def lint(files, check_only): """Run flake8, isort and (on Python >=3.6) black.""" context = _load_project_context() source_path = get_source_dir(context.project_path) files = files or ( str(source_path / "tests"), str(source_path / context.package_name), ) try: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, unused-import import flake8 # noqa import isort # noqa import black # noqa except ImportError as exc: raise KedroCliError( NO_DEPENDENCY_MESSAGE.format(, src=str(source_path))) python_call("black", ("--check", ) + files if check_only else files) python_call("flake8", ("--max-line-length=88", ) + files) check_flag = ("-c", ) if check_only else () python_call("isort", (*check_flag, "-rc", "-tc", "-up", "-fgw=0", "-m=3", "-w=88") + files)
def activate_nbstripout(): """Install the nbstripout git hook to automatically clean notebooks.""" context = _load_project_context() source_path = get_source_dir(context.project_path) secho( ("Notebook output cells will be automatically cleared before committing" " to git."), fg="yellow", ) try: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, unused-import import nbstripout # noqa except ImportError: raise KedroCliError( NO_DEPENDENCY_MESSAGE.format(module="nbstripout", src=str(source_path))) try: res = # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check ["git", "rev-parse", "--git-dir"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if res.returncode: raise KedroCliError("Not a git repository. Run `git init` first.") except FileNotFoundError: raise KedroCliError("Git executable not found. Install Git first.") call(["nbstripout", "--install"])
def install(): """Install project dependencies from both requirements.txt and environment.yml (optional).""" # we cannot use `context.project_path` as in other commands since # context instantiation might break due to missing dependencies # we attempt to install here source_path = get_source_dir(Path.cwd()) if (source_path / "environment.yml").is_file(): call([ "conda", "install", "--file", str(source_path / "environment.yml"), "--yes", ]) pip_command = [ "install", "-U", "-r", str(source_path / "requirements.txt") ] if == "posix": python_call("pip", pip_command) else: command = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip"] + pip_command subprocess.Popen(command, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
def install(compile_flag): """Install project dependencies from both requirements.txt and environment.yml (optional).""" # we cannot use `context.project_path` as in other commands since # context instantiation might break due to missing dependencies # we attempt to install here source_path = get_source_dir(Path.cwd()) environment_yml = source_path / "environment.yml" requirements_in = source_path / "" requirements_txt = source_path / "requirements.txt" if environment_yml.is_file(): call(["conda", "install", "--file", str(environment_yml), "--yes"]) default_compile = bool(compile_flag is None and not requirements_in.is_file()) do_compile = compile_flag or default_compile if do_compile: _build_reqs(source_path) pip_command = ["install", "-U", "-r", str(requirements_txt)] if == "posix": python_call("pip", pip_command) else: command = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip"] + pip_command subprocess.Popen(command, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) secho("Requirements installed!", fg="green")
def convert_notebook(all_flag, overwrite_flag, filepath, env): """Convert selected or all notebooks found in a Kedro project to Kedro code, by exporting code from the appropriately-tagged cells: Cells tagged as `node` will be copied over to a Python file matching the name of the notebook, under `<source_dir>/<package_name>/nodes`. *Note*: Make sure your notebooks have unique names! FILEPATH: Path(s) to exact notebook file(s) to be converted. Both relative and absolute paths are accepted. Should not be provided if --all flag is already present. """ context = _load_project_context(env=env) _update_ipython_dir(context.project_path) source_path = get_source_dir(context.project_path) if not filepath and not all_flag: secho("Please specify a notebook filepath " "or add '--all' to convert all notebooks.") sys.exit(1) if all_flag: # pathlib glob does not ignore hidden directories, # whereas Python glob does, which is more useful in # ensuring checkpoints will not be included pattern = context.project_path / "**" / "*.ipynb" notebooks = sorted( Path(p) for p in iglob(str(pattern), recursive=True)) else: notebooks = [Path(f) for f in filepath] counter = Counter(n.stem for n in notebooks) non_unique_names = [name for name, counts in counter.items() if counts > 1] if non_unique_names: names = ", ".join(non_unique_names) raise KedroCliError( f"Found non-unique notebook names! Please rename the following: {names}" ) output_dir = source_path / context.package_name / "nodes" if not output_dir.is_dir(): output_dir.mkdir() (output_dir / "").touch() for notebook in notebooks: secho(f"Converting notebook '{notebook}'...") output_path = output_dir / f"{notebook.stem}.py" if output_path.is_file(): overwrite = overwrite_flag or click.confirm( f"Output file {output_path} already exists. Overwrite?", default=False, ) if overwrite: _export_nodes(notebook, output_path) else: _export_nodes(notebook, output_path) secho("Done!", color="green")
def test_get_source_dir(tmp_path, fake_kedro_yml, expected_source_dir): expected_source_dir = (tmp_path / expected_source_dir).resolve() assert fake_kedro_yml.is_file() pattern = "This function is now deprecated and will be removed in Kedro 0.17.0" with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match=re.escape(pattern)): src_dir = get_source_dir(tmp_path) assert src_dir == expected_source_dir
def package(): """Package the project as a Python egg and wheel.""" context = _load_project_context() source_path = get_source_dir(context.project_path) call( [sys.executable, "", "clean", "--all", "bdist_egg"], cwd=str(source_path), ) call( [sys.executable, "", "clean", "--all", "bdist_wheel"], cwd=str(source_path), )
def test(args): """Run the test suite.""" try: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, unused-import import pytest # noqa except ImportError: context = _load_project_context() source_path = get_source_dir(context.project_path) raise KedroCliError( NO_DEPENDENCY_MESSAGE.format(module="pytest", src=str(source_path))) else: python_call("pytest", args)
def build_reqs(args): """Build the project dependency requirements.""" # we cannot use `context.project_path` as in other commands since # context instantiation might break due to missing dependencies # we attempt to install here source_path = get_source_dir(Path.cwd()) _build_reqs(source_path, args) secho( "Requirements built! Please update " "if you'd like to make a change in your project's dependencies, " "and re-run build-reqs to generate the new requirements.txt.", fg="green", )
def build_reqs(): """Build the project dependency requirements.""" # we cannot use `context.project_path` as in other commands since # context instantiation might break due to missing dependencies # we attempt to install here source_path = get_source_dir(Path.cwd()) requirements_path = source_path / "" if not requirements_path.is_file(): secho( "No found. Copying contents from requirements.txt..." ) contents = (source_path / "requirements.txt").read_text() requirements_path.write_text(contents) python_call("piptools", ["compile", str(requirements_path)]) secho(("Requirements built! Please update " "if you'd like to make a change in your project's dependencies, " "and re-run build-reqs to generate the new requirements.txt."))
def build_docs(open_docs): """Build the project documentation.""" context = _load_project_context() source_path = get_source_dir(context.project_path) python_call("pip", ["install", str(source_path / "[docs]")]) python_call("pip", ["install", "-r", str(source_path / "requirements.txt")]) python_call("ipykernel", ["install", "--user", f"--name={context.package_name}"]) shutil.rmtree("docs/build", ignore_errors=True) call( [ "sphinx-apidoc", "--module-first", "-o", "docs/source", str(source_path / context.package_name), ] ) call(["sphinx-build", "-M", "html", "docs/source", "docs/build", "-a"]) if open_docs: docs_page = (Path.cwd() / "docs" / "build" / "html" / "index.html").as_uri() secho(f"Opening {docs_page}")