def add_ebs_volumes(iids, mounts, access_key, nthreads=10):
    Add a lot of EBS volumes in parallel with threading
    iid, list of iids,
    mounts list of lists of mount point configurations to add, such as:
    [i-01dweww] [[{"Mount": "/opt2",   "Size" : 1, "Attach" : "/dev/sdb", "Fdisk" : "/dev/xvdb"}]]
    # print iids, mounts
    if len(iids) != len(mounts):
        raise ValueError("length of iids must be the same as len mounts")
    # print items
    # print mounts
    # for m in mounts:
    #     for mi in m:
    #         for k, v in mi.iteritems():
    #             print k, v
    #             if type(v) is str:
    #                 print [ord(ki) for ki in k], [ord(vi) for vi in v]
    #             else:
    #                 print [ord(ki) for ki in k]
    item_pool = Queue.Queue()
    for iid, mounts in zip(iids, mounts):
        # print iid, mounts
        # sys.__stdout__.flush()
        if type(mounts) is not list:
            raise TypeError("Mounts must be a _list_ of mounts...")
        if type(iid) is list:
            raise TypeError("At this point, iid should be a string!...")
        item_pool.put((iid, mounts))
    lock = thread.allocate_lock()
    thethreads = []
    for _i in range(nthreads):
        t = _add_ebs_volumesThread(item_pool, lock, access_key)
    # setup a timeout to prevent really infinite loops!
    import datetime
    import time

    begin = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    timeout = 60 * 60 * 3
    for t in thethreads:
        while not t.done:
            if (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - begin).seconds > timeout:
    nd = [t for t in thethreads if not t.done]
    errs = []
    for t in thethreads:
        errs = errs + t.errors
    if len(errs):
        raise lD.ShellExecuteError("Problems creating volumes, as: \n" +
    if len(nd):
        raise lD.ShellExecuteError(
            "Timeout in running create volumes as threads")
def add_new_ebs_vol(iid, conf, access_key):
    Create and name a new ebs volume, give it to a pre-existing instance and mount it on that instance

    conf is a dictionary which must contain:
    "Mount": "where-to_mount_it",   "Size" : SizeIngGB, "Attach" : "aws_expected_device_name", "Fdisk" :
    "Mount": "/opt2",   "Size" : 1, "Attach" : "/dev/sdb", "Fdisk" : "/dev/xvdb"
    Fdisk is optional, if not given it will be guessed from "Attach" and the region.
    region  Attach  FDisk
    eu-*    sd<X>     xvd<X>   (e.g. sdb->xvdb)
    ap-*    sd<Y>     xvd<Y+4>  (e.g. sbd->xvdf)
        i = desc_instance(iid)
    except lD.ShellExecuteError:
        raise ValueError(iid + " is not one of your instance IDs")
    # get a reference to this instance
    ip = pub_ip(iid)
    remote = lD.remoteHost("root", ip, access_key)
    # choose the fdisk device in the case this is a broken Tokyo centos6 instance
    if "Fdisk" not in conf:
        import string
        alpha = string.ascii_lowercase
        skip = 0
        if detect_region().startswith('eu'):
            # eu-*    sd<X>     xvd<X>   (e.g. sdb->xvdb)
            skip = 0
        elif detect_region().startswith(
                'ap') and remote.detect_linux_version() in ["Centos6"]:
            # ap-*    sd<Y>     xvd<Y+4>  (e.g. sbd->xvdf)
            skip = 4
        conf["Fdisk"] = '/dev/xvd' + alpha[alpha.index(conf["Attach"][-1]) +

    av_zone = i["Reservations"][0]["Instances"][0]["Placement"][
    voljson = runawstojson("ec2 create-volume --size " + str(conf["Size"]) +
                           " --availability-zone " + av_zone)
    instnam = ""
    for tag in i["Reservations"][0]["Instances"][0]["Tags"]:
        if tag["Key"] == "Name":
            instnam = tag["Value"]
    # print voljson
    vol_id = voljson["VolumeId"]
    name_resource(vol_id, instnam + conf["Mount"].replace("/", "_"))
    count = 0
    while count < 10:
        descvol = runawstojson("ec2 describe-volumes --volume " + vol_id)
        # print descvol
        if descvol['Volumes'][0]["State"] == "available":
        count = count + 1
    resjson = runawstojson("ec2 attach-volume --volume-id " + vol_id +
                           " --instance-id " + iid + " --device " +
    # print resjson
    count = 0
    while count < 10:
        descvol = runawstojson("ec2 describe-volumes --volume " + vol_id)
        # print descvol
        if descvol['Volumes'][0]['Attachments'][0]["State"] == "attached":
        count = count + 1
        os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../remotescripts/fdiskwrap.sh",
    remote.run("chmod a+x fdiskwrap.sh")
        remote.run("./fdiskwrap.sh " + conf["Fdisk"])
    except lD.ShellExecuteError:
        remote.run("./fdiskwrap.sh " + conf["Fdisk"])
    remote.run("mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 " + conf["Fdisk"] + "1 ")
    remote.run("bash -c 'echo \"" + conf["Fdisk"] + "1 " + conf["Mount"] +
               " ext4 defaults 1 1\" >> /etc/fstab'")
    mvto = " /" + conf["Mount"].replace("/", "_")
    remote.run("bash -c \"mv " + conf["Mount"] + mvto + "; mkdir " +
               conf["Mount"] + "; mount " + conf["Mount"] + ";\"")
    remote.run("bash -c \"if [ -d " + mvto + " ] ; then chmod --reference " +
               mvto + " " + conf["Mount"] + " ; fi\"")
    remote.run("bash -c 'shopt -s dotglob; if [ \"$(ls -A " + mvto +
               ")\" ] ; then mv " + mvto + "/* " + conf["Mount"] + "/ ; fi'")
    res = remote.run("df -hP")
    if conf["Mount"] not in res:
        raise lD.ShellExecuteError(
            "Could not mount the requested disk, resulted in " + res)
    return vol_id
ambtime = int(ambari.run("date -u '+%s'"))
cltime = whole_cluster.run("date -u '+%s'")
cltime = [(int(p.split(':')[-1])) for p in cltime.split('\n')]

if (max(cltime) - min(cltime)) > (10 * 60):
    raise RuntimeError(
        'The system clocks are not synchronized, a difference of ' +
        str(max(cltime) - min(cltime)) + ' seconds was found')
if min(cltime) < (ambtime - 5):
    raise RuntimeError(
        'At least one machine has a too early system clock, a difference of ' +
        str(ambtime - min(cltime)) + ' seconds was found')

    if "no ambari-agent" in whole_cluster.run("which ambari-agent"):
        raise lD.ShellExecuteError()
except lD.ShellExecuteError:
    # TODO: instead copy this file _from_ the ambari node *to* the others directly
    # For the time being, copy to tmp, then redistribute if necessary
    copy_from = None
    # First handle the localhost case: repo already exists
    atmp = None
    if thehost == "localhost":
        for _repoption in [
                installfrom + "/repo/ambari.repo",
                installfrom + "/../dev/repo/ambari.repo"
            if os.path.exists(_repoption) and os.access(_repoption, os.R_OK):