# Create your Manager with your monitor attached
manager = Manager(monitor, config_path="./examples/example.ini")

# Set some custom configuration parameters
manager["auto"] = True
manager["outdir"] = "./example-results-{0}".format(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))
manager["exclude"] = ["crypto"]
manager["flag-format"] = r"FLAG{.*?}"

# Optionally, manually register unit classes
# manager.finder.register(CustomChallengeUnit)
# Or load units automatically from a directory
# manager.finder.find('./customunits', 'customunits.')

# Start the manager (empty queue at the moment)

# Create a generic target
target = manager.target("./interesting-file.txt")

# Enumerate units that are applicable and queue them for evaluation
for unit in manager.finder.match(target):
    logging.info("queuing {0} for {1}".format(unit, target))

# A short-hand for queuing targets with all matching units:
# target = manager.queue_target('./interesting-file.txt')

# More targets could be queued up until you call `join` at which point the
# queue would be "closed" and would cause an exception if `queue` is called.
class KatanaTest(TestCase):

    FLAG_FORMAT = "FLAG{.*?}"

    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup a Manager and Monitor object

            The Katana Unit Tests can override this method, but must call the
            parent. You can use this to create special temporary target files,
            start a web server, or anything else needed to evaluate your target.

        # This is a nasty hack
        os.system("rm -rf ./results 2>&1 >/dev/null")

        # Create the monitor and set the flag format
        self.monitor = Monitor()
        self.manager = Manager(monitor=self.monitor)
        self.manager["manager"]["flag-format"] = self.FLAG_FORMAT
        self.manager["manager"]["auto"] = "yes"

        # Ignore annoying resource warnings
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning)

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Tear down any artifacts from the last run

            The Katana Unit Tests can override this method, but must call the
            parent. You can use this method to clean up any extra temporary files
            that may have been created for the target or any threads/services 
            started for unit testing.

        # Tear down our object tree
        del self.monitor
        del self.manager

        # This is a nasty hack
        os.system("rm -rf ./results 2>&1 >/dev/null")

    def katana_test(
        self, config: str, target: str, correct_flag: str, timeout: float = 10
        """ Perform a test with the given configuration, target and flag

        :param config: Katana configuration file
        :type config: str
        :param target: The target for this katana test (url, filename, raw data, etc)
        :type target: str
        :param correct_flag: The correct flag which katana should find.
        :type correct_flag: str
        :param timeout: The timeout in seconds for this test, defaults to 10
        :type timeout: float, optional


        if isinstance(correct_flag, bytes):
            correct_flag = correct_flag.decode("utf-8")

        # Load given configuration

        # Queue the target and begin processing

        # Ensure wait for completion. Error if we time out
        self.assertTrue(self.manager.join(timeout=timeout), "manager timed out")

        # Ensure we have at least 1 flag
        self.assertGreater(len(self.monitor.flags), 0, "no flags found")

        # Ensure the flag matches expected output
        for flag in self.monitor.flags:
            if flag[1] == correct_flag:

        # Fail otherwise
        self.fail(f"correct flag not found (found: {self.monitor.flags})")