def setup_sensors(self):
     sensor = Sensor(int, "sensor1", "Test sensor 1", "count", [0, 10])
     sensor.set_value(sensor.value(), status=Sensor.UNKNOWN, timestamp=1)
     sensor2 = Sensor(int, "sensor2", "Test sensor 2", "count", [0, 10])
     sensor2.set_value(sensor.value(), status=Sensor.UNKNOWN, timestamp=0)
 def setup_sensors(self):
     sensor = Sensor(int, "sensor1", "Test sensor 1", "count", [0, 10])
     sensor._timestamp = 1
     sensor2 = Sensor(int, "sensor2", "Test sensor 2", "count", [0, 10])
     sensor2._timestamp = 0
 def request_add_sensor(self, msg):
                'int_sensor%d' % len(self.factory.sensors),
                params=[-10, 10]))
     return Message.reply('add-sensor', 'ok')
 def test_differential_timestamp(self):
     # Test that the timetamp differential is stored correctly as
     # seconds. This is mainly to check the conversion of the katcp spec from
     # milliseconds to seconds for katcp v5 spec.
     time_diff = 4.12                  # Time differential in seconds
     ts_sensor = Sensor(Sensor.TIMESTAMP, 'ts', 'ts sensor', '')
     diff = sampling.SampleDifferential(self.inform, ts_sensor, time_diff)
     self.assertEqual(diff._threshold, time_diff)
    def periodic_plot_snapshot(self):
        log.debug("Start periodic plot")

        passthrough = ["rxs.packetizer.systemstatus.snapshot.totalpwr.h", "rxs.packetizer.systemstatus.snapshot.totalpwr.v", "rxs.packetizer.1pps.length", "rxs.packetizer.1pps.last", "", "s-band.bandwidth", "s-band.noise-diode", "s-band.sampling-rate", "s-band.time.synchronisation-epoch", "rxs.packetizer.1pps.length", "rxs.packetizer.40g.selected-filter", "rxs.packetizer.device-status"]

        self.__pass_through_sensors = {}

        if not self.has_sensor(passthrough[0]):
            # Checking first is enough
            log.debug("Adding pass-through sensors")
            yield self._client._client.until_synced()
            log.debug("Client synced through sensors")
            sensor_list = yield self._client._client.list_sensors()
            for st in sensor_list:
                if not in passthrough:
                    log.debug(" - ignoring {}".format(st[1]))

                log.debug(" - adding {}".format(st))
                    if st.type == "discrete":
                        t = "string"
                        t = st.type
                    s = Sensor(Sensor.parse_type(t),, st.description, st.units)
                    self.__pass_through_sensors[] = st.object
                except Exception as E:
            log.debug("pass through sensors already added")

        log.debug("Starting periodic plot")
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
                while self.__plotting:
                    for key in passthrough:
                        sensor = self.get_sensor(key)
                        v =  yield self.__pass_through_sensors[key].get_reading() 
                        sensor.set_value(v.value, timestamp=v.timestamp)
                    starttime = time.time()
                    data = yield self._client.get_snapshot()
                    plt = yield executor.submit(plot_script, data)
                    log.debug("Setting bandpass sensor with timestamp %", v.timestamp)

                    duration = time.time() - starttime
                    log.debug("Plot duration: {} s".format(duration))
                    if duration > self._config['snapshot_frequency']:
                        log.warning("Plot duration {} larger than plot interval!".format(duration, self._config["nplot"]))
                        yield sleep(self._config['snapshot_frequency'] - duration)
            except Exception as E:
                log.error("Error in periodic plot. Abandon plotting.")
    def _get_sensor(self, sensor_type, name=None):
        if name is None:
            name = 'test_%s_sensor' % sensor_type
        params = None
        if sensor_type in (Sensor.INTEGER, Sensor.FLOAT):
            params = [0, 1000]
        elif sensor_type == Sensor.DISCRETE:
            params = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']
        sensor = Sensor(sensor_type, name, "Dummy %s Sensor" % sensor_type,
                        "Units", params)

        return sensor
文件: 项目: bongani-ska/RTS
 def __init__(self,
              clock=time): = name
     sensor_type = Sensor.parse_type(sensor_type)
     params = str(params).split(' ') if params else None
     self._sensor = Sensor(sensor_type, name, description, units, params)
     self.__doc__ = self.description = description
     self._clock = clock
     self._listeners = set()
     self._last_update = SensorUpdate(0.0, 0.0, 'unknown', None)
     self._strategy = None
     self._next_period = None
    def __init__(self, sensor_description, sensor_manager):
        """Subclasses must arrange to call this in their __init__().

        sensor_description : dict
           Description of the KATCP sensor, with keys same as the parameters of
        sensor_manager : :class:`KATCPSensorsManager` instance
           Manages sensor strategies, allows sensor polling, and provides time
        self._manager = sensor_manager
        self._reading = KATCPSensorReading(0, 0, Sensor.UNKNOWN, None)
        # We'll be abusing a katcp.Sensor object slightly to make use of its
        # parsing and formatting functionality
        self._sensor = Sensor(**sensor_description)
        self._name =
        # Overide the katpc.Sensor's set method with ours
        self._sensor.set = self.set
        # Steal the the katcp.Sensor's set_formatted method. Since we overrode
        # its set() method with ours, calling set_formatted will result in this
        # KATCPSensor object's value being set.
        self.set_formatted = self._sensor.set_formatted
 def request_add_sensor(self, sock, msg):
     """ add a sensor
     self.add_sensor(Sensor(int, 'int_sensor%d' % len(self._sensors),
                            'descr', 'unit', params=[-10, 10]))
     return Message.reply('add-sensor', 'ok')
def init_wetton_telescope(OVST):
    def _addToSensorList(OVST, sensor):
        '''A method which appends a sensor to the :list: 'sensorUpdaterList' and makes the settings
        sothat the sensors have an 'error' status if they are not in range.
        It is important that the :list: 'sensorUpdaterList' is ordered correct. It is used for updating the window.
        For easy handling order it following: first the sensors which value should be displayed as number and string.
        Then the sensors which value is just necessary as number.

        sensor: object of :class: 'Sensor'
            Sensor which is appended.
        sensor.raiseStatus = 3  # 'error'

    # directory in which the position data gets stored
    OVST.daq_dirpath = '/home/telescopecontrol/philippe/DAQ/antenna_positions'

    OVST.az_limit = [173, 150]
    OVST.el_limit = [25, 95]

    # Values for writing
    OVST.axisToMoveRegister = 21
    OVST.motionCommandRegister = 20
    OVST.moveIncrementalValue = 13
    OVST.moveContinuousValue = 15

    # Status Sensors
    OVST.BasicError = (Sensor(
        'If a BASIC error is detected this VR reports the process number for which the error occurred %s',
        params=[0, 0],
    OVST.BasicError.refRegister = 2
    OVST.BasicError.stringDict = {
        0: "No BASIC error",
        1: "BASIC error in STARTUP",
        2: "BASIC error in MONITOR",
        3: "BASIC error in MAIN",
        4: "BASIC error in VR-UPDATE",
        "Other user process"  # other values are also possible but not handled
    _addToSensorList(OVST, OVST.BasicError)

    OVST.CurrentSystemStatus = (Sensor(Sensor.INTEGER,
                                       'Current System Status',
                                       'Reports current system status',
                                       params=[0, 7],
    OVST.CurrentSystemStatus.refRegister = 10
    OVST.CurrentSystemStatus.stringDict = {
        0: "System initialising",
        1: "Axes disabled",
        2: "System ready",
        3: "Homing all axes",
        4: "Jogging an axis",
        5: "Moving to Inc or Abs position",
        6: "Running main routine",
        7: "stopping",
        99: "fault"
    _addToSensorList(OVST, OVST.CurrentSystemStatus)

    OVST.FaultCode = (Sensor(
        'Fault Code',
        'In the event of a system fault this VR reports the fault code',
        params=[0, 0],
    OVST.FaultCode.refRegister = 11
    OVST.FaultCode.stringDict = {
        0: "No fault present",
        1: "Emergency stop active",
        2: "CAN I/O Fault",
        3: "Telescope 1 Elevation forward limit switch hit",
        4: "Telescope 1 Elevation reverse limit switch hit",
        5: "Telescope 1 Azimuth forward limit switch hit",
        6: "Telescope 1 Azimuth reverse limit switch hit",
        7: "Telescope 2 Elevation (or Azimuth) forward limit switch hit",
        8: "Telescope 2 Elevation (or Azimuth) reverse limit switch hit",
        9: "Telescope 2 Azimuth (or Elevation) forward limit switch hit",
        10: "Telescope 2 Azimuth (or Elevation) reverse limit switch hit",
        11: "Telescope 1 Elevation drive comms fault",
        12: "Telescope 1 Azimuth drive comms fault",
        13: "Telescope 2 Elevation drive comms fault",
        14: "Telescope 2 Azimuth drive comms fault",
        15: "Telescope 1 Elevation drive fault",
        16: "Telescope 1 Azimuth drive fault",
        17: "Telescope 2 Elevation drive fault",
        18: "Telescope 2 Azimuth drive fault",
        19: "Telescope 1 Elevation following error fault",
        20: "Telescope 1 Azimuth following error fault",
        21: "Telescope 2 Elevation following error fault",
        22: "Telescope 2 Azimuth following error fault",
        99: "BASIC error"
    _addToSensorList(OVST, OVST.FaultCode)

    OVST.AxisWarningsLimitSwitchHits = (Sensor(
        'Axis Warnings and software limitswitch hits',
        'Reports any system warnings that do not result in program interruption. Also combinations are possible. They are not handled',
        params=[0, 0],
    OVST.AxisWarningsLimitSwitchHits.refRegister = 14
    OVST.AxisWarningsLimitSwitchHits.stringDict = {
        0: "No fault present",
        1: "Telescope 1 Elevation forward software limit, ",
        2: "Telescope 1 Elevation reverse software limit, ",
        4: "Telescope 1 Azimuth forward software limit, ",
        8: "Telescope 1 Azimuth reverse software limit, ",
        16: "Telescope 2 Elevation forward software limit, ",
        32: "Telescope 2 Elevation reverse software limit, ",
        64: "Telescope 2 Azimuth forward software limit, ",
        128: "Telescope 2 Azimuth reverse software limit, ",
        256: "Telescope 1 Elevation warning following error, ",
        512: "Telescope 1 Azimuth warning following error, ",
        1024: "Telescope 2 Elevation warning following error, ",
        2048: "Telescope 2 Azimuth warning following error, "
    _addToSensorList(OVST, OVST.AxisWarningsLimitSwitchHits)

    OVST.CurrentMotionCommand = (Sensor(
        'Axis Warnings and software limitswitch hits',
        'Call motion command if conditions are met',
        params=[0, 15],
    OVST.CurrentMotionCommand.refRegister = 20
    OVST.CurrentMotionCommand.stringDict = {
        0: "Stop motion",
        1: "Enable axes",
        2: "Disable axes",
        3: "Home all axes",
        4: "Telescope 1 Elevation forward jog",
        5: "Telescope 1 Elevation reverse jog",
        6: "Telescope 1 Azimuth forward jog",
        7: "Telescope 1 Azimuth reverse jog",
        8: "Telescope 2 Elevation forward jog",
        9: "Telescope 2 Elevation reverse jog",
        10: "Telescope 2 Azimuth forward jog",
        11: "Telescope 2 Azimuth reverse jog",
        12: "Move absolute on selected axis",
        13: "Move incremental on selected axis",
        14: "Start main sequence",
        15: "Move continuous on selected axis"
    }  # Start Main Sequence is not recognized as fault
    _addToSensorList(OVST, OVST.CurrentMotionCommand)

    OVST.ConnectionStatus = Sensor(
        "Connection Status",
        "Describes the current status of the modbus connection",
        params=[True, True])
    OVST.ConnectionStatus.stringDict = {
        False: "Not connected",
        True: "Connected"

    # Create an antenna
    RTT = Antenna("Roof Top Telescope (Shed Side)", '51:45:34.5', '-1:15:34.8',
                  85)  # height is not exact
    # Define the registers
    # Absolute Position and Speed
    RTT.azimuthMoveAbsolutePositionRegister = 221
    RTT.azimuthMoveAbsoluteSpeedRegister = 225
    RTT.elevationMoveAbsolutePositionRegister = 121
    RTT.elevationMoveAbsoluteSpeedRegister = 125

    # Incremental
    RTT.azimuthMoveIncrementalDistanceRegister = 220
    RTT.elevationMoveIncrementalDistanceRegister = 120

    RTT.selectValue = 3  # Allow moving azimuth and elevation

    # Specify the antennas delaychannel
    # [channelNumber, hasPartialDelay, hardwareDelay, goemetricDelay]
    RTT.delayInfo = [0, False, 0, 0]


    # Sensor Settings
    # Create a list with objects of :class: 'Sensors' , representing azimuth (index 0) and elevation (index 1)
    azElSensRTT = []

    # The Limits could be read out from the PLC. BUT not forget the offset
        Sensor(Sensor.FLOAT, 'AzimuthRTT',
               'Describes the Azimuth of RoofTopTTelescope', 'degree',
               [-187, 150]))
        Sensor(Sensor.FLOAT, 'ElevationRTT',
               'Describes the Elevation of RoofTopTTelescope', 'degree',
               [25, 95]))

    # Add the PLC registers where the encoder value is stored
    azElSensRTT[1].refRegister = 130  # Elevation
    azElSensRTT[0].refRegister = 230  # Azimuth
    # flag elvation registers; Not flaged Sensors work as azimuth
    azElSensRTT[1].isElevation = True
    azElSensRTT[0].isAzimuth = True
    # Hard coded offset, maybe it could be done by reading out the PLC
    azElSensRTT[1].offset = -41  # 21.04.2017
    azElSensRTT[0].offset = 266

    # If the value changes more than the 'maxDeltaWithoutRolloverDetection', it is interpret as Rollover
    azElSensRTT[0].maxDeltaWithoutRolloverDetection = 90

    # Include the property of psition without rollover reset

    # The values of antenna 1
    OVST.sensorList.append(azElSensRTT[0])  # add azimuth
    OVST.sensorList.append(azElSensRTT[1])  # add elevation

    # Concatenate the objecs of :class: 'Sensor' with a object of :class: 'antenna'
    RTT.azElPos = [OVST.sensorList[0], OVST.sensorList[1]
                   ]  # First the azimuth and then the elevation

    # Create an antenna
    RTT2 = Antenna("Roof Top Telescope 2 (Stairs Side)", '51:45:34.6',
                   '-1:15:34.9', 85)  # height is not exact

    # Define the registers
    RTT2.azimuthMoveAbsolutePositionRegister = 421
    RTT2.elevationMoveAbsolutePositionRegister = 321
    RTT2.azimuthMoveAbsoluteSpeedRegister = 425
    RTT2.elevationMoveAbsoluteSpeedRegister = 325

    # Incremental
    RTT2.azimuthMoveIncrementalDistanceRegister = 420
    RTT2.elevationMoveIncrementalDistanceRegister = 320

    # select Value
    RTT2.selecaskRolloverCountertValue = 0b1100  # Allow moving azimuth and elevation

    # Specify the antennas delaychannel
    # [channelNumber, hasPartialDelay, hardwareDelay, goemetricDelay]
    RTT2.delayInfo = [1, True, 15 * 4 + 7, 0]


    # Sensor Settings
    # Create a list with objects of :class: 'Sensors' , representing azimuth (index 0) and elevation (index 1)
    azElSensRTT2 = []

    # The Limits could be read out from the PLC. BUT not forget the offset
        Sensor(Sensor.FLOAT, 'AzimuthRTT2',
               'Describes the Azimuth of RoofTopTelescope 2', 'degree',
               [-187, 150]))
        Sensor(Sensor.FLOAT, 'ElevationRTT2',
               'Describes the Elevation of RoofTopTTelescope 2', 'degree',
               [25, 95]))

    # Add the PLC registers where the encoder value is stored
    azElSensRTT2[1].refRegister = 330  # Elevation
    azElSensRTT2[0].refRegister = 430  # Azimuth
    # flag elevation registers; Not flagged Sensors work as azimuth
    azElSensRTT2[1].isElevation = True
    azElSensRTT2[0].isAzimuth = True
    # Hard coded offset, maybe it could be done by reading out the PLC
    azElSensRTT2[1].offset = -65
    azElSensRTT2[0].offset = 208.4

    # If the value changes more than the 'maxDeltaWithoutRolloverDetection', it is interpret as Rollover
    azElSensRTT2[0].maxDeltaWithoutRolloverDetection = 90

    # Include the property of possition without rollover reset
    # The values of antenna 2
    OVST.sensorList.append(azElSensRTT2[0])  # add azimuth
    OVST.sensorList.append(azElSensRTT2[1])  # add elevation

    # Concatenate the objecs of :class: 'Sensor' with a object of :class: 'antenna'
    RTT2.azElPos = [OVST.sensorList[2], OVST.sensorList[3]
                    ]  # First the azimuth and then the elevation

    RTT2.selectValue = 0b1100

    # Add the list to the sensor list which is used for updating
    OVST.sensorUpdaterList = OVST.sensorUpdaterList + OVST.sensorList  # + self.moveIncrSensLst + self.moveAbsSensLst