def __init__(self, start_year: float = 2017, parent_log: LogWithInflux = None): self.logg = LogWithInflux(parent_log, child_name=self.__class__.__name__) # Set temp dir for downloading the edgar filings self.tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'edgar') # Get ticker to CIK mapping self.logg.debug('Downloading ticket to CIK mapping...') self.t2cik_df = self.get_ticker_to_cik_map() # Download EDGAR indexes and retrieve the filepaths associated with them self.logg.debug('Downloading indexes (this may take ~2 mins)...') self.edgar_fpaths = self._download_indexes(start_year)
def __init__(self, driver_path: str = '/usr/bin/chromedriver', timeout: float = 60, options: List[str] = None, headless: bool = True, parent_log: 'Log' = None): self.driver = ChromeDriver(driver_path, timeout, options, headless) = self.port = self.driver.service.port self.log = LogWithInflux(parent_log, child_name=self.__class__.__name__) self.elem_by_xpath = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath self.elems_by_xpath = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath self.log.debug( f'Chromedriver started up with pid: {} receiving on port: {self.port}' )
def __init__(self, bot: str = 'sasha', parent_log: LogWithInflux = None): creds = read_props() credstore = SecretStore('secretprops.kdbx', creds['secretprops_secret']) self.log = LogWithInflux(parent_log, child_name=self.__class__.__name__) = SlackTools(credstore=credstore, parent_log=self.log, slack_cred_name=bot) self.bkb = BlockKitBuilder() if bot == 'sasha': self.hoiatuste_kanal = 'hoiatused' self.ilma_kanal = 'ilm' self.kodu_kanal = 'kodu' self.kaamerate_kanal = 'kaamerad' self.meemide_kanal = 'meemid' self.test_kanal = 'test' self.koduv6rgu_kanal = 'koduvõrk' self.user_me = 'U015WMFQ0DV' self.user_marelle = 'U016N5RJZ9C' elif bot == 'viktor': self.user_me = 'UM35HE6R5' self.user_marelle = 'UM3E3G72S'
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time from datetime import datetime as dtt from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, Keys, NetTools, Hosts, HOME_SERVER_HOSTNAME from servertools import BrowserAction, SlackComm ip = NetTools().get_ip() debug = Hosts().get_ip_from_host(HOME_SERVER_HOSTNAME) != ip logg = LogWithInflux('vpulse_auto') # TODO # build out a table of when monthly, weekly things were last done. # Handle weekly tasks either based on DOW or recorded table with date_last_done and freq columns # Get credentials creds = Keys().get_key('vpulse-creds') def message_channel_and_log(msg): slack_comm.send_message(notify_channel, msg) if debug: logg.debug(msg) def get_vpoints(): """Collects amount of points currently available""" points_script = "return document.getElementById('progress-bar-menu-points-total-value')" points = ba.driver.execute_script(points_script).get_attribute( 'textContent').strip()
def setUpClass(cls) -> None: cls.logg = LogWithInflux('cam-test', log_to_file=False) cam_ip = Hosts().get_ip_from_host('ac-garaaz') = Amcrest(cam_ip, parent_log=cls.logg)
"""Collect forecast data""" from datetime import datetime, timedelta from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, InfluxDBLocal, InfluxDBHomeAuto from servertools import OpenWeather, OWMLocation, NWSForecast, NWSForecastZone, \ YrNoWeather, YRNOLocation # Initiate Log, including a suffix to the log name to denote which instance of log is running log = LogWithInflux('forecast', log_dir='weather') influx = InfluxDBLocal(InfluxDBHomeAuto.WEATHER) # Number of hours we're looking forward period_h = 24 # Start & end of the lookahead p_start = ( + timedelta(hours=1)) p_end = (p_start + timedelta(hours=period_h)) owm_fc = OpenWeather(OWMLocation.ATX).hourly_forecast() nws_fc = NWSForecast(NWSForecastZone.ATX).get_hourly_forecast() yrno_fc = YrNoWeather(YRNOLocation.ATX).hourly_summary() # Push all weather data into influx for svc, df in zip(['own', 'nws', 'yrno'], [owm_fc, nws_fc, yrno_fc]): log.debug(f'Collecting data from {svc.upper()}...') cols = ['date', 'humidity', 'temp-avg', 'feels-temp-avg'] if svc == 'nws': # Replace relative-humidity with humidity df['humidity'] = df['relative-humidity'] elif svc == 'yrno': # No humidity, feelslike included in this one _ = [cols.pop(cols.index(x)) for x in ['feels-temp-avg', 'humidity']] df['date'] = df['from'] df = df[cols]
