def get_kconfig ():
    global kconfig

    if kconfig:
        return kconfig

    project = get_project ()

    if not project:
        return None

    os.environ.setdefault ("KCONFIG_CONFIG", "config/kconfig.mk")

    kconfig = Kconfig ("kconfig")

    kconfig.disable_redun_warnings ()
    kconfig.disable_override_warnings ()

    # load project kconfig.mk
    if os.path.isfile ("config/kconfig.mk"):
        kconfig.load_config ("config/kconfig.mk", False)
        soc_common = os.path.join (project ["soc_dir"], "soc.config")
        if os.path.isfile (soc_common):
            kconfig.load_config (soc_common, False)

        # load soc.config
        soc_config = project ["soc_cfg"]
        kconfig.load_config (soc_config, False)

        # load bsp.config
        bsp_config = os.path.join (project ["bsp_dir"], "bsp.config")
        if os.path.isfile (bsp_config):
            kconfig.load_config (bsp_config, False)

    return kconfig
        "usage: merge_config.py Kconfig merged_config config1 [config2 ...]")

kconf = Kconfig(sys.argv[1])

# Enable warnings for assignments to undefined symbols

# (This script uses alldefconfig as the base. Other starting states could be
# set up here as well. The approach in examples/allnoconfig_simpler.py could
# provide an allnoconfig starting state for example.)

# Disable warnings generated for multiple assignments to the same symbol within
# a (set of) configuration files. Assigning a symbol multiple times might be
# done intentionally when merging configuration files.

# Create a merged configuration by loading the fragments with replace=False
for config in sys.argv[3:]:
    kconf.load_config(config, replace=False)

# Write the merged configuration

# Print warnings for symbols whose actual value doesn't match the assigned
# value

def name_and_loc(sym):
    # Helper for printing symbol names and Kconfig file location(s) in warnings
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    print("Parsing Kconfig tree in " + args.kconfig_root)
    kconf = Kconfig(args.kconfig_root, warn_to_stderr=False)

    # prj.conf may override settings from the board configuration, so disable
    # warnings about symbols being assigned more than once
    # Warn for assignments to undefined symbols

    for i, config in enumerate(args.conf_fragments):
            ("Loading {} as base" if i == 0 else "Merging {}").format(config))
        # replace=False creates a merged configuration
        kconf.load_config(config, replace=False)

    # Print warnings for symbols whose actual value doesn't match the assigned
    # value
    for sym in kconf.unique_defined_syms:
        # Was the symbol assigned to? Choice symbols are checked separately.
        if sym.user_value is not None and not sym.choice:

    # Print warnings for choices whose actual selection doesn't match the user
    # selection
    for choice in kconf.unique_choices:
        if choice.user_selection:

    # Hack: Force all symbols to be evaluated, to catch warnings generated
    # during evaluation. Wait till the end to write the actual output files, so
    # that we don't generate any output if there are warnings-turned-errors.
    # Kconfiglib caches calculated symbol values internally, so this is still
    # fast.

    # Print warnings ourselves so that we can put a blank line between them for
    # readability. We could roll this into the loop below, but it's nice to
    # always print all warnings, even if one of them turns out to be fatal.
    for warning in kconf.warnings:
        print("\n" + warning, file=sys.stderr)

    # Turn all warnings except for explicity whitelisted ones into errors. In
    # particular, this will turn assignments to undefined Kconfig variables
    # into errors.
    # A warning is generated by this script whenever a symbol gets a different
    # value than the one it was assigned. Keep that one as just a warning for
    # now as well.
    for warning in kconf.warnings:
        if fatal(warning):
            sys.exit("\n" + textwrap.fill(
                "Error: Aborting due to non-whitelisted Kconfig "
                "warning '{}'.\nNote: If this warning doesn't point "
                "to an actual problem, you can add it to the "
                "whitelist at the top of {}.".format(warning, sys.argv[0]),
                100) + "\n")

    # Write the merged configuration and the C header
    print("Configuration written to '{}'".format(args.dotconfig))
    sys.exit("usage: merge_config.py Kconfig merged_config config1 [config2 ...]")

kconf = Kconfig(sys.argv[1])

# Enable warnings for assignments to undefined symbols

# (This script uses alldefconfig as the base. Other starting states could be
# set up here as well. The approach in examples/allnoconfig_simpler.py could
# provide an allnoconfig starting state for example.)

# Disable warnings generated for multiple assignments to the same symbol within
# a (set of) configuration files. Assigning a symbol multiple times might be
# done intentionally when merging configuration files.

# Create a merged configuration by loading the fragments with replace=False
for config in sys.argv[3:]:
    kconf.load_config(config, replace=False)

# Write the merged configuration

# Print warnings for symbols whose actual value doesn't match the assigned
# value

def name_and_loc(sym):
    # Helper for printing symbol names and Kconfig file location(s) in warnings

    if not sym.nodes: