; for meta in self.permissions: if (meta.topic() != topic): continue; if channel == -1: self.fch = meta.channels(); elif channel in meta.channels(): self.fch = [ channel ]; if (len(self.fch) == 0): npgex = "No permissions for topic [" + topic + "] granted"; self.logger.error(npgex); raise MagistralException(npgex); if ( == None or etopic not in[etopic] = {} # // Assign Topic-partition pairs to listen tpas = []; for ch in self.fch: tpas.append(TopicPartition(etopic, ch)); if (listener is not None):[etopic][ch] = listener ca = self.__consumer.assignment() if (ca is not None): for tp in ca: tpas.append(tp) self.__consumer.assign(tpas); if callback is not None: callback(self.__consumer.assignment()); return self.__consumer.assignment(); def unsubscribe(self, topic): self.consumer.assign([]);; def close(self): self.__isAlive = False self.__consumer.pause() self.__consumer.close() logging.getLogger('kafka.conn').setLevel(logging.FATAL) logging.getLogger('kafka.cluster').setLevel(logging.FATAL) logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('kafka.consumer.fetcher').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('kafka.coordinator.consumer').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('kafka.producer.record_accumulator').setLevel(logging.INFO)
class MagistralConsumer(object): __HISTORY_DATA_FETCH_SIZE_LIMIT = 10000; def __init__(self, pubKey, subKey, secretKey, bootstrap, token, cipher = None, uid = None): self.__pubKey = pubKey self.__subKey = subKey self.__secretKey = secretKey self.__token = token self.uid = uid self.__bootstrap = bootstrap.split(',') if cipher is not None: self.__cipher = cipher def history(self, topic, channel, records): messages = [] if self.uid == None: self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers = self.__bootstrap, check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 64, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, api_version = (0, 10)); else: home = expanduser("~") self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers = self.__bootstrap, check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 64, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, security_protocol = 'SSL', ssl_check_hostname = False, ssl_keyfile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/certificate.pem', api_version = (0, 10)); if (records > self.__HISTORY_DATA_FETCH_SIZE_LIMIT): records = self.__HISTORY_DATA_FETCH_SIZE_LIMIT; kfkTopic = self.__subKey + "." + topic; x = TopicPartition(kfkTopic, channel); self.consumer.assign([x]); self.consumer.seek_to_end(); last = self.consumer.position(x); pos = last - records if last > records else 0;, pos); data = self.consumer.poll(256); endIsNotReached = True; while endIsNotReached: if len(data.values()) == 0: return messages; records = list(data.values()) for record in records[0]: index = record[2]; if index >= last - 1: endIsNotReached = False; message = Message(record[0][41:], record[1], record[6], index, record[3]); messages.append(message); if endIsNotReached == False: self.consumer.close(); return messages; pos = pos + len(messages), pos); data = self.consumer.poll(256); self.consumer.close(); return messages; def historyForTimePeriod(self, topic, channel, start, end, limit = -1): out = [] try: kfkTopic = self.__subKey + "." + topic; x = TopicPartition(kfkTopic, channel); if self.uid == None: self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers = self.__bootstrap, check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 30000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 32, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_partition_fetch_bytes = 65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, api_version = (0, 10)); else: home = expanduser("~") self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers = self.__bootstrap, check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 30000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 32, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_partition_fetch_bytes = 65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, security_protocol = 'SSL', ssl_check_hostname = False, ssl_keyfile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/certificate.pem', api_version = (0, 10)); self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers = self.__bootstrap); self.consumer.assign([x]); self.consumer.seek_to_end(); last = self.consumer.position(x); position = last - 1000; found = False; while found == False:, position); data = self.consumer.poll(500); if x not in data.keys() or len(data[x]) == 0: break; record = data[x][0]; timestamp = record[3]; if timestamp < start: found = True; break; position = position - 1000; self.consumer.close(); if self.uid == None: self.с = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers = self.__bootstrap, check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 32, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_partition_fetch_bytes = 65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, api_version = (0, 10)); else: home = expanduser("~") self.с = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers = self.