import re from typing import List from slacktools import BlockKitBuilder as bkb from servertools import XPathExtractor, SlackComm from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux logg = LogWithInflux('wotd') wotd_url = '' sotd_url = '' def extract_otd(url: str, is_wotd: bool = False) -> List[dict]: """Extract Synonym/Word of the day""" xtool = XPathExtractor(url) # Get the most recent WOTD class_prefix = 'wotd' if is_wotd else 'sotd' title_section = 'word' if is_wotd else 'synonym' otd = xtool.xpath(f'//div[contains(@class, "{class_prefix}-items")]/div', single=True) sotd_xpath = f'.//div[contains(@class, "{class_prefix}-item__title")]' wotd_xpath = f'.//div[contains(@class, "otd-item-headword__word")]' word = xtool.xpath(wotd_xpath if is_wotd else sotd_xpath, obj=otd, get_text=True).strip() # Pronunciation pronunc = xtool.xpath( './/div[contains(@class, "otd-item-headword__pronunciation")]', obj=otd, single=True,
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Read temperature and humidity from living room""" from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux from pitools import Sensor from pitools.peripherals import PiElutuba logg = LogWithInflux('elutuba_temp', log_dir='weather') # Set the pin (BCM) sensor = Sensor('DHT22', # Take readings & log to db sensor.log_to_db() logg.debug('Temp logging successfully completed.') logg.close()
"""Collect current weather data""" from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, InfluxDBLocal, InfluxDBHomeAuto from servertools import OpenWeather, OWMLocation # Initiate Log, including a suffix to the log name to denote which instance of log is running log = LogWithInflux('local', log_dir='weather') influx = InfluxDBLocal(InfluxDBHomeAuto.WEATHER) current = OpenWeather(OWMLocation.ATX).current_weather() # Push all weather data into influx current = current.drop('date', axis=1) current['loc'] = 'austin' influx.write_df_to_table(current, 'loc', current.columns.tolist()[:-1]) influx.close() log.debug('Temp logging successfully completed.') log.close()
class BrowserAction: """ Performs action to Selenium-class webdriver Args for __init__: driver: Selenium-type driver class """ # Predefined wait ranges, in seconds _slow_wait = [15, 30] _medium_wait = [5, 15] _fast_wait = [1, 8] REST_S = 2 # Standard seconds to rest between attempts STD_ATTEMPTS = 3 # Standard attempts to make before failing def __init__(self, driver_path: str = '/usr/bin/chromedriver', timeout: float = 60, options: List[str] = None, headless: bool = True, parent_log: 'Log' = None): self.driver = ChromeDriver(driver_path, timeout, options, headless) = self.port = self.driver.service.port self.log = LogWithInflux(parent_log, child_name=self.__class__.__name__) self.elem_by_xpath = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath self.elems_by_xpath = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath self.log.debug( f'Chromedriver started up with pid: {} receiving on port: {self.port}' ) def _do_attempts(self, func: Callable, *args, sub_method: str = None, sub_method_input: str = None, attempts: int = 3, rest_s: float = 2) -> Optional[Any]: """Attempts a certain method for n times before gracefully failing""" for i in range(0, attempts): if i > 0: # Sleep between attempts, but let a one-off attempt through without much delay time.sleep(rest_s) try: thing = func(*args) if sub_method is not None: if sub_method_input is None: getattr(thing, sub_method)() break else: getattr(thing, sub_method)(sub_method_input) break else: return thing except Exception as e: self.log.error(f'Attempt {i + 1}: fail -- {e}') def tear_down(self): """Make sure the browser is closed on cleanup"""'Shutting down browser.') self.driver.quit() def get(self, url: str): """ Navigates browser to url Args: url: str, url to navigate to """ self.log.debug(f'Loading url: {url}') self.driver.get(url) def click(self, xpath: str, attempts: int = STD_ATTEMPTS, rest_s: float = REST_S): """ Clicks HTML element Args: xpath: str, xpath to element to click attempts: int, number of attempts to make before failing rest_s: int, number of seconds to rest between attempts """ self._do_attempts(self.elem_by_xpath, xpath, sub_method='click', attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) def clear(self, xpath: str, attempts: int = STD_ATTEMPTS, rest_s: float = REST_S): """ Clears form element of text Args: xpath: str, xpath to form element attempts: int, number of attempts to make before failing rest_s: int, number of seconds to rest between attempts """ self._do_attempts(self.elem_by_xpath, xpath, sub_method='clear', attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) def enter(self, xpath: str, entry_text: str, attempts: int = STD_ATTEMPTS, rest_s: float = REST_S): """ Enters text into form element Args: xpath: str, xpath to form entry_text: str, text to enter into form attempts: int, number of attempts to make before failing rest_s: int, number of seconds to rest between attempts """ self._do_attempts(self.elem_by_xpath, xpath, sub_method='send_keys', sub_method_input=entry_text, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) def elem_exists(self, xpath: str, attempts: int = 1, rest_s: float = REST_S) -> bool: """ Determines if particular element exists Args: xpath: str, xpath to HTML element attempts: int, number of attempts to make before failing rest_s: int, number of seconds to rest between attempts Returns: True if exists """ elem = self._do_attempts(self.elem_by_xpath, xpath, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) if elem is not None: return True return False def get_elem(self, xpath: str, single: bool = True, attempts: int = STD_ATTEMPTS, rest_s: float = REST_S) ->\ Union[WebElement, List[WebElement]]: """ Returns HTML elements as selenium objects Args: xpath: str, xpath of element to return single: boolean, True if returning only one element. default: True attempts: int, number of attempts to make before failing rest_s: int, number of seconds to rest between attempts Returns: HTML element(s) matching xpath text """ if single: return self._do_attempts(self.elem_by_xpath, xpath, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) else: return self._do_attempts(self.elems_by_xpath, xpath, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) def get_text(self, xpath: str, single: bool = True, attempts: int = STD_ATTEMPTS, rest_s: float = REST_S) ->\ Union[str, List[str]]: """ Returns text in element(s) Args: xpath: str, xpath to element single: boolean, Whether to extract from single element or multiple. default = True attempts: int, number of attempts to make before failing rest_s: int, number of seconds to rest between attempts Returns: Text from inside element(s) """ if single: elem = self._do_attempts(self.elem_by_xpath, xpath, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) if elem is not None: return elem.text else: elems = self._do_attempts(self.elems_by_xpath, xpath, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) text_list = [] for e in elems: if e is not None: text_list.append(e.text) return text_list def remove(self, xpath: str, single: bool = True, attempts: int = STD_ATTEMPTS, rest_s: float = REST_S): """ Uses JavaScript commands to remove desired element Args: xpath: str, xpath to element single: boolean whether to apply to single element or multiple. default = True attempts: int, number of attempts to make before failing rest_s: int, number of seconds to rest between attempts """ script = """ var element = arguments[0]; element.remove(); """ if single: elem = self._do_attempts(self.elem_by_xpath, xpath, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) if elem is not None: self.driver.execute_script(script, elem) else: elems = self._do_attempts(self.elems_by_xpath, xpath, attempts=attempts, rest_s=rest_s) for e in elems: if e is not None: self.driver.execute_script(script, e) def add_style_to_elem(self, elem: WebElement, css_str: str): """Injects CSS into elem style""" js = f"arguments[0].setAttribute('style', '{css_str}');" self.driver.execute_script(js, elem) def click_by_id(self, elem_id: float): js = f'document.getElementById("{elem_id}").click();' self.driver.execute_script(js) def rand_wait(self, sleep_range_secs: List[int]): """ Determines sleep time as random number between upper and lower limit, then sleeps for that given time. After sleep, moves randomly vertically and horizontally on page for up to four times Args: sleep_range_secs: list, min and max number of seconds to sleep """ sleep_range_secs = sorted(sleep_range_secs) if len(sleep_range_secs) == 2: sleep_secs_lower, sleep_secs_higher = sleep_range_secs elif len(sleep_range_secs) > 2: sleep_secs_lower, sleep_secs_higher = sleep_range_secs[ 0], sleep_range_secs[-1] else: raise ValueError( 'Input for sleep range must be at least two items') sleeptime = randint(sleep_secs_lower, sleep_secs_higher) self.log.debug(f'Waiting {sleeptime}s') time.sleep(sleeptime) # after wait period, scroll through window randomly for i in range(4): r_x = randint(-20, 20) r_y = randint(150, 300) self.scroll_absolute(direction=f'{r_x},{r_y}') def fast_wait(self): self.rand_wait(self._fast_wait) def medium_wait(self): self.rand_wait(self._medium_wait) def slow_wait(self): self.rand_wait(self._slow_wait) def scroll_to_element(self, elem: WebElement, use_selenium_method: bool = True): """ Scrolls to get element in view Args: elem: Selenium-class element use_selenium_method: bool, if True, uses built-in Selenium method of scrolling an element to view otherwise, uses Javascript (scrollIntoView) """ if use_selenium_method: actions = ActionChains(self.driver) actions.move_to_element(elem).perform() else: scroll_center_script = """ var viewPortHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0); var elementTop = arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect().top; window.scrollBy(0, elementTop-(viewPortHeight/2)); """ self.driver.execute_script(scroll_center_script, elem) def scroll_absolute(self, direction: str = 'up'): """Scrolls all the way up/down or to specific x,y coordinates""" if direction == 'up': coords = '0, 0' elif direction == 'down': coords = '0, document.body.scrollHeight' else: if ',' in direction: coords = direction else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid parameters entered. Must be an x,y coordinate, or up/down command.' ) self.driver.execute_script(f'window.scrollTo({coords});')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux from servertools import get_secret_file from api.hosts.hosts import hosts from api.hosts.keys import keys app = Flask(__name__) for blueprint in [keys, hosts]: app.register_blueprint(blueprint) @app.route('/') def main_page(): return 'Main page!' @app.errorhandler(500) def handle_errors(error): return 'Not found!' if __name__ == '__main__': secret_key = get_secret_file('FLASK_SECRET') app.secret_key = secret_key'', port='5002') # Instantiate log here, as the hosts API is requested to comunicate with influx log = LogWithInflux('hosts_api')
import time from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, InfluxDBLocal, InfluxDBHomeAuto from servertools import HueBulb INTERVAL_MINS = 30 WAIT_S = 290 end_time = time.time() + INTERVAL_MINS * 60 logg = LogWithInflux('mushroom-grow-toggle') influx = InfluxDBLocal(InfluxDBHomeAuto.TEMPS) h = HueBulb('mushroom-plug') # TODO: Use HASS instead of Influx to get current values rounds = 0 while end_time > time.time(): if rounds % 2 == 0: # Turn on during even rounds h.turn_on() else: # Turn off for off rounds h.turn_off() rounds += 1 logg.debug(f'Waiting {WAIT_S / 60:.0f} mins...') time.sleep(WAIT_S) logg.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Detects whether the garage door is up or down""" from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, HAHelper from pitools import DistanceSensor from pitools.peripherals import PiGarage logg = LogWithInflux('garage_door', log_dir='gdoor') TRIGGER_PIN = PiGarage.ultrasonic.trigger ECHO_PIN = PiGarage.ultrasonic.echo logg.debug('Initializing sensor...') ds = DistanceSensor(TRIGGER_PIN, ECHO_PIN) # Take an average of 10 readings readings = [] logg.debug('Taking readings...') for i in range(10): readings.append(ds.measure()) avg = sum(readings) / len(readings) # Instantiate HASS ha = HAHelper() # Collect last reading last_status = ha.get_state(PiGarage.ha_garage_door_sensor).get('state') # Typically, reading is ca. 259cm when door is closed. ca. 50cm when open if avg < 6000: status = 'open' # TODO: Depth when car is in
def setUpClass(cls) -> None: cls.log = LogWithInflux('invest-test') cls.ed = EdgarCollector(start_year=2017, parent_log=cls.log)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux from servertools import SlackWeatherNotification, NWSForecast, NWSForecastZone # Initiate Log, including a suffix to the log name to denote which instance of log is running log = LogWithInflux('frost_warn', log_dir='weather') now = weather = NWSForecast(NWSForecastZone.ATX) hours_df = weather.get_hourly_forecast() hours_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(hours_df['date']) # Filter by column & get only the next 12 hours of forecasted weather cols = ['date', 'temp-avg', 'feels-temp-avg', 'dewpoint', 'wind-speed'] hours_df = hours_df.loc[ < (now + pd.Timedelta(hours=12)), cols] logic_dict = { 'freeze': (hours_df['temp-avg'] < 0) & ((hours_df['dewpoint'] < -8) | (hours_df['wind-speed'] > 5)), 'frost': (hours_df['temp-avg'] < 2) & ((hours_df['dewpoint'] < -6) | (hours_df['wind-speed'] >= 5)), 'light frost': (hours_df['temp-avg'] < 2) & ((hours_df['dewpoint'] < -6) | (hours_df['wind-speed'] < 5)), } warning = None for name, cond in logic_dict.items(): if any(cond.tolist()): # We want the warnings to move from severe to relatively mild & # break on the first one that matches the condition warning = name
