    def train(self, im, start=True):
        # Extract the features to train.
        xl = self.translation_sample(im, self.pos, self.window_sz,
                                     self.cos_window, self.parameters.features,
        # 2D Fourier transform. Spatial domain (x,y) to frequency domain.
        xlf = np.fft.fft2(xl, axes=(0, 1))

        # Compute the features kernel
        if self.parameters.kernel.kernel_type == 'Gaussian':
            kf = kernel.gaussian_correlation(
                xlf, xlf, self.parameters.kernel.kernel_sigma,
            kf = kernel.linear_correlation(xlf, xlf, self.parameters.features)

        # Compute the optimal translation filter
        alphaf = self.yf / (kf + self.parameters.lmbda)
        # alpha= np.real(np.fft.ifft2(alphaf, axes=(0,1)))
        # row_shift, col_shift = np.floor(np.array(alphaf.shape)/2).astype(int)
        # alpha = np.roll(alpha, col_shift,axis=1)
        # alpha = np.roll(alpha,row_shift, axis=0)
        # cv2.imshow("alpha", alpha)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # Extract the scale samples
        xs = get_scale_sample(im, self.pos, self.base_target_sz,
                              self.currentScaleFactor * self.scale_factors,
                              self.scale_window, self.scale_model_sz)

        # Compute the fourier transform from scale space to frequency
        xsf = np.fft.fft(xs, self.parameters.number_of_scales, axis=1)

        # Compute the optimal scale filter
        new_sf_num = self.ysf * np.conjugate(xsf)
        new_sf_den = np.sum(xsf * np.conjugate(xsf), axis=0)

        # If first frame create the model
        if start:
            self.model_alphaf = alphaf
            self.model_xf = xlf
            self.sf_den = new_sf_den
            self.sf_num = new_sf_num
        # Update the model in the consecutive frames.
            self.sf_den = (
                1 - self.parameters.learning_rate
            ) * self.sf_den + self.parameters.learning_rate * new_sf_den
            self.sf_num = (
                1 - self.parameters.learning_rate
            ) * self.sf_num + self.parameters.learning_rate * new_sf_num
            self.model_alphaf = (
                1 - self.parameters.learning_rate
            ) * self.model_alphaf + self.parameters.learning_rate * alphaf
            self.model_xf = (
                1 - self.parameters.learning_rate
            ) * self.model_xf + self.parameters.learning_rate * xlf
    def detect(self, im):
        # Extract the features to detect.
        xt = self.translation_sample(im, self.pos, self.window_sz, self.parameters.cell_size, self.cos_window,
                                     self.parameters.features, self.currentScaleFactor, False)
        # 2D Fourier transform. Spatial domain (x,y) to frequency domain.
        xtf = np.fft.fft2(xt, axes=(0, 1))

        # Compute the feature kernel
        if self.parameters.kernel.kernel_type == 'Gaussian':
            kzf = kernel.gaussian_correlation(xtf, self.model_xf, self.parameters.kernel.kernel_sigma, self.parameters.features)
            kzf = kernel.linear_correlation(xtf, self.model_xf, self.parameters.features)

        # Translation Response map. The estimated location is the argmax (response).
        translation_response = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(self.model_alphaf * kzf, axes=(0, 1)))

        if self.parameters.debug:
            row_shift, col_shift = np.floor(np.array(translation_response.shape)/2).astype(int)
            r = np.roll(translation_response, col_shift, axis=1)
            r = np.roll(r, row_shift, axis=0)
            cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
            response_map = cv2.applyColorMap(r, cv2.COLORMAP_AUTUMN)
            cv2.imshow('image', response_map)

        row, col = np.unravel_index(translation_response.argmax(), translation_response.shape)

        # Peak-to-sidelobe ratio. If this value drops below 6.0 assume the track lost the target.
        # response_aux = np.copy(translation_response)
        # response_aux[row-3:row+3, col-3:col+3] = 0
        # self.psr = np.append(self.psr, (np.max(translation_response) - np.mean(response_aux))/(np.std(response_aux)))
        # print self.psr
        self.psr = (np.max(translation_response) - np.mean(translation_response))/(np.std(translation_response))
        print("psr:", round(self.psr, 2))
        if self.psr < self.parameters.peak_to_sidelobe_ratio_threshold:
            self.lost = True
            self.lost = False

        if row > xtf.shape[0]/2:
            row = row - xtf.shape[0]
        if col > xtf.shape[1]/2:
            col = col - xtf.shape[1]

