class ES_zk_interface: def __init__(self, my_ip, es_interface, es_callback): self.ip = my_ip self.es_callback = es_callback self.es_interface = es_interface self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=HOST_IP) self.zk.start() self.zk.ensure_path("/ass3") def start_election_process(self): print "Starting Election process" #print("Previous Leader: %s" % (self.es_callback.get_leader())) election = self.zk.Election("/electionpath", self.ip) def leader_function(self): print "Won the election: " + str(self.ip) if self.zk.exists(LEADER_PATH): self.zk.set(LEADER_PATH, self.ip) else: self.zk.create(LEADER_PATH, self.ip) #print "\nStarting Leader thread.... \n" self.es_interface.enter_message_loop(self.es_callback, True) def get_zookeeper_client(self): return self.zk def get_leader_path(self): return LEADER_PATH
def create_zoo(zoo_config): """ Create and return a new zoo. """ hostname = socket.gethostname() zoo = KazooClient('hosts=%s' % ','.join(zoo_config)) zoo.start() return zoo.Election('/deployrepo', hostname)
def run(num, condition): zk = KazooClient(hosts='') # Running there zk.start() election = zk.Election("/electionpath", num) # blocks until the election is won, then calls # my_leader_function() # WHat is this? # f****d. It is happening again. # MY GOD..guess who i am x =, num, condition, election) winner = election.contenders()[0] print("WINNER:", winner) print("My x is", x, "and my num is", num)
def action(args, *add): print(args) for arc in add: print("port %s --当前进程%d" % (arc, os.getpid())) zk = KazooClient(hosts='') zk.start() election = zk.Election("/electionpath") zk.stop() add_and_update('/zookeeper/mykey', b'this is my value!') read('/zookeeper/mykey') add_and_update('/zookeeper/mykey', b'this is my setting value!')
def thread_process2(index):"begin %d" % index) zk = KazooClient(hosts='', logger=logDS.logger) zk.start() root = "/electionpath" election = zk.Election(root, "identifier:%d" % 0) # blocks until the election is won, then calls # my_leader_function() print(election.contenders())"thread_process2 88") #time.sleep(10) zk.stop()"exit %d" % index)
def main(): name = socket.gethostname() scheduler = None # Gracefully shutdown # Make sure we kill subprocess before abnormal exit def on_exit(signum, frame): global scheduler print scheduler if scheduler: scheduler.terminate() output = scheduler.wait() print("Scheduler was killed with output: " + str(output)) sys.exit(0) # Start scheduler as subprocess and wait for it def start_scheduler(): print(name + " becomes master!") global scheduler scheduler = subprocess.Popen(["airflow", "scheduler"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = scheduler.communicate() print("Scheduler was shutdown with output: " + str(output)) # Register to signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, on_exit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, on_exit) # Connect to Zookeeper cluster zk = KazooClient( hosts=',,,') zk.start() election = zk.Election("/master-scheduler", name) print(name + " is ready to become master") # Block until got elected as master # Then run start_scheduler zk.stop()
class Broker: def __init__(self): self.frontend_socket = None self.backend_socket = None self.context = None self.proxy = None self.tempPubPort = None self.zk_path = '/nodes/' self.zk_type1_leader_path = '/leader1/' self.zk_type2_leader_path = '/leader2/' self.replica_path = '/lb_replica/' self.leader1 = None self.leader2 = None self.connection_count = 0 self.zookeeper = KazooClient(hosts='') self.zookeeper.start() self.ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) def gen_nodes(self): used_ports = [] for i in range(5): port1 = str(random.randrange(5000, 9999, 2)) if port1 in used_ports: port1 = str(random.randrange(5000, 9999, 2)) used_ports.append(port1) port2 = str(random.randrange(5000, 9999, 3)) if port2 in used_ports: port2 = str(random.randrange(5000, 9999, 2)) used_ports.append(port2) node_name = "{}{}".format(self.zk_path, "node" + str(i)) node_info = bytes("{},{},{}".format(port1, port2, self.ip_addr).encode("utf-8")) if self.zookeeper.exists(node_name): pass else: self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.zk_path) self.zookeeper.create(node_name, node_info, None, ephemeral=True) self.set_leaders() def set_leaders(self): """Set our Loadbalanced Leaders""" gen_leader = self.zookeeper.Election(self.zk_path, "leader").contenders() if gen_leader: self.leader1 = gen_leader[-1] self.leader2 = gen_leader[-2] else: _nv = random.randint(0, 4) self.leader1 = self.zookeeper.get("{}node{}".format( self.zk_path, _nv)) _nv2 = random.choice([i for i in range(0, 4) if i not in [_nv]]) self.leader2 = self.zookeeper.get("{}node{}".format( self.zk_path, _nv2)) leader_type1_path = "{}{}".format(self.zk_type1_leader_path, "leadNode") leader_type2_path = "{}{}".format(self.zk_type2_leader_path, "leadNode") if not self.zookeeper.exists(leader_type1_path): self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.zk_type1_leader_path) self.zookeeper.create(leader_type1_path, self.leader1[0], None, ephemeral=True) else: self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.zk_type1_leader_path) self.zookeeper.set(leader_type1_path, self.leader1[0]) print("New Type 1 Broker Node added to pool: {}".format(self.leader1)) if not self.zookeeper.exists(leader_type2_path): self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.zk_type2_leader_path) self.zookeeper.create(leader_type2_path, self.leader2[0], None, ephemeral=True) else: self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.zk_type2_leader_path) self.zookeeper.set(leader_type2_path, self.leader2[0]) print("New Type 2 Broker Node added to pool: {}".format(self.leader2)) def create_loadbalance_replicas(self): """Create ephemeral (session bound) replicas of node""" print("Replicating leader...") replica_node_type1 = "{}{}".format(self.replica_path, "replicaNodeT1") replica_node_type2 = "{}{}".format(self.replica_path, "replicaNodeT2") if self.zookeeper.exists(replica_node_type1): self.zookeeper.delete(replica_node_type1) self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.replica_path) self.zookeeper.create(replica_node_type1, self.leader1[0], None, ephemeral=True) if self.zookeeper.exists(replica_node_type2): self.zookeeper.delete(replica_node_type2) self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.replica_path) self.zookeeper.create(replica_node_type2, self.leader2[0], None, ephemeral=True) print("... Replication Complete") def remove_temp_nodes(self): for i in range(5): node_name = "{}{}".format(self.zk_path, "node" + str(i)) self.zookeeper.delete(node_name) def establish_broker(self): try: @self.zookeeper.DataWatch(self.zk_type1_leader_path + "leadNode") def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event and event.type == "DELETED": leader_path = "{}{}".format(self.zk_type1_leader_path, "leadNode") replica_node_type1 = "{}{}".format(self.replica_path, "replicaNodeT1") print("Load balancer event detected") self.leader1 = self.zookeeper.get(replica_node_type1) self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.zk_type1_leader_path) try: self.zookeeper.set(leader_path, self.leader1[0]) except: self.zookeeper.create(leader_path, self.leader1[0]) @self.zookeeper.DataWatch(self.zk_type2_leader_path + "leadNode") def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event and event.type == "DELETED": leader_path = "{}{}".format(self.zk_type2_leader_path, "leadNode") replica_node_type2 = "{}{}".format(self.replica_path, "replicaNodeT2") print("Load balancer event detected") self.leader2 = self.zookeeper.get(replica_node_type2) self.zookeeper.ensure_path(self.zk_type2_leader_path) try: self.zookeeper.set(leader_path, self.leader2[0]) except: self.zookeeper.create(leader_path, self.leader2[0]) except NodeExistsError: pass print("Loadbalanced Broker established. RUNNING.") leader1_connection_addr = self.leader1[0].decode('utf-8').split(',') leader2_connection_addr = self.leader2[0].decode('utf-8').split(',') self.context = zmq.Context() self.frontend_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.XSUB) self.backend_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.XPUB) self.frontend_socket.bind(f"tcp://*:{leader1_connection_addr[0]}") self.backend_socket.bind(f"tcp://*:{leader1_connection_addr[1]}") self.frontend_socket.bind(f"tcp://*:{leader2_connection_addr[0]}") self.backend_socket.bind(f"tcp://*:{leader2_connection_addr[1]}") zmq.proxy(self.frontend_socket, self.backend_socket) def close_connection(self): self.frontend_socket.close() self.backend_socket.close()
class Ingress: def __init__(self, spout, my_address, zk_address): # Buffer format: ''' { 'state': [ { 'state': $state, 'data': $data, 'time': $time, 'status': $status } ] } ''' self.buffer = {} self.spout = spout self.zk_address = zk_address = str(random.randint(1, 1000)) self.my_address = my_address self.zk = None self.up_stream_socket = None self.down_stream_socket = [] self.operators = [] self.parent_path = './' + spout + '/Ingress_operators/' self.leader_path = self.parent_path + '/leader' self.znode_path = self.parent_path + '/' + self.my_address self.operator_path = './' + self.spout + '/operators/' self.init_zk() def init_zk(self): self.zk = KazooClient(self.zk_address) self.zk.start() while self.zk.state == KazooState.CONNECTED is False: pass print('Connected to ZooKeeper server.') if self.zk.exists(path=self.parent_path) is False: self.zk.create(path=self.parent_path, value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(path=self.parent_path) is False: pass print('Create parent znode path for ingress operator znode.') self.zk.create(path=self.znode_path, value=b'', ephemeral=True) while self.zk.exists(self.znode_path) is False: pass print('Create zndoe for Ingress operator.') if self.zk.exists(self.leader_path) is False: self.zk.create(path=self.leader_path, value=self.my_address, ephemeral=True) while self.zk.exists(self.leader_path) is False: pass print('Create leader znode.') @self.zk.DataWatch(self.leader_path) def watch_leader(data, stat): if stat == KazooState.LOST: election = self.zk.Election(self.parent_path, @self.zk.ChildrenWatch(self.zk, self.operator_path) def watch_operators(children): for child in children: if child not in self.operators: path = self.spout + '/operators/' + child address = self.operator_path + self.zk.get(path=path) threading.Thread(target=init_REQ, args=(address, )).start() def init_REQ(address): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.connect('tcp://' + address + ':2341') self.down_stream_socket.append(socket) def win_election(): print('Yeah, I won the election.') self.zk.set(path=self.leader_path, value=self.my_address) def init_upstream_socket(self): context = zmq.Context() self.up_stream_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) self.up_stream_socket.bind('tcp://*:2341') def recv_data(self): while True: msg = self.up_stream_socket.recv_string() self.up_stream_socket.send_sting('OK') print('Receive msg %s from data source.' % msg) msg = simplejson.loads(msg) msg.update({'status': 'recv'}) state = msg['state'] if state in self.buffer.keys(): self.buffer[state].append(msg) else: self.buffer.update({state: msg}) def notify_slave(self): pass
# coding=utf-8 """ 领导选举 当leader被杀死之后从worker中会被选举出来一个新的leader """ from kazoo.client import KazooClient from uuid import uuid4 import time import sys my_id = uuid4() def leader_func(): print "%s is leader" % my_id while True: print "%s is working" % my_id time.sleep(3) zk = KazooClient(hosts="") zk.start() election = zk.Election("/test/election") # 会一直阻塞 直到被选举称为leader zk.stop()
class ZookeeperLeaderElector: zk = None default_node_path = None zookeeper_connection_url = None config_file_dir = None def __init__(self): # Default zookeeper node path to CRUD self.default_node_path = "/cluster" # Locate config file self._get_config_file_addr() # Get the subset of properties relevant to zookeeper self._init_config_props() # Init zookeeper client instance self.zk = KazooClient(self.zookeeper_connection_url) # Locate config file def _get_config_file_addr(self): current_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) parent_dir = path.dirname(current_dir) self.config_file_dir = path.join(path.dirname(parent_dir), 'config', 'zookeeper.config') # Get the subset of properties relevant to zookeeper def _init_config_props(self): server_props = ConfigParser() self.zookeeper_connection_url = server_props["connect"]["url"] def startup(self, server_id, host_ip, broker_server_start): # Connect to zookeeper server self.zk.start() try: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk.ensure_path(self.default_node_path) # Create a node with data node = "node" + server_id node_path = self.default_node_path + '/' + node self.zk.create_async(node_path, bytes(host_ip, 'utf-8'), ephemeral=True) # Elect for leadership print("[SETUP/ZK] Elect for leadership ...") election = self.zk.Election(self.default_node_path, node) # Exit except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit() # Alwasys stop the zk instance and disconnect finally: self.zk.stop() self.zk.close() def exit(self): print("[EXIT] Disconnect from zookeeper server.") raise KeyboardInterrupt def ready(self): if not self.config_file_dir: sys.exit("[ERR] Doesn't find the config file.") elif not self.zookeeper_connection_url: sys.exit("[ERR] Zookeeper server url is EMPTY.") elif not self.zk: sys.exit("[ERR] Zookeeper instance instantiation FAILED.") return True
class ZooAnimal: def __init__(self): self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=ZOOKEEPER_LOCATION) self.zk.start() # Use util function to get IP address self.ipaddress = [ ip for ip in list(local_ip4_addr_list()) if ip.startswith(NETWORK_PREFIX) ][0] # Inheriting children should assign values to fit the scheme # /role/topic self.role = None self.topic = None #Will only be set by pub and sub = None # Zookeeper #self.election = None self.election = self.zk.Election('/broker', self.ipaddress) self.zk_seq_id = None self.zk_is_a_master = False def zookeeper_watcher(self, watch_path): @self.zk.DataWatch(watch_path) def zookeeper_election(data, stat, event): print("Setting election watch.") print("Watching node -> ", data) if data is None: print("Data is none.") #self.election.cancel() def zookeeper_master(self): if not self.zk_is_a_master: print("ZOOANIMAL -> Becoming a master.") role_topic = "/broker/master" data = {'ip': self.ipaddress} data_string = json.dumps(data) encoded_ip = codecs.encode(data_string, "utf-8") self.zk.create(role_topic, ephemeral=True, makepath=True, sequence=True, value=encoded_ip) self.zk_is_a_master = True return self.zk_is_a_master def zookeeper_register(self): pass # This is a function stub for the get_broker watch callback # The child is expected to implement their own logic # Pub and Sub need to register_sub() def broker_update(self, data): print("Broker updated.") print("Data -> {}".format(data)) pass def get_broker(self): for i in range(10): if self.zk.exists(PATH_TO_MASTER_BROKER): node_data = self.zk.get(PATH_TO_MASTER_BROKER, watch=self.broker_update) broker_data = node_data[0] master_broker = codecs.decode(broker_data, 'utf-8') if master_broker != '': = master_broker return else: raise Exception("No master broker.") time.sleep(0.2)
class ZK_Driver: #CTOR def __init__(self, ip_add): context = zmq.Context() self.strength = {} self.pub_history = {} self.kill = False self.sub_socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.pub_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.current_topics = [] self.zk_driver = KazooClient(hosts='') self.zk_driver.start() #ROOT DIRECTORY FOR BROKERS self.home = '/brokers/' #CREATE ZNODE PATHS FOR BROKERS self.znode1 = self.home + 'bkr1' self.znode2 = self.home + 'brk2' self.znode3 = self.home + 'brk3' #ENSURE ROOT DIRECTORY IS CREATED self.zk_driver.ensure_path(self.home) #CREATE ZNODES WITH PUB + SUB PORT if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.znode1): self.zk_driver.create(self.znode1, b'1234:5556') if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.znode2): self.zk_driver.create(self.znode2, b'1235:5556') if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.znode3): self.zk_driver.create(self.znode3, b'1236:5556') #HOLD ELECTION TO GET PRESIDENT NODE self.election = self.zk_driver.Election(self.home, "president") contenders = self.election.contenders() self.president = contenders[-1].encode('latin-1') #REPRESENTS THE WINNING PUB/SUB PORT COMBO ports = self.president.decode('ASCII').split(":") #FULL BROKER PORT ADDRESSES self.full_add1 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[0] self.full_add2 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[1] #BIND TO ADDRESSES self.sub_socket.bind(self.full_add1) self.sub_socket.subscribe("") self.pub_socket.bind(self.full_add2) #SET UP WATCH DIRECTORY FOR PRESIDENT self.president_home = "/president/" self.pres_znode = "/president/pres" #CREATE OR UPDATE PRESIDENT ZNODE if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.pres_znode): self.zk_driver.ensure_path(self.president_home) self.zk_driver.create(self.pres_znode, ephemeral=True) self.zk_driver.set(self.pres_znode, self.president) # REMOVE PRESIDENT FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS if ports[0] == "1234": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode1) elif ports[0] == "1235": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode2) elif ports[0] == "1236": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode3) else: print("No port recognized") def run(self, stop=None): @self.zk_driver.DataWatch(self.pres_znode) def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event is not None and event.type == "DELETED": if not self.kill: # HOLD ELECTION TO GET PRESIDENT NODE self.election = self.zk_driver.Election(self.home, "president") contenders = self.election.contenders() self.president = contenders[-1].encode('latin-1') # REPRESENTS THE WINNING PUB/SUB PORT COMBO ports = self.president.decode('ASCII').split(":") # FULL BROKER PORT ADDRESSES self.full_add1 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[0] self.full_add2 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[1] print("Updated Broker to: ", self.full_add1) # BIND TO ADDRESSES self.sub_socket.bind(self.full_add1) self.sub_socket.subscribe("") # self.pub_socket.bind(self.full_add2) # UPDATE PRESIDENT ZNODE if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.pres_znode): self.zk_driver.ensure_path(self.president_home) self.zk_driver.create(self.pres_znode, ephemeral=True) self.zk_driver.set(self.pres_znode, self.president) # DELETE FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS if ports[0] == "1234": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode1) elif ports[0] == "1235": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode2) elif ports[0] == "1236": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode3) else: print("No port recognized") if not self.kill: self.kill = True if stop: while not stop.is_set(): message = self.sub_socket.recv_string() topic, info, id = message.split("||") error_flag = False if topic == "REGISTER": error = False for curr_topic in self.current_topics: if info.startswith(curr_topic) and info != curr_topic: print("Topic is too similar to topic of another publisher, choose another") error = True if not error: self.current_topics.append(info) msgs = info.split("...") msgs = msgs[0:len(msgs) - 1] print("Received: %s" % topic + "||" + msgs[len(msgs)-1] + "||Pub ID = " + id) if info not in self.pub_history.keys(): self.pub_history[info] = [] # maintain ordered list of publishers per topic if info not in self.strength.keys(): self.strength[info] = [id] else: temp = list(self.strength[info]) temp.append(id) self.strength[info] = temp self.pub_socket.send_string(message) else: ### Process strength of publisher for the topic to determine whether to send message to clients temp = self.strength[topic] while len(temp) != 0: first_val = temp[0] # check if node exists if self.zk_driver.exists('/' + str(topic) + '/' + str(first_val)): if str(first_val) == str(id): # store history temp = self.pub_history[topic] temp.append(msgs[len(msgs) - 1]) self.pub_history[topic] = temp topic, info, id = message.split("||") self.pub_socket.send_string( topic + "||" + "...".join(self.pub_history[topic]) + "||" + id) break else: break # otherwise, delete broken node from out dictionary else: temp.remove(first_val) self.strength[topic] = temp else: message = self.sub_socket.recv_string() #print("Time received: %.20f" % time.time()) # uncomment for measurements purposes topic, info, id = message.split("||") error_flag = False if topic == "REGISTER": error = False for curr_topic in self.current_topics: if info.startswith(curr_topic) and info != curr_topic: print("Topic is too similar to topic of another publisher, choose another") error = True if not error: self.current_topics.append(info) print("Addr ", self.full_add1, end=". ") print("Received: %s" % message) if info not in self.pub_history.keys(): self.pub_history[info] = [] # maintain ordered list of publishers per topic if info not in self.strength.keys(): self.strength[info] = [id] else: temp = list(self.strength[info]) temp.append(id) self.strength[info] = temp self.pub_socket.send_string(message) else: if topic in self.current_topics: msgs = info.split("...") msgs = msgs[0:len(msgs) - 1] print("Addr ", self.full_add1, end=". ") print("Received: %s" % topic + "||" + msgs[len(msgs)-1] + "||Pub ID = " + id) ### Process strength of publisher for the topic to determine whether to send message to clients temp = self.strength[topic] while len(temp) != 0: first_val = temp[0] # check if node exists if self.zk_driver.exists('/' + str(topic) + '/' + str(first_val)): if str(first_val) == str(id): # store history temp = self.pub_history[topic] temp.append(msgs[len(msgs) - 1]) self.pub_history[topic] = temp topic, info, id = message.split("||") self.pub_socket.send_string(topic + "||" + "...".join(self.pub_history[topic]) + "||" + id) #print("Time sent out: %.20f" % time.time()) # uncomment for measurements purposes break else: break # otherwise, delete broken node from out dictionary else: temp.remove(first_val) self.strength[topic] = temp else: print("Please start over with a valid topic")
class ZooKeeper(object): max_tries = 3 max_delay = 4 delay = 1 def __init__(self, config): """ @config: dict like object which contains: { "zookeepers": ip:port,ip2:port, } """ self._config = config self._zk = KazooClient(hosts=config[c.zookeepers]) self._started = False def start(self): if self._started:"ZookeeperClient has already started.") return self._started = True try: self._zk.start() except Exception: logger.error("Failed to start zookeeper client, error=%s", traceback.format_exc()) raise"ZookeeperClient started...") def stop(self): if not self._started:"ZookeeperClient has already stopped.") return self._started = False self._zk.stop() def election(self, election_path, identifier=None, callback=None): """ @election_path: zookeeper node path of election @identifier: identifiy the candidates @return: block until the caller is the leader, callback will be invoked """ election = self._zk.Election(election_path, identifier) def create(self, path, value="", ephemeral=False, sequence=False, makepath=False): retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=self.max_tries, delay=self.delay, max_delay=self.max_delay, ignore_expire=False) return retry(self._zk.create, path=path, value=value, ephemeral=ephemeral, sequence=sequence, makepath=makepath) def ensure_path(self, path): retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=self.max_tries, delay=self.delay, max_delay=self.max_delay, ignore_expire=False) return retry(self._zk.ensure_path, path) def get(self, path, watch=None): retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=self.max_tries, delay=self.delay, max_delay=self.max_delay, ignore_expire=False) return retry(self._zk.get, path, watch) def get_children(self, path, watch=None): retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=self.max_tries, delay=self.delay, max_delay=self.max_delay, ignore_expire=False) return retry(self._zk.get_children, path, watch) def exists(self, path, watch=None): # retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=self.max_tries, delay=self.delay, # max_delay=self.max_delay, ignore_expire=False) # return retry(self._zk.exists, path, watch) return self._zk.exists(path, watch) def set(self, path, value): retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=self.max_tries, delay=self.delay, max_delay=self.max_delay, ignore_expire=False) return retry(self._zk.set, path, value) def delete(self, path, recursive=False): retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=self.max_tries, delay=self.delay, max_delay=self.max_delay, ignore_expire=False) return retry(self._zk.delete, path, recursive=recursive)
class Ingress: def __init__(self, spout, my_address, zk_address, db_address, db_user, db_pwd): # Connect to MySQL server self.tb_name = 'IngressOperator' self.db_name = 'Spout_' + str(spout) self.columns = ['Time', 'State', 'Data', 'Status'] self.columns_type = ['char(50)', 'char(20)', 'char(100)', 'char(10)'] self.db_connection, self.db_handler = self.init_db( db_address, db_user, db_pwd) self.spout = spout self.zk_address = zk_address = str(random.randint(1, 1000)) self.my_address = my_address self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=self.zk_address) self.up_stream_socket = None self.down_stream_sockets = [] self.operators = [] self.parent_path = '/Spout--' + str(spout) + '/Ingress_operators' self.leader_path = '/Spout--' + str(spout) + '/Ingress_leader' self.znode_path = self.parent_path + '/Ingress--' + self.operator_path = '/Spout--' + str(self.spout) + '/Operators' self.isLeader = False self.lock = threading.Lock() self.flag = 0 self.init_zk() def init_db(self, db_address, db_user, db_pwd): # Connect to Mysql server db_connection, db_handler = mysqlop.connectMysql( db_address, db_user, db_pwd) # Create DB mysqlop.createDB(db_handler, self.db_name) # Create Table mysqlop.createTable(db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, self.columns, self.columns_type) # Add primary key for the table mysqlop.add_primary_key(db_handler, db_connection, self.db_name, self.tb_name, self.columns[0]) return db_connection, db_handler def init_zk(self): self.zk.start() while (self.zk.state == KazooState.CONNECTED) is False: pass print('Connected to ZooKeeper server.') # Create parent path in zookeeper if self.zk.exists(path=self.parent_path) is None: self.zk.create(path=self.parent_path, value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) self.zk.create(path=self.znode_path, value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) def win_election(): print('Yeah, I won the election.') # Create leader znode self.zk.create(path=self.leader_path, value=self.my_address, ephemeral=True, makepath=True) self.init_upstream_socket() self.isLeader = True # Start receiving data from data source threading.Thread(target=self.recv_sourcedata, args=()).start() threading.Thread(target=self.distribute_data, args=()).start() @self.zk.DataWatch(self.leader_path) def watch_leader(data, stat): if stat is None: election = self.zk.Election(self.parent_path, def init_REQ(address): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.connect('tcp://' + address + ':2341') # socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 30000) self.down_stream_sockets.append(socket) @self.zk.ChildrenWatch(self.operator_path) def watch_operators(children): for i, op in enumerate(self.operators[:]): if op not in children: del self.operators[i] for child in children: if child not in self.operators: self.operators.append(child) print(child) path = '/Spout--' + str(self.spout) + '/Operators/' + child address = self.zk.get(path=path)[0] print('Address is: ' + address) init_REQ(address) while True: pass def init_upstream_socket(self): context = zmq.Context() self.up_stream_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) self.up_stream_socket.bind('tcp://*:2341') def recv_sourcedata(self): while True: msg = self.up_stream_socket.recv_string() # print('Receive msg %s from data source.' % msg) msg = simplejson.loads(msg) temp = [] temp.extend(msg) temp.append('Recv') # Store data into DB self.lock.acquire() mysqlop.insert_data(self.db_connection, self.db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, temp) self.flag += 1 self.lock.release() self.up_stream_socket.send_string('Ack--OK') tm.sleep(0.01) def distribute_data(self): while True: if self.flag == 15: self.flag = 0 # 读取前100/row_count 行数据 self.lock.acquire() data = mysqlop.query_first_N(self.db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, 15) self.lock.release() print(data) temp_data = [] for item in data: temp_data.append({ 'Time': item[0], 'State': item[1], 'Data': item[2] }) data = temp_data # 开始并行发送 def send_data(socket, my_data): for __data in my_data: __data = simplejson.dumps(__data) socket.send_string(__data) ack = socket.recv_string() # Ack msg format: 'ack--' + $time ack_time = ack.split('--')[1] print(ack) # Update DB self.lock.acquire() mysqlop.delete_row(self.db_handler, self.db_connection, self.db_name, self.tb_name, 'Time', ack_time) self.lock.release() socket_count = len(self.down_stream_sockets) while socket_count == 0: print('no socket') each_count = 15 / socket_count for i in range(socket_count): if i != socket_count - 1: threading.Thread(target=send_data, args=( self.down_stream_sockets[i], data[i * each_count:(i + 1) * each_count], )).start() else: threading.Thread(target=send_data, args=( self.down_stream_sockets[i], data[i * each_count:], )).start()
