def test_api_action_files(read_json, registry):
    transport = Payload(read_json('transport.json'))
    service_name = 'users'
    service_version = '1.0.0'
    action_name = 'create'

    action = Action(
            'action': action_name,
            'params': [],
            'transport': transport,
            'component': None,
            'path': '/path/to/',
            'name': service_name,
            'version': service_version,
            'framework_version': '1.0.0',

    assert action.has_file('avatar')

    # Get a file that is not available
    assert not action.has_file('missing')
    file = action.get_file('missing')
    assert isinstance(file, File)
    assert file.get_name() == 'missing'
    assert file.get_path() == ''
    assert not file.exists()

    # Get an existing file
    assert action.has_file('document')
    file = action.get_file('document')
    assert isinstance(file, File)
    assert file.get_name() == 'document'
    assert file.get_mime() == 'application/pdf'

    # Get all files
    files = action.get_files()
    assert isinstance(files, list)
    assert len(files) == 2
    for file in files:
        assert file.get_name() in ('avatar', 'document')
        assert file.get_mime() in ('application/pdf', 'image/jpeg')

    # Clear all files and check result
    action._Action__files = {}
    files = action.get_files()
    assert isinstance(files, list)
    assert len(files) == 0

    # Check file creation
    file = action.new_file('foo', path='/tmp/file.ext')
    assert isinstance(file, File)
    assert file.get_name() == 'foo'
def test_api_action_download(read_json, registry):
    service_name = 'dummy'
    service_version = '1.0'
    transport = Payload(read_json('transport.json'))
    action = Action(
            'action': 'test',
            'params': [],
            'transport': transport,
            'component': None,
            'path': '/path/to/',
            'name': service_name,
            'version': service_version,
            'framework_version': '1.0.0',

    # Download accepts only a File instance
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # Create a new file and set is as download
    file = action.new_file('foo', path='/tmp/file.ext')
    transport.set('body', '')
    assert transport.get('body') == ''
    assert transport.get('body') == file_to_payload(file)

    # Clear download
    transport.set('body', '')
    assert transport.get('body') == ''

    # Check that registry does not have mappings
    assert not registry.has_mappings
    # Set file server mappings to False and try to set a download
        {service_name: {
            service_version: {
                'files': False
    with pytest.raises(NoFileServerError):
def test_api_action_call_remote(read_json, registry):
    service_name = 'foo'
    service_version = '1.0'

    # Check that registry does not have mappings
    assert not registry.has_mappings
    # Add an empty test action to mappings
        service_name: {
            service_version: {
                FIELD_MAPPINGS['files']: True,
                FIELD_MAPPINGS['actions']: {
                    'test': {}

    transport = Payload(read_json('transport.json'))
    calls_path = 'calls/{}/{}'.format(nomap(service_name), service_version)
    action = Action(
            'action': 'test',
            'params': [],
            'transport': transport,
            'component': None,
            'path': '/path/to/',
            'name': service_name,
            'version': service_version,
            'framework_version': '1.0.0',

    # Clear transport calls
    assert transport.path_exists('calls')
    del transport[FIELD_MAPPINGS['calls']]
    assert not transport.path_exists('calls')

    # Prepare call arguments
    params = [Param('dummy', value=123)]
    c_addr = ''
    c_name = 'foo'
    c_version = '1.1'
    c_action = 'bar'
    c_params = [{
        PARAM['name']: 'dummy',
        PARAM['value']: 123,
        PARAM['type']: TYPE_INTEGER

    # Make a remotr call
    kwargs = {
        'address': c_addr,
        'service': c_name,
        'version': c_version,
        'action': c_action,
        'params': params,
        'timeout': 2.0,
    assert action.remote_call(**kwargs) == action
    assert transport.path_exists(calls_path)
    calls = transport.get(calls_path)
    assert isinstance(calls, list)
    assert len(calls) == 1
    call = calls[0]
    assert isinstance(call, dict)
    assert get_path(call, 'gateway', default='NO') == 'ktp://{}'.format(c_addr)
    assert get_path(call, 'name', default='NO') == c_name
    assert get_path(call, 'version', default='NO') == c_version
    assert get_path(call, 'action', default='NO') == c_action
    assert get_path(call, 'params', default='NO') == c_params

    # Make a call and add files
    files_path = '|'.join([
    kwargs['files'] = [action.new_file('download', '/tmp/file.ext')]
    assert action.remote_call(**kwargs) == action
    tr_files = transport.get(files_path, delimiter='|')
    assert isinstance(tr_files, list)
    assert len(tr_files) == 1
    assert tr_files[0] == {
        FIELD_MAPPINGS['name']: 'download',
        FIELD_MAPPINGS['token']: '',
        FIELD_MAPPINGS['filename']: 'file.ext',
        FIELD_MAPPINGS['size']: 0,
        FIELD_MAPPINGS['mime']: 'text/plain',
        FIELD_MAPPINGS['path']: 'file:///tmp/file.ext',

    # Set file server mappings to False and try to call with local files
        service_name: {
            service_version: {
                FIELD_MAPPINGS['files']: False,
                FIELD_MAPPINGS['actions']: {
                    'test': {}

    # TODO: Figure out why existing action does not see new mappungs.
    #       Action should read the mapping values from previous statement.
    action = Action(
            'action': 'test',
            'params': [],
            'transport': transport,
            'component': None,
            'path': '/path/to/',
            'name': service_name,
            'version': service_version,
            'framework_version': '1.0.0',

    with pytest.raises(NoFileServerError):