def user_retention(bot: Text, month: int = 1): """ Computes the user retention percentage of the bot :param bot: bot id :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :return: user retention percentage """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) total = [] repeating_users = [] try: total = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": None, "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 0, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) try: repeating_users = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"": {"$regex": ".*session_start*.", "$options": "$i"}}}, {"$group": {"_id": '$sender_id', "count": {"$sum": 1}, "latest_event_time": {"$first": "$latest_event_time"}}}, {"$match": {"count": {"$gte": 2}}}, {"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": None, "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 0, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) if not total: total_count = 1 else: total_count = total[0]['count'] if total[0]['count'] else 1 if not repeating_users: repeat_count = 0 else: repeat_count = repeating_users[0]['count'] if repeating_users[0]['count'] else 0 return ( {"user_retention": 100*(repeat_count/total_count)}, message )
def successful_conversations(bot: Text, month: int = 1): """ Counts the number of successful conversations of the bot :param bot: bot id :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :return: number of successful conversations """ fallback_action, nlu_fallback_action = Utility.load_fallback_actions(bot) client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) total = [] fallback_count = [] try: total = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": None, "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 0, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) try: fallback_count = list( conversations.aggregate([ {"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"events.timestamp": {"$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$match": {'$or': [{"": fallback_action}, {"": nlu_fallback_action}]}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$sender_id"}}, {"$group": {"_id": None, "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 0, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) if not total: total_count = 0 else: total_count = total[0]['count'] if total[0]['count'] else 0 if not fallback_count: fallbacks_count = 0 else: fallbacks_count = fallback_count[0]['count'] if fallback_count[0]['count'] else 0 return ( {"successful_conversations": total_count-fallbacks_count}, message )
def flatten_conversations(bot: Text, month: int = 3): """ Retrieves the flattened conversation data of the bot :param bot: bot id :param month: default is 3 months :return: dictionary of the bot users and their conversation data """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) user_data = [] try: user_data = list( conversations.aggregate( [{"$match": {"latest_event_time": {"$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"$or": [{"events.event": {"$in": ['bot', 'user']}}, {"$and": [{"events.event": "action"}, {"": {"$nin": ['action_listen', 'action_session_start']}}]}]}}, {"$match": {"events.timestamp": {"$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$sender_id", "events": {"$push": "$events"}, "allevents": {"$push": "$events"}}}, {"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$match": {"events.event": 'user'}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$_id", "events": {"$push": "$events"}, "user_array": {"$push": "$events"}, "all_events": {"$first": "$allevents"}}}, {"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$project": {"user_input": "$events.text", "intent": "$", "message_id": "$events.message_id", "timestamp": "$events.timestamp", "confidence": "$events.parse_data.intent.confidence", "action_bot_array": { "$cond": [{"$gte": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$all_events", {"$arrayElemAt": ["$user_array", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$user_array","$events"]}, 1]}]}]}, {"$indexOfArray": ["$all_events", "$events"]}]}, {"$slice": ["$all_events", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray":["$all_events", "$events"]}, 1]}, {"$subtract": [{"$subtract": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$all_events", {"$arrayElemAt": ["$user_array", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$user_array", "$events"]}, 1]}]}]}, {"$indexOfArray": ["$all_events", "$events"]}]}, 1]}]}, {"$slice": ["$all_events", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$all_events", "$events"]}, 1]}, 100]}]}}}, {"$project": {"user_input": 1, "intent": 1, "confidence": 1, "action": "$", "message_id": 1, "timestamp": 1, "bot_response": "$action_bot_array.text"}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) return ( {"conversation_data": user_data}, message )
def fallback_count_range(bot: Text, month: int = 6): """ Computes the trend for fallback counts :param bot: bot id :param month: default is 6 months :return: dictionary of fallback counts for the previous months """ fallback_action, nlu_fallback_action = Utility.load_fallback_actions(bot) client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) fallback_counts = [] try: fallback_counts = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events"}}, {"$match": {"events.event": "action", "events.timestamp": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month( month)}}}, {"$match": {'$or': [{"": fallback_action}, {"": nlu_fallback_action}]}}, {"$addFields": {"month": { "$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$events.timestamp", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$month", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1, "count": 1}} ])) action_counts = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events"}}, {"$match": {"$and": [{"events.event": "action"}, {"": {"$nin": ['action_listen', 'action_session_start']}}]}}, {"$match": {"events.timestamp": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$addFields": {"month": { "$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$events.timestamp", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$month", "total_count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1, "total_count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) action_count = {d['_id']: d['total_count'] for d in action_counts} fallback_count = {d['_id']: d['count'] for d in fallback_counts} final_trend = {k: [fallback_count.get(k), action_count.get(k)] for k in list(fallback_count.keys())} return ( {"fallback_counts": final_trend}, message )
def fetch_chat_users(bot: Text, month: int = 1): """ fetches user list who has conversation with the agent :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :param bot: bot id :return: list of user id """ client, db_name, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection( bot) db = client.get_database(db_name) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) users = [] try: values = conversations.find( { "events.timestamp": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month) } }, { "_id": 0, "sender_id": 1 }) users = [sender["sender_id"] for sender in values] except Exception as e: raise AppException(e) finally: client.close() return users, message
def user_retention_range(bot: Text, month: int = 6): """ Computes the trend for user retention percentages :param bot: bot id :param month: default is 6 months :return: dictionary of user retention percentages for the previous months """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) total = [] repeating_users = [] try: total = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$addFields": {"month": {"$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$latest_event_time", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$month", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1, "count": 1}} ])) repeating_users = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": { "": {"$regex": ".*session_start*.", "$options": "$i"}}}, {"$group": {"_id": '$sender_id', "count": {"$sum": 1}, "latest_event_time": {"$first": "$latest_event_time"}}}, {"$match": {"count": {"$gte": 2}}}, {"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$addFields": {"month": { "$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$latest_event_time", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$month", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) total_users = {d['_id']: d['count'] for d in total} repeat_users = {d['_id']: d['count'] for d in repeating_users} retention = {k: 100*(repeat_users[k]/total_users[k]) for k in repeat_users.keys()} return ( {"retention_range": retention}, message )
def engaged_users(bot: Text, month: int = 1, conversation_limit: int = 10): """ Counts the number of engaged users having a minimum number of conversation steps :param bot: bot id :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :param conversation_limit: conversation step number to determine engaged users :return: number of engaged users """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) values = [] try: values = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"events.event": {"$in": ["user", "bot"]}, "events.timestamp": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}} }, {"$group": {"_id": "$sender_id", "events": {"$push": "$events"}, "allevents": {"$push": "$events"}}}, {"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$project": { "_id": 1, "events": 1, "following_events": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$allevents", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$allevents", "$events"]}, 1]} ] } }}, {"$project": { "user_event": "$events.event", "bot_event": "$following_events.event", }}, {"$match": {"user_event": "user", "bot_event": "bot"}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$_id", "event": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$match": {"event": {"$gte": conversation_limit}}}, {"$group": {"_id": None, "event": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": { "_id": 0, "event": 1, }} ], allowDiskUse=True) ) except Exception as e: message = str(e) if not values: event = 0 else: event = values[0]['event'] if values[0]['event'] else 0 return ( {"engaged_users": event}, message )
def successful_conversation_range(bot: Text, month: int = 6): """ Computes the trend for successful conversation count :param bot: bot id :param month: default is 6 months :return: dictionary of counts of successful bot conversations for the previous months """ fallback_action, nlu_fallback_action = Utility.load_fallback_actions(bot) client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) total = [] fallback_count = [] try: total = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$addFields": {"month": {"$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$latest_event_time", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$month", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1, "count": 1}} ])) fallback_count = list( conversations.aggregate([ {"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"events.timestamp": {"$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$match": {'$or': [{"": fallback_action}, {"": nlu_fallback_action}]}}, {"$addFields": {"month": {"$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$events.timestamp", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": {"month": "$month", "sender_id": "$sender_id"}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.month", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) total_users = {d['_id']: d['count'] for d in total} final_fallback = {d['_id']: d['count'] for d in fallback_count} final_fallback = {k: final_fallback.get(k, 0) for k in total_users.keys()} success = {k: total_users[k] - final_fallback[k] for k in total_users.keys()} return ( {"success_conversation_range": success}, message )
def fetch_user_history(bot: Text, sender_id: Text, month: int = 1): """ loads list of conversation events from chat history :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :param bot: bot id :param sender_id: user id :param latest_history: whether to fetch latest history or complete history, default is latest :return: list of conversation events """ client, db_name, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection( bot) try: db = client.get_database(db_name) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) values = list( conversations.aggregate([{ "$match": { "sender_id": sender_id, "events.timestamp": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month) } } }, { "$unwind": "$events" }, { "$match": { "events.event": { "$in": ["user", "bot", "action"] } } }, { "$group": { "_id": None, "events": { "$push": "$events" } } }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "events": 1 } }])) if values: return (values[0]['events'], message) return [], message except Exception as e: raise AppException(e) finally: client.close()
def conversation_time(bot: Text, month: int = 1): """ calculates the duration of between agent and users :param bot: bot id :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :return: list of users duration """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) values = list(conversations .aggregate([{"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$match": {"events.event": {"$in": ["user", "bot"]}, "events.timestamp": {"$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$sender_id", "events": {"$push": "$events"}, "allevents": {"$push": "$events"}}}, {"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$project": { "_id": 1, "events": 1, "following_events": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$allevents", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$allevents", "$events"]}, 1]} ] } }}, {"$project": { "user_event": "$events.event", "bot_event": "$following_events.event", "time_diff": { "$subtract": ["$following_events.timestamp", "$events.timestamp"] } }}, {"$match": {"user_event": "user", "bot_event": "bot"}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$_id", "time": {"$sum": "$time_diff"}}}, {"$project": { "sender_id": "$_id", "_id": 0, "time": 1, }} ], allowDiskUse=True) ) return values, message