ETL for RTL_433 json objects via syslog -> processed Dataframe -> influx Note: depends on `rf_stream` already being running and feeding data to port 1433 via `rtl_433 -F syslog::1433` """ import json from json import JSONDecodeError import socket from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd from kavalkilu import InfluxDBLocal, InfluxDBHomeAuto, LogWithInflux, \ GracefulKiller, Hosts, HOME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, HAHelper from servertools import SlackComm logg = LogWithInflux('rf_temp') sc = SlackComm(parent_log=logg) UDP_IP = Hosts().get_ip_from_host(HOME_SERVER_HOSTNAME) UDP_PORT = 1433 # device id to device-specific data mapping mappings = { 210: {'name': 'neighbor-porch'}, 3092: {'name': 'ylemine-r6du'}, 5252: {'name': 'elutuba'}, 6853: {'name': 'kontor-wc'}, 8416: {'name': 'alumine-r6du'}, 9459: {'name': 'freezer'}, 9533: {'name': 'kontor'}, 10246: {'name': 'v2lisuks'}, 12476: {'name': 'suur-wc'},
import re import pandas as pd from servertools import BrowserAction from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, InfluxDBLocal, InfluxDBTracker logg = LogWithInflux('apt-prices', log_to_file=True) influx = InfluxDBLocal(InfluxDBTracker.APT_PRICES) ba = BrowserAction(headless=True, parent_log=logg) url = '' ba.get(url) ba.medium_wait() listings = ba.get_elem( '//div[contains(@class, "apartment-listing")]/div[contains(@class, "apartment")]', single=False) logg.debug(f'Returned {len(listings)} initial listings...') apt_list = [] for apt in listings: apt_dict = {} # Get unit unit = apt.find_element_by_xpath( './/div[contains(@class, "apartment__unit-number")]').text # Clean unit of non-number chars unit ='\d+', unit).group() # Get sqft, beds, baths desc = apt.find_element_by_xpath( './/div[contains(@class, "apartment__unit-description")]').text.split( '\n') for d in desc: for item in ['bed', 'bath', 'sq. ft.']:
"""Message links to memes for Viktor to post periodically""" import os import re import time import numpy as np from typing import List from datetime import datetime, timedelta from slacktools import SlackTools from kavalkilu import Keys, LogWithInflux logg = LogWithInflux('memeraker') vcreds = Keys().get_key('viktor') st = SlackTools(**vcreds) user_me = 'UM35HE6R5' # Wine review text & previous stop timestamp ddir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'data') fpath = os.path.join(ddir, 'mkov_wines.txt') ts_path = os.path.join(ddir, 'last_memeraker_ts') def post_memes(reviews: List[str], memes: List[str], wait_min: int = 5, wait_max: int = 60): # Begin the upload process, include a review for meme in memes: review = np.random.choice(reviews, 1)[0] st.upload_file('memes-n-shitposts', meme, 'image', is_url=True, txt=review) # Wait some seconds before posting again wait_s = np.random.choice(range(wait_min, wait_max), 1)[0] logg.debug(f'Waiting {wait_s}s.') time.sleep(wait_s)
"""Checks slackmojis daily for new additions""" import json from kavalkilu import Path, LogWithInflux from servertools import SlackComm, XPathExtractor logg = LogWithInflux('emoji-scraper') scom = SlackComm(bot='viktor', parent_log=logg) p = Path() fpath = p.easy_joiner(p.data_dir, 'slackmojis.json') chan = 'emoji_suggestions' url = '' xpath_extractor = XPathExtractor(url) emoji_list = xpath_extractor.xpath('//ul[@class="emojis"]', single=True) emojis = emoji_list.getchildren() # Read in the previous emoji id list if not p.exists(fpath): prev_emojis = {} else: with open(fpath) as f: prev_emojis = json.loads( new_emojis = {} for emoji in emojis: emo_id = emoji.getchildren()[0].get('data-emoji-id-name') emo_name = emoji.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[1].text.strip() if emo_id not in prev_emojis.keys(): # Get link and add to the id list emo_link = emoji.findall('.//img')[0].get('src')