class ZookeeperBrokerManager: zk = None default_node_path = None config_file_dir = None zookeeper_connection_url = None zookeeper_connection_timeout = None broker_server_default_port = None leader_broker_node_path = None leader_broker_url = None def __init__(self, role): print("[SETUP/ZK] Communicate through broker") # Default zookeeper node path to CRUD self.default_node_path = "/cluster" # Get config file self._get_config_file_addr(role) # Init publisher props self._init_config_props() # Init zookeeper client instance self.zk = KazooClient(self.zookeeper_connection_url, read_only=True) # Locate config file def _get_config_file_addr(self, role): current_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) parent_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(current_dir)) filename = role + ".config" self.config_file_dir = path.join(path.dirname(parent_dir), "config", filename) # Get the subset of properties relevant to broker server and zookeeper def _init_config_props(self): props = ConfigParser() self.broker_server_default_port = props["broker_server"]["port"] self.zookeeper_connection_url = props["service_discovery"]["connection.url"] self.zookeeper_connection_timeout = int(props["service_discovery"]["connection.timeout.s"]) # Called when first start def startup(self, socks_connect, socks_disconnect): print("[SETUP/ZK] Connect to zookeeper ...") self.zk.start(timeout=self.zookeeper_connection_timeout) self.find_leader_broker(socks_connect, socks_disconnect) # Find the leader broker to connect def find_leader_broker(self, socks_connect, socks_disconnect): print("[SETUP/ZK] Find leader broker ...") # Reconnect if disconnected if not self.zk.connected: self.zk.start(timeout=self.zookeeper_connection_timeout) # Find the leader broker queue election = self.zk.Election(self.default_node_path) leader_queue = election.contenders() # If no leader exists, raise error if not leader_queue: sys.exit("[ERR] No active brokers.") # Identiy the leader broker node leader_node = leader_queue[0] self.leader_broker_node_path = self.default_node_path + '/' + leader_node # Read the leader broker connection url data, _ = self.zk.get(self.leader_broker_node_path) leader_host = data.decode("utf-8") self.leader_broker_url = "tcp://{0}:{1}".format(leader_host, self.broker_server_default_port) # Connect to leader broker socks_connect(self.leader_broker_url) # Watch on the leader node in case it dies, socks_disconnect) # Watch on the leader node, find new leader if the current leader suicides def watch(self, socks_connect, socks_disconnect): @self.zk.DataWatch(self.leader_broker_node_path) def my_func(data, stat, event): if stat: print("[SETUP/ZK] Start watching on leader node") else: socks_disconnect(self.leader_broker_url) self.find_leader_broker(socks_connect, socks_disconnect) # Check if props are ready and error free def ready(self): if not self.config_file_dir: sys.exit("[ERR] Doesn't find the config file.") elif not self.broker_server_default_port: sys.exit("[ERR] Broker server default port is not given.") elif not self.zookeeper_connection_url: sys.exit("[ERR] Zookeeper server url is EMPTY.") elif not self.zk: sys.exit("[ERR] Zookeeper instance instantiation FAILED.") return True # Must called on exit def exit(self): self.zk.stop() self.zk.close()
class Broker: def __init__(self, id, zk_server, ip, xpub, xsub): self.ID = id self.IP = ip self.pubsocket = self.bindp(ip, xpub) self.subsocket = self.binds(ip, xsub) self.syncsocket = None self.pubsynsocket = None zk_server = zk_server + ':2181' self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=zk_server) self.leader_flag = False #self.ownership = None # the publisher and the info they store self.pubdict = {} self.publisher = {} self.pubhistory = {} self.subdict = {} self.subscriber = {} self.unable = [] self.init_zk() print('\n************************************\n') print('Init MyBroker succeed.') print('\n************************************\n') with open(log_file, 'w') as logfile: logfile.write('Init Broker succeed \n') def bindp(self,ip, port): # we use REQ and REP to manage between publisher and broker context = zmq.Context() p_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) p_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 3000) p_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, 3000) p_socket.bind('tcp://*:'+ port) with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('5555! \n') return p_socket def binds(self, ip, port): # we use PUB and SUB to manage sub and broker context = zmq.Context() s_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) s_socket.bind('tcp://*:' + port) with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('5556! \n') return s_socket def init_zk(self): if self.zk.state != KazooState.CONNECTED: self.zk.start() while self.zk.state != KazooState.CONNECTED: pass # wait until the zookeeper starts print('Broker %s connected to ZooKeeper server.' % self.ID) # Create the path /Brokers if self.zk.exists('/Brokers') is None: self.zk.create(path='/Brokers', value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists('/Brokers') is None: pass # create my node under the path /Brokers znode_path = '/Brokers/' + self.ID self.zk.create(path=znode_path, value=b'', ephemeral=True, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(znode_path) is None: pass print('Broker %s created a znode in ZooKeeper server.' % self.ID) def watch_mode(self): print("In watch mode") election_path = '/Brokers/' leader_path = '/Leader' @self.zk.DataWatch(path=leader_path) def watch_leader(data, state): if self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: # time.sleep(random.randint(0, 3)) election = self.zk.Election(election_path, self.ID) def win_election(self): print("Win election") leader_path = '/Leader' if self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: try: self.zk.create(leader_path, value=self.IP.encode('utf-8'), ephemeral=True, makepath=True) except Exception as ex: print("shouldn't elect") while self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: pass self.leader_flag = True #self.start_broker() #self.syncsocket = None self.pubsyncsocket = self.sourcepush('5557') if self.pubsyncsocket != None: print('Broker %s started sending msg' % self.ID) def pull_msg(self, address, port): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 30000) socket.connect('tcp://' + address + ':' + port) return socket # Leader push msg to followers def sourcepush(self, port): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) socket.bind("tcp://*" + ':' + port) socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, 3000) socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 3000) return socket def find(self, topic, number1, number2): number = [] number.append(number1) number.append(number2) content ='#' for t in topic: i = 0 if t in self.publisher: #print(t) owner = self.publisher[t] #print(owner) length = len(self.pubhistory[owner][t]) print('Length the sub ask is '+ str(number[i]) +', the length pub has is '+ str(length)) l=0 for n in self.pubhistory: l = len(self.pubhistory[n][t])+ l print('We total get: '+ str(l)) if l < number[i]: content ='Nothing' break if length < number[i]: rest= number[i] - length s = self.pubdict.get(t) print(s) # we turn all the keys into a list and we search the list for pub in s: if pub[0] is owner: pass else: print(pub[0]) content = content + t + '#'+ self.pubhistory[pub[0]][t][rest-1] + '#' +str(rest-1) + '#' #content ='Nothing' else: content = content + t + '#'+ self.pubhistory[owner][t][number[i]-1] + '#' + str(number[i]-1) + '#' i = i+1 else: content = 'Nothing' print(content) return content def dict_update(self, msg): if msg[0] == 'init': pubID = msg[1] topic = [] topic.append(msg[2]) topic.append(msg[3]) time = float(msg[4]) #print(topic) self.pubhistory.update({pubID: {}}) for x in topic: # history[pubID][topic][list] self.pubhistory[pubID].update( {x:[]}) try: if self.publisher.get(x) is None: # pubhistory records what the pub will publisher self.pubdict.update({x:[]}) # publisher contains the ID of the pub self.publisher.update({x:pubID}) # pubdict contains the list of pubs who has topic x self.pubdict[x].append((pubID,time)) # topic: pubID:time else: self.pubdict[x].append((pubID,time)) self.pubdict[x]=sorted(self.pubdict[x], key=lambda k: k[1], reverse = False) #broker.pubhistory.update({pubID: {x:[]}}) # we sort the whole list according to the value, aka the arriving time # we only edit the pubdict if this pub doesn't show up in the first place with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('PUB-Init msg: %s init with topic %s\n' % (pubID, x)) print('broker.pubdict') print(self.pubdict) except KeyError: pass elif msg[0] == 'publish': pubID = msg[1] topic=msg[2] publish = msg[3] # no matter message from which publishers, all of them will restore. try: self.pubhistory[pubID][topic].append(publish) with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('Pub No.%s published %s with topic %s\n' % (pubID, publish, topic)) #print(broker.pubhistory) except KeyError: pass elif msg[0] == 'end': pubID = msg[1] self.unable.append(pubID) #list1 = list (broker.publisher.keys()) [list (broker.publisher.values()).index (pubID)] # we first edit the pubdict, delete all that contain pubID for topic in self.pubdict: for x in topic: if x[0] is pubID: self.pubdict[topic].remove(x) # we delete the info we got in the # we update the publisher for stopic in self.publisher: if self.publisher[stopic] is pubID: # new = self.pubdict[stopic][0] self.publisher.update({stopic:new}) # we select the first one to be the new publisher for pub in self.pubhistory: if pub.key() is pubID: self.pubhistory.pop(pub) def sdict_update(self, msg): if msg[0] == 'reg': subID = msg[1] if self.subdict.get(subID) == None: self.subdict.update({subID: []}) #sub[topic].append(subID) elif msg[0] == 'ask': subID = msg[1] topic = msg[2:4] #topic = msg[2] self.subdict[subID].append(topic) #sub[topic].append(subID) elif msg[0] == 'end': subID = msg[1] #sub[topic].remove(subID) dict.pop(subID) def sync_mode(self): # we sync data from leader and update its lib # we only record the info about the dict and sub while self.leader_flag is False: print('\n************************************\n') try: msg = self.syncsocket.recv_string().split("#") # we got msg from leader except Exception as ex: # print('Time out') print(ex) time.sleep(1) continue print(msg) #msg if msg[0]=='init': self.dict_update(msg) elif msg[0]=='publish': self.dict_update(msg) else: self.sdict_update(msg) #print(broker.pubdict) print('\n************************************\n') print('received sync msg from leader') # update the pub_info def start(self): # elect the leader under the path /Leader leader_path = '/Leader' ''' if self.zk.exists(leader_path): # If the leader znode already exists, set the flag=false, specify broker to be the follower leader_flag = False self.watch_mode() # this broker has to watch whether the current broker is down or not leader_address = str(self.zk.get(leader_path)[0]) leader_address = leader_address[2:] leader_address = leader_address[:-1] print(leader_address) syncsocket = self.pull_msg(leader_address, xleader) # sync messages from leader and update data storage self.sync_mode() else: # If the leader znode doesn't exist, set the flag=true, specify broker to be the leader self.zk.create(leader_path, value=self.IP.encode('utf-8'), ephemeral=True, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: pass self.leader_flag = True # if this broker is elected to be the leader, then start broker # socket for leader to send sync request to followers #broker.pubsyncsocket = None self.pubsyncsocket = self.sourcepush(xleader) if self.pubsyncsocket != None: print('leader: syncsocket ok') ''' try: # If the leader znode doesn't exist, set the flag=true, specify broker to be the leader self.zk.create(leader_path, value=self.IP.encode('utf-8'), ephemeral=True, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: pass self.leader_flag = True # if this broker is elected to be the leader, then start broker # socket for leader to send sync request to followers #broker.pubsyncsocket = None self.pubsyncsocket = self.sourcepush(xleader) if self.pubsyncsocket != None: print('leader: syncsocket ok') except NodeExistsError: # If the leader znode already exists, set the flag=false, specify broker to be the follower self.leader_flag = False self.watch_mode() # this broker has to watch whether the current broker is down or not leader_address = str(self.zk.get(leader_path)[0])[2:-1] print(leader_address) self.syncsocket = self.pull_msg(leader_address, xleader) # sync messages from leader and update data storage self.sync_mode() pubsocket = self.pubsocket print("Bound to port 5555 and waiting for any publisher to contact\n") subsocket = self.subsocket print("Bound to port 5556 and waiting for any subscriber to contact\n") # we first register all the pub and sub then give them ownership strength while True: try: msg1 = pubsocket.recv_string() print("recved msg: " + msg1) break except Exception as ex: print("fail to recv init msg " + str(ex)) time.sleep(1) while self.pubsyncsocket != None: try: self.pubsyncsocket.send_string(msg1) #print('-----') break except Exception as ex: print("failed to send sync " + str(ex)) if len(self.zk.get_children('/Brokers/')) <= 1: self.pubsyncsocket = None msg11 = msg1.split("#") print("read val " + str(msg11)) self.dict_update(msg11) pubsocket.send_string('PUB-Info has been received!') print("sent confirm msg") #broker.syncsocket.send_string(msg1.encode('utf-8')) #pubsocket.send_string("Please send me the publisher \n") msg2 = subsocket.recv_string() msg22 = msg2.split("#") while self.pubsyncsocket != None: print('*******') try: self.pubsyncsocket.send_string(msg2) break except Exception as ex: print("failed to send sync " + str(ex)) continue self.sdict_update(msg22) subsocket.send_string('SUB-BROKER has been connected') def pub_service(): while True: message = self.pubsocket.recv_string() msg = message.split("#") #broker.syncsocket.send_string(msg.encode('utf-8')) if self.pubsyncsocket is not None: while True: try: self.pubsyncsocket.send_string(message) break except Exception as ex: print("failed to send sync " + str(ex)) continue #broker.syncsocket.send_string(msg2.encode('utf-8')) # add the coming info to the dict self.dict_update(msg22) # reply to pub that this process is done self.pubsocket.send_string('Done!!!') def sub_service(): while True: message = self.subsocket.recv_string() msg = message.split("#") self.sdict_update(msg) topic = [] topic.append(msg[2]) topic.append(msg[3]) number1 = int(msg[4]) number2 = int(msg[5]) # we get two topics and we deal with it seperately if msg[0] == 'ask': # we first find whether the broker has this pub_msg = self.find(topic, number1, number2) # msg = topic1 + content1 + number1 + topic1 + content2 + number2 # Broker will only send one topic at one time print("pub msg: " + pub_msg) self.subsocket.send_string(pub_msg) if self.pubsyncsocket is not None: self.pubsyncsocket.send_string(message) with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('Reply to SUB %s with topic %s and topic %s \n' % (msg[1], msg[2], msg[3])) elif msg[0] == 'end': time.sleep(1) m = 'END!' +'#' self.subsocket.send_string(m) elif msg[0] == 'reg': self.subsocket.send_string('Connected') pub_thread = threading.Thread(target=pub_service, args=()) sub_thread = threading.Thread(target=sub_service, args=()) pub_thread.start() sub_thread.start() pub_thread.join() sub_thread.join()
class ZK_Driver: #CTOR def __init__(self, ip_add): context = zmq.Context() self.kill = False self.sub_socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.pub_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.current_topics = [] self.zk_driver = KazooClient(hosts='') self.zk_driver.start() #ROOT DIRECTORY FOR BROKERS self.home = '/brokers/' #CREATE ZNODE PATHS FOR BROKERS self.znode1 = self.home + 'bkr1' self.znode2 = self.home + 'brk2' self.znode3 = self.home + 'brk3' #ENSURE ROOT DIRECTORY IS CREATED self.zk_driver.ensure_path(self.home) #CREATE ZNODES WITH PUB + SUB PORT if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.znode1): self.zk_driver.create(self.znode1, b'1234:5556') if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.znode2): self.zk_driver.create(self.znode2, b'1235:5556') if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.znode3): self.zk_driver.create(self.znode3, b'1236:5556') #HOLD ELECTION TO GET PRESIDENT NODE self.election = self.zk_driver.Election(self.home, "president") contenders = self.election.contenders() self.president = contenders[-1].encode( 'latin-1') #REPRESENTS THE WINNING PUB/SUB PORT COMBO ports = self.president.decode('ASCII').split(":") #FULL BROKER PORT ADDRESSES self.full_add1 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[0] self.full_add2 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[1] #BIND TO ADDRESSES self.sub_socket.bind(self.full_add1) self.sub_socket.subscribe("") self.pub_socket.bind(self.full_add2) #SET UP WATCH DIRECTORY FOR PRESIDENT self.president_home = "/president/" self.pres_znode = "/president/pres" #CREATE OR UPDATE PRESIDENT ZNODE if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.pres_znode): self.zk_driver.ensure_path(self.president_home) self.zk_driver.create(self.pres_znode, ephemeral=True) self.zk_driver.set(self.pres_znode, self.president) # REMOVE PRESIDENT FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS if ports[0] == "1234": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode1) elif ports[0] == "1235": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode2) elif ports[0] == "1236": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode3) else: print("No port recognized") def run(self, stop=None): @self.zk_driver.DataWatch(self.pres_znode) def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event is not None and event.type == "DELETED": if not self.kill: # HOLD ELECTION TO GET PRESIDENT NODE self.election = self.zk_driver.Election( self.home, "president") contenders = self.election.contenders() self.president = contenders[-1].encode( 'latin-1') # REPRESENTS THE WINNING PUB/SUB PORT COMBO ports = self.president.decode('ASCII').split(":") # FULL BROKER PORT ADDRESSES self.full_add1 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[0] self.full_add2 = "tcp://" + str(ip_add) + ":" + ports[1] print("Updated Broker to: ", self.full_add1) # BIND TO ADDRESSES self.sub_socket.bind(self.full_add1) self.sub_socket.subscribe("") # self.pub_socket.bind(self.full_add2) # UPDATE PRESIDENT ZNODE if not self.zk_driver.exists(self.pres_znode): self.zk_driver.ensure_path(self.president_home) self.zk_driver.create(self.pres_znode, ephemeral=True) self.zk_driver.set(self.pres_znode, self.president) # DELETE FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS if ports[0] == "1234": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode1) elif ports[0] == "1235": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode2) elif ports[0] == "1236": self.zk_driver.delete(self.znode3) else: print("No port recognized") if not self.kill: self.kill = True if stop: while not stop.is_set(): message = self.sub_socket.recv_string() topic, info = message.split("||") error_flag = False if topic == "REGISTER": error = False for curr_topic in self.current_topics: if info.startswith(curr_topic) and info != curr_topic: print( "Topic is too similar to topic of another publisher, choose another" ) error = True if not error: self.current_topics.append(info) print("Received: %s" % message) self.pub_socket.send_string(message) else: self.pub_socket.send_string(message) else: message = self.sub_socket.recv_string() topic, info = message.split("||") error_flag = False if topic == "REGISTER": error = False for curr_topic in self.current_topics: if info.startswith(curr_topic) and info != curr_topic: print( "Topic is too similar to topic of another publisher, choose another" ) error = True if not error: self.current_topics.append(info) print("Addr ", self.full_add1, end=". ") print("Received: %s" % message) self.pub_socket.send_string(message) else: if topic in self.current_topics: print("Addr ", self.full_add1, end=". ") print("Received: %s" % message) self.pub_socket.send_string(message) else: print("Please start over with a valid topic")
class Operator: def __init__(self, zk_address, my_address, spout, operator_id, db_address, db_user, db_pwd): ''' :param zk_address: ZooKeeper server address :param my_address: Address of current operator :param spout: ID of spout :param operator_id: Global ID of the operator ''' self.db_address = db_address self.db_user = db_user self.db_pwd = db_pwd self.db_name = 'Spout_' + str(spout) self.tb_name = str('Operator_' + str(operator_id)) self.columns = ['ID', 'State', 'Status', 'Sum', 'Mean', 'Max', 'Min'] self.columns_type = ['INT(11)', 'CHAR(20)', 'CHAR(30)', 'DOUBLE(30,4)', 'DOUBLE(30,4)', 'DOUBLE(30,4)','DOUBLE(30,4)'] self.db_connection, self.db_handler = self.init_db() = 'op' + str(random.randint(1, 1000)) self.my_address = my_address self.operator_id = operator_id self.parent_path = '/Spout--' + str(spout) + '/Operator--' + str(operator_id) self.znode_path = self.parent_path + '/' + str( self.leader_path = '/Spout--' + str(spout) + '/Operators/Leader--' + str(operator_id) self.egress_leader = '/Spout--' + str(spout) + '/Egress_leader' zk_address = zk_address + ':2181' self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=zk_address) self.isLeader = False self.egress_available = False self.up_stream_socket = None self.down_stream_socket = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.flag = 0 self.init_zk() def init_db(self): # Connect to Mysql server db_connection, db_handler = mysqlop.connectMysql(self.db_address, self.db_user, self.db_pwd, db=self.db_name) # Create Table mysqlop.createTableAutoInc(db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, self.columns, self.columns_type) # Add primary key for the table # mysqlop.add_primary_key(db_handler, db_connection, self.db_name, self.tb_name, self.columns[0]) return db_connection, db_handler def init_zk(self): self.zk.start() while (self.zk.state == KazooState.CONNECTED) is False: pass print('Connected to ZK server.') # Ensure parent path exists if self.zk.exists(path=self.parent_path) is None: self.zk.create(path=self.parent_path, value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) # Create Znode for this operator in ZK self.zk.create(path=self.znode_path, value=b'', ephemeral=True, makepath=True) self.zk.ensure_path(path=self.znode_path) # Watch the leader of Egress operator @self.zk.DataWatch(self.egress_leader) def watch_egress_leader(data, stat): if stat is not None: egress_leader_address = str(data) print(egress_leader_address) self.down_stream_socket = self.build_egress_socket(egress_leader_address) print('Connect to egress....') self.egress_available = True else: self.egress_available = False def win_election(): # create leader node print('Yeah, I won the election.') self.zk.create(path=self.leader_path, value=self.my_address, ephemeral=True, makepath=True) self.up_stream_socket = self.build_socket() print('Ready to receive msg....') if self.up_stream_socket is not None: self.isLeader = True threading.Thread(target=self.recv_data, args=()).start() threading.Thread(target=self.distribute_data, args=()).start() # Watch leader node @self.zk.DataWatch(self.leader_path) def watch_leader(data, stat): if stat is None: # Old leader failed or no leader was initialized election = self.zk.Election(self.parent_path) while True: pass def build_socket(self): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) socket.bind('tcp://*:2341') return socket def build_egress_socket(self, address): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.connect('tcp://' + address + ':2341') return socket def recv_data(self): data_set = [] id = 0 i = 0 while True: i += 1 # print(i) data = self.up_stream_socket.recv_string() # print('Recv data :' + data) data = simplejson.loads(data) time = data['Time'] self.up_stream_socket.send_string('Ack--' + time) state = data['State'] data = int(data['Data']) data_set.append(data) if len(data_set) == 10: id += 1 result = self.calculating(data_set) # 将数据存入数据库 values = [id, state, 'Recv'] values.extend(result) self.lock.acquire() mysqlop.insert_data_operator(self.db_connection, self.db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, values) data_set = [] self.flag += 1 self.lock.release() tm.sleep(0.01) def distribute_data(self): while True: if self.flag == 5: self.lock.acquire() # 读取前20 行数据 data = mysqlop.query_first_N(self.db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, 5) self.flag = 0 self.lock.release() temp_data = [] for item in data: temp_data.append({'ID': item[0], 'State': item[1], 'Sum': item[3], 'Mean': item[4], 'Max': item[5], 'Min': item[6]}) data = temp_data # 开始发送 for __data in data: while self.egress_available is False: pass print(__data) __data = simplejson.dumps(__data) self.down_stream_socket.send_string(__data) ack = self.down_stream_socket.recv_string() # Ack msg format: 'ack--' + $ID ack_id = ack.split('--')[1] self.lock.acquire() mysqlop.delete_row(self.db_handler, self.db_connection, self.db_name, self.tb_name, 'ID', ack_id) self.lock.release() def calculating(self, data_set): data_sum = np.sum(data_set) data_mean = np.mean(data_set) data_max = np.max(data_set) data_min = np.min(data_set) return [data_sum, data_mean, data_max, data_min]
class Broker: def __init__(self): # setting up proxy sockets self.context = zmq.Context() self.frontend = self.context.socket(zmq.XPUB) self.backend = self.context.socket(zmq.XSUB) # Connecting to zookeeper - 2181 from config, ip should/can be changed self.zk_object = KazooClient(hosts='') self.zk_object.start() # self.path = '/home/gourumv/zoo/data/' self.path = '/home/' # creating a znode + path for each broker. We need these for elections and to monitor if it becomes leader node1 = self.path + "broker1" if self.zk_object.exists(node1): pass else: # create the file path since zookeeper is file structured. self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # create the znode with port info for the pubs + subs to use to find the broker sockets. This is 'data' field used in pub + sub self.zk_object.create(node1, to_bytes("5555,5556"), makepath=True) print("Node 1 path created") # znode2 (same w/ modified port #'s') node2 = self.path + "broker2" if self.zk_object.exists(node2): pass else: # make sure the path exists self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # create the znode with port info for the pubs + subs to use in addr[] self.zk_object.create(node2, to_bytes("5557,5558"), makepath=True) # znode 3 (same as above 2/ modified ports) node3 = self.path + "broker3" if self.zk_object.exists(node3): pass else: # make sure the path exists self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # create the znode with port info for the pubs + subs to use in addr[] self.zk_object.create(node3, to_bytes("5559,5560"), makepath=True) # Select a leader for the first time self.election = self.zk_object.Election( self.path, "leader" ) # requirements is the '/home/' (self.path) location in hierarchy, named leader #self.election = self.zk_object.Election(self.path, "leader") # requirements is the '/home/' (self.path) location in hierarchy, named leader potential_leaders = self.election.contenders( ) # create a list of broker znodes self.leader = str( potential_leaders[-1] ) # always select last one (arbitrary but simple process) print("Leader ports: " + self.leader) # use port #'s from the leader to finish connecting the proxy' addr = self.leader.split(",") self.frontend.bind("tcp://" + addr[0]) # will want to modify ip as usual self.backend.bind("tcp://" + addr[1]) # set-up znode for the newly minted leader self.watch_dir = self.path + self.leader self.leader_path = "/leader/" self.leader_node = self.leader_path + "node" # saving the path in zookeeper hierarchy to a var if self.zk_object.exists(self.leader_node): pass # if the path doesn't exist -> make it and populate it with a znode else: self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.leader_path) self.zk_object.create( self.leader_node, ephemeral=True ) # ephemeral so it disappears if the broker dies # setting self.zk_object.set( self.leader_node, to_bytes(self.leader) ) # setting the port info into the leader znode for pubs + subs def device(self): # start the proxy device /broker that forwards messages. same as Assignment 1 zmq.device(zmq.FORWARDER, self.frontend, self.backend) # essentially start - watches the leader node and re-elects if it disappears def monitor(self): while True: # creating the watch @self.zk_object.DataWatch(self.watch_dir) def watch_node(data, stat, event): # url's for unbinding before the information is lost addr = self.leader.split(",") front_url = "tcp://" + addr[0] back_url = "tcp://" + addr[1] # re-elect if the znode (and thus by proxy - the broker) dies if event != None: if event.type == "DELETED": # same election code as above self.election = self.zk_object.Election( self.path, "leader") potential_leaders = self.election.contenders() self.leader = str(potential_leaders[-1]) # set node with new ports info for pubs + subs self.zk_object.set(self.leader_node, self.leader) # unbind + re-bind broker ports to new leader's ports addr = self.leader.split(",") self.frontend.unbind(front_url) self.backend.unbind(back_url) self.frontend.bind("tcp://" + addr[0]) self.backend.bind("tcp://" + addr[1]) # starts broker
class broker_lib: def __init__(self, id, zk_server, ip, xpub, xsub): self.ID = id self.IP = ip self.pubsocket = self.bindp(ip, xpub) self.subsocket = self.binds(ip, xsub) self.syncsocket = None self.pubsynsocket = None zk_server = zk_server + ':2181' self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=zk_server) self.leader_flag = False # the publisher and the info they store self.pubdict = {} self.publisher = {} self.subdict = {} self.subscriber = {} self.init_zk() print('\n************************************\n') print('Init MyBroker succeed.') print('\n************************************\n') with open(log_file, 'w') as logfile: logfile.write('Init Broker succeed \n') def bindp(self, ip, port): # we use REQ and REP to manage between publisher and broker context = zmq.Context() p_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) p_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 3000) p_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, 3000) p_socket.bind('tcp://*:' + port) with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('5555! \n') return p_socket def binds(self, ip, port): # we use PUB and SUB to manage sub and broker context = zmq.Context() s_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) s_socket.bind('tcp://*:' + port) with open(log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('5556! \n') return s_socket def init_zk(self): if self.zk.state != KazooState.CONNECTED: self.zk.start() while self.zk.state != KazooState.CONNECTED: pass # wait until the zookeeper starts print('Broker %s connected to ZooKeeper server.' % self.ID) # Create the path /Brokers if self.zk.exists('/Brokers') is None: self.zk.create(path='/Brokers', value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists('/Brokers') is None: pass # create my node under the path /Brokers znode_path = '/Brokers/' + self.ID self.zk.create(path=znode_path, value=b'', ephemeral=True, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(znode_path) is None: pass print('Broker %s created a znode in ZooKeeper server.' % self.ID) def watch_mode(self): print("In watch mode") election_path = '/Brokers/' leader_path = '/Leader' @self.zk.DataWatch(path=leader_path) def watch_leader(data, state): if self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: # time.sleep(random.randint(0, 3)) election = self.zk.Election(election_path, self.ID) def win_election(self): print("Win election") leader_path = '/Leader' if self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: try: self.zk.create(leader_path, value=self.IP.encode('utf-8'), ephemeral=True, makepath=True) except Exception as ex: print("shouldn't elect") while self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: pass self.leader_flag = True #self.start_broker() #self.syncsocket = None self.pubsyncsocket = self.sourcepush('5557') if self.pubsyncsocket != None: print('Broker %s started sending msg' % self.ID) def pull_msg(self, address, port): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 30000) socket.connect('tcp://' + address + ':' + port) return socket # Leader push msg to followers def sourcepush(self, port): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) socket.bind("tcp://*" + ':' + port) socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, 3000) socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 3000) return socket
@contact: [email protected] @site: @software: PyCharm @file: @time: 2018/8/9 15:26 """ import time import uuid import logging from kazoo.client import KazooClient logging.basicConfig() my_id = uuid.uuid4() def leader_func(): print "I am the leader {}".format(str(my_id)) while True: print "{} is working! ".format(str(my_id)) time.sleep(3) zk = KazooClient(hosts="") zk.start() election = zk.Election("/electionpath") zk.stop()
class Egress: def __init__(self, zk_address, my_address, output_address, spout, db_address, db_user, db_pwd): ''' :param zk_address: ZooKeeper server address :param my_address: Egress operator address :param output_address: End server address :param spout: Spout number :param db_address: Mysql server address :param db_user: Mysql user :param db_pwd: Mysql password ''' self.db_address = db_address self.db_user = db_user self.db_pwd = db_pwd self.db_name = 'Spout_' + str(spout) self.tb_name = 'EgressOperator' self.columns = ['ID', 'State', 'Status', 'Sum', 'Mean', 'Max', 'Min'] self.columns_type = [ 'INT(11)', 'CHAR(20)', 'CHAR(20)', 'DOUBLE(30,4)', 'DOUBLE(30,4)', 'DOUBLE(30,4)', 'DOUBLE(30,4)' ] self.db_connection, self.db_handler = self.init_db() self.output_address = output_address self.spout = spout self.zk_address = zk_address = str(random.randint(1, 1000)) self.my_address = my_address self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=zk_address) self.root = 'Spout--' + str(spout) self.parent_path = '/Spout--' + str(spout) + '/Egress_operators' self.leader_path = '/Spout--' + str(spout) + '/Egress_leader' self.znode_path = self.parent_path + '/Egress--' + self.isLeader = False self.up_stream_socket = None self.down_stream_socket = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.flag = 0 self.init_zk() def init_db(self): # Connect to Mysql server db_connection, db_handler = mysqlop.connectMysql( self.db_address, self.db_user, self.db_pwd) # Create Table mysqlop.createTableAutoInc(db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, self.columns, self.columns_type) # Add primary key for the table mysqlop.add_primary_key(db_handler, db_connection, self.db_name, self.tb_name, self.columns[0]) return db_connection, db_handler def init_zk(self): self.zk.start() while (self.zk.state == KazooState.CONNECTED) is False: pass print('Connected to ZK server.') # Ensure root path exists if self.zk.exists(path=self.root) is None: self.zk.create(path=self.root, value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) # Ensure parent path exists if self.zk.exists(path=self.parent_path) is None: self.zk.create(path=self.parent_path, value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) # Create Znode for this operator in ZK self.zk.create(path=self.znode_path, value=b'', ephemeral=True, makepath=True) self.zk.ensure_path(path=self.znode_path) def win_election(): print('Yeah, I won the election.') self.isLeader = True if self.zk.exists(path=self.leader_path) is None: self.zk.create(path=self.leader_path, value=self.my_address, ephemeral=True, makepath=True) else: self.zk.set(path=self.leader_path, value=self.my_address) self.up_stream_socket = self.build_upstream_socket() self.down_stream_socket = self.build_downstream_socket( str(self.output_address)) threading.Thread(target=self.recv_data, args=()).start() threading.Thread(target=self.send_data, args=()).start() # Watch Leader node @self.zk.DataWatch(self.leader_path) def watch_egress_leader(data, state): if state is None: print('Suggest election..') election = self.zk.Election(self.parent_path) while True: pass def build_upstream_socket(self): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) socket.bind('tcp://*:2341') return socket def build_downstream_socket(self, address): context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.connect('tcp://' + address + ':2341') return socket def recv_data(self): sum_set = [] mean_set = [] max_set = [] min_set = [] myid = 0 while True: data = self.up_stream_socket.recv_string() data = simplejson.loads(data) # print(data) id = data['ID'] self.up_stream_socket.send_string('Ack--' + str(id)) state = data['State'] sum_set.append(data['Sum']) print(sum_set) mean_set.append(data['Mean']) max_set.append(data['Max']) min_set.append(data['Min']) if len(sum_set) == 3: myid += 1 data_sum = np.sum(sum_set) data_max = np.max(max_set) data_min = np.min(min_set) data_mean = np.mean(mean_set) # 将数据存入数据库 values = [id, state, 'Recv'] values.extend([data_sum, data_mean, data_max, data_min]) # print(values) self.lock.acquire() mysqlop.insert_data_operator(self.db_connection, self.db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, values) sum_set = [] mean_set = [] max_set = [] min_set = [] self.flag += 1 self.lock.release() tm.sleep(0.01) def send_data(self): while True: if self.flag == 2: self.lock.acquire() self.flag = 0 # 读取前5/row_count 行数据 data = mysqlop.query_first_N(self.db_handler, self.db_name, self.tb_name, 2) self.lock.release() temp_data = [] for item in data: temp_data.append({ 'ID': item[0], 'State': item[1], 'Sum': item[3], 'Mean': item[4], 'Max': item[5], 'Min': item[6] }) data = temp_data # 开始发送 for __data in data: __data = simplejson.dumps(__data) self.down_stream_socket.send_string(__data) ack = self.down_stream_socket.recv_string() # Ack msg format: 'ack--' + $ID ack_id = ack.split('--')[1] self.lock.acquire() mysqlop.delete_row(self.db_handler, self.db_connection, self.db_name, self.tb_name, 'ID', ack_id) self.lock.release()
class ZooAnimal: def __init__(self): self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=ZOOKEEPER_LOCATION) self.zk.start() # Use util function to get IP address self.ipaddress = [ ip for ip in list(local_ip4_addr_list()) if ip.startswith(NETWORK_PREFIX) ][0] # Inheriting children should assign values to fit the scheme # /approach/role/topic self.approach = None self.role = None self.topic = None #Will only be set by pub and sub = None # Zookeeper #self.election = None self.election = self.zk.Election('/broker/broker', self.ipaddress) self.zk_seq_id = None def zookeeper_watcher(self, watch_path): @self.zk.DataWatch(watch_path) def zookeeper_election(data, stat, event): print("Setting election watch.") print("Watching node -> ", data) if data is None: print("Data is none.") #self.election.cancel() def zookeeper_master(self): print("Becoming the master.") role_topic = ZOOKEEPER_PATH_STRING.format(approach=self.approach, role=self.role, topic='master') encoded_ip = codecs.encode(self.ipaddress, "utf-8") self.zk.create(role_topic, ephemeral=True, makepath=True, value=encoded_ip) return True def zookeeper_register(self): # This will result in a path of /broker/publisher/12345 or whatever # or /broker/broker/master role_topic = ZOOKEEPER_PATH_STRING.format(approach=self.approach, role=self.role, topic=self.topic) print("Zooanimal IP-> {}".format(self.ipaddress)) encoded_ip = codecs.encode(self.ipaddress, "utf-8") if self.role == 'broker': broker_path = "/{}/broker".format(self.approach) #for i in range(10): # if self.zk.exists("/broker/broker/master") == None: # self.zookeeper_master() # break # time.sleep(.44) if self.zk_seq_id == None: self.zk.create(role_topic, ephemeral=True, sequence=True, makepath=True, value=encoded_ip) brokers = self.zk.get_children(broker_path) try: brokers.pop(brokers.index("master")) except: pass brokers = [x for x in brokers if "lock" not in x] broker_nums = {y: int(y[4:]) for y in brokers} #sort based on the values broker_sort = sorted(broker_nums, key=lambda data: broker_nums[data]) latest_id = broker_sort[-1] print(latest_id) self.zk_seq_id = latest_id for i in range(10): if self.zk.exists(broker_path + "/master") == None: self.zookeeper_master() break time.sleep(0.2) if self.zk.exists(broker_path + "/master"): # Get all the children path = self.zk.get_children(broker_path) # Remove the master path.pop(path.index("master")) #path.pop(path.index(self.zk_seq_id)) # Process out the locks path = [x for x in path if "lock" not in x] #Convert into a dictionary of znode:sequential #We keep the path name as the key #Use the sequential number as the value # e.g. key pool000001 value 000001 path_nums = {y: int(y[4:]) for y in path} #sort based on the values path_sort = sorted(path_nums, key=lambda data: path_nums[data]) # Watch the node that is previous to us # path_sort[0] is the lowest number, [-1] is us, so [-2] is one before usd #if path_sort.index(self.zk_seq_id) == 0: # if self.zk.exists("/broker/broker/master") == None: # self.zookeeper_master() #else: previous = path_sort[path_sort.index(self.zk_seq_id) - 1] #previous = path_sort[-1] watch_path = broker_path + "/" + previous self.zookeeper_watcher(watch_path) elif self.role == 'publisher' or self.role == 'subscriber': # zk.ensure_path checks if path exists, and if not it creates it try: self.zk.create(role_topic, ephemeral=True, makepath=True) except: print("Topic already exists.") # get the string from the path - if it's just created, it will be empty # if it was created earlier, there should be other ip addresses other_ips = self.zk.get(role_topic) # Zookeeper uses byte strings --> b'I'm a byte string' # We don't like that and need to convert it other_ips = codecs.decode(other_ips[0], 'utf-8') # if we just created the path, it will be an empty byte string # if it's empty, this will be true and we'll add our ip to the end of the other ips if other_ips != '': print("Adding to the topics list") self.zk.set( role_topic, codecs.encode(other_ips + ' ' + self.ipaddress, 'utf-8')) # else the byte string is empty and we can just send our ip_address else: self.zk.set(role_topic, codecs.encode(self.ipaddress, 'utf-8')) # This is a function stub for the get_broker watch callback # The child is expected to implement their own logic # Pub and Sub need to register_sub() def broker_update(self, data): print("Broker updated.") print("Data -> {}".format(data)) pass def get_broker(self): for i in range(10): if self.zk.exists(PATH_TO_MASTER[self.approach]): node_data = self.zk.get(PATH_TO_MASTER[self.approach], watch=self.broker_update) broker_data = node_data[0] master_broker = codecs.decode(broker_data, 'utf-8') if master_broker != '': = master_broker else: raise Exception("No master broker.") time.sleep(0.2) '''
class Proxy: """Implementation of the proxy""" def __init__(self): # Use XPUB/XSUB to get multiple contents from different publishers self.context = zmq.Context() self.xsubsocket = self.context.socket(zmq.XSUB) self.xpubsocket = self.context.socket(zmq.XPUB) self.xpubsocket.setsockopt(zmq.XPUB_VERBOSE, 1) self.xpubsocket.send_multipart([b'\x01', b'10001']) # Now we are going to create a poller self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.poller.register(self.xsubsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.poller.register(self.xpubsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.global_url = 0 self.global_port = 0 self.newSub = False self.topic_info_queue = [ ] #the content queue for different topic (zipcode) self.topicInd = 0 self.zip_list = [ ] #the ziplist to keep track with the zipcodes received self.zk_object = KazooClient(hosts='') self.zk_object.start() self.path = '/home/' znode1 = self.path + "broker1" if self.zk_object.exists(znode1): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode1, "5555,5556") # Print the version of a node and its data znode2 = self.path + "broker2" if self.zk_object.exists(znode2): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode2, "5557,5558") znode3 = self.path + "broker3" if self.zk_object.exists(znode3): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode3, "5553,5554") self.election = self.zk_object.Election(self.path, "leader") leader_list = self.election.contenders() self.leader = leader_list[-1].encode( 'latin-1') # the leader here is a pair of address address = self.leader.split(",") pub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[0] sub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[1] print("Current elected broker: ", pub_addr + "," + sub_addr) self.xsubsocket.bind(pub_addr) self.xpubsocket.bind(sub_addr) self.watch_dir = self.path + self.leader #use Datawatch self.leader_path = "/leader/" self.leader_node = self.leader_path + "node" if self.zk_object.exists(self.leader_node): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.leader_path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(self.leader_node, ephemeral=True) self.zk_object.set(self.leader_node, self.leader) self.history_node = '/history/node' # Now threading1 runs regardless of user input self.threading1 = threading.Thread(target=self.background_input) self.threading1.daemon = True self.threading1.start() def background_input(self): print("--- Enter to send history ---") while True: addr_input = raw_input() if addr_input == "": @self.zk_object.DataWatch(self.history_node) def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event == None: #wait for event to be alive and None(stable) data, stat = self.zk_object.get(self.history_node) print("Get a new subscriber here") address = data.split(",") pub_url = "tcp://" + address[0] + ":" + address[1] self.global_port = address[1] self.global_url = pub_url self.newSub = True def history_vector(self, h_vec, ind, history, msg): if len(h_vec[ind]) < history: h_vec[ind].append(msg) else: h_vec[ind].pop(0) h_vec[ind].append(msg) return h_vec def sendToSubscriber(self): events = dict(self.poller.poll(10000)) # Is there any data from publisher? if self.xsubsocket in events: msg = self.xsubsocket.recv_multipart() content = msg[0] zipcode, temperature, relhumidity, ownership, history, pub_time = content.split( " ") if zipcode not in self.zip_list: # a new topic just come from a new publisher self.zip_list.append(zipcode) #for this topic, set initial informations for the ownership and history function cur_strength = 0 pre_strength = 0 count = 0 history_vec = [] strengh_vec = [] pubInd = 0 pre_msg = [] cur_msg = [] topic_info = [ cur_strength, pre_strength, count, history_vec, strengh_vec, pubInd, pre_msg, cur_msg ] self.topic_info_queue.append(topic_info) #start to collect the msg for the new topic topic_msg, histry_msg, ownership, strengh_vec = self.scheduleInTopic( self.topic_info_queue[self.topicInd], msg) self.topicInd += 1 else: zipInd = self.zip_list.index(zipcode) topic_msg, histry_msg, ownership, strengh_vec = self.scheduleInTopic( self.topic_info_queue[zipInd], msg) if self.newSub: #Want to send the history message here when only the new subscriber is active ctx = zmq.Context() pub = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) pub.bind(self.global_url) if ownership == max(strengh_vec): curInd = strengh_vec.index(ownership) time.sleep(1) for i in range(len(histry_msg)): pub.send_multipart(histry_msg[i]) # pub.send_multipart(['10001, 0, 0, 0, 0']) # a test message time.sleep(0.2) pub.unbind(self.global_url) pub.close() ctx.term() xurl = "tcp://*:" + self.global_port self.xpubsocket.bind(xurl) self.newSub = False print("--- Sent HISTORY ---") print("--- Enter to send history ---") else: self.xpubsocket.send_multipart( topic_msg) #send the message by xpub if self.xpubsocket in events: #a subscriber comes here msg = self.xpubsocket.recv_multipart() self.xsubsocket.send_multipart(msg) def scheduleInTopic(self, info, msg): [ cur_strength, pre_strength, count, history_vec, strengh_vec, pubInd, pre_msg, cur_msg ] = info sample_num = 10 content = msg[0] zipcode, temperature, relhumidity, ownership, history, pub_time = content.split( " ") ownership = int(ownership.decode('ascii')) history = int(history.decode('ascii')) # creat the history stock for each publisher, should be FIFO if ownership not in strengh_vec: strengh_vec.append(ownership) #create list for this publisher history_vec.append([]) history_vec = self.history_vector(history_vec, pubInd, history, msg) pubInd += 1 # the actual size of the publishers else: curInd = strengh_vec.index(ownership) history_vec = self.history_vector(history_vec, curInd, history, msg) #get the highest ownership msg to register the hash ring, using a heartbeat listener if ownership > cur_strength: pre_strength = cur_strength cur_strength = ownership pre_msg = cur_msg cur_msg = msg count = 0 elif ownership == cur_strength: cur_msg = msg count = 0 else: count = count + 1 if count >= sample_num: cur_strength = pre_strength cur_msg = pre_msg count = 0 #update the info vector fro this topic info[0] = cur_strength info[1] = pre_strength info[2] = count info[3] = history_vec info[4] = strengh_vec info[5] = pubInd info[6] = pre_msg info[7] = cur_msg #get the history vector for msg histInd = strengh_vec.index(cur_strength) histry_msg = history_vec[histInd] return cur_msg, histry_msg, ownership, strengh_vec def schedule(self): while True: @self.zk_object.DataWatch(self.watch_dir) def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event != None: print(event.type) if event.type == "DELETED": #redo a election self.election = self.zk_object.Election( self.path, "leader") leader_list = self.election.contenders() self.leader = leader_list[-1].encode('latin-1') self.zk_object.set(self.leader_node, self.leader) self.xsubsocket.unbind(self.current_pub) self.xpubsocket.unbind(self.current_sub) address = self.leader.split(",") pub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[0] sub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[1] self.xsubsocket.bind(pub_addr) self.xpubsocket.bind(sub_addr) def close(self): """ This method closes the PyZMQ socket. """ self.xsubsocket.close(0) self.xpubsocket.close(0)
class Broker: def __init__(self, zk_server, my_address, xsub_port, xpub_port): ''' :param zk_server: IP address of ZooKeeper Server :param my_address: IP address of current broker :param xsub_port: 5556 :param xpub_port: 5557 :sub_history_port: 5558 :sync_with_leader_port:5559 ''' self.zmqhelper = ZMQHelper() ''' {$(topic): { $(pubID): { 'publications' : [$(publication)] 'ownership strength': $(ownership_strength) } } } ''' = {} self.xsubsocket, self.xpubsocket = self.zmqhelper.prepare_broker( xsub_port, xpub_port) self.syncsocket = None self.historysocket = self.zmqhelper.csrecv('5558') self.myID = str(random.randint(1, 1000)) self.log_file = './Output/Broker' + self.myID + '.log' zk_server = zk_server + ':2181' self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=zk_server) self.isLeader = False self.my_address = my_address self.count = 1 print('\n************************************\n') print('Init MyBroker % s succeed.' % self.my_address) print('\n************************************\n') with open(self.log_file, 'w') as logfile: logfile.write('Init Broker:\n') logfile.write('XSUB Port: ' + xsub_port + '\n') logfile.write('XPUB Port: ' + xpub_port + '\n') logfile.write('-------------------------------------------\n') self.init_zk() def init_zk(self): if self.zk.state != KazooState.CONNECTED: self.zk.start() while self.zk.state != KazooState.CONNECTED: pass print('Broker %s connected to ZooKeeper server.' % self.myID) if self.zk.exists('/Brokers') is None: self.zk.create(path='/Brokers', value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) flag = False while self.zk.exists('/Brokers') is None: pass flag = True if flag: print('Create Znode Brokers.') # Create a Znode in ZooKeeper znode_path = '/Brokers/' + self.myID self.zk.create(path=znode_path, value=b'', ephemeral=True, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(znode_path) is None: pass print('Broker %s created a znode in ZooKeeper server.' % self.myID) # watch publishers znode pub_watch_path = '/Publishers' if self.zk.exists(pub_watch_path) is None: self.zk.create(path=pub_watch_path, value=b'', ephemeral=False, makepath=True) flag = False while self.zk.exists(pub_watch_path) is None: pass flag = True if flag: print('Create Publishers znode.') @self.zk.ChildrenWatch(path=pub_watch_path) def watch_publishers(children): self.publisher_failed(children) ''' # watch subscriber znode sub_watch_path = './Subscribers' @self.zk.ChildrenWatch(client=self.zk, path=sub_watch_path) def watch_subscribers(children): self.subscriber_failed(children) ''' # check if the leader has exists leader_path = '/Leader' if self.zk.exists(leader_path): # If the leader znode already exists, specify this broker as follower self.isLeader = False print('Broker %s is follower.' % self.myID) # followers start watching leader znode for potential election self.leader_monitor() # socket for follower to receive msg from leader leader_address = str(self.zk.get(leader_path)[0]) self.syncsocket = self.zmqhelper.sinkpull(leader_address, '5559') if self.syncsocket != None: print('follower: syncsocket ok') # NOTE: listen sync message from leader and update data storage self.sync_data() else: # If the leader is not existing, create it and receive msg self.zk.create(leader_path, value=self.my_address, ephemeral=True, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: pass print('Broker %s is the first leader.' % self.myID) self.isLeader = True # socket for leader to send sync request to followers self.syncsocket = self.zmqhelper.sourcepush('5559') if self.syncsocket != None: print('leader: syncsocket ok') subscriber_thr = threading.Thread(target=self.receive_hisreq, args=()) threading.Thread.setDaemon(subscriber_thr, True) subscriber_thr.start() recv_thr = threading.Thread(target=self.receive_msg, args=()) threading.Thread.setDaemon(recv_thr, True) recv_thr.start() def leader_monitor(self): # Run this method in another thread, because the method will be blocked until it won election_path = '/Brokers/' leader_path = '/Leader' # watch leader znode @self.zk.DataWatch(path=leader_path) def watch_leader(data, state): if self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: time.sleep(random.randint(0, 3)) election = self.zk.Election(election_path, self.myID) def publisher_failed(self, children): ''' :param children: current children list under Publishers Znode :return: ''' # delete all entries of the pub which not in the current children list if self.count != 1: for key in for pubID in[key].keys(): if pubID not in children: del[key][pubID] print('delete publisher %s from topic %s\n' % (pubID, key)) else: self.count = 0 ''' def subscriber_failed(self, children): :param children: current children list under Subscribers Znode :return: # TODO: Check which subscriber in data storage has failed, # if you get one, delete the data related to this subscriber pass ''' # win the election, start receiving msg from publisher def win_election(self): leader_path = '/Leader' if self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: self.zk.create(leader_path, value=self.my_address, ephemeral=True, makepath=True) while self.zk.exists(path=leader_path) is None: pass self.isLeader = True print('Broker %s became new leader' % self.myID) # self.syncsocket = None self.syncsocket = self.zmqhelper.sourcepush('5559') if self.syncsocket != None: print('Broker %s started receive msg' % self.myID) # only leader call this method def receive_msg(self): ''' Message type: 1. publisher init 2. publication 3. subscriber request :return: ''' while self.isLeader is False: pass while True: # Store received data into self data storage # Send received data to subscribers # Send received data to followers using PUSH socket # receive message from publisher msg = self.xsubsocket.recv_string() print(msg) message = msg.split('#') msg_type = message[0] # publisher init if msg_type == 'pub_init': pubID = message[1] topic = message[2] print('\n************************************\n') print('Init msg: %s init with topic %s' % (pubID, topic)) print('\n************************************\n') with open(self.log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write('Init msg: %s init with topic %s\n' % (pubID, topic)) # update storage self.update_data('add_pub', pubID, topic, '') # send msg to followers #self.syncsocket.send_string('add_pub' + '#' + pubID + '#' + topic + '#') # publication elif msg_type == 'publication': pubID = message[1] topic = message[2] publication = message[3] print('\n************************************\n') print('Publication: %s published %s with topic %s' % (pubID, publication, topic)) print('\n************************************\n') with open(self.log_file, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write( 'Publication: %s published %s with topic %s\n' % (pubID, publication, topic)) # update storage self.update_data('add_pub', pubID, topic, '') self.update_data('add_publication', pubID, topic, publication) # send msg to followers self.syncsocket.send_string('add_publication' + '#' + pubID + '#' + topic + '#' + publication + '#') # check if this pubID has the highest ownership if self.filter_pub_ownership(pubID, topic) is not None: # send publication to subscribers using xpubsocket print('sending to sub') publication = publication + '--' + str(time.time()) self.zmqhelper.xpub_send_msg(self.xpubsocket, topic, publication) def receive_hisreq(self): while True: # receive history request msg from subscribers if self.historysocket is None: print('historysocket is none') msg = self.historysocket.recv_string(0, 'utf-8') print(msg) message = msg.split('#') msg_type = message[0] if msg_type == 'request_history_publication': with open(self.log_file, 'a') as log: log.write('\n************************************\n') log.write( 'Subscriber is requesting history publication.\n') log.write('\n************************************\n') topic = str(message[1]) history_count = int(message[2]) i = 0 data = [] # get pubID who has the highest ownership strength if topic in for pub in[topic].keys(): target = self.filter_pub_ownership(pub, topic) if target is not None: break i = len([topic][target]['publications']) if i <= history_count: data.extend([topic][target]['publications'][:]) else: data.extend([topic][target] ['publications'][-history_count:]) msg = 'history_publication' + '#' + simplejson.dumps(data) self.historysocket.send_string(msg) print('\n************************************\n') print('Send history publications to subscriber...') print(msg) print('\n************************************\n') with open(self.log_file, 'a') as log: log.write('\n************************************\n') log.write('Send history publication to subscriber.\n') log.write('\n************************************\n') def sync_data(self): ''' Receive sync msg from leader if this broker is a follower :return: ''' # Use a while loop to receive sync msg from leader print('start sync with leader') while self.isLeader is False: try: msg = self.syncsocket.recv_string() except Exception as e: print('Sync data time out') continue print('\n************************************\n') print('received sync msg from leader') message = msg.split('#') msg_type = message[0] if msg_type == 'add_pub': pubID = message[1] topic = message[2] self.update_data(msg_type, pubID, topic, '') elif msg_type == 'add_publication': pubID = message[1] topic = message[2] publication = message[3] self.update_data('add_pub', pubID, topic, '') self.update_data(msg_type, pubID, topic, publication) print('sync with topic %s pub %s' % (topic, pubID)) print('\n************************************\n') def update_data(self, update_typ, pubID, topic, publication): ''' :param update_typ: 1. New publisher registered 2. Received new publication from publisher :param pubID: :param topic: :param publication: :return: ''' try: if update_typ == 'add_pub': # Assign an ownership strength to the registered publisher ownership_strength = random.randint(1, 100) if topic not in{ topic: { pubID: { 'publications': [], 'ownership strength': ownership_strength } } }) elif pubID not in[topic].keys():[topic].update({ pubID: { 'publications': [], 'ownership strength': ownership_strength } }) elif update_typ == 'add_publication': stored_publication = publication + '--' + str(time.time())[topic][pubID]['publications'].append( stored_publication) except KeyError as ex: print('\n----------------------------------------\n') print('Error happened while updating publication dictionary...') print(ex) print('\n----------------------------------------\n') # To examine if this pubID has the highest ownership # # argument: current publisher & topic # return publisher ID or None # def filter_pub_ownership(self, pubID, topic): try: if[topic][pubID]['ownership strength'] == max([ pub['ownership strength'] for pub in[topic].values() ]): return pubID else: return None except Exception: return None
class ZkThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, crawler_name): super(ZkThread, self).__init__() self.crawler_name = crawler_name self.crawler_path = "/crawler/" + self.crawler_name self.master_path = self.crawler_path + "/master" self.node_path = self.crawler_path + "/node" self.election_path = self.crawler_path + "/election" self.start_flag = "start".encode('utf-8') self.master_flag = False self.crawler_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) self.zk = KazooClient(hosts=config_util.zk_host) self.redis_pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=config_util.redis_host, port=config_util.redis_port, db=0) self.register_node() def register_node(self): self.zk.start() self.zk.ensure_path(self.node_path) self.zk.create(path=self.node_path + "/" + self.crawler_id, ephemeral=True) children = self.zk.get_children(self.node_path) print("Current children cnt: %d" % len(children)) def load_seed(self): """ load seed by master to be override by user """ print("load begin") while True: time.sleep(7) def fetch(self): """ fetch data by slave to be override by user """ print("fetch begin") while True: time.sleep(7) def leader_callback(self): print("[Master] I am the leader {}".format(self.crawler_id)) self.master_flag = True if not self.zk.exists(self.master_path): self.zk.create(path=self.master_path, value=self.start_flag, ephemeral=True) print("[Master] {} triggered start flag".format(self.crawler_id)) self.load_seed() def elect(self): print("Begin electing") election = self.zk.Election(self.election_path, identifier=self.crawler_id) def run(self): self.elect() def watch(self): @self.zk.DataWatch(self.master_path) def watch_crawler_start(data, stat): if data == self.start_flag: if not self.master_flag: print("[Slave] crawling is starting, %s" % data) self.thread_pool.submit(fn=self.fetch) @self.zk.ChildrenWatch(self.node_path) def watch_node(children): print("watch children, now children cnt: %d" % len(children))
from kazoo.client import KazooClient from time import sleep def my_leader_function(name): print('#'*10, name) sleep(1) zk = KazooClient() zk.start() election = zk.Election("/electionpath", "my-identifier") # blocks until the election is won, then calls # my_leader_function() print('*'*5, election.contenders()), 'test') print('*'*5, election.contenders())
class Proxy: """Implementation of the proxy""" def __init__(self): # Use XPUB/XSUB to get multiple contents from different publishers self.context = zmq.Context() self.xsubsocket = self.context.socket(zmq.XSUB) self.xpubsocket = self.context.socket(zmq.XPUB) self.xpubsocket.setsockopt(zmq.XPUB_VERBOSE, 1) self.xpubsocket.send_multipart([b'\x01', b'10001']) # Now we are going to create a poller self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.poller.register(self.xsubsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.poller.register(self.xpubsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.sub_his_dic = {} self.topic_info_queue = [ ] # the content queue for different topic (zipcode) self.topicInd = 0 self.zip_list = [ ] # the ziplist to keep track with the zipcodes received self.zk_object = KazooClient(hosts='') self.zk_object.start() self.path = '/home/' znode1 = self.path + "broker1" if self.zk_object.exists(znode1): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode1, "5555,5556") # Print the version of a node and its data znode2 = self.path + "broker2" if self.zk_object.exists(znode2): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode2, "5557,5558") znode3 = self.path + "broker3" if self.zk_object.exists(znode3): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode3, "5553,5554") self.election = self.zk_object.Election(self.path, "leader") leader_list = self.election.contenders() self.leader = leader_list[-1].encode( 'latin-1') # the leader here is a pair of address address = self.leader.split(",") pub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[0] sub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[1] print("Current elected broker: ", pub_addr + "," + sub_addr) self.xsubsocket.bind(pub_addr) self.xpubsocket.bind(sub_addr) self.watch_dir = self.path + self.leader # use Datawatch self.leader_path = "/leader/" self.leader_node = self.leader_path + "node" if self.zk_object.exists(self.leader_node): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.leader_path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(self.leader_node, ephemeral=True) self.zk_object.set(self.leader_node, self.leader) def history_vector(self, h_vec, ind, history, msg): if len(h_vec[ind]) < history: h_vec[ind].append(msg) else: h_vec[ind].pop(0) h_vec[ind].append(msg) return h_vec def sendToSubscriber(self): events = dict(self.poller.poll(10000)) # Is there any data from publisher? if self.xsubsocket in events: msg = self.xsubsocket.recv_multipart() content = msg[0] zipcode, temperature, relhumidity, ownership, history, pub_time = content.split( " ") # if there is a new topic add the topic to the topic list and initialize the history vector fot this topic # if the topic already in the topic list update the information of the topic if the ownership is larger than the current ownership # update history vector fot the topic if zipcode not in self.zip_list: self.zip_list.append(zipcode) # for this topic, set initial informations for the ownership and history function cur_strength = 0 pre_strength = 0 count = 0 history_vec = [] strengh_vec = [] pubInd = 0 pre_msg = [] cur_msg = [] topic_info = [ cur_strength, pre_strength, count, history_vec, strengh_vec, pubInd, pre_msg, cur_msg ] self.topic_info_queue.append(topic_info) # start to collect the msg for the new topic topic_msg, histry_msg, ownership, strengh_vec = self.scheduleInTopic( self.topic_info_queue[self.topicInd], msg) self.topicInd += 1 else: zipInd = self.zip_list.index(zipcode) topic_msg, histry_msg, ownership, strengh_vec = self.scheduleInTopic( self.topic_info_queue[zipInd], msg) zipInd = self.zip_list.index(zipcode) msg = self.topic_info_queue[zipInd][3][0] msg = topic_msg + msg carry = [] for contex in msg: carry.append(contex[0]) carry.append('/') carry = list(carry[2:]) res = [''] for _ in carry: res[-1] += _ self.xpubsocket.send_multipart([res[0] ]) # send the message by xpub if self.xpubsocket in events: # a subscriber comes here msg1 = self.xpubsocket.recv_multipart() self.xsubsocket.send_multipart(msg1) def scheduleInTopic(self, info, msg): [ cur_strength, pre_strength, count, history_vec, strengh_vec, pubInd, pre_msg, cur_msg ] = info sample_num = 10 content = msg[0] zipcode, temperature, relhumidity, ownership, history, pub_time = content.split( " ") ownership = int(ownership.decode('ascii')) history = int(history.decode('ascii')) # creat the history stock for each publisher, should be FIFO # if the ownership is new add the topic information to history vector # otherwise update the information if ownership not in strengh_vec: strengh_vec.append(ownership) # create list for this publisher history_vec.append([]) history_vec = self.history_vector(history_vec, pubInd, history, msg) pubInd += 1 # the actual size of the publishers else: curInd = strengh_vec.index(ownership) history_vec = self.history_vector(history_vec, curInd, history, msg) # get the highest ownership msg to register the hash ring, using a heartbeat listener if ownership > cur_strength: pre_strength = cur_strength cur_strength = ownership pre_msg = cur_msg cur_msg = msg count = 0 elif ownership == cur_strength: cur_msg = msg count = 0 else: count = count + 1 if count >= sample_num: cur_strength = pre_strength cur_msg = pre_msg count = 0 # update the info vector fro this topic to make sure the current information always comes from the publisher with strongest ownership info[0] = cur_strength info[1] = pre_strength info[2] = count info[3] = history_vec info[4] = strengh_vec info[5] = pubInd info[6] = pre_msg info[7] = cur_msg # get the history vector for msg histInd = strengh_vec.index(cur_strength) histry_msg = history_vec[histInd] return cur_msg, histry_msg, ownership, strengh_vec def schedule(self): while True: @self.zk_object.DataWatch(self.watch_dir) def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event != None: print(event.type) if event.type == "DELETED": # redo a election self.election = self.zk_object.Election( self.path, "leader") leader_list = self.election.contenders() self.leader = leader_list[-1].encode('latin-1') self.zk_object.set(self.leader_node, self.leader) self.xsubsocket.unbind(self.current_pub) self.xpubsocket.unbind(self.current_sub) address = self.leader.split(",") pub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[0] sub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[1] self.xsubsocket.bind(pub_addr) self.xpubsocket.bind(sub_addr) def close(self): """ This method closes the PyZMQ socket. """ self.xsubsocket.close(0) self.xpubsocket.close(0)