__bootstrap, check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 32, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_partition_fetch_bytes = 65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, security_protocol = 'SSL', ssl_check_hostname = False, ssl_keyfile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile = home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/certificate.pem', api_version = (0, 10)); self.с.assign([x]);, position); data = self.с.poll(256); while (x in data.keys() and len(data[x]) > 0): for record in data[x] : timestamp = record[3]; if timestamp < start: continue; index = record[2]; if timestamp > end or index >= last - 1: self.с.close(); return out; message = Message(record[0][41:], record[1], record[6], index, timestamp); out.append(message); if limit is not None and limit > 0 and len(out) >= limit: self.с.close(); return out; self.с.seek(x, position + len(data[x])); data = self.с.poll(256); return out; except: raise MagistralException("Exception during history invocation occurred");
class MagistralConsumer(object): __HISTORY_DATA_FETCH_SIZE_LIMIT = 10000 def __init__(self, pubKey, subKey, secretKey, bootstrap, token, cipher=None, uid=None): self.__pubKey = pubKey self.__subKey = subKey self.__secretKey = secretKey self.__token = token self.uid = uid self.__bootstrap = bootstrap.split(',') if cipher is not None: self.__cipher = cipher def history(self, topic, channel, records): messages = [] if self.uid == None: self.consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers=self.__bootstrap, check_crcs=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, session_timeout_ms=10000, reconnect_backoff_ms=10000, heartbeat_interval_ms=2000, retry_backoff_ms=500, fetch_min_bytes=64, fetch_max_wait_ms=96, enable_auto_commit=False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection=4, api_version=(0, 10)) else: home = expanduser("~") self.consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers=self.__bootstrap, check_crcs=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, session_timeout_ms=10000, reconnect_backoff_ms=10000, heartbeat_interval_ms=2000, retry_backoff_ms=500, fetch_min_bytes=64, fetch_max_wait_ms=96, enable_auto_commit=False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection=4, security_protocol='SSL', ssl_check_hostname=False, ssl_keyfile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/certificate.pem', api_version=(0, 10)) if (records > self.__HISTORY_DATA_FETCH_SIZE_LIMIT): records = self.__HISTORY_DATA_FETCH_SIZE_LIMIT kfkTopic = self.__subKey + "." + topic x = TopicPartition(kfkTopic, channel) self.consumer.assign([x]) self.consumer.seek_to_end() last = self.consumer.position(x) pos = last - records if last > records else 0, pos) data = self.consumer.poll(256) endIsNotReached = True while endIsNotReached: if len(data.values()) == 0: return messages records = list(data.values()) for record in records[0]: index = record[2] if index >= last - 1: endIsNotReached = False message = Message(record[0][41:], record[1], record[6], index, record[3]) messages.append(message) if endIsNotReached == False: self.consumer.close() return messages pos = pos + len(messages), pos) data = self.consumer.poll(256) self.consumer.close() return messages def historyForTimePeriod(self, topic, channel, start, end, limit=-1): out = [] try: kfkTopic = self.__subKey + "." + topic x = TopicPartition(kfkTopic, channel) if self.uid == None: self.consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers=self.__bootstrap, check_crcs=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, session_timeout_ms=30000, reconnect_backoff_ms=10000, heartbeat_interval_ms=2000, retry_backoff_ms=500, fetch_min_bytes=32, fetch_max_wait_ms=96, enable_auto_commit=False, max_partition_fetch_bytes=65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection=4, api_version=(0, 10)) else: home = expanduser("~") self.consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers=self.__bootstrap, check_crcs=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, session_timeout_ms=30000, reconnect_backoff_ms=10000, heartbeat_interval_ms=2000, retry_backoff_ms=500, fetch_min_bytes=32, fetch_max_wait_ms=96, enable_auto_commit=False, max_partition_fetch_bytes=65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection=4, security_protocol='SSL', ssl_check_hostname=False, ssl_keyfile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/certificate.pem', api_version=(0, 10)) self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=self.__bootstrap) self.consumer.assign([x]) self.consumer.seek_to_end() last = self.consumer.position(x) position = last - 1000 found = False while found == False:, position) data = self.consumer.poll(500) if x not in data.keys() or len(data[x]) == 0: break record = data[x][0] timestamp = record[3] if timestamp < start: found = True break position = position - 1000 self.consumer.close() if self.uid == None: self.с = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=self.__bootstrap, check_crcs=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, session_timeout_ms=10000, reconnect_backoff_ms=10000, heartbeat_interval_ms=2000, retry_backoff_ms=500, fetch_min_bytes=32, fetch_max_wait_ms=96, enable_auto_commit=False, max_partition_fetch_bytes=65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection=4, api_version=(0, 10)) else: home = expanduser("~") self.с = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers=self.__bootstrap, check_crcs=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, session_timeout_ms=10000, reconnect_backoff_ms=10000, heartbeat_interval_ms=2000, retry_backoff_ms=500, fetch_min_bytes=32, fetch_max_wait_ms=96, enable_auto_commit=False, max_partition_fetch_bytes=65536, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection=4, security_protocol='SSL', ssl_check_hostname=False, ssl_keyfile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile=home + '/magistral/' + self.__token + '/certificate.pem', api_version=(0, 10)) self.с.assign([x]), position) data = self.с.poll(256) while (x in data.keys() and len(data[x]) > 0): for record in data[x]: timestamp = record[3] if timestamp < start: continue index = record[2] if timestamp > end or index >= last - 1: self.с.close() return out message = Message(record[0][41:], record[1], record[6], index, timestamp) out.append(message) if limit is not None and limit > 0 and len(out) >= limit: self.с.close() return out self.с.seek(x, position + len(data[x])) data = self.с.poll(256) return out except: raise MagistralException( "Exception during history invocation occurred")
class GroupConsumer(threading.Thread): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def __init__(self, threadId, name, sKey, bootstrapServers, groupId, permissions, token, cipher = None, uid = None): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadId = threadId = name = groupId; self.subKey = sKey; self.cipher = None if cipher is None else cipher; configs = Configs.consumerConfigs(); configs["bootstrap_servers"] = bootstrapServers.split(','); configs["group_id"] = groupId; configs['enable_auto_commit'] = False; self.__isAlive = True home = expanduser("~") if uid == None: self.__consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers = configs["bootstrap_servers"], check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 64, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, api_version = (0, 10), group_id = groupId); else: self.__consumer = KafkaConsumer( bootstrap_servers = configs["bootstrap_servers"], check_crcs = False, exclude_internal_topics = True, session_timeout_ms = 10000, reconnect_backoff_ms = 10000, heartbeat_interval_ms = 2000, retry_backoff_ms = 500, fetch_min_bytes = 64, fetch_max_wait_ms = 96, enable_auto_commit = False, max_in_flight_requests_per_connection = 4, security_protocol = 'SSL', ssl_check_hostname = False, ssl_keyfile = home + '/magistral/' + token + '/key.pem', ssl_cafile = home + '/magistral/' + token + '/ca.pem', ssl_certfile = home + '/magistral/' + token + '/certificate.pem', api_version = (0, 10), group_id = groupId); self.permissions = permissions; = {} self.__offsets = {} def recordsTotally(self, data): size = 0; for val in data.values(): if len(val) > 0: size = size + len(val); return size; def consumerRecord2Message(self, record): payload = record[6] if self.cipher is not None: try: payload = self.cipher.decrypt(payload) except: pass msg = Message(record[0][41:], record[1], payload, record[2], record[3]) return msg def run(self): threadLock.acquire(False) while self.__isAlive: try: data = self.__consumer.poll(512); for values in data.values(): for value in values: msg = self.consumerRecord2Message(value); listener =[value[0]][]; if listener is not None: listener(msg); if len(data.values()) > 0: self.__consumer.commit_async(); except: pass threadLock.release() # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def subscribe(self, topic, channel = -1, listener = None, callback = None): assert channel is not None and isinstance(channel, int), "Channel expected as int argument" if (channel < -1): channel = -1; etopic = self.subKey + "." + topic; self.logger.debug("Subscribe -> %s : %s | key = %s", topic, channel, self.subKey); if (self.permissions == None or len(self.permissions) == 0): raise MagistralException("User has no permissions for topic [" + topic + "]."); self.fch = []; for meta in self.permissions: if (meta.topic() != topic): continue; if channel == -1: self.fch = meta.channels(); elif channel in meta.channels(): self.fch = [ channel ]; if (len(self.fch) == 0): npgex = "No permissions for topic [" + topic + "] granted"; self.logger.error(npgex); raise MagistralException(npgex); if ( == None or etopic not in[etopic] = {} # // Assign Topic-partition pairs to listen tpas = []; for ch in self.fch: tpas.append(TopicPartition(etopic, ch)); if (listener is not None):[etopic][ch] = listener ca = self.__consumer.assignment() if (ca is not None): for tp in ca: tpas.append(tp) self.__consumer.assign(tpas); if callback is not None: callback(self.__consumer.assignment()); return self.__consumer.assignment(); def unsubscribe(self, topic): self.consumer.assign([]);; def close(self): self.__isAlive = False self.__consumer.pause() self.__consumer.close() logging.getLogger('kafka.conn').setLevel(logging.FATAL) logging.getLogger('kafka.cluster').setLevel(logging.FATAL) logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('kafka.consumer.fetcher').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('kafka.coordinator.consumer').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('kafka.producer.record_accumulator').setLevel(logging.INFO)