import tempfile from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta from kavalkilu import Hosts, LogWithInflux from easylogger import ArgParse from servertools import SlackComm, Amcrest, VidTools logg = LogWithInflux('motion_alerts') sc = SlackComm(parent_log=logg) args = [{ 'names': ['-c', '--camera'], 'other': { 'action': 'store', 'default': 'ac-allr6du' } }, { 'names': ['-i', '--interval'], 'other': { 'action': 'store', 'default': '60' } }] ap = ArgParse(args, parse_all=False) CAMERA = ap.arg_dict.get('camera') INTERVAL_MINS = int(ap.arg_dict.get('interval')) start_dt = ( - timedelta(minutes=INTERVAL_MINS)).replace(second=0, microsecond=0) end_dt = (start_dt + timedelta(minutes=INTERVAL_MINS)) cam_ip = Hosts().get_ip_from_host(CAMERA) cam = Amcrest(cam_ip)
class EdgarCollector: """Handles the entire process of collecting SEC filing data and processing that into financial ratios""" base_url = '' def __init__(self, start_year: float = 2017, parent_log: LogWithInflux = None): self.logg = LogWithInflux(parent_log, child_name=self.__class__.__name__) # Set temp dir for downloading the edgar filings self.tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'edgar') # Get ticker to CIK mapping self.logg.debug('Downloading ticket to CIK mapping...') self.t2cik_df = self.get_ticker_to_cik_map() # Download EDGAR indexes and retrieve the filepaths associated with them self.logg.debug('Downloading indexes (this may take ~2 mins)...') self.edgar_fpaths = self._download_indexes(start_year) @staticmethod def get_ticker_to_cik_map() -> pd.DataFrame: """Collects the mapping of stock ticker to CIK""" t2cik_df = pd.read_csv('', sep='\t', header=None) t2cik_df.columns = ['tick', 'cik'] return t2cik_df def _download_indexes(self, since_year: float) -> List[str]: """Downloads company indexes from Edgar into temporary directory""" # Begin download edgar.download_index(self.tmp_dir, since_year=since_year) # Retrieve the file paths downloaded fpaths = [] for a, b, fnames in os.walk(self.tmp_dir): fpaths = [os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, f) for f in fnames] break self.logg.debug(f'Collected {len(fpaths)} files...') return sorted(fpaths) def get_data_for_stock_tickers(self, tickers: Union[str, List[str]]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Collects the quarterly financial ratios for a given stock ticker""" if isinstance(tickers, str): tickers = [tickers] stocks_df = pd.DataFrame({'tick': list(map(str.lower, tickers))}) # Merge stocks on cik stocks_df = stocks_df.merge(self.t2cik_df, how='left', on='tick') ratio_df = pd.DataFrame() # Capture filing locations for each quarter for each stock for i, fpath in enumerate(sorted(self.edgar_fpaths)): self.logg.debug(f'Working on file {i + 1} of {len(self.edgar_fpaths)}') # Parse the quarter year, qtr = os.path.split(fpath)[1].split('.')[0].split('-') self.logg.debug(f'Parsed: {qtr}-{year}') df = pd.read_csv(fpath, sep='|', header=None) df.columns = ['cik', 'company_name', 'form', 'filing_date', 'txt_file', 'html_file'] # Filter by CIK and on either 10-K (annual) or 10-Q (quarterly) reports df = df.loc[df.cik.isin(stocks_df.cik) & df.form.isin(['10-Q', '10-K'])] self.logg.debug(f'Matched {df.shape[0]} rows of data') for idx, row in df.iterrows(): # Grab the HTML file - this is the file list url = f'{self.base_url}/Archives/{row["html_file"]}' xpe = XPathExtractor(url) # Grab the link to the 10-* file form_type = row['form'] form_row = xpe.xpath(f'//table[@class="tableFile"]/tr[td[text()="{form_type}"]]', single=True) form_url = xpe.xpath('./td/a', obj=form_row, single=True).get('href') # Grab the 10-* file data complete_url = f'{self.base_url}{form_url}' # Work on SOps (this sets a point to look 'after') stmt_ops = EdgarFinStatement(complete_url, 'STATEMENTS? OF OPERATIONS') net_sales = stmt_ops.get_line_item('net sales') cogs = stmt_ops.get_line_item('cost of sales') op_income = stmt_ops.get_line_item('operating income') net_income = stmt_ops.get_line_item('net income') eps = stmt_ops.get_line_item('earnings per share', line_after=True) shares = stmt_ops.get_line_item('shares used in computing earnings', line_after=True) # Work on Balance Sheet stmt_bs = EdgarFinStatement(complete_url, 'CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS') current_assets = stmt_bs.get_line_item('total current assets') intangible_assets = stmt_bs.get_line_item('intangible assets') total_assets = stmt_bs.get_line_item('total assets') current_liabilities = stmt_bs.get_line_item('total