class ZK(): # Create Interface Class # ''' This class is Braingenix's interface to zookeeper. It contains both the Kazoo connection object, as well as some other attributes such as the current mode. When the class is instantiated, it connects to zk and starts a monitoring thread. This thread checks if there are any nodes joining or leaving. It also contains information about the status of the current leader. If the leader node disconnects, once it's ephemeral zNode is removed, it'll automatically elect another node. This is to provide failover due to a crash. It also allows BG to sustain nearly half of all nodes failing without any issues. ''' def __init__(self, Logger): ''' Init function for the zookeeper class. This function sets local pointers to the variable containing the Logger class. It also defines some variables that will be needed later on. *You shouldn't have to interact with this class unless you're debugging BrainGenix.* ''' ######################################################################### # NOTE: The Max zNode Size Is 1MB, So Large Files Will Need To Be Split # ######################################################################### # Set Local Variables # self.ZookeeperMode = 'Follower' self.ZookeeperHaveLeader = False self.TransactionTime = 0 self.Name = platform.uname().node self.ConnectedNodes = [] self.ConnectedNodesLastUpdate = [] # Create Local Copy Of Logger Pointer # self.Logger = Logger def ConnectToZookeeper( self, Logger: object, SystemConfiguration: dict): # Creates Connection With ZK # ''' This function is used to connect to Zookeeper, hence the name. *It's automatically called by the main file, so you still shouldn't have to interact with this function.* The function will also ensure that some essential paths exist for BG-Core. These paths are as follows: '/BrainGenix/System/Nodes', '/BrainGenix/CLI' Lastly, It creates a node with it's own hostname to tell the leader that this node has joined. That will create an event in the log that node {hostname} joined. ''' # Extract Values From Dictionary # ZKHost = str(SystemConfiguration.get('ZKHost')) ZKPort = str(SystemConfiguration.get('ZKPort')) ZKHost += f':{ZKPort}' # Save Info About Connection # self.ZKIP = ZKHost self.ZKPort = ZKPort # Connect To Zookeeper # if Logger != None: Logger.Log(f'Connecting To Zookeeper Server At Address: {ZKHost}') self.ZookeeperConnection = KazooClient(hosts=ZKHost) self.ZookeeperConnection.start() if Logger != None: Logger.Log('Established Connection To Zookeeper') self.ZookeeperConnection.ensure_path('BrainGenix/') self.ZookeeperConnection.ensure_path('BrainGenix/System') self.ZookeeperConnection.ensure_path('BrainGenix/System/Nodes') self.ZookeeperConnection.ensure_path('BrainGenix/CLI') self.ConnectedNodesLastUpdate = self.ZookeeperConnection.get_children( '/BrainGenix/System/Nodes') self.ConnectedNodes = self.ZookeeperConnection.get_children( '/BrainGenix/System/Nodes') self.TryCreate(f'/BrainGenix/System/Nodes/{self.Name}/', zNodeData=b'', ephemeral=True) def ConcurrentConnectedNodes( self): # Return The Number Of Concurrently Connected Nodes # ''' This function is used to get the number of connected concurrent nodes. It's used to get the number of connected nodes on the MOTD splash page. It just returns the number of children znodes under the system/nodes path in ZK. ''' # Get Number Of Children zNodes # NodeCount = len( self.ZookeeperConnection.get_children('/BrainGenix/System/Nodes')) # Return Count # return NodeCount def AutoInitZKLeader(self): # Init ZK Leader # ''' This function does exactly what the name implies, Initializing the ZK connection. It's called by the checkthread in the event that the leader is disconnected. *As with many of the functions in this file, you shouldn't have to interact with it at all.* ''' self.Logger.Log('Attempting To Locate Zookeeper Leader') if not self.CheckIfLeaderExists(): self.Logger.Log('Failed To Find ZK Leader, Starting Election') self.ElectLeader() self.ZookeeperHaveLeader = True else: self.Logger.Log('Leader Located') self.Logger.Log('This Node Is Running In Follower Mode') self.ZookeeperHaveLeader = True def ElectLeader(self): # Elects A Leader From The Pool # ''' This function is used by the AutoInit function to elect a leader if the current leader is missing. *It's also not designed to be used by the end user, so you shouldn't have to use it.* ''' # Create Zookeeper Election Object # self.Logger.Log('Electing Leader From Zookeeper Ensemble') UUIDString = str(uuid.uuid1()) ZookeeperElection = self.ZookeeperConnection.Election( "/BrainGenix/System/Election", UUIDString) self.Logger.Log('Election Complete') self.Logger.Log(f'This Node Is Running In {self.ZookeeperMode} Mode') def CheckIfLeaderExists( self): # Checks If A Leader Has Already Been Elected # ''' This function returns a boolean value indicating if the current leader's ephemeral zNode exists. *The end user shouldn't have to interact with this function.* ''' return self.ZookeeperConnection.exists('/BrainGenix/System/Leader') def ElectedLeader( self ): # This Function Is Called If We're Elected Leader From The ZK Ensemble # ''' This function is called when the current node is elected as a leader. If this function is called and the node is not actually the leader, it can cause some very unstable behavior. *Please don't use this function unless you're really sure what you're doing.* ''' # Create Leader Dictionary # LeaderDictionary = {'Hostname': self.Name, 'IP': self.ZKIP} LeaderDictionaryString = json.dumps(LeaderDictionary) # Create LockFile # if not self.ZookeeperConnection.exists('/BrainGenix/System/Leader'): self.ZookeeperConnection.create('/BrainGenix/System/Leader', LeaderDictionaryString.encode(), ephemeral=True) self.ZookeeperMode = 'Leader' else: self.Logger.Log('Other Node Already Created Lockfile') def TryCreate(self, zNodePath: str, ephemeral: bool = False, zNodeData: bytes = None): ''' This function is designed to be used by plugins/modules to create a node even if it might already exist. It's faster than first checking, and then creating a node. By default, the nodes it creates are not ephemeral, so if you need ephemeral nodes, pass `ephemeral=False`. You can also pass data to it as bytes by passing `zNodeData=b'something'`. ''' if not self.ZookeeperConnection.exists(zNodePath): self.ZookeeperConnection.create(zNodePath, ephemeral=ephemeral, value=zNodeData) def TryCreateOverwrite(self, zNodePath: str, ephemeral: bool = False, zNodeData: bytes = None): ''' This function is designed to be used by plugins/modules to create a node even if it might already exist. It will overwrite the node if it already exists, so please be careful about what you're doing here. If you're careless, this function can cause undefined behavior. It's faster than first checking, and then creating a node. By default, the nodes it creates are not ephemeral, so if you need ephemeral nodes, pass `ephemeral=False`. You can also pass data to it as bytes by passing `zNodeData=b'something'`. ''' if not self.ZookeeperConnection.exists(zNodePath): self.ZookeeperConnection.create(zNodePath, ephemeral=ephemeral, value=zNodeData) else: self.ZookeeperConnection.set(zNodePath, value=zNodeData) def LeaderCheckDaemon( self, ControlQueue, RefreshInterval=1): # Constantly Checks If Leader Disconnects # ''' This function is the actual thread target used by the leader checking process. *Don't call this function unless you know what you're doing.* ''' # Enter Loop # while ControlQueue.empty(): # Catch Errors # try: # Check Latency # StartTime = time.time() LeaderExists = self.ZookeeperConnection.exists( '/BrainGenix/System/Leader') self.TransactionTime = time.time() - StartTime # Check Leader # if not LeaderExists: self.LeaderTimeout() if not self.ZookeeperConnection.exists( '/BrainGenix/System/Leader'): if (self.ZookeeperConnection.get( '/BrainGenix/System/Leader')[0] != self.Name.encode() and (self.ZookeeperMode == 'Leader')): self.Logger.Log( 'Node Lock File Overwritten, Degrading To Follower!', 1) self.ZookeeperMode = 'Follower' else: # Catch exception if node is destroyed during check pass # Check Conn/Disconn Events # self.GetConnectedNodes() NewNodes, DelNodes = self.CheckIfNodeChangeEvents() self.PrintDifferences(NewNodes, DelNodes) # Delay Until Next Update Interval # time.sleep(RefreshInterval) except Exception as E: if str(E) == 'Connection has been closed': # Log Connection Destroyed # self.Logger.Log( 'Zookeeper Connection Destroyed, Shutting Down ZKLeaderCheck Daemon', 8) sys.exit() else: # Log Other Errors # self.Logger.Log(E, 9) def GetConnectedNodes(self): # Updates The List Of Connected Nodes In ZK # ''' This function returns a list of connected nodes' hostnames into a variable called self.ConnectedNodes. You can call this function or just poll the list as it's updated by the polling thread. ''' self.ConnectedNodes = self.ZookeeperConnection.get_children( '/BrainGenix/System/Nodes') def CheckIfNodeChangeEvents( self): # Checks If Any Nodes Have Joined Or Left The Cluster # ''' This function checks if any new nodes have joined or left. *Don't call this function unless you know what you're doing* ''' # Check Additions # AddedNodes = [] for NodeName in self.ConnectedNodes: if NodeName not in self.ConnectedNodesLastUpdate: AddedNodes.append(NodeName) # Check Subtractions # RemovedNodes = [] for NodeName in self.ConnectedNodesLastUpdate: if NodeName not in self.ConnectedNodes: RemovedNodes.append(NodeName) # Update List Of Nodes Since Last Check # self.ConnectedNodesLastUpdate = self.ConnectedNodes return AddedNodes, RemovedNodes def PrintDifferences( self, AddedNodes, SubtractedNodes ): # Prints Deltas Between Checks, IE A NODE ADDED OR REMOVED # ''' This function prints the list of new/disconnected nodes since the last time the CheckIfNodeChangeEvents function was called. *Don't call this function unless you know what you're doing.* ''' for NewNode in AddedNodes: self.Logger.Log(f'Node {NewNode} Connected', 4) for RemNode in SubtractedNodes: self.Logger.Log(f'Node {RemNode} Disconnected', 5) if RemNode == self.Name: self.Logger.Log('Did Another Instance Time Out?') self.TryCreateOverwrite( f'/BrainGenix/System/Nodes/{self.Name}/', zNodeData=b'', ephemeral=True) def LeaderTimeout(self): # Runs if a leader times out # ''' This function is called when the leader times out. It will elect a new leader and handle transitioning to leader mode if needed. *Don't call this function unless you know what you're doing.* ''' self.Logger.Log("Can't find Zookeeper Leader! No Quorum?", 2) self.ZookeeperHaveLeader = False self.ZookeeperMode = 'Follower' self.AutoInitZKLeader() def Exit(self): # Shutsdown the ZK connection # self.ZookeeperConnection.stop()
class Proxy: """Implementation of the proxy""" def __init__(self): # Use XPUB/XSUB to get multiple contents from different publishers self.context = zmq.Context() self.xsubsocket = self.context.socket(zmq.XSUB) self.xpubsocket = self.context.socket(zmq.XPUB) self.xpubsocket.setsockopt(zmq.XPUB_VERBOSE, 1) self.xpubsocket.send_multipart([b'\x01', b'10001']) # Now we are going to create a poller self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.poller.register(self.xsubsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.poller.register(self.xpubsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.global_url = 0 self.global_port = 0 self.newSub = False self.topic_info_queue = [ ] # the content queue for different topic (zipcode) self.topicInd = 0 self.zip_list = [ ] # the ziplist to keep track with the zipcodes received self.zk_object = KazooClient(hosts='') self.zk_object.start() self.path = '/home/' znode1 = self.path + "broker1" if self.zk_object.exists(znode1): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode1, to_bytes("5555,5556")) # Print the version of a node and its data znode2 = self.path + "broker2" if self.zk_object.exists(znode2): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode2, to_bytes("5557,5558")) znode3 = self.path + "broker3" if self.zk_object.exists(znode3): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessaryto_bytes self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(znode3, to_bytes("5553,5554")) ''' elect a leader and put that node under the path of /leader/ and send the port number to the publisher and subscriber ''' self.election = self.zk_object.Election(self.path, "leader") leader_list = self.election.contenders() self.leader = leader_list[-1].encode( 'latin-1') # the leader here is a pair of address self.leader = str(self.leader) address = self.leader.split(",") tem = address[0] tem = tem.split("'")[1] address[0] = tem tem = address[1] tem = tem.split("'")[0] address[1] = tem pub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[0] sub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[1] print("Current elected broker: ", pub_addr + "," + sub_addr) self.xsubsocket.bind(pub_addr) self.xpubsocket.bind(sub_addr) self.watch_dir = self.path + self.leader # use Datawatch self.leader_path = "/leader/" self.leader_node = self.leader_path + "node" if self.zk_object.exists(self.leader_node): pass else: # Ensure a path, create if necessary self.zk_object.ensure_path(self.leader_path) # Create a node with data self.zk_object.create(self.leader_node, ephemeral=True) self.zk_object.set(self.leader_node, to_bytes(self.leader)) def sendToSubscriber(self): events = dict(self.poller.poll(10000)) if self.xsubsocket in events: msg = self.xsubsocket.recv_multipart() content = msg[0] content = str(content) content = content.split("'")[1] #print("content here is {}".format(content)) zipcode, temperature, relhumidity, pub_time = content.split( " ")[:4] cur_msg = [zipcode, temperature, relhumidity, pub_time] if zipcode not in self.zip_list: # a new topic just come from a new publisher self.zip_list.append(zipcode) topic_info = cur_msg self.topic_info_queue.append(topic_info) else: zipInd = self.zip_list.index(zipcode) self.topic_info_queue[zipInd] = cur_msg self.xpubsocket.send_string( "%i %i %i %i " % (int(cur_msg[0]), int( cur_msg[1]), int(cur_msg[2]), int(cur_msg[3]))) if self.xpubsocket in events: # a subscriber comes here msg = self.xpubsocket.recv_multipart() self.xsubsocket.send_multipart(msg) def schedule(self): while True: @self.zk_object.DataWatch(self.watch_dir) def watch_node(data, stat, event): if event != None: print(event.type) if event.type == "DELETED": # redo a election self.election = self.zk_object.Election( self.path, "leader") leader_list = self.election.contenders() self.leader = leader_list[-1].encode('latin-1') self.zk_object.set(self.leader_node, self.leader) self.xsubsocket.unbind(self.current_pub) self.xpubsocket.unbind(self.current_sub) address = self.leader.split(",") pub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[0] sub_addr = "tcp://*:" + address[1] self.xsubsocket.bind(pub_addr) self.xpubsocket.bind(sub_addr) def close(self): """ This method closes the PyZMQ socket. """ self.xsubsocket.close(0) self.xpubsocket.close(0)