        # Compute the new estimated position in the image coordinates (0,0) <-> Top left corner
        self.pos = self.pos + self.parameters.cell_size * np.round(np.array((row, col)) * self.currentScaleFactor)
        # print np.array((col,row))

        # Return the position (center of mass in image coordinates) and the lost flag.
        return np.array([self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.target_sz[0], self.target_sz[1]]), self.lost, xtf
    def detect(self, im):
        # Extract the features to detect.
        xt = self.translation_sample(im, self.pos, self.window_sz, self.parameters.cell_size,
                                     self.cos_window, self.parameters.features, self.currentScaleFactor)
        # 2D Fourier transform. Spatial domain (x,y) to frequency domain.
        xtf = np.fft.fft2(xt, axes=(0, 1))

        # Compute the feature kernel
        if self.parameters.kernel.kernel_type == 'Gaussian':
            kzf = kernel.gaussian_correlation(xtf, self.model_xf, self.parameters.kernel.kernel_sigma, self.parameters.features)
            kzf = kernel.linear_correlation(xtf, self.model_xf, self.parameters.features)

        # Translation Response map. The estimated location is the argmax (response).
        translation_response = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(self.model_alphaf * kzf, axes=(0, 1)))

        if self.parameters.debug:
            row_shift, col_shift = np.floor(np.array(translation_response.shape)/2).astype(int)
            r = np.roll(translation_response, col_shift, axis=1)
            r = np.roll(r, row_shift, axis=0)
            cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
            response_map = cv2.applyColorMap(r, cv2.COLORMAP_AUTUMN)
            cv2.imshow('image', response_map)

        # self.confidence = np.append(self.confidence, np.max(translation_response))
        row, col = np.unravel_index(translation_response.argmax(), translation_response.shape)

        # Peak-to-sidelobe ratio. If this value drops below 6.0 assume the track lost the target.
        # response_aux = np.copy(translation_response)
        # response_aux[row-3:row+3, col-3:col+3] = 0
        # self.psr = np.append(self.psr, (np.max(translation_response) - np.mean(response_aux))/(np.std(response_aux)))
        # if (np.max(translation_response) - np.mean(response_aux))/(np.std(response_aux)) < self.parameters.peak_to_sidelobe_ratio_threshold:
        #     self.lost = True

        if row > xtf.shape[0]/2:
            row = row - xtf.shape[0]
        if col > xtf.shape[1]/2:
            col = col - xtf.shape[1]

        # Compute the new estimated position in the image coordinates (0,0) <-> Top left corner
        self.pos = self.pos + self.parameters.cell_size * np.round(np.array((row, col)) * self.currentScaleFactor)

        # TODO: Implement Sun Reflection Detector

        # Center the track on the target using blob analysis in the area defined by the bounding box.
        # Segment the image patch using OTSU's method.
        # segmented_im = image_segmentation(im, self.pos, self.window_sz)

        # if True: #if (255 in segmented_im[:,0]) or (255 in segmented_im[0,:]) or (255 in segmented_im[:,-1]) or (255 in segmented_im[-1,:]):
        #     Blob_touches_border = True
        # # else:
        #     im = np.copy(segmented_im)
        #     im3 = np.copy(segmented_im)
        #     im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(im,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        #     print len(contours)
        #     if len(contours) < 10:
        #         x = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #         y = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #         w = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #         h = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #         centers = np.zeros((len(contours), 2)).astype(int)
        #         centers_momments = np.zeros((len(contours), 2)).astype(int)
        #         areas = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #         for n,cnt in enumerate(contours):
        #             x[n], y[n], w[n], h[n] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
        #             areas[n] = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
        #             centers[n,:] = np.array((x[n]+w[n]/2, y[n]+h[n]/2))
        #             M = cv2.moments(cnt)
        #             cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00'])
        #             cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00'])
        #             centers_momments[n,:] = np.array((cx, cy))
        #         # TODO: check the blob area
        #         x = x[areas>25]
        #         y = y[areas>25]
        #         w = w[areas>25]
        #         h = h[areas>25]
        #         centers = centers[areas>25]
        #         if len(centers)>0:
        #             p = np.array((col,row)) + self.window_sz / 2.0 # np.array(segmented_im.shape) / 2
        #             disp = centers - p
        #             blob_center_arg = np.argmin((disp*disp).sum(1))
        #             cv2.circle(im3, (centers[blob_center_arg,0], centers[blob_center_arg,1]), 4,0)
        #             cv2.rectangle(im3,(x[blob_center_arg],y[blob_center_arg]),(x[blob_center_arg]+w[blob_center_arg],y[blob_center_arg]+h[blob_center_arg]),255,2)
        #             cv2.imshow("Tst3", im3)
        #             cv2.waitKey(1)
        #             #print cv2.contourArea(contours[blob_center_arg])
        #             # TODO: Check last two conditions. Might be wrong
        #             # if x[blob_center_arg]<=1 or y[blob_center_arg]<=1 or x[blob_center_arg]+w[blob_center_arg] >= np.size(im, 1)-2 or y[blob_center_arg]+h[blob_center_arg]>= np.size(im, 0)-2:
        #             #     Blob_touching_border = True
        #             new_pos = np.array((centers[blob_center_arg,1], centers[blob_center_arg,0])) + self.pos - self.window_sz/2.0
        #             self.pos = new_pos
        #             if 1.5*h[blob_center_arg] > 25:
        #                 self.target_sz[0] = 1.5*h[blob_center_arg]
        #             else:
        #                 self.target_sz[0] = 25
        #             if 1.5*w[blob_center_arg] > 25:
        #                 self.target_sz[1] = 1.5*w[blob_center_arg]
        #             else:
        #                 self.target_sz[1] = 25
        #             # TODO: check if the blob bounding box touches any border

