    def get(self, cls, **attr_filter):
        attr_filter = dict_to_db_values_dict(attr_filter)

        # Workaround that allows nodes and relationships with no
        # attrs to be saved. `save` will cause this method to be called
        # with an empty attr_filter, and when it receives None, will add
        # a new object.
        if not attr_filter:
            return None

        type_registry = self.type_registry

        unique_attrs = [key for _, key in type_registry.get_unique_attrs(cls)]
        query_params = {
            key: value
            for key, value in attr_filter.items()
            if key in unique_attrs
            and value is not None
        if not query_params:
            raise ValueError(
                'No relevant indexes found when calling get for class: {}'
                ' with filter {}'.format(cls, attr_filter)

        labels = type_registry.get_labels_for_type(cls)
        # since we found an index, we have at least one label
        node_declaration = 'n:' + ':'.join(labels)

        params = parameter_map(attr_filter, 'params')
        return self.query_single(
            "MATCH (%s %s) RETURN n" % (node_declaration, params),
def test_parameter_map():
    assert parameter_map({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'ಠ_ಠ'}, "params") == (
        '{foo: {params}.foo, baz: {params}.baz}'