def new_users_range(bot: Text, month: int = 6): """ Computes the trend for new user count :param bot: bot id :param month: default is 6 months :return: dictionary of counts of new users for the previous months """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) values = [] try: values = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": { "": {"$regex": ".*session_start*.", "$options": "$i"}}}, {"$group": {"_id": '$sender_id', "count": {"$sum": 1}, "latest_event_time": {"$first": "$latest_event_time"}}}, {"$match": {"count": {"$lte": 1}}}, {"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$addFields": {"month": { "$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$latest_event_time", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$month", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) new_users = {d['_id']: d['count'] for d in values} return ( {"new_user_range": new_users}, message )
def new_users(bot: Text, month: int = 1): """ Counts the number of new users of the bot :param bot: bot id :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :return: number of new users """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) values = [] try: values = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"": {"$regex": ".*session_start*.", "$options": "$i"}}}, {"$group": {"_id": '$sender_id', "count": {"$sum": 1}, "latest_event_time": {"$first": "$latest_event_time"}}}, {"$match": {"count": {"$lte": 1}}}, {"$match": {"latest_event_time": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": None, "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"_id": 0, "count": 1}} ])) except Exception as e: message = str(e) if not values: count = 0 else: count = values[0]['count'] if values[0]['count'] else 0 return ( {"new_users": count}, message )
def user_with_metrics(bot, month=1): """ fetches user with the steps and time in conversation :param bot: bot id :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :return: list of users with step and time in conversation """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) users = [] try: users = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"events.event": {"$in": ["user", "bot"]}, "events.timestamp": {"$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$sender_id", "latest_event_time": {"$first": "$latest_event_time"}, "events": {"$push": "$events"}, "allevents": {"$push": "$events"}}}, {"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$project": { "_id": 1, "events": 1, "latest_event_time": 1, "following_events": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$allevents", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$allevents", "$events"]}, 1]} ] } }}, {"$project": { "latest_event_time": 1, "user_timestamp": "$events.timestamp", "bot_timestamp": "$following_events.timestamp", "user_event": "$events.event", "bot_event": "$following_events.event", "time_diff": { "$subtract": ["$following_events.timestamp", "$events.timestamp"] } }}, {"$match": {"user_event": "user", "bot_event": "bot"}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$_id", "latest_event_time": {"$first": "$latest_event_time"}, "steps": {"$sum": 1}, "time": {"$sum": "$time_diff"}}}, {"$project": { "sender_id": "$_id", "_id": 0, "steps": 1, "time": 1, "latest_event_time": 1, }} ], allowDiskUse=True)) except Exception as e: return users, message
def visitor_hit_fallback(bot: Text, month: int = 1): """ Counts the number of times, the agent was unable to provide a response to users :param bot: bot id :param month: default is current month and max is last 6 months :return: list of visitor fallback """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) values = [] try: values = list(conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$match": {"events.event": "action", "events.timestamp": {"$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$sender_id", "total_count": {"$sum": 1}, "events": {"$push": "$events"}}}, {"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$match": { "": {"$regex": ".*fallback*.", "$options": "$i"}}}, {"$group": {"_id": None, "total_count": {"$first": "$total_count"}, "fallback_count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": {"total_count": 1, "fallback_count": 1, "_id": 0}} ], allowDiskUse=True)) except Exception as e: message = str(e) if not values: fallback_count = 0 total_count = 0 else: fallback_count = values[0]['fallback_count'] if values[0]['fallback_count'] else 0 total_count = values[0]['total_count'] if values[0]['total_count'] else 0 return ( {"fallback_count": fallback_count, "total_count": total_count}, message, )
def engaged_users_range(bot: Text, month: int = 6, conversation_limit: int = 10): """ Computes the trend for engaged user count :param bot: bot id :param month: default is 6 months :param conversation_limit: conversation step number to determine engaged users :return: dictionary of counts of engaged users for the previous months """ client, database, collection, message = ChatHistory.get_mongo_connection(bot) with client as client: db = client.get_database(database) conversations = db.get_collection(collection) engaged = [] try: engaged = list( conversations.aggregate([{"$unwind": {"path": "$events", "includeArrayIndex": "arrayIndex"}}, {"$match": {"events.event": {"$in": ["user", "bot"]}, "events.timestamp": { "$gte": Utility.get_timestamp_previous_month(month)}} }, {"$addFields": {"month": { "$month": {"$toDate": {"$multiply": ["$events.timestamp", 1000]}}}}}, {"$group": {"_id": {"month": "$month", "sender_id": "$sender_id"}, "events": {"$push": "$events"}, "allevents": {"$push": "$events"}}}, {"$unwind": "$events"}, {"$project": { "_id": 1, "events": 1, "following_events": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$allevents", {"$add": [{"$indexOfArray": ["$allevents", "$events"]}, 1]} ] } }}, {"$project": { "user_event": "$events.event", "bot_event": "$following_events.event", }}, {"$match": {"user_event": "user", "bot_event": "bot"}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$_id", "event": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$match": {"event": {"$gte": conversation_limit}}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.month", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}, {"$project": { "_id": 1, "count": 1, }} ], allowDiskUse=True) ) except Exception as e: message = str(e) engaged_users = {d['_id']: d['count'] for d in engaged} return ( {"engaged_user_range": engaged_users}, message )