class BaseGuestWorksFrame(QFrame):
    def __init__(self, parent, name='BaseGuestWorksFrame'):
        QFrame.__init__(self, parent, name)
        self.works_entries = []
        margin = 0
        space = 1
        self.grid = QGridLayout(self, 2, 6, margin, space)
        self.works_lbl = QLabel('Works', self)
        self.grid.addMultiCellWidget(self.works_lbl, 0, 0, 0, 4)
        self.add_works_btn = KPushButton('+', self, 'add_works_button')
        self.grid.addWidget(self.add_works_btn, 0, 5)
    def add_works_entries(self):
        frame = BaseWorksEntryFrame(self)
        row = len(self.works_entries) + 1
        self.grid.addMultiCellWidget(frame, row, row, 0, -1)
class BaseGameDataFrame(QFrame):
    def __init__(self, parent, name='BaseGameDataFrame'):
        QFrame.__init__(self, parent, name)
        # there will be more than two rows, but we'll start with two
        numrows = 2
        # there should onlty be two columns
        numcols = 2
        margin = 0
        space = 1
        # add a grid layout to the frame
        self.grid = QGridLayout(self, numrows, numcols,
                                margin, space, 'BaseGameDataLayout')
        # make a couple of lists to point to the weblink entries
        # order is important in these lists
        self.weblink_site_entries = []
        self.weblink_url_entries = []
        # I may use dict[site] = (site_entry, url_entry)
        # I haven't decided yet.  It could always be formed by zipping the 2 lists above.
        self.weblink_dict = {}
        # setup app pointer
        self.app = KApplication.kApplication()
        self.myconfig = self.app.myconfig
        # setup dialog pointers
        self.select_launch_command_dlg = None
        # Setup widgets
        # setup name widgets
        self.name_lbl = QLabel('<b>Name</b>', self)
        self.name_entry = KLineEdit('', self)
        # add name widgets to grid
        self.grid.addWidget(self.name_lbl, 0, 0)
        self.grid.addWidget(self.name_entry, 1, 0)
        # setup fullname widgets
        self.fullname_lbl = QLabel('<b>Full name</b>', self)
        self.fullname_entry = KLineEdit('', self)
        # add fullname widgets
        self.grid.addWidget(self.fullname_lbl, 2, 0)
        self.grid.addWidget(self.fullname_entry, 3, 0)
        # setup description widgets
        self.desc_lbl = QLabel('<b>Description</b>', self)
        self.desc_entry = KTextEdit(self, 'description_entry')
        # set plain text format for description entry
        # we do this in case there are html tags in the entry
        # add description widgets
        self.grid.addWidget(self.desc_lbl, 4, 0)
        #self.addWidget(self.desc_entry, 5, 0)
        # add the description as a multirow entity
        # default from 5 to 15
        # this allows for weblinks to be added
        # (about 5)
        # without the dialog looking ugly
        # going to 15 won't force there to be that many rows
        # until more enough widgets are added
        self.grid.addMultiCellWidget(self.desc_entry, 5, 15, 0, 0)
        # setup launch command widgets
        self.launch_lbl = QLabel('<b>Launch command</b>', self)
        self.launch_entry = KLineEdit('', self)
        self.launch_dlg_button = KPushButton('...', self, 'launch_dlg_button')
        self.launch_dlg_button.connect(self.launch_dlg_button, SIGNAL('clicked()'),
        # add launch command widgets
        self.grid.addWidget(self.launch_lbl, 0, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(self.launch_entry, 1, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(self.launch_dlg_button, 1, 2)
        # setup dosboxpath widgets
        self.dosboxpath_lbl = QLabel('<b>dosbox path</b>', self)
        self.dosboxpath_entry = KLineEdit('', self)
        # add dosboxpath widgets
        self.grid.addWidget(self.dosboxpath_lbl, 2, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(self.dosboxpath_entry, 3, 1)
        # setup main weblink widgets
        self.weblinks_lbl = QLabel('<b>weblinks</b>', self)
        self.weblinks_btn = KPushButton('+', self, 'add_weblink_button')
        self.weblinks_btn.connect(self.weblinks_btn, SIGNAL('clicked()'),
        # add main weblink widgets
        self.grid.addWidget(self.weblinks_lbl, 4, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(self.weblinks_btn, 4, 2)
    def select_launch_command(self):
        if self.select_launch_command_dlg is None:
            file_filter = "*.exe *.bat *.com|Dos Executables\n*|All Files"
            dlg = KFileDialog(self.fullpath, file_filter,  self, 'select_launch_command_dlg', True)
            dlg.connect(dlg, SIGNAL('okClicked()'), self.launch_command_selected)
            dlg.connect(dlg, SIGNAL('cancelClicked()'), self.destroy_select_launch_command_dlg)
            dlg.connect(dlg, SIGNAL('closeClicked()'), self.destroy_select_launch_command_dlg)
            self.select_launch_command_dlg = dlg
            # we shouldn't need this with a modal dialog
            KMessageBox.error(self, opendlg_errormsg)

    def destroy_select_launch_command_dlg(self):
        self.select_launch_command_dlg = None

    def launch_command_selected(self):
        dlg = self.select_launch_command_dlg
        url = dlg.selectedURL()
        fullpath = str(url.path())
        launch_command = os.path.basename(fullpath)
        self.select_launch_command_dlg = None

    def add_weblink_entries(self, site='', url=''):
        #we start at row #5 column 1 for lbl column 2 for entry
        num_entries = len(self.weblink_url_entries)
        # we need to add 1 on lbl_num because the entries can be appended
        # until instantiated
        lbl_num = num_entries + 1
        site_lbl = QLabel('<b>site %d</b>' % lbl_num, self)
        site_entry = KLineEdit(site, self)
        url_lbl = QLabel('<b>url %d</b>' % lbl_num, self)
        url_entry = KLineEdit(url, self)
        if len(self.weblink_site_entries) != len(self.weblink_url_entries):
            KMessageBox.error(self, 'entries mismatch, something really bad happened.')
            import sys
        # we need a little math here to figure out the rows
        # for the widgets
        # num_entries should now be 1 greater than above
        num_entries = len(self.weblink_url_entries)
        site_row = 2*num_entries + 3
        url_row = 2*num_entries + 4
        # add weblink widgets to the grid
        top = self.grid.AlignTop
        self.grid.addWidget(site_entry, site_row, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(site_lbl, site_row, 2)
        self.grid.addWidget(url_entry, url_row, 1)
        self.grid.addWidget(url_lbl, url_row, 2)
        # we have to call .show() explicitly on the widgets
        # as the rest of the widgets are already visible
        # when show was called on the dialog
        # show() automatically calls show() on all children
        for widget in [site_lbl, site_entry, url_lbl, url_entry]: