def validates_user(obj): checker = Checker() check = True _ = obj._ checker.errors = [] if not is_param(obj.input, 'nickname'): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Nickname')) else: check = checker.check_username( _('Nickname'), obj.input.nickname, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_ONLYSPACE, min = USER_MIN_LENGTH, max = USER_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check if not is_param(obj.input, 'email'): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Mail Address')) else: check = checker.check_mailaddress( _('Mail Address'),, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_VALID, min = EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, max = EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check _password_flag = True if not is_param(obj.input, 'new_password'): _password_flag = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('New Password')) if not is_param(obj.input, 'retype'): check = False _password_flag = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Retype')) if _password_flag == True: check = checker.check_password( _('Password'), obj.input.new_password, obj.input.retype, CHECK_VALID | CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_EMPTY, min = PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, max = PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check check = checker.check_languages( _('Language'), obj.input.languages, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_LENGTH, min = LANGUAGES_MIN_LENGTH, max = LANGUAGES_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check obj.view.alert = checker.errors return check
def validates_mail(obj): checker = Checker() check = True _ = obj._ checker.errors = [] if not is_param(obj.input, 'server'): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Mail Server Name')) else: check_server = checker.check_domainname(_('Mail Server Name'), obj.input.server, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID, ) or \ checker.check_ipaddr(_('Mail Server Name'), obj.input.server, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID, ) check = check_server and check if not is_param(obj.input, 'port'): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Port Number')) else: check = checker.check_number(_('Port Number'), obj.input.port, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN | CHECK_MAX, PORT_MIN_NUMBER, PORT_MAX_NUMBER, ) and check if not is_param(obj.input, 'email'): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Recipient Mail Address')) else: check = checker.check_mailaddress(_('Recipient Mail Address'),, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_LENGTH, min = EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, max = EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH ) and check obj.view.alert = checker.errors return check
def validates_watch(obj): checker = Checker() check = True _ = obj._ checker.errors = [] if is_param(obj.input, 'watch_name'): check = checker.check_string(_('Name'), obj.input.watch_name, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_ONLYSPACE, None, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') %_('Name')) if is_param(obj.input, 'watch_target'): check = checker.check_string(_('Watch Target'), obj.input.watch_target, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_ONLYSPACE, None, ) and check if obj.input.watch_target not in WATCH_PLUGINS.values(): check = False # TRANSLATORS: # %sは監視対象ではありません。 checker.add_error(_('"%s" is not watch target.') %_(obj.input.watch_target)) else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') %_('Watch Target')) if is_param(obj.input, 'continuation_count'): check = checker.check_number(_('Alert Trigger Count'), obj.input.continuation_count, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN | CHECK_MAX, CONTINUATION_COUNT_MIN, CONTINUATION_COUNT_MAX, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') %_('Alert Trigger Count')) if is_param(obj.input, 'prohibition_period'): check = checker.check_number(_('Silent Period'), obj.input.prohibition_period, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN | CHECK_MAX, PROHIBITION_PERIOD_MIN, PROHIBITION_PERIOD_MAX, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') %_('Silent Period')) if is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_fraction'): fraction = int(obj.input.threshold_fraction) else: fraction = 0 if is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_val1'): if fraction == 0: check = checker.check_number(_('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val1, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, ) and check else: check = checker.check_fraction(_('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val1, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, fraction, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') %_('Threshold Value')) if is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_val2'): if fraction == 0: check = checker.check_number(_('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val2, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, ) and check else: check = checker.check_fraction(_('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val2, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, fraction, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') %_('Threshold Value')) if not is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_type'): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') %_('Threshold Type')) if is_param(obj.input, 'notify_mail_to'): if obj.input.notify_mail_to != "": check = checker.check_mailaddress(_('Mail To'), obj.input.notify_mail_to, CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_VALID, EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check if is_param(obj.input, 'notify_mail_from'): if obj.input.notify_mail_from != "": check = checker.check_mailaddress(_('Mail From'), obj.input.notify_mail_from, CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_VALID, EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check obj.view.alert = checker.errors return check
def validates_user(obj): checker = Checker() check = True _ = obj._ checker.errors = [] if not is_param(obj.input, "nickname"): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _("Nickname")) else: check = ( checker.check_username( _("Nickname"), obj.input.nickname, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_ONLYSPACE, min=USER_MIN_LENGTH, max=USER_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check ) if not is_param(obj.input, "email"): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _("Mail Address")) else: check = ( checker.check_mailaddress( _("Mail Address"),, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_VALID, min=EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, max=EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check ) _password_flag = True if not is_param(obj.input, "password"): check = False _password_flag = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _("Password")) if not is_param(obj.input, "new_password"): _password_flag = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _("New Password")) if not is_param(obj.input, "retype"): check = False _password_flag = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _("Retype")) if _password_flag == True: if not is_empty(obj.input.password) or not is_empty(obj.input.new_password) or not is_empty(obj.input.retype): check = ( checker.check_password( _("Password"), obj.input.password, obj.input.password, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_LENGTH, min=PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, max=PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check ) check = ( checker.check_password( _("Password"), obj.input.new_password, obj.input.retype, CHECK_VALID | CHECK_LENGTH, min=PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, max=PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check ) check = ( checker.check_languages( _("Language"), obj.input.languages, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_LENGTH, min=LANGUAGES_MIN_LENGTH, max=LANGUAGES_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check ) obj.view.alert = checker.errors return check
def validates_watch(obj): checker = Checker() check = True _ = obj._ checker.errors = [] if is_param(obj.input, 'watch_name'): check = checker.check_string( _('Watch Name'), obj.input.watch_name, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_ONLYSPACE, None, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Watch Name')) if is_param(obj.input, 'continuation_count'): check = checker.check_number( _('Alert Trigger Count'), obj.input.continuation_count, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN | CHECK_MAX, CONTINUATION_COUNT_MIN, CONTINUATION_COUNT_MAX, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Alert Trigger Count')) if is_param(obj.input, 'prohibition_period'): check = checker.check_number( _('Silent Period'), obj.input.prohibition_period, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN | CHECK_MAX, PROHIBITION_PERIOD_MIN, PROHIBITION_PERIOD_MAX, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Silent Period')) if is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_fraction'): fraction = int(obj.input.threshold_fraction) else: fraction = 0 if is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_val1'): if fraction == 0: check = checker.check_number( _('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val1, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, ) and check else: check = checker.check_fraction( _('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val1, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, fraction, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Threshold Value')) if is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_val2'): if fraction == 0: check = checker.check_number( _('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val2, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, ) and check else: check = checker.check_fraction( _('Threshold Value'), obj.input.threshold_val2, CHECK_EMPTY | CHECK_VALID | CHECK_MIN, THRESHOLD_VAL_MIN, None, fraction, ) and check else: check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Threshold Value')) if not is_param(obj.input, 'threshold_type'): check = False checker.add_error(_('"%s" is required.') % _('Threshold Type')) if is_param(obj.input, 'notify_mail_to'): if obj.input.notify_mail_to != "": check = checker.check_mailaddress( _('Mail To'), obj.input.notify_mail_to, CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_VALID, EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check if is_param(obj.input, 'notify_mail_from'): if obj.input.notify_mail_from != "": check = checker.check_mailaddress( _('Mail From'), obj.input.notify_mail_from, CHECK_LENGTH | CHECK_VALID, EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH, EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH, ) and check obj.view.alert = checker.errors return check