def first_sifra(data, key):
    """first bellaso substitution cipher"""
    alphabet = "abcdefghilmnopqrstvxyz"  # bellaso didn't use a 26 chars alphabet

    constant_part, rotated_part = alphabet[:11], Str(
        alphabet[11:])  # and it was split in two parts, used differently

    pairs = [
        alphabet[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(alphabet), 2)
    ]  #each pair of letters of the key gets a different substitution alphabet
    order = "aeiovcgmqsy"  # this is the order of pairs, rotation-wise.

    # now let's generate the substitution alphabet for each pair
    # at each step (following the right order), the rotated part is rotated left one character
    alphabets = dict()
    for index, char in enumerate(order):
        #let's get the pair by its first char in the order
        current_pair = [pair for pair in pairs if char in pair][0]
        alphabets[current_pair] = constant_part + (rotated_part >> index)

    output = str()
    for char, current_key in zip(data, key):
        pair = [p for p in alphabets if current_key in p]
        if pair:
            char = substitute(char, alphabets[pair[0]])
        output += char
    return output
def second_sifra(data, key, alphabet_key):
    #now the substitution alphabet is generated from a passphrase

    consonants = mix_alphabet(alphabet_key, "bcdfghlmnpqrstxyz")
    #then we'll work on the vowels, but we'll insert them every 3 character
    #let's split the consonants string
    consonants_blocks = split_string_blocks(consonants, 3)
    #and parse the key for its used vowels
    vowels = mix_alphabet(alphabet_key, "aeiou")
    #let's merge the consonants and vowels data

    alphabet = "".join(i + j
                       for i, j in zip_extend(consonants_blocks, list(vowels)))

    #assert alphabet == "rmqacntupsbidfgehlxoyz"
    constant_part, rotated_part = alphabet[:11], Str(alphabet[11:])

    #now to generate the pairs, we'll do the same, but merge the vowel every char blocks
    consonants_blocks = split_string_blocks(consonants, 1)
    pairsString = Str("".join(
        i + j for i, j in zip_extend(consonants_blocks, list(vowels))))
    pairs = pairsString.splitblock(2)

    #now we have the pairs, the initial substitution alphabet
    #let's generate the 'rotated' alphabet for each pair
    alphabets = dict()
    for index, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        #let's get the pair by its first char in the order
        alphabets[pair] = constant_part + (rotated_part >> index)

    # now the actual encryption
    # for this cipher, the xth character of the key is used to decrypt the xth word (space separated) of the plaintext
    output = str()
    key_index = 0
    for char in data:
        pair = [p for p in alphabets if key[key_index] in p]
        if pair:
            char = substitute(char, alphabets[pair[0]])
        if char == ' ':
            key_index += 1
        output += char
    return output
#Kabopan - Readable Algorithms. Public Domain, 2007-2009

from kbp.types import ( \
 sub_string, add_string,
Str, List,
Byte, Dword, Word, Qword, Oword, DQword)

assert sub_string("abc", "aBc") == "_B_"
assert add_string("abc", "_B_") == "aBc"

s = Str("abcdefghij")
assert [ s,           s << 1,       s >> 1,       (s << 1) >> 1, s << 2,       s << 3,      s << 4] == \
       ['abcdefghij', 'bcdefghija', 'jabcdefghi', 'abcdefghij', 'cdefghijab', 'defghijabc', 'efghijabcd']

assert s.setstart("d") == "defghijabc"

s = Str('abcaba')
assert s.indexes("a") == [0, 3, 5]
assert s.indexes("d") == []

s = Str("abcdefghij")
import pprint
assert [s.insert("1", 2), s.insert("12", 2), s.overwrite("1", 2), s.overwrite("12", 2)] == \
       ['ab1cdefghij',   'ab12cdefghij',     'ab1defghij',        'ab12efghij']

assert [s.splitblock(2), s.splitblock(3)] == [['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh', 'ij'],
                                              ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'j']]

assert List([1, 2, 3, 4]) >> 1 == [4, 1, 2, 3]
assert List([1, 2, 3, 4]) >> 4 == [1, 2, 3, 4]
assert List([1, 2, 3, 4]) << 1 == [2, 3, 4, 1]