        ## OLD BLOB DETECTION (paper version)

        # Blob touches border
        # if (255 in segmented_im[:,0]) or (255 in segmented_im[0,:]) or (255 in segmented_im[:,-1]) or (255 in segmented_im[-1,:]):
        #     if self.parameters.visualization:
        #         cv2.imshow("Keypoints", segmented_im)
        #         cv2.waitKey(1)
        # else: # No blob touching the border
        #     # Compute the 2D fourier transform to calculate the high frequency energy. This way it is possible to detect if
        #     # target is in a region of sun reflection. If so the track centering process cannot be applied.
        #     # segmented_im_f = np.fft.fft2(segmented_im)
        #     # row_shift, col_shift = np.floor(np.array(segmented_im_f.shape)/2).astype(int)
        #     # resp = np.roll(np.abs(segmented_im_f), col_shift, axis=1)
        #     # resp = np.roll(resp, row_shift, axis=0)
        #     #
        #     # response_high_freq = resp[np.floor(resp.shape[0]/2-5).astype(int):np.ceil(resp.shape[0]/2+5).astype(int),
        #     #                           np.floor(resp.shape[1]/2-5).astype(int):np.ceil(resp.shape[1]/2+5).astype(int)]
        #     #
        #     # self.high_freq_energy = np.append(self.high_freq_energy,
        #     #                                   np.sum(response_high_freq))
        #     #
        #     # if self.parameters.debug:
        #     #     print self.high_freq_energy[-1]
        #     # Only recenter the track if the high frequency energy is below the threshold
        #     #if self.high_freq_energy[-1] < self.parameters.high_freq_threshold:
        #     # Setup SimpleBlobDetector parameters.
        #     blob_params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params()
        #     #blob_params.blobColor = 255
        #     blob_params.minArea = 0.0
        #     blob_params.minDistBetweenBlobs = 0.0
        #     blob_params.filterByColor = False
        #     blob_params.filterByConvexity = False
        #     blob_params.filterByInertia = False
        #     blob_params.filterByArea = False
        #     blob_params.minRepeatability = 1
        #     # Find the blobs of the segmented image
        #     blob_detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(blob_params)
        #     keypoints = blob_detector.detect(segmented_im)
        #     im = np.copy(segmented_im)
        #     im3 = np.copy(segmented_im)
        #     im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(im,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
        #     x = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #     y = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #     w = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #     h = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #     centers = np.zeros((len(contours), 2)).astype(int)
        #     areas = np.zeros((len(contours))).astype(int)
        #     for n,cnt in enumerate(contours):
        #         x[n], y[n], w[n], h[n] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
        #         areas[n] = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
        #         M = cv2.moments(cnt)
        #         if M['m00'] == 0:
        #             cx = 0
        #             cy = 0
        #         else:
        #             cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00'])
        #             cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00'])
        #         centers[n,:] = np.array((cx, cy))
        #     # print len(contours), len(keypoints)
        #     # Only recenter the target if the number of blobs is 1
        #     # The above statement implies that the recentering process invalidates the algorithm if there are 3+
        #     # vessels very close (inside the BB area of each other)
        #     if len(keypoints) == 1 or len(keypoints) == 2:
        #         # Find with keypoints
        #         #euclidean_distance = np.array(())
        #         #for blob in keypoints:
        #         #    euclidean_distance = np.append(euclidean_distance,
        #         #                                   np.linalg.norm(-np.array(blob.pt)[::-1] + self.window_sz / 2.0 + np.array((col,row)) ))   # ERROR (closest to center and not to new estimation)
        #         # From the available blobs choose the one closest to the tracking algorithm estimation.
        #         #new_pos = np.array(keypoints[euclidean_distance.argmin()].pt)[::-1] + self.pos - self.window_sz/2.0
        #         #new_size = 1.5*np.round(np.array((keypoints[euclidean_distance.argmin()].size, keypoints[euclidean_distance.argmin()].size)))
        #         # if keypoints[euclidean_distance.argmin()].size > 10.0:
        #         #     self.pos = new_pos
        #         #     if new_size[0]/self.target_sz[0] < 2 and new_size[0]/self.target_sz[0] > 0.5:
        #         #         self.target_sz[0] = new_size[0]
        #         #     if new_size[1]/self.target_sz[1] < 2 and new_size[1]/self.target_sz[1] > 0.5:
        #         #         self.target_sz[1] = new_size[1]
        #         # Find with contours
        #         p = np.array((col,row)) + self.window_sz / 2.0 # np.array(segmented_im.shape) / 2
        #         disp = centers - p
        #         blob_center_arg = np.argmin((disp*disp).sum(1))
        #         new_pos = np.array((centers[blob_center_arg,1], centers[blob_center_arg,0])) + self.pos - self.window_sz/2.0
        #         new_size = 1.5*np.array((h[blob_center_arg], w[blob_center_arg]))
        #         if areas[blob_center_arg] > 80:
        #             self.pos = new_pos
        #             if new_size[0]/self.target_sz[0] < 1.25 and new_size[0]/self.target_sz[0] > 0.8:
        #                 self.target_sz[0] = new_size[0]
        #             elif new_size[0]/self.target_sz[0] >= 1.25:
        #                 self.target_sz[0] = 1.25*self.target_sz[0]
        #             elif new_size[0]/self.target_sz[0] <= 0.8:
        #                 self.target_sz[0] = 0.8*self.target_sz[0]
        #             if new_size[1]/self.target_sz[1] < 1.25 and new_size[1]/self.target_sz[1] > 0.8:
        #                 self.target_sz[1] = new_size[1]
        #             elif new_size[1]/self.target_sz[1] >= 1.25:
        #                 self.target_sz[1] = 1.25*self.target_sz[1]
        #             elif new_size[1]/self.target_sz[1] <= 0.8:
        #                 self.target_sz[1] = 0.8*self.target_sz[1]
        #         if self.parameters.visualization:
        #             cv2.circle(im3, (centers[blob_center_arg,0], centers[blob_center_arg,1]), 4,0)
        #             cv2.imshow("Keypoints", im3)
        #             cv2.waitKey(1)

