def test_collision_routine_sphere():

    # Initialize the Ellipsoids
    el1 = Ellipsoid(1, 5, 5, 5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,
                    np.array([0.52532199, 0., -0., 0.85090352]))
    el2 = Ellipsoid(2, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,
                    np.array([0.52532199, 0., -0., 0.85090352]))

    el1.speedx, el1.speedy, el1.speedz = 0.1, 0.075, -0.05
    el2.speedx, el2.speedy, el2.speedz = -0.1, -0.025, -0.36

    # Test if the 'collision_react' function is called twice
    with mock.patch(
            'kanapy.collision_detect_react.collision_react') as mocked_method:
        collision_routine(el1, el2)
        assert mocked_method.call_count == 2
def test_particle_grow(rot_surf):

    ell1 = Ellipsoid(1, 1, 0.5, 0.75, 2.0, 1.5, 1.5, rot_surf[0])
    ell2 = Ellipsoid(2, 1.9, 1.68, 2.6, 2.0, 1.5, 1.5, rot_surf[0])
    ell1.speedx, ell1.speedy, ell1.speedz = -0.02, 0.075, -0.05
    ell2.speedx, ell2.speedy, ell2.speedz = 0.5, -0.025, -0.36

    ells = [ell1, ell2]
    sb = Simulation_Box(10, 10, 10)

    particle_grow(sb, ells, True, 10)

    assert round(ell1.x, 6) == 0.78
    assert round(ell1.y, 6) == 1.325
    assert round(ell1.z, 6) == 0.2
    assert round(ell2.x, 6) == 7.4
    assert round(ell2.y, 6) == 1.405
    assert round(ell2.z, 6) == 8.64
def particle_generator(particle_data, sim_box):
    Initializes ellipsoids by assigning them random positions and speeds within the simulation box.

    :param particle_data: Ellipsoid information such as such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle. 
    :type particle_data: Python dictionary 
    :param sim_box: Simulation box representing RVE.
    :type sim_box: :class:`entities.Simulation_Box`
    :returns: Ellipsoids for the packing routine
    :rtype: list       
    num_particles = particle_data['Number']                      # Total number of ellipsoids
    Ellipsoids = []
    for n in range(num_particles):

        iden = n+1                                                # ellipsoid 'id'
        a = particle_data['Major_diameter'][n] / 2.               # Semi-major length
        b = particle_data['Minor_diameter1'][n] / 2.              # Semi-minor length 1
        c = particle_data['Minor_diameter2'][n] / 2.              # Semi-minor length 2

        # Random placement for ellipsoids
        x = random.uniform(c, sim_box.w - c)
        y = random.uniform(c, sim_box.h - c)
        z = random.uniform(c, sim_box.d - c)

        # Angle represents inclination of Major axis w.r.t positive x-axis
        angle = np.radians(particle_data['Orientation'][n])         # Extract the angle        
        vec_a = np.array([a*np.cos(angle), a*np.sin(angle), 0.0])   # Tilt vector wrt (+ve) x axis        
        cross_a = np.cross(np.array([1, 0, 0]), vec_a)              # Do the cross product to find the quaternion axis        
        norm_cross_a = np.linalg.norm(cross_a, 2)                   # norm of the vector (Magnitude)        
        quat_axis = cross_a/norm_cross_a                            # normalize the quaternion axis

        # Find the quaternion components
        qx, qy, qz = quat_axis * np.sin(angle/2)
        qw = np.cos(angle/2)
        quat = np.array([qw, qx, qy, qz])

        # instance of Ellipsoid class
        ellipsoid = Ellipsoid(iden, x, y, z, a, b, c, quat)
        ellipsoid.color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(
            0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))

        # Define random speed values along the 3 axes x, y & z
        ellipsoid.speedx = np.random.uniform(low=-c/20., high=c/20.)
        ellipsoid.speedy = np.random.uniform(low=-c/20., high=c/20.)
        ellipsoid.speedz = np.random.uniform(low=-c/20., high=c/20.)
        Ellipsoids.append(ellipsoid)                               # adds ellipsoid to list

    return Ellipsoids
def test_collision_react():

    # Initialize the Ellipsoids
    el1 = Ellipsoid(1, 5, 5, 5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,
                    np.array([0.52532199, 0., -0., 0.85090352]))
    el2 = Ellipsoid(2, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,
                    np.array([0.52532199, 0., -0., 0.85090352]))

    el1.speedx, el1.speedy, el1.speedz = 0.1, 0.075, -0.05
    el2.speedx, el2.speedy, el2.speedz = -0.1, -0.025, -0.36

    # Test different conditions
    # Condition: xdiff > 0 && zdiff > 0
    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == -0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == -0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == -0.077728

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == 0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == 0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == 0.216198

    # Condition: xdiff > 0 && zdiff < 0
    el2.z = 4.5
    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == -0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == -0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == 0.077728

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == 0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == 0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == -0.216198

    # Condition: xdiff < 0 && zdiff > 0
    el2.x = 4.5
    el2.z = 5.5

    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == 0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == -0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == -0.077728

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == -0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == 0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == 0.216198

    # Condition: xdiff < 0 && zdiff < 0
    el2.x = 4.5
    el2.z = 4.5

    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == 0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == -0.077728
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == 0.077728

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == -0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == 0.216198
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == -0.216198

    # Condition: xdiff = 0 && zdiff = 0
    el2.x = 5.0
    el2.z = 5.0

    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == 0.000038
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == 0.134629
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == 0.0

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == 0.000106
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == -0.374466
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == 0.0

    # Condition: xdiff = 0 && zdiff > 0
    el2.x = 5.0
    el2.z = 5.5

    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == 0.0
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == 0.095197
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == -0.095197

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == 0.0
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == -0.264788
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == 0.264788

    # Condition: xdiff = 0 && zdiff < 0
    el2.x = 5.0
    el2.z = 4.5

    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == 0.0
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == 0.095197
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == 0.095197

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == 0.0
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == -0.264788
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == -0.264788

    # Condition: xdiff < 0 && zdiff = 0
    el2.x = 4.5
    el2.z = 5.0

    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == 0.095197
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == 0.095197
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == 0.0

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == -0.264788
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == -0.264788
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == 0.0

    # Condition: xdiff > 0 && zdiff = 0
    el2.x = 5.5
    el2.z = 5.0

    collision_react(el1, el2)
    collision_react(el2, el1)

    assert round(el1.speedx, 6) == -0.095197
    assert round(el1.speedy, 6) == 0.095197
    assert round(el1.speedz, 6) == 0.0

    assert round(el2.speedx, 6) == 0.264788
    assert round(el2.speedy, 6) == -0.264788
    assert round(el2.speedz, 6) == 0.0