current liabilities') total_liabilities = stmt_bs.get_line_item('total liabilities') common_stock_eq = stmt_bs.get_line_item('common stock') total_shareholders_equity = stmt_bs.get_line_item('total shareholders') net_tangible_assets = total_assets - intangible_assets - total_liabilities # Work on Cash Flow (SCF) stmt_cf = EdgarFinStatement(complete_url, 'STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS') dep_and_amort = stmt_cf.get_line_item('depreciation and amortization') ebitda = op_income + dep_and_amort # Ratios asset_turnover = net_sales / net_tangible_assets profit_margin = net_income / net_sales debt_to_ebitda = total_liabilities / ebitda debt_to_equity = total_liabilities / total_shareholders_equity roa = net_income / total_assets roe = net_income / total_shareholders_equity bvps = total_shareholders_equity / shares # Apply ratios to dataframe ratio_df = ratio_df.append({ 'year': year, 'quarter': qtr, 'cik': row['cik'], 'source': row['form'], 'ato': asset_turnover, 'pm': profit_margin, 'd2ebitda': debt_to_ebitda, 'd2e': debt_to_equity, 'roa': roa, 'roe': roe, 'bvps': bvps }, ignore_index=True) # Merge the financial info back in with the stocks stocks_df = stocks_df.merge(ratio_df, how='left', on='cik') return stocks_df
import subprocess from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, HOME_SERVER_HOSTNAME, Hosts logg = LogWithInflux('rf_stream', log_dir='rf') serv_ip = Hosts().get_ip_from_host(HOME_SERVER_HOSTNAME) cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/rtl_433', '-F', f'syslog:{serv_ip}:1433']'Sending command: {" ".join(cmd)}') process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) process_output, _ = process.communicate() logg.debug(f'Process output: {process_output}')
import os from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, DateTools, InfluxDBLocal, InfluxDBPiHole, SQLLiteLocal, Hosts from servertools import SlackComm logg = LogWithInflux('pihole_etl', log_to_db=True) sc = SlackComm(parent_log=logg) hosts = {x['ip']: x['name'] for x in Hosts().get_all_hosts()} datetools = DateTools() FTL_DB_PATH = os.path.join('/etc', *['pihole', 'pihole-FTL.db']) sqll = SQLLiteLocal(FTL_DB_PATH) INTERVAL_MINS = 60 end =, microsecond=0) start = (end - timedelta(minutes=INTERVAL_MINS)) unix_start = datetools.dt_to_unix(start, from_tz='US/Central') unix_end = datetools.dt_to_unix(end, from_tz='US/Central') query = f""" SELECT client , domain , CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 'UNKNOWN' WHEN status = 1 OR status > 3 THEN 'BLOCKED' WHEN status = 2 OR status = 3 THEN 'ALLOWED' ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END AS query_status , CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 'NO ANSWER'
"""For joining timelapse shots""" import os from moviepy.editor import ImageClip, concatenate_videoclips from kavalkilu import Path, LogWithInflux from servertools import SlackComm log = LogWithInflux('timelapse_combi') p = Path() tl_dir = p.easy_joiner(p.data_dir, 'timelapse') fnames = {} for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(tl_dir): dirname = os.path.basename(dirpath) if dirname != 'timelapse': fnames[os.path.basename(dirpath)] = filenames files = [] # Begin combining shots for k, v in fnames.items(): if not any([k.startswith(x) for x in ['ac-', 're-']]): continue log.debug(f'Working on {k}. {len(v)} files.') full_paths = sorted([os.path.join(tl_dir, *[k, x]) for x in v]) clips = [] for fpath in full_paths: try: clips.append(ImageClip(fpath).set_duration(1)) except ValueError: log.debug(f'Error with this path: {fpath}') continue clip = concatenate_videoclips(clips) clip = clip.set_fps(30).speedx(30)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Activates nighttime mode on cameras""" from servertools import Amcrest from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, Hosts # Initiate Log, including a suffix to the log name to denote which instance of log is running log = LogWithInflux('cam_night') hosts = Hosts() # Get only cameras without numbers in the name cam_info_list = hosts.get_hosts_and_ips(r'^ac-(ga|el)') for cam_dict in cam_info_list: # Instantiate cam & arm cam = Amcrest(cam_dict['ip']) if cam.camera_type != 'doorbell': cam.arm_camera(True) # publish.single(f'sensors/cameras/{}/status', 'ARMED', hostname='tinyserv.local') log.