            # if self.parameters.visualization:
            #     im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(segmented_im, keypoints, np.array([]), (0, 0, 255),
            #                                           cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS)
            #     cv2.imshow("Keypoints", im_with_keypoints)
            #     cv2.waitKey(1)

        # # Extract the scale samples
        # xs = get_scale_sample(im, self.pos, self.base_target_sz, self.currentScaleFactor * self.scale_factors, self.scale_window, self.scale_model_sz)
        # # Compute the fourier transform from scale space to frequency
        # xsf = np.fft.fft(xs, self.parameters.number_of_scales, axis=1)
        # # Scale Response map. The estimated scale is the argmax (scale_response).
        # scale_response = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.sum(self.sf_num*xsf, axis=0) / (self.sf_den + self.parameters.lmbda)))
        # recovered_scale = scale_response.argmax()
        # # Compute the new scale factor
        # self.currentScaleFactor = self.currentScaleFactor * self.scale_factors[recovered_scale]
        # if self.currentScaleFactor < self.min_scale_factor:
        #     self.currentScaleFactor = self.min_scale_factor
        # elif self.currentScaleFactor > self.max_scale_factor:
        #     self.currentScaleFactor = self.max_scale_factor

        # Compute the new target size
        #self.target_sz = np.floor(self.base_target_sz * self.currentScaleFactor)

        # Return the position (center of mass in image coordinates) and the lost flag.
        return np.array([self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.target_sz[0], self.target_sz[1]]), self.lost