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Log memory, cpu use and temp of each machine""" from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, InfluxDBHomeAuto from pitools import Sensor logg = LogWithInflux('machine_data') # Set the pin (BCM) for sensor_name in ['CPU', 'MEM', 'CPUTEMP', 'DISK']: logg.debug(f'Logging {sensor_name}...') sensor = Sensor(sensor_name) # Take readings & log to db sensor.measure_and_log_to_db( tbl=InfluxDBHomeAuto().__getattribute__(sensor_name), n_times=2) logg.debug('Temp logging successfully completed.') logg.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Determines if mobile is connected to local network. If not, will arm the cameras""" from servertools import Amcrest, OpenWRT from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, Hosts # Initiate Log, including a suffix to the log name to denote which instance of log is running log = LogWithInflux('cam_active') ow = OpenWRT() hosts = Hosts() # Get only cameras without numbers in the name cam_info_list = hosts.get_hosts_and_ips(r'(?!^ac-.*(\d.*|doorbell)$)^ac-.+$') res_list = [] currently_active_ips = ow.get_active_connections() # Check if mobile(s) are connected to LAN for ip in [i['ip'] for i in hosts.get_hosts_and_ips('an-[bm]a.*')]: res_list.append(ip in currently_active_ips.keys()) # If anyone home, don't arm, otherwise arm arm_cameras = not any(res_list) arm_status = 'ARMED' if arm_cameras else 'UNARMED' if not arm_cameras: log.debug( 'One of the devices are currently in the network. Disabling motion detection.' ) else: log.debug( 'None of the devices are currently in the network. Enabling motion detection.' ) for cam_dict in cam_info_list:
"""Sends latest temperature readings to HASS""" from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux, InfluxDBHomeAuto, InfluxDBLocal, HAHelper log = LogWithInflux('ha-temps', log_dir='weather') influx = InfluxDBLocal(InfluxDBHomeAuto.TEMPS) query = ''' SELECT last("temp") AS temp, last("humidity") AS humidity FROM "temps" WHERE location =~ /mushroom|r6du|elutuba|wc|v2lis|freezer|fridge|kontor/ AND time > now() - 30m GROUP BY "location" fill(null) ORDER BY ASC ''' df = influx.read_query(query, time_col='time') log.debug(f'Collected {df.shape[0]} rows of data') log.debug('Beginning to send updates to HASS') ha = HAHelper() for i, row in df.iterrows(): loc_name = row['location'].replace('-', '_') for sensor_type in ['temp', 'humidity']: dev_name = f'sensor.{loc_name}_{sensor_type}' log.debug(f'Updating {dev_name}...') ha.set_state(dev_name, data={'state': row[sensor_type]}, data_class=sensor_type)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pandas as pd from kavalkilu import LogWithInflux from servertools import NWSForecast, NWSForecastZone, SlackWeatherNotification # Initiate Log, including a suffix to the log name to denote which instance of log is running log = LogWithInflux('significant_change', log_dir='weather') swno = SlackWeatherNotification(parent_log=log) now = tomorrow = (now + timedelta(days=1)) weather = NWSForecast(NWSForecastZone.ATX) hours_df = weather.get_hourly_forecast() hours_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(hours_df['date']) # focus on just the following day's measurements nextday = hours_df[hours_df['date'] ==].copy() nextday['day'] = nextday['date'] nextday['hour'] = nextday['date'].dt.hour temp_dict = {} metrics_to_collect = dict( zip( ['temp-avg', 'feels-temp-avg', 'precip-intensity', 'precip-prob'], ['temp', 'apptemp', 'precip_int', 'precip_prob'], )) # Determine which hours are important to examine (e.g., for commuting / outside work) important_hours = [0, 6, 12, 15, 18] for hour in important_hours:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import time import requests from grafana_api.grafana_face import GrafanaFace from kavalkilu import Keys, LogWithInflux from servertools import SlackComm log = LogWithInflux('grafana_snapper') creds = Keys().get_key('grafana') scom = SlackComm() def get_pic_and_upload(url, name): """Captures dashboard panel at URL and uploads to #notifications slack channel""" resp = requests.get(url, headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {creds["token"]}'}) temp_file = os.path.abspath('/tmp/dash_snap.png') with open(temp_file, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp: f.write(chunk), temp_file, name) # The URL template to use base_url = 'http://{host}/render/{name}?orgId=1&from={from}&to={to}&panelId={pid}&width=1000&height